Wo rking for the advancement of Northbridge since 1919 MAY 2015 Circulation 2650 Golf club implements independent expert recommendations Over the past few months Northbridge Golf Club and Northbridge Public School, together with Willoughby City Council, have been working to solve the problem of stray golf balls entering Northbridge Oval and the school grounds. In December 2014 WCC commissioned an independent expert, GNP Golf Design, to investigate the issue and in its initial report GNP identified the risk of balls entering the oval and school from the first and third holes. They made a number of recommendations which NGC and WCC took immediate steps to implement. The Golf Club immediately shortened the first hole to a par three by closing the traditional tee and repositioning it 100 metres forward; installed further protective netting and redirected play away from the oval. Warning signage has been placed at the temporary tee by the Golf Club and on the oval by Council. At the third hole, the Club moved the tee forward and west and created a buffer zone at the rear of the green. Council netting extending from the cricket nets along the boundary with the Golf Course at the rear of the third green was also repaired and upgraded (though this netting was slightly The newly established temporary first tee damaged in the recent storms and will require further repair). Following implementation of these measures, Council commissioned follow up reports from GNP to measure the effectiveness of the actions taken, along with analysis of the Club’s proposals to provide a permanent solution to the problem. The follow up report concluded that given the steps taken at the first hole, “it should be highly unlikely for tee shots to finish on the oval”. As an additional measure, Council has cordoned off two small areas on the edge of the oval where balls were earlier detected. After noting that five balls had been located on school grounds in April, GNP recommended that the third hole be shortened, which the Golf Club immediately implemented. With that change, the school grounds are directly protected by the existing netting and ball flight is directed further away from the school. Paths on that hole have also been overlaid with synthetic grass and underlay to prevent balls bouncing onto the oval. Simultaneous with implementing these short term measures, the Golf Club is working on long term plans to deal permanently with the issue. At the first hole, it is investigating installation of higher and more extensive netting around the boundary of the oval, or as an alternative, reconfiguration of the first and fourth holes so the first becomes a par 3 directed away from the oval. GNP noted that, implemented properly, the latter initiative “should satisfy reasonable safety concerns” and was its favoured option, though it supported both options “being carefully considered”. Continued on page 3 Support your community INSIDE THIS ISSUE 3 4 6 7 9 10 NPA meets new GM Councillor’s viewpoint Bowling club closure Letters to the Editor Rotary fireworks Our Northbridge heroes The opinions expressed in articles, letters and contributions published in The 202 do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Northbridge Progress Association or its officers. While all possible care is taken to be accurate, no responsibility whatsoever will be taken by the Northbridge Progress Association, typesetters or printers. Please come along to the General Meeting of Northbridge Progress Association at 7.30pm for 7.45pm on Thursday, June 4 at Northbridge Golf Club Guest Speakers: Representatives of both Northbridge Primary & St Philip Neri have been invited to give an overview of their respective schools Our Ward Councillors are invited to report on local issues. Visitors are welcome. Drinks, tea and coffee may be purchased at the bar. MEETINGS & DEADLINES General meetings – 2015 : 7.30pm for 7.45pm on Thursdays – June 4, September 3, Wednesday November 25 (AGM) 2015 Deadlines for The 202 – 2015: Ads and contributions: Fridays – July 24, October 16, 2015 President’s letter ABN 41 733 956 702 P O Box 357 Northbridge 2063 www.northbridgepa.com.au facebook.com/NorthbridgePA Welcome to our second edition of The 202 for 2015. I would firstly like to offer our congratulations to Gladys Berejiklian MP for being re-elected as State Member for Willoughby, and also for her promotion within the Liberal Party to the position of State Treasurer. I would also like to pay tribute to Greg Bartels, former mayor of Willoughby who died on May 7. He served as mayor from 1992-93 and also served as a patron, chairman, board member or director of many local groups including Chatswood RSL, NSAHS Board and Chatswood Community Care Association to name but a few. He was awarded an OA in 2000 and the Centenary Medal in 2003 for his many achievements. Vice Presidents Angelos Frangopoulos : 9967 0907 Grant Sheldon : 9958 5510 Fit For The Future Willoughby Council recently acknowledged that WCC is not of the scale nor did it meet the fiscal and infrastructure capacity to meet the requirements of the Office of Local Government. So does this mean amalgamation with our neighbouring Councils? Visit the Council website to find out more. WCC will be providing a submission to the State Government’s Fit For The Future initiative by June 30. Secretary Belinda Cachia : 0428 120 371 Treasurer Ranald Stewart : 9958 4148 Committee members Sandra Bridgewater Dunn : 0414 431 141 Katie Geeves : 0412 905 607 DA’s challenging established building heights The NPA recently addressed Council to uphold the integrity of the Northbridge Town Centre Masterplan with the aim of preventing a precedent being set. The issue was the 14 metre building height restriction that several DA’s coming before Council sought to challenge. Evidence provided on social media indicated that many in the