No. 14-2/2015-CA-11 Government of India Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture and Cooperation New Delhi,dated the 25 th May, 2015 To, Agriculture Production Commissioner/Principal Secretary/Secretary(Agriculture), Government of Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat! Haryana, Himi3chal Pradesh, J & K, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pr<:ldesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland. Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, TripLJra, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Subject:- Utilisation of unspentbalances of last year i.e. 2014-.15 under National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) during FY 2015-16-regarding Sir /Madam, lam directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that National Mission on Oilseedsand Oil Pplm (NMOOP) Scheme has been approved as a part of Krishi Unnati . Yojar:'a,(StatE! Plan)withCentral Share of ~353.00 crore (Rupees Three hundred fifty threecrore only).and qeing implemented with interim sharing pattern of 50:50 between Centre & States during the current financial year i.e 2015-16. 2. NMOQP wpsfurJded with 7525 sharing pattern between Centre and States during 2014~1Q and funds wetereleased to State Government Due to delay in release of funds to the State. Agriculture'Departments, some State Governments have reported unspent balances of 2014~15 under'NMOOP. 3. It has been decided by the Competent Authority that States may spend last year's unspent balances during this year on activities which were approved in the last year's action planbutcould notbe completed, as per funding pattern of last year. These activities will be in addition to the activitiesapproved in the Annual Action Plan (AAP) for 2015-16 for In case any modification in which allopatipns have been made durin~ the current year activities is requi~ed,~ State Government may take approval of DAC. However, State Government mus~o/~~sure compliance of guidelines / instructions relating to implementation ofthe scher]1e, as 'Eilso.\financial rules & procedures, as may be applicable. 4. This issues with thecbllcurrence of AS&FAof the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation vide Dy.No.6628/AS&FA, dated 19.5.2015. Y~urs faithfully, ~-- ( MN.Sukumaran ) Director(Oilseeds) Te1011-23382021 · -2 Copy for information and necessary action to: 1. Chief Secretary of all concerned State Govts. 2. Director,Agriculture/Horticulture of all concerned State Govts 3. Secretary (Planning) of all concerned State Govts. 4. Secretai)' (Finance) of all concerned State Govts. 5. Mission Director (NMOOP) of allconcerned State Govts. 6. Resident Commissioners of all concerned States. 7. DDG(CS),ODG(Horticulture),ICAR 8. Pay and Accounts Officer(Sectt.), Department of Agri.& Coopn. 9. Principal Accounts Office, Department of Agri. & Coopn 10. Secretary, Department of Expenditure,. New Delhi. 11. Office of the Principal Directorate of Audit, Economics and Services Ministry, AGCR Building, IP"Estate, New Delhi. 12. S~. PPS to Secretary (A&C)/ACfJS(Oilseeds). 13;ApC (9ilseeds)/DD(Coord. )/AD(OS )fAD(OP)/AD(CA)/Programmer. 14. BudgeUB&A/US(Finance) 15. PC Division 16. Hindi Anuvad Anubhag for Hindi translation. 17. Guard File ( M.N.Sukumaran ) Director(Oilseeds) Te1.011-23382021
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