NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY HAZRATBAL, SRINAGAR- 190006 (J&K) (Planning & Development Wing) Tel: 0194-2424792/2429423/2424809/24247972102157 Fax: 0194-2420475 N.I.T No. 01 of 2015 For & on behalf of Chairman Board of Governors NIT Srinagar, sealed tenders affixed with a revenue stamp of Rs. 10/- are invited from Civil Contractors registered with state PWD, CPWD, MES for the below mentioned works:- S. No Particulars of Cost of work Earnest money 01. Semi dense Coat to all Roads of N.I.T Premises Rs. 59.78 lacs Rs. 1,19,560/- Completion period 60 days 02. Construction of additional parking space Rs. 34.62 lacs Rs. 69,240/- 60 days Items Class of contractor Plant holder having Hot mix plant & Paver Plant holder having Hot mix plant & Paver Cost of T.D Rs. 500/Rs. 300/- TERMS & CONDITIONS:1. The tenders should be addressed to Dean P&D, NIT Srinagar which must reach his office on or before 13-04-15 by Speed Post/Courier up to 3.00 P.M. 2. Tenders shall be opened on the which is convenient to the Contract committee in presence of contractors who wish to be present. 3. The Tender documents will be available on the NIT website “ w.e.f 25-03-15. The cost of downloaded tender document as shown above in the table should be credited into NIT chest bearing A/C No: 039101010000106. 4. The Contractor has to submit his documents in main envelope containing two additional envelopes, as Envelope ‘A’ and Envelope ‘B’. The main envelope should clearly indicate the name of the Contractor and the name of the work for which tender is being submitted. The Envelope ‘A’ and Envelope ‘B’ should contain the details as given below and on each envelope cover should clearly indicate the name of the contractor and details of matter inside the envelope: Envelope ‘A’ i) Copy of valid enlistment card ii) Sales Tax registration, Tin number iii) CDR of amount shown against the Work Pledged to Executive Engineer NIT Srinagar. iv) PAN No. v) Receipt of Cost of Tender Document. Envelope ‘B’ Quantity schedule with quoted rates covered with transparent tape. 5. The envelope ‘B’ will be entertained only if the contractor qualifies the pre-requisite condition on the basis of the documents provided in Envelope ‘A’. 6. In case the last date of receipt of tenders happens to be a holiday, tenders will be received on next working day up to 12 Noon. 7. Other terms and conditions shall be available in the tender document/Qty schedule. (DEAN P&D) N.I.T. Srinagar NO: NIT/P&D/2015/312-321 DT: 23-03-2015 Copy to:-1. Associate Dean P & D /I/C Ex. Engineer NIT Srinagar for information please. 2. Registrar NIT Srinagar for information please. 3. Deputy Registrar (Accounts) for information please. 4. Assistant Executive Engineer for information please. 5. Estates Engineer for information please. 6. P.A to Director for information of the Director please. 7. Institute Website in charge with the request to get the N.I.T up loaded in the Web Sites. 8. Advertising Manager, Daily Aftab with the request to publish the above notice in minimum possible space. 9. Advertising Manager, Kashmir Times with the request to publish the above notice in minimum possible space. 10. Advertising Manager, Hindu with the request to publish the above notice in minimum possible space. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, SRINAGAR HAZRATBAL, SRINAGAR- 190006 (J&K) (Planning & Development Wing) Tel: 0194-2424792/2429423/2424809/24247972102157: Fax: 0194-2420475 NIT NO: 1 0f 2015 vide No: NIT/P&D/15/312-321Dated: 23-03-2015 Tenders are invited from Civil Contractors (Plant holder having Hot mix plant & Paver) for execution of various works by the Planning & Development Wing of the Institute. Details of the works along with Quantity schedule, terms & conditions shall be available on our website 2503-2015 Last date of receipt of tenders is: 13-04-2015 DEAN P&D NIT, Srinagar NO: NIT/P&D/2015/312-321 DT: 23-03-2015 Copy to:1. Advertising Manager, Daily Aftab with the request to publish the above notice in minimum possible space. 2. Advertising Manager, Kashmir Times with the request to publish the above notice in minimum possible space. 3. Advertising Manager, Hindu with the request to publish the above notice in minimum possible space. Quantity Schedule of Semidence Coat to all Roads of N.I.T Premises. (Advertised Cost Rs. 59.78 lacs) S. No Description of item Quantity SSOR 01. Providing and laying tack coat using hot straight run bitumen of grade 80/100 including heating and spraying the bitumen manually operated spray unit fitted on bitumin boiler, cleaning and preparing the existing road surface to remove all dirt, dust, mud, etc and finally brooming the surface as per reqd. specifications clause 503 of MOST specifications including carriage of materials loading/unloading including all taxes involved on account of labour and material including in bituminous on Macadam surface @ 0.50 kgs/sm Providing and laying 25mm thick compacted semi dense bituminous concrete using crushed agg. Satisfying the gradation set out in MOST specification with 5 % binder content by wt. of total mix bitumen of VG10 grade not less than 2.88 kg per SM with the aid hot mixed plant and paver finisher including rolling with road roller of 8-10 ton capacity to achieve the required compaction and density including cost and carriage of all materials involved. Providing and laying 6 mm thick seal coat of premixed fine agg. (passing 2.36 mm and retain on 180 micron sieve0 with bitumen 128 kgs of grade 80/100 per cum of fine agg. (0.768 kgs of bitumen/sqm) and 0.60 cum of fine aggg per 100 sqm of road surface including rooling and finishing complete as per MOST specifications (including cost of bitumen and carriage of all materials involved) 16,605 SM NA 16,605 SM NA 16,605 SM NA 02. 