community strongly support the established building height limits within the Northbridge commercial precinct. Public Officer Simon Craddock : 0404 053 373 Golf balls on the oval Thank you to all the Council and community representatives who have been proactive in seeking a solution to the issue of golf balls landing on the oval. Special thanks go to Phil Lewis and the Golf Club Executive Committee, who have been diligent in trialling and making various course improvements. Thank you also for the patience of all golfers and all entities who use the oval. We reiterate that a permanent solution will take time and effort to fine tune and your patience is appreciated. President Rob Coote : 9958 4506 Honorary Auditor Michael Ball : 9958 7982 The 202 Editorial Team Email: [email protected] Helen Gulson : 9958 6573 Ian Grierson, Penny Lye & Marillyn Stewart Typesetting & Printing by Robin Phelan & Associates % 0407 467 376 JOIN THE NPA! NPA has been active continuously for 96 years. Our basic objective is to “preserve or improve the amenity and environment of Northbridge”. We are dedicated to raising the local community’s awareness of important issues affecting our suburb’s unique character and to providing an influential and respected voice to Council and Government. Our committee members are volunteers and NPA’s newsletter The 202 is delivered free to every household and business in Northbridge. Privet & other noxious weeds Privet and other noxious and poisonous plants are still growing and spreading in our gardens. All residents in Northbridge need to act before the onset of flowering and the spread of seeds by birds. Please follow the instructions in the PDF found at this link: http://tinyurl.com/poisonousweeds or contact the Council weeds officer for advice. NPA mailing list The NPA sends out emails between editions of The 202 to alert members and residents to issues or events relevant to our suburb. About 320 members and supporters are currently being informed and are therefore able to contribute to what is happening, as and when issues arise. Many other members have not advised us of their email addresses. Why not add your name to our “Mailing List” to keep in touch – just go to http://tinyurl.com/npamailinglist to add your email address. Rob Coote MEMBERSHIP 1 YEAR: $5 PER PERSON 5 YEARS: $20 PER PERSON ABN 41 733 956 702 ADVERTISING The 202 newsletter is delivered to every household and business in Northbridge and is well read. Our advertising rates are very reasonable. The costs per issue are: $70 for one column x 5.5cm; $140 for one col x 11cm or two cols x 5.5cm; $280 for two cols x 11 cm; and $390 for onethird of a page. Book your advertisement by contacting The 202 Editor by phone or email. Membership year ends December 31 Full name: ............................................................................................................................................... Address: ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Email: .................................................................................... Fee: $ .............................. Telephone: .................................................................................... Donation: $ .............................. TOTAL: $ .............................. Payment may be made online: www.northbridgepa.com.au/membership BSB 062215 A/C No 00900195, then email name and address details to [email protected], or by cheque to PO Box 357, Northbridge, 2063 3 May 2015 NPA meets new GM Housing affordability and density, transport and congestion, schools and public transport, and Council amalgamations will be among the priorities of the newly appointed General Manager of Willoughby City Council, Debra Just. Ms Just was speaking at a general meeting of NPA members in March. She was introduced to members by Willoughby Mayor Gail Giles-Gidney. “I was attracted to Willoughby from South Australia by its natural assets, its sustainability programs, local employment generators, its strong sense of community and its good reputation among other Councils,” Ms Just said. “Willoughby is an incredibly special place and I am incredibly fortunate to be General Manager!” Ms Just said she had a background in change environment, Council amalgamations and efficiency improvement. News from the Mayor At the same general meeting in March, Willoughby Mayor Gail Giles-Gidney briefed NPA members on items of interest. • Northbridge Golf Club was commended for working with the community to resolve the problem of stray golf balls on Northbridge Oval. The club had already taken prompt action for a short term fix and was working towards a longer term solution in the next three to six months; • The new children’s playground opposite Bonds Corner will be budgeted for completion in Council’s 2015/16 year; • A meeting with Woolworths and AMP Capital in December about improvements to Council’s car park at Northbridge Plaza has not arrived at any funding solution. Woolworths were tenants, not owners, and were reluctant to be funders. The Mayor noted that she would be opposed to high density development on the Plaza site and that, in her view, four storeys should be the maximum; • The new GM has been asked to resolve the maintenance issues and improvement plans at Northbridge Baths; • Council had appreciated a comprehensive letter from a nine-year old resident, advocating potential sites for a skate park in Willoughby. Golf club implements recommendations Continued from Page 1 The Club is working with Council and outside experts on developing and pricing both options, which would also include further mounding works, alteration to tee heights, behavioural and other physical barriers along with additional netting. At the third hole, both the Club and Council propose that existing fencing protecting the oval be supplemented by higher netting, a