Charity Ball - The Nomad Trust

Page 4 of 4 Easter 2015 Nomad Newsletter
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The Nomad Trust Easter Newsletter 2015
The Nomad Trust is a Christian based registered charity which
provides welfare services in the city of Lincoln for those who are
homeless or otherwise in need. The Nomad Trust upholds the
worth and dignity of all individuals and asserts that everyone
should have the basic essentials of life not least companionship.
Call us, we are happy to oblige
Email: [email protected]
The Nomad Trust
15a Monks Road
Tel: 01522 883703
Phone: (01522) 883703
E-mail: [email protected]
Furniture Project tel number
01522 569541
The Nomad Charity shop
01522 883700
Twitter: @nomadtrust
Facebook: The Nomad trust and Nomad
furniture project
Charity Number: 243017
Company Number: 734870
We’re on the web!
Gift Aid Donations & Bankers
Standing Orders
Gift Aid is a system whereby if you
qualify we can reclaim the tax on
your donation. To qualify for Gift Aid
you should be a UK tax payer who
has paid enough income tax to cover
the amount we will reclaim. It’s that
simple. The form (right) can be used
to donate via Gift Aid and if you wish
to set up a standing order, please use
the form (right).
The Nomad Trust is in need of the
following items:
Thank you!
Tinned Meats
Pasta Sauces,
Curry Sauces,
Long life milk
A Fond Farewell...
Contents 1
I shall be retiring on 31st March after 15 ½ years working for The Nomad Trust.
A Huge thank you 2
Case Study 2
of Lincoln
Title.......... Forename(s)............................ Surname............................
Gift Aid Form 4
Bankers Order 4
Contact us 4
Appeal 4
GIFT AID FORM (Please complete all the sections)
Details of donor
.............................................................. Postcode........................
Email address...................................................................................
I started out in a purely administrative role but soon became involved in the running
of the night shelter and in the lives of those staying there. I have met some wonderful
people and learnt a lot about myself through what has been an incredible experience.
In 2009 I, reluctantly, took on the role of Manager, a post I held until last year when I
accepted the position of Fundraising Ambassador working part time. I have faced many
problems and challenges along the way which have been met and overcome through the
help, hard work and dedication of the fantastic team which is Nomad. I should like to
thank all those who have been a part of my journey, not least the service users.
Homelessness can happen to anyone and the night shelter has been a place of safety
and warmth for hundreds of individuals over the years who have found themselves in
need of help. I am proud to have played a small part in helping them to improve their
lives and I would like to thank all those who have supported and continue to support
Nomad in providing a much needed service. Without the help of the community the
I want the Nomad Trust to treat * the enclosed donation of £........................
shelter would not be able to continue its work.
* all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise
as Gift Aid donations
* delete as appropriate
I wish everyone involved with Nomad and the YMCA, every success for the future and, whilst I am taking time out this
Signature...................................................... Date ...../...../..........
summer to be with my family in Cornwall, I will be taking a keen interest in the organisation upon my return as Nomad
has a special place in my heart.
To..................................................................................... Bank plc
Appeal from the Trust
A Fond Farewell Full Address of bank..........................................................................
Please pay to: The Nomad Trust
National Westminster Bank
Lincoln Smith’s Branch, 225 High Street, Lincoln, LN2 1AZ
Sort Code 60-13-15
A/C No 00826103
the sum of £.......... to be paid on .......... each month/year until further notice.
Please debit Account Holder(s) Name(s)...................................................
Sort code........................... A/C number ...........................................
Signed........................... Date ...../...../..........
This order cancels any existing orders made to The Nomad Trust
Please return to: The Nomad Trust Office
I wish you all a very Happy Easter.
With grateful thanks, God Bless,
Brenda Shiels
YMCA Lincolnshire
Charity Ball
Date 2nd May 2015 | Venue The Showroom
Tritton Road | Lincoln | LN6 7QY | 01522 508360
Page 2 of 4 Easter 2015 Nomad Newsletter
A huge thank you...
Nomad Newsletter
The Lincoln Soroptimist Club (Soroptimist means ‘best of sisters’) is approaching its 70th year as a
club. It is part of a leading women’s organisation with clubs in more than 100 countries. We support humanitarian causes where we see a need locally and internationally.
For over 5 years now, the scouts have collected
tinned food from their local community to give
to Nomad.
We have supported the Nomad Trust for 16 years and our most loyal supporter is Margaret White.
She was Club President in 1999 and in that year the club began its work for the Nomad Trust by
providing tinned food, coffee, tea, sugar, toilet rolls, squash, cereals etc. Members of our group
bring items of food and household goods to our meetings, which are assembled by Margaret and her
friend Christine into packs. We supply kitchen and personal starter packs. We know these packs are
a great help to the service-users of the Nomad Trust, when they take the big step forward and are
resettled in their own premises.
The number of tins collected has increased year
on year and we now receive well over 2,000.
People Turned Away
Because of night shelter was full
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015
February 2015
The picture shows Shawn Burton, Dave Johnson
and Glen Wright from Lincoln fight factory which
is a boxing and martial arts training club. They
raised over £300 for Nomad and used the money
to purchase meat and Christmas buffet food.
Easter 2015 Soroptimist International of Lincoln & District
Once again, the Trust has benefitted from a tin
collection carried out by Saxilby scouts.
We would like to thank the scouts for their
commitment and also the people of Saxilby for
their generosity.
Page 3 of 4 Total
Case Study
Callum is 19 years old he is from Lincoln and
spent his whole life here, He became homeless
after a relationship breakdown with his family
due to his behavioural issues he has been rough
sleeping for a few months before accessing
the nomad trust he has found being homeless
quite tough as never expected to be in this
position but is now looking for longer term
accommodation and looking to get into work so
can rebuild his life and his self esteem
We know too that the hardworking staff and volunteers at the Trust give useful guidance and advice to their service-users to prepare them for resettlement. Several speakers from the Trust have
visited our club to update us on the work undertaken. We have chosen to support the valuable
work of the Nomad Trust in the community and admire the important role the Trust has within the
city of Lincoln.
Diana Randall, Secretary, Lincoln Soroptimist Club.