03. Rate to be quoted by Contractor TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. In case of any typographical error in the item/rate, the same is read as per approved estimate. 2. The supply if found defective /not as per approved specifications, the item will not be accepted and will have to be replaced at the risk & cost of allottee. 3. The rates should include inclusive of taxes/octri etc and nothing extra shall be paid. 4. Work is to be executed strictly in accordance with the specifications provided in the item within 60 days falling which penalty @ Rs.500/- per day shall be imposed. 5. No advance shall be paid during execution of work. 6. Taxes like Service Tax plus surcharge, Income tax, Labour-cess or any other tax as required under rules shall be deducted from the bills of contractor. 7. The rates should be written clearly and legible both in words and figures and avoid corrections. Further all rates should be covered with transparent tape. 8. The tenders will be valid for 120 days from the date of opening of tenders. 9. Defects liability period (DLP) shall be six months after completion of work which shall be considered as the defective liability period from the date of completion and handing over the work. During this period if any defect is found, the same are required to be rectified by the Contractor. In case the contractor fails to do so, the Engineer In charge may get these defects rectified up to its satisfaction by any other agency at the risk and cost of the original contractor. The amount/cost involved for rectification will be recovered from the security deposit or any other amount/cost involved for the original contractor. 10. Any tenderer quoting “Free of Cost” for any item of work, the tender shall be rejected. 11. The tenderer quoting “Rebate” on comparative cost or on item of rate will be rejected. Contractor should thus adjust amount within the quoted rate structure. 12. The splitting of quantity of any item i.e. quoting of more than one rate for the item is not accepted. 13. The contractors are advised to see the site before tendering. 14. The tender must be accompanied by CDR pledged to Executive Engineer , NIT Srinagar for the amount shown against the work. Tenders without CDR will be straightway rejected and released CDR shall not be accepted. 15. In case the date of receipt of tender happens to be holiday, the same shall be received on the next working day up to 12 noon. 16. 10% bill deposit shall be retained till DLP expires. 17. If any omission is found in the specification / rate of item, the same shall be read as per approved estimate 18. The competent authority reserves the right to reject any tender without assigning any reason thereof. 19. All other terms and conditions shall remain the same as given in tender notice/NIT-cum-Agreement. Sd/(I/C Executive Engineer) ALL THE CONDITIONS ARE ACCEPTABLE TO ME (Signature of Contractor) Name: _____________________________S/O : _______________________________ R/O : _______________________________Ph. No: _____________________________ Quantity Schedule of Construction of additional parking space. (Advertised Cost Rs. 34.62 lacs) S. No Description of item Quantity SSOR Site clearance by way of cutting down trees beyond 60 cm up to 120 cm girth, removing of roots and stacking of material and disposal of unserviceable material. Preparation and consolidation of sub grade with power roller after excavating earth to an average of 22.5 cm depth, dressing and consolidation with power roller including making good the undulations and disposal of surplus earth up to 200 mts. Filling with G.S.B (granular sub base) including consolidation with power roller (nallah) and including carriage complete item. Supply and stacking of graded stone aggregate at site of following sizes excluding carriage. i. 90 mm to 45 mm stone aggregate ii. 63 mm to 45mm (over gauge metal) quarry Supply and stacking of screening chippings at site excluding carriage. 11.2 mm nominal size Supplying of binding material including carriage (stone dust) Laying of water bound macadam with specified stone aggregate stone screening and binding material including screening, sorting, spreading to template and consolidation with power road roller of 8 to 10 ton capacity etc complete (payment for stone aggregate, screenings, kankar, moorum and red bajri etc to be paid separately). i) Base coarse with 90 mm to 45 mm including stone screening 13.20 mm. ii) Base coarse with 63 mm to 45 mm including stone screening 13.20 mm. Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering-All work up to plinth level: 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) (Underground) Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering-All work up to plinth level: 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) (Aboveground) Centering & shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of the form work for foundations, footings, bases for column. (foundation and plinth) 15mm cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix: 1.6 (1 cement:6 fine sand) Providing and fixing at or near ground level precast cement concrete in kerbs, as per app. Pattern and setting in positions with cement mortar 1:3 including the cost of required centering and shuttering complete. (1:2:4, 20 mm nominal size) Carriage of Soling from Athwajan to site for an average lead of 25 KM Carriage of over gauge metal from wuyan to site for an average lead of 35 KM Carriage of 20mm stone aggregate from Athawajan to NIT via Bye Pass by mechanical transport for average lead of 25 Km Carriage of Sand from Ganderbal to NIT by mechanical transport for average lead of 11 Km. 18.00 No Rs.654.95/- 1856.41 SM Rs. 61.25/- Providing and laying tack coat using hot straight run bitumen of grade 80/100 including heating and spraying the bitumen manually operated spray unit fitted on bitumin boiler, cleaning and preparing the existing road surface to remove all dirt, dust, mud, etc and finally brooming the surface as per reqd. specifications clause 503 of MOST specifications including carriage of materials loading/unloading including all taxes Part ‘A’ 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 424.28 Cum 282.85 cum 186.68 cum 28.00 Cum NA Rs.1,010.75/Rs.1,100.80/Rs.1,425.85/- 28.00 Cum NA 282.85 Cum Rs. 330.15/- 186.68 Cum Rs. 330.15/- 52.17 Cum Rs. 4024/- 52.17 Cum Rs. 4514.05/- 342.38 SM Rs. 166.90/- 342.38 SM Rs. 130.20/- 17.39 Cum RS. 4712.80/- 282.85 Cum 186.68 Cum Rs. 262.62/Rs. 321.02/- 93.90 Cum Rs. 223.24/- 53.80 Cum Rs. 143.72/- 1856.41 SM NA Part ‘B’ 17. Rate to be quoted by Contractor 18. 19. involved on account of labour and material including in bituminous on Macadam surface @ 0.50 kgs/sm Providing and laying 50mm thick compacted bituminous macadam base course with stone aggregate of quality, size and grading as specified in MOST specifications and straight run bitumen of VG10 grade at 3 % by wt. of total mix not less than 60 kgs per cum including hot mixing of stone aggregate and bitumin in hot mixing plant, transporting and laying mixed material with paver finisher to the required level and grade rolling with vibratory road roller 8-10 ton capacity to achieve the required compaction and density including cost and carriage of all materials involved. Providing and laying 25mm thick compacted semi dense bituminous concrete using crushed agg. Satisfying the gradation set out in MOST specification with 5 % binder content by wt. of total mix bitumen of VG10 grade not less than 2.88 kg per SM with the aid hot mixed plant and paver finisher including rolling with road roller of 8-10 ton capacity to achieve the required compaction and density including cost and carriage of all materials involved. 92.82 Cum NA 1856.41 SM NA TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. In case of any typographical error in the item/rate, the same is read as per approved estimate. 2. The supply if found defective /not as per approved specifications, the item will not be accepted and will have to be replaced at the risk & cost of allottee. 3. The rates should include inclusive of taxes/octri etc and nothing extra shall be paid. 4. Work is to be executed strictly in accordance with the specifications provided in the item within 60 days falling which penalty @ Rs.500/- per day shall be imposed. 5. No advance shall be paid during execution of work. 6. Taxes like Service Tax plus surcharge, Income tax, Labour-cess or any other tax as required under rules shall be deducted from the bills of contractor. 7. The rates should be written clearly and legible both in words and figures and avoid corrections. Further all rates should be covered with transparent tape. 8. The tenders will be valid for 120 days from the date of opening of tenders. 9. Only JK cement or Khyber Grade 43 shall be entertained for cement works . 10. Defects liability period (DLP) shall be six months after completion of work which shall be considered as the defective liability period from the date of completion and handing over the work. During this period if any defect is found, the same are required to be rectified by the Contractor. In case the contractor fails to do so, the Engineer In charge may get these defects rectified up to its satisfaction by any other agency at the risk and cost of the original contractor. The amount/cost involved for rectification will be recovered from the security deposit or any other amount/cost involved for the original contractor. 11. Any tenderer quoting “Free of Cost” for any item of work, the tender shall be rejected. 12. The tenderer quoting “Rebate” on comparative cost or on item of rate will be rejected. Contractor should thus adjust amount within the quoted rate structure. 13. The splitting of quantity of any item i.e. quoting of more than one rate for the item is not accepted. 14. The contractors are advised to see the site before tendering. 15. The tender must be accompanied by CDR pledged to Executive Engineer , NIT Srinagar for the amount shown against the work. Tenders without CDR will be straightway rejected and released CDR shall not be accepted. 16. In case the date of receipt of tender happens to be holiday, the same shall be received on the next working day up to 12 noon. 17. 10% bill deposit shall be retained till DLP expires. 18. If any omission is found in the specification / rate of item, the same shall be read as per approved estimate 19. The competent authority reserves the right to reject any tender without assigning any reason thereof. 20. All other terms and conditions shall remain the same as given in tender notice/NIT-cum-Agreement. Sd\(I/C Executive Engineer) ALL THE CONDITIONS ARE ACCEPTABLE TO ME (Signature of Contractor) Name: _____________________________S/O : _______________________________ R/O : _______________________________Ph. No: _____________________________
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