measure that GNP had also recommended. Advice upon the installation of more netting along the boundary of the school is also being received and costed. The Club has indicated to stakeholders that the third hole remediation is its immediate focus and as soon as costings and reports are finalised, it will submit plans to Council. The temporary first hole arrangements will be continued as a decision is made on which permanent option is to be followed, also expected to be in the coming weeks. St Philip Neri and Northbridge Football Club resumed use of the oval in early May. Cartoons Our thanks to Northbridge resident Jack Schmidt who generously draws cartoons for The 202 on a pro bono basis. Thinking of selling your property? It's a big decision. Is it the right time? Should you renovate the kitchen or just paint the front door? Do the bathrooms need a complete makeover or just a couple of new taps? Who is the best person to represent you? Have all your questions answered and your worries eased by a chat with Rose Farina and her team at Century 21 Victoria Rose. Rose Farina and her dedicated, highly professional team have just chalked up a hugely successful 2014, one of their biggest years to date. While Rose is proud of this achievement, she actually places a much higher value on the fact that the past year was also an extremely positive one for her clients. Objectives were not just achieved, they were often exceeded. Rose has an enviable knack of developing a genuine connection with her clients. Her reputation can be summed up with words such as integrity, commitment, diligence and care. It's undoubtedly a success story that has been borne from years of hard work and always being prepared to put in the extra time and care needed to bring about the desired result. “Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't sown.” 4 May 2015 New job for Gladys Local Willoughby MP Gladys Berejiklian was appointed Treasurer of NSW after the State election on March 28. She becomes the first female Treasurer of the State. At the election, Ms Berejiklian received 63.6% of the first preference vote in Willoughby. The Greens and Labor candidates each received 15.9% of the first preference vote. Her first preference vote in 2011 was 69.4%, so the 2015 result represented a swing of 5.8% against her compared with the NSW-wide swing of about 8.5% against the Coalition. In Northbridge booths, Ms Berejiklian received 73.8% of the first preference vote at Northbridge Public School and 67.3% at the Northside Baptist Pre-school. Contact your Ward Councillors [email protected] Or phone 0481 033 443 [email protected] Or phone 0477 768 949 [email protected] Or phone 0418 239 195 Councillor’s viewpoint by Cr Rachel Hill As always there is plenty going on in and around our community. The excitement leading to Vivid Sydney at Chatswood continues as Council prepares for a family friendly event starting May 22 that will light up Chatswood and highlight our beautiful city north of the bridge! Be sure to book a restaurant or pull out your picnic blanket and enjoy a picnic at the night market. I was recently elected Chairperson of the Willoughby Cycling Committee, an experienced team of volunteers that humours me by allowing me to chair it! It is an amazing brains trust of information regarding the safety and rights of cyclists using our roads and pathways within Willoughby City Council, and a group always looking for more members ready to invest time into our cycleway future. Contact Council if you are interested. Our biggest issue of late has been the problem of golf balls landing on Northbridge Oval. There is reporting elsewhere in this 202 on the matter so I won’t elaborate other than to say I believe that agreement will be reached but it will take patience and tolerance to work through the complexities. Over development is always a concern in our ward and will continue to be as height restrictions are tested. We should all familiarise ourselves with the Willoughby Local Environmental Plan (WLEP 2012 – available on Council’s website) which provides statutory framework for all planning, development and building within the area. This document allocates land for specific purposes through zoning and development controls. The Northbridge Town Centre Masterplan was created to present the greater vision of Northbridge and the characteristic of the area. I feel it is important to consider both when making decisions. The development at 131 Sailors Bay Road will test both these controls and visions so it will be interesting to see what results. You can keep informed on matters of local concern by following www.facebook/CouncillorRachelHill. Until next time...stay warm and healthy. Cr Hill is one of our three Sailors Bay Ward Councillors, each of whom contributes regularly to The 202. Write to us We welcome letters from residents about local issues. Letters should be sent to The 202 editors by email to [email protected] or to PO Box 357, Northbridge 2063. Letters should be concise (preferably less than 250 words). Please include your contact details. 5 May 2015 Council defers fifth storey decision At a meeting of Council on April 27 a motion was put by Cr John Hooper to refuse a development application by AW Edwards to construct a fifth storey on its existing four storey office building at 131 Sailors Bay Rd (corner of Harden Ave). The motion, supported by Cr Rachel Hill, was defeated by seven votes to six, even though the fifth storey, if approved, would exceed the maximum height of 14 metres (or four storeys) permitted by Willoughby LEP 2012 and Council’s Northbridge Town Centre Masterplan. During a debate lasting more than 1½ hours, Crs Hooper and Hill strongly argued for refusal because approval would set an unacceptable precedent for the suburb and the applicant had not demonstrated grounds for an exception to the LEP controls. NPA President Rob Coote and two other Northbridge residents also spoke strongly in favour of the refusal motion, saying that they expected Council to enforce its own LEP control for a four storey limit in Northbridge. At the meeting, Council voted to once again defer a decision on the application. Instead, a motion was passed to hold an inspection on site by the full Council. As The 202 went to print, the outcome of the Council site inspection was not known. Council proceeds with levy application At its meeting on April 13, Council addressed a motion by Cr Nic Wright to withdraw Council’s application to IPART for a special levy to pay for a backlog of infrastructure works. In the confidential section of its meeting, Council voted against Cr Wright’s motion and the IPART application is proceeding. A decision from IPART was expected on May 19. The levy, together with the current rate peg, would increase residential rates by 11.8% over the next two years and 27.1% over seven years. Cr Wright said that he proposed withdrawing the application because of the uncertainty regarding Council amalgamations and the future of Willoughby City Council in its current form. He also claimed that the majority of Willoughby residents and Councillors opposed the special levy. No bollards for Northbridge Council has abandoned its plans to erect 20 advertising bollards around Willoughby, including three proposed for Northbridge footpaths. The bollards were intended to raise about $500,000 per year in new revenue. Council received more than 100 submissions opposing the idea, including one from NPA. Mayor to be recognised Council has agreed to commission a basrelief sculpture in recognition of the service of the late Mayor Pat Reilly. The memorial will be installed at The Concourse in Chatswood. Council has budgeted $15,000 for the plaque. In addition, a new meeting room at Willoughby Park Centre will be named after him. Mayor Reilly, who died in January 2014, served on Council for 27 years, the last 17 years as Mayor. Major new five-storey building proposed for Northbridge As The 202 went to print, Council officers were working on a report about a proposed new five-storey commercialresidential building in Sailors Bay Rd adjacent to Castle Gardens. When completed, the report will first be considered by Sailors Bay Ward Councillors. New pontoons for Baths Council will close Northbridge Baths to the public for two weeks in June to remove the old pontoons and install new ones. Council’s Recreation and Leisure Services Manager, Kate Day, thanked the community for its patience and understanding during the works. 9967 0284 SPRINGWELL Café Restaurant Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Suite 4, 173 Sailors Bay Road Northbridge Physiotherapists with many years of experience in the management of muscoskeletal injuries and pain, including: Neck and back pain Headaches 128 Sailors Bay Rd, Northbridge Sports injuries Tues – Fri 10.30am-9.30pm • Sat and Sun 9am-9.30pm Pilates Light meals, gourmet salad, soups, pastas, steaks, seafood, homemade pies and great coffee Take away • Dine in • Catering menu available too springwellcafe.com.au • 9967 5579 Post operative rehabilitation Phone Barbara Easson for appointments. 9967 0284 6 May 2015 Northbridge Bowling Club closure imminent A lack of members has led to the up-coming closure of Northbridge Bowling Club in the secluded valley of Warners Park. At present there are less than 50 members which is not enough to keep the club viable. Meetings will be held in the near future to vote on relinquishing the Club’s liquor licence and to notify Willoughby Council of the closure. The Club began in 1951 and as only men were allowed to play on Saturdays, the ladies of the Club were not pleased. The men decided to help form a Ladies Club and they built greens alongside the Men's. About 15 years ago the Ladies’ Club closed and both groups joined together on the Men’s site. At present, bowls is played on Saturdays and Mondays only. Most of the members have decided to join with the Roseville Bowling Club when the closure of Northbridge is finalised. At this stage there are no definite plans from Willoughby Council on how the site may be used in the future. At the last NPA general meeting the Mayor and the General Manager were asked if the facility could be kept for the use of the community as it is a valuable asset to Northbridge and one which could never be replaced. Council to consult about amalgamation Willoughby City Council has decided to consult with the community about the concept of a merger with another council or councils. Four options will be presented to the community for their reaction: Willoughby stand alone; a merger with North Sydney; combining with Lane Cove and North Sydney; or joining with Lane Cove, Hunters Hill, Mosman, North Sydney and part of Ryde. Willoughby needs to respond to NSW Government about its amalgamation plans by June 30. Residents who wish to comment should visit Council’s website haveyoursaywilloughby.com.au during May and respond to Council through the website or by letter or email. TV REPAIRS TV Repairs HiFi, Amplifier & Audio Equipment Repairs Home Theatre Installation & Set Up Audio Visual Equipment Consultations Antenna Installations TV Rentals HARRISON’S TV REPAIRS Unit 223 354 Eastern Valley Way Chatswood www.harrisonstv.com.au PH: 9417 2393 Fax: 9417 0804 Email: [email protected] Annual Photo Contest: ABOUT FACE The Northbridge/Castlecrag Uniting Church invites PHOTOGRAPHERS to enter the Fifth Annual Northbridge Photographic Competition with the theme: About Face. You may enter up to three digital photographs that incorporate faces within your favourite places around Northbridge and Castlecrag. Creative licence is allowed. There must be a person in your photo somewhere (face does not have to be showing). This is a free competition open to all ages with great prizes to be won. We encourage children to start young with their photography skills by entering the Under 15 category of the competition. The competition closes July 1. Winners will be announced at Northbridge Uniting Church at 2pm on August 9. For further information and entry forms visit the Northbridge Uniting Church website: tinyurl.com/photocomp2015. LEARNING MANDARIN All ages Friendly local native speaker & experienced tutor Translation English to Mandarin for all needs: business card, business plan, menu, brochures, online text, letters, academic papers, etc. Please contact Ying: 0403 171 030 [email protected] We specialise in Cataract Surgery 1(.ƫ!#!*!.0%+*ƫđƫ(1+) ƫ ƫ ƫ 0!.5#%1)ƫ1.#!.5 ƫ Call us on 958 0552 333ċ*+.0$!.*/5 *!50.0ċ+)ċ1 We offer no-gap cataract surgery 7 May 2015 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Please slow down! Enough with the Kameruka Road race track! Please slow down. As a resident of Kameruka Road, a parent of two children aged under 10, I am increasingly concerned by the dangerous driving exhibited on my street – and in other parts of our beautiful suburb for that matter. During the April school holidays, I was overtaken by a speeding vehicle on Kameruka Road, between Lower Bligh and Parker Streets. That vehicle must have reached a speed of at least 70 km/hour. I took the licence plate and reported the incident to police. Kameruka Road has become a thoroughfare and viable alternative to Sailors Bay Road to many peninsula residents. The timed ban on “no right turns” from Tenilba Road onto Eastern Valley Way has proved ineffective in reducing the through traffic and is widely flouted. The current traffic problems include speeding, failure to give way to on-coming vehicles when vehicles are parked on Kameruka Road, and uncontrolled pedestrian crossing of Kameruka Road where the laneway network transverses the road in areas of high vehicle speed. I have observed the worst offenders to be a mixture of locals and visiting tradie/delivery/construction traffic. Please think again before you push the pedal down around the lovely, narrow bends of Kameruka Road. No-one wants speed humps or chicanes so what do we do before the worst happens? Email me with your suggestions. Belinda Cachia, Secretary, NPA [email protected] Opportunity for dog lovers! Every cloud has a silver lining and the recent controversy of the golf balls on the oval may be just that. If the first hole, adjacent to the oval, is shortened or removed there is an opportunity to petition Council for an off leash dog area. There is currently no off leash area in Northbridge. There would be very little work needed to convert the area to "off leash" – a fence at the top by the road and at the bottom to separate the golf course, a bin and some litter bags. I have written to Hugh Eriksson, Rachel Hill, John Hooper and the Mayor suggesting this as an opportunity and all of them showed interest in the suggestion. If you would also like to see your dog run free please email them also, the more people that do the more likely it will be considered. Their email addresses can be found on page 4. Elizabeth Foo Organised littering of Northbridge I’d like to raise an issue which should be of concern to all Northbridge residents. The organised littering of our beautiful suburb. Anyone who walks around our area sees numerous stray copies of the weekly suburban newspapers strewn about – specifically the North Shore Times and Northern District Times. These are basically large advertising brochures for real estate, with a few stories added to provide a veil of journalistic legitimacy. Years ago they were delivered to letter boxes. Now they’re just thrown in the general direction of a residence, landing in the gutter, driveway, footpath, or nature strip. Going by the number that remain there for days after the frenzied flinging, most are not read and lay there until picked up and binned, or washed away by the rain. Why do we allow what is effectively advertising material, to be haphazardly thrown about our suburb? Why does this junk get an exception? If you’re one of the declining number of residents who values these “newspapers” then okay – get it delivered to your letterbox or pick up a copy at the Plaza. Otherwise, let’s demand the cessation of this environmental vandalism. Let’s make Northbridge the first suburb to say NO to Organised Littering! Paul Kennedy WARREN & WARREN SOLICITORS & ATTORNEYS Suite 7 59-67 Strathallen Ave Northbridge 2063 (Upstairs next to Northbridge Hotel) W I L L S & P R O B AT E C O N V E YA N C I N G COMMERCIAL Home Visits arranged for Wills, Powers of Attorney, Property Sales and all other matters Reasonable fees with professional advice Contact Michael Berecry or Frank Pangallo TEL : 9958 0550 FAX : 9958 7974 8 May 2015 A group of young people is helping Northbridge to look beautiful. The Windsor/Ambrose, Holmes and Carey/Louie families are working with the Northbridge Lanecare Group which plants native bushes and grasses and pulls out weeds in a number of lanes around the suburb. “They are all excellent workers and they seem to enjoy it,” said Neil Hardie who runs the group. “Last month they were working at Ted Brown Lane near the golf course.” Northbridge Lanecare is supported by Willoughby Council and meets in the afternoon of the third Sunday of each month. For more information contact Neil Hardie on 9958 7261 or email [email protected]. Cleaning up Northbridge A swarm of volunteers descended on two sites in Northbridge as part of the national Clean-Up Australia Day on March 1. At Clive Park, a total of 41 participants collected 22 bags of rubbish and recyclables from the picnic areas, bushland and beach. The volunteers included 22 from three generations of one family. St Ignatius Year 7 students Charlie Rossi and Oliver Shackell, and Manly High, Year 10 student Tom Dunbavan joined the group as part their school’s community service requirements. Despite the heat, a smaller group of volunteers cleaned up the area at the War Memorial Clock in Strathallen Ave and from the surrounding bushland. Among the items recovered from the bush were two tyres, an old lawnmower and even some beer bottles dating from the 1960s! Some of the enthusiastic volunteers at the Clive Park clean-up The Loop bus service the New generation helps with Bushcare The free bus shuttle service, The Loop, is operated by Willoughby Council and runs through Northbridge three times a week. For information and timetables visit www.willoughby.nsw.gov.au. Jim Meehan ABN: 83 982 185 057 Solicitor and Notary Public LLB (Syd.), Grad Dip ACG, MAICD The Estate Planning Practice Is it time to review your Will? For your peace of mind, why not take advantage of our free Will and Power of Attorney review Home visits (02) 9327 3577 [email protected] www.roth.com.au Registered Architect Alex Roth #7276 Over 30 years legal experience in Wills and estates, trusts, property, commercial, taxation and general law. Contact: Jim Meehan 0429 001 076 Kameruka Road, Northbridge 2063 9 May 2015 Rotary fireworks a great success Northbridge Rotarians manning the seven sausage sizzle barbeques at the fireworks. An estimated 3000 people attended Northbridge Rotary Club’s 28th annual community Fireworks on Northbridge Oval on May 9. The event was a great success, according to the organiser, Rotarian Peter McNair. “We were lucky with good weather and it was a great night for families and friends who attended the evening. The fireworks were spectacular, there were many rides for the children and a great variety of food. Seven Rotary barbecues were flat out all night!” The event raised approximately $30,000 (net of expenses), which will be used to support disadvantaged youth locally, third world health and education needs and for emergency relief for Nepal earthquake victims. Peter said that, because Rotary is a volunteer organisation, 100 cents of every dollar raised goes to the charities. Rotary President, Noel Phelan, thanked Northbridge Plaza which was once again the major sponsor of the event and also expressed his appreciation to Willoughby City Council for its contributions. He thanked sincerely other sponsors of the event: Century 21, Westpac (Geraldine), Willoughby Leisure Centre, Borusso’s Pizza and Pasta, Northbridge Physiotherapy, BackVintage Wines, Pak Flat and Castlecrag Montessori School. “Without such generous sponsors, we would not be able to hold the event,” Noel said. He also thanked the Rural Fire Service and its volunteers who provided the specialised equipment used on the oval. He noted that Northbridge Golf Club generously allowed the use of part of the golf course for the fireworks. KIS at the Baths Keeping It Simple is the best way to enjoy autumn at Northbridge Baths. As the air becomes cooler and crisper, the seawater continues to retain its summer warmth for six to nine weeks, unless there is prolonged rain. The lawn areas are a suntrap sheltered from breezes. The high tide water warms up over the sandy beach, making it perfect for kiddies to splash and play and they can then get cleaned up in the free hot showers. So phone some friends, fill the esky and thermos, pack some kebabs and sausages for grilling on the free electric barbeque and get down there and enjoy the view! Early June will see the new pontoons barged in and craned over the seawall. Then attention will turn to improving the litter booms. Winter will also be a good time to make positive progress on the forward planning for the Baths and surrounds, identifying the mid and longterm issues for the structures and their optimal management. The road has recently been made safer and effectively widened with a new dish-drain and vegetation clearance. The visitor carpark has been made more spacious with partial re-asphalting, without affecting shade trees and native vegetation and the stairway has been repaired. The concrete surfaces inside the Baths have been repaired to protect water-softened feet, and the rubber tiles on the walkway replaced as needed. An abundance of fish life testifies to the increasing cleanliness of the Bay’s water, encouraging many local families to visit. Bruce Wilson Specialists in Property since 1998 www.justinferguson.com.au 514 Miller Street, Cammeray 9955 5511 10 May 2015 KEEP THESE NUMBERS HANDY For URGENT police assistance including a suspected crime in progress 000 For routine enquiries or advice after an incident phone Chatswood Police 9414 8499 To give information about any criminal activities, phone Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 or the Police Assistance Line (PAL) 131 444 o o o o o Quality plumbing Northbridge based family business Residential and commercial services Friendly and reliable service Upfront and fair rates Blocked drain services now offered at discounted rates within Northbridge. Our usual call out charge is waived for Northbridge residents. Discounted rates are available for pensioners. www.sailorsbay.plumbing Call Ben Hunter 9958 0325 0425 256 948 Safe Stream Pty Ltd 9958 2333 Level 2, 115 Sailors Bay Rd Northbridge Willoughby Sustainable Reference Committee • The sustainable education team has collated feedback from a recent resident’s survey and as a result, there will be some interesting workshops this year, such as; Beat the Heat; Cool Places; Buddy systems for the elderly; Seasonal Fruit; Energy Efficiency and Ethical Footprints. • The Council car fleet will be slowly transformed to Nissan Leaf fully electric. These will be powered from conventional electricity but off-set with green credits, however, the electricity will be powered from the solar farm on top of Westfield. • Some residents are concerned about the increased density in Willoughby and Council was asked if they have looked at our population and ecological footprint. If we know how much space we have per person, then we know what we lose if the population keeps expanding. Whilst I am reassured by our new General Manager, Debra Just, that 80-90% of the suburb will be left untouched, it is still becoming very crowded on the roads and schools are near capacity already. • Council has decided to spend $160K to retrofit Ausgrid owned street lights. The pay-back time at current rates is 2 years, and will result in 70% more efficiency. Street lights make up 40% of our emissions. Electricity consumption continues to fall both in residential and business usage, however, water usage has risen above state averages so we need to remind people to turn off taps to save water. Janet France, Chair, Sustainability Reference Group Vanuatu and Nepal disaster appeals The Rotary Club of Northbridge raised $8300 for victims of the devastating Nepal earthquake on the first weekend in May, through a “bucket appeal” at Northbridge Plaza. The appeal followed the collection of more than $6400 at the Plaza over a weekend in March, for victims of the Vanuatu cyclone. The club’s President Noel Phelan said: “We were amazed at the response of local residents to the appeals. We’re very grateful to all those generous people who put their hands into their wallets to help the Nepal and Vanuatu victims.” Noel pointed out that, because Rotary is a volunteer organisation, 100% of the funds collected will be directed to Northbridge Rotarians Mike Cocks (left) and Peter Antaw collected donations at Northbridge disaster victims, using advice from local Plaza for the Vanuatu cyclone victims. Rotary clubs. Fully-equipped emergency shelters will be provided in Nepal through Rotary’s organisation. In addition to the funds collected for Vanuatu, Northbridge Rotarian Derek Matz arranged for 180 bags of linen and medical supplies (provided through Rotary Australia World Community Services) and two crates of children’s books to be sent by container to Tanna Island, where most of the cyclone damage occurred. The goods will be distributed with the help of the Rotary Club of Vanuatu. Northbridge Rotary thanked the Swire Group, which donated two containers and provided free shipping of the goods to Tanna, Aussie Care Transport, who trucked the goods from Newcastle to Sydney for shipment and Donations in Kind who received and packed the goods, all free of charge. We are a new caring & friendly General Dental Practice in the heart of Northbridge. Open 7 days & After Hours Fun & great with kids! • Family Dental Care • Cosmetic Dentistry • Invisalign Orthodontics • Teeth Whitening • Crowns, Veneers & Bridges Call Ashleigh on 9958 2333 to make an appointment www.enlightendental.com.au David Scobie Architects 498 Miller St Cammeray 9955 4965 Warm up with winter woollies 177 Sailors Bay Road Northbridge NSW 2063 Australia Tel 61 (02) 9967 2426 Mobile 0412 415 010 [email protected] www.davidscobiearchitects.com Heritage Interiors Planning Architecture 11 May 2015 Rotary hosts successful Seniors Week lunch Northbridge Bushcare New members are always welcome at Bushcare. It is a community based, volunteer program where people work together to regenerate precious bushland by removing weeds and planting native plants. It is a great way to improve the environment, get some exercise in the open air and socialise with fellow members. If you are interested, contact one of these groups: Clive Park/The Knoll Meets: 4th Sunday Contact: Don – 0417 285 87 About 70 enthusiastic locals attended Northbridge Rotary’s annual Senior’s Lunch on March 14. The free, three course meal in St Marks Hall, included refreshments and entertainment. Guests were served by over 30 Northbridge Rotarians, partners and Friends of Rotary. Local Member, Gladys Berejiklian, called in and spent time greeting attendees before leaving for electioneering duties. Willoughby Mayor, Gail GilesGidney, also visited and thanked the Rotary Club for its community and charity work. “There was lots of friendly chatter and everyone seemed to have a great time,” the lunch organiser Rotarian Karin Eurell said. “It was pleasing to see our local senior citizens enjoying themselves and the Rotarians making it all happen.” Entertainment was provided by the Bakelite Broadcasters. Among the several recipients of prizes at the lunch was 101 year old Geoff Lambe, who was warmly applauded by attendees. Neighbour Day A meet your neighbour activity was held recently at Warners Park in the Community Garden. There was an introduction to the Garden’s activities followed by some planting and a delicious morning tea. A homemade frame of bamboo canes was added to the garden to support the winter crops of peas and beans. “Lots of broccoli seedlings were planted and the old tomatoes pulled out,” said Janet France, the Neighbour Day coordinator. “A lovely bush walk down Sailors Bay Creek finished off a great morning.” Northbridge Golf Club Ask about our current specials on membership (currently no joining fee) and green fees. Clubhouse is open 7 days for lunch. Friday night casual dining featuring the $15 steak special. Phone 9958 6900 Lanecare Meets: 3rd Sunday Contact: Neil – 9958 7261 Northbridge Golf Course Meets: 2nd Friday Contact: Alison – 9433 8023 The 19th Hole Northbridge Golf Course Meets: 4th Tuesday Contact: Marianne – 0419 988 971 The Drive, Flat Rock Gully Meets: 2nd Friday Contact: Roger – 9929 8815 Meets: 4th Friday & 4th Sunday Contact: Mandy – 9777 7875 Upper Cliff Ave Meets: 2nd & 4th Thursdays Contact: Ian – 9958 8893 Plant Propagation Meets: 1st Friday Contact: Lillian – 0481 089 480 Jewellers Phone: 9967 0188 Northbridge Plaza We specialise in: Services Include: q ORTHOTICS q FOOT AND ANKLE PAIN • • Jewellery repairs Remaking your old piece of jewellery into a stunning new piece • • • Valuations q HEEL SPURS q CORNS & CALLUS q INGROWN TOENAILS q DIABETIC FOOT CARE q PAEDIATRIC PODIATRY q DRY-NEEDLING www.bodysole.com.au Suite 2, 173 Sailors Bay Rd Northbridge Pearl restringing Watch batteries and repairs 9967 3647 www.prischl.com Follow us on facebook at facebook.com/prischljewellery 12 May 2015 Our Northbridge heroes by Pam Clifford Northbridge families lost three young servicemen in the First World War. It was a heavy toll for the new suburb, which in 1913 had only 112 residents living in 24 houses. A plaque donated by the Rotary Club of Northbridge installed on the War Memorial Clock in November 2014 honours them. Mabel Norrie with daughters Cavell and Edeline from a postcard written to her husband in 1917. Baptist Preschool rated The Northside Baptist Preschool, on Sailors Bay Rd, recently underwent its very first Assessment and Rating process based on the National Quality Standard which promotes continuous quality improvement in children’s education and care services. The process reflects a uniform approach to assessment and report across the range of service settings. They were delighted to receive an overall rating of Exceeding and we congratulate them in this achievement. The preschool has been serving the Northbridge community for over 60 years. The recently renovated preschool playground. HEARING AIDS Northbridge Medical Practice Hearing Tests Free Pensioner/Veteran Services Latest Technology Experienced Audiologist Money-back Guarantee Friendly Staff WHAT Hearing Aids Phone: 9420 2300 EDGAR FRANK NORRIE, born in Sydney in 1887, married Mabel Vera Ellis in 1915. They purchased land in Baringa Road in 1916 and had two daughters, Cavell and Edeline. Norrie was a 27 year old carpenter when he enlisted on May 18, 1916. Private Edgar Frank Norrie, SN2717, was attached to the 56 Infantry Battalion and left Sydney in October 1916 aboard HMAT (His Majesty's Armed Transport) Ceramic. Private Norrie served in Etaples, Havre and Rouen, France. In early 1917 he was hospitalised with pulmonary TB and later on with diarrhoea. After enjoying a few weeks leave in England he returned to France where his short military career ended when he died of wounds on May 18, 1918. He is buried in Vignacourt British Cemetery, 8 miles north west of Amiens, France. Private Norrie's widow Mabel and her two small daughters lived for a time with her parents. With the assistance of her father and other family members, a house was built at 77 Baringa Road in 1918 and called "Cavadene" after the two daughters. Both girls attended Northbridge Public School and Cavell Mobbs (nee Norrie), who lives in Cremorne, will celebrate her 100th birthday later this year. FREDERICK JOSEPH GARDINER was born at Sunny Corner, Bathurst and enlisted at Marrickville in January 1916 aged 24 years. He was an electrician and had previously served in the Militia for 1½ years. His mother, Bridget Gardiner, of "Nevada", Strathallen Avenue, Northbridge, was named as his next of kin. Gunner Frederick Gardiner, SN18666, attached to the 7th Field Artillery Brigade, left Sydney aboard HMAT Argyllshire A8 in May 1916. He was stationed in France and was hospitalised a number of times from illness and in particular from wounds incurred to his left shoulder. He was reassigned as a driver with the 8th Field Artillery Brigade, and took leave in England in July 1918. He remained in France after the war had ended, and died of pneumonia on February 15, 1919 at the 5th Casualty Clearing Station. He is buried in the Sous le Bois Community Cemetery, which is 1½ miles west of Maubeuge, Belgium. LESLIE BROWN was 25 years old when he enlisted at Newcastle on August 14, 1915. He had previously been a member of the NSW Rifle Club. His occupation was listed as "share farmer and accountant" and his mother, Margaret Alice Brown of "Moorings", Malacoota Road, Northbridge was nominated as his next of kin. His father was the Foreman Searcher at His Majesty's Customs, Sydney. After spending some time at the Holsworthy Army Camp, Acting Sergeant Leslie Brown, SN3456, of the 18th Infantry Battalion embarked on HMAT Aeneas in December 1915 bound for France. His service records give some indication of the hardship suffered by young soldiers, showing he was hospitalised on a number of occasions while in France for tonsillitis, scabies and influenza. He saw service in Rollestone, Etaples, Rouen and Havre, France. In July 1917 he was appointed Lance Corporal but was killed in action in France on September 22, 1917. He is buried in Hooge Crater Cemetery, 2 miles due east of Ypres, France. This information was obtained from service records on the websites of the National Archives of Australia and the Australian War Memorial, and from a conversation with Cavell Mobbs (nee Norrie). 13 May 2015 Northbridge Masonic Centre 90 years on The years following the end of WW1 saw the growth and development of Northbridge. Naturally this development brought many new people to the suburb, amongst whom were a number of Freemasons. At this time there were no public meeting places in Northbridge. Many of the brethren interested in the formation of a Lodge were connected with the building trade and preliminary meetings were held in a number of cottages then being constructed. The first meeting was held on February 9, 1923 at 24 Tunks St, followed by others at 20 & 22 Tunks St, 57 Baroona Rd. and 19 Bligh St. Lodge Northbridge was formed on April 26, 1923 and initially met at the Lane Cove Masonic Hall. A meeting held on September 25, 1923 suggested securing a suitable piece of land in Northbridge for the purpose of erecting a Masonic temple. It was suggested that a company be formed to secure the land at the Corner of Sailors Bay Rd and Harden Ave, with the intention of erecting a Masonic Temple. On January 9, 1924 the Chairman reported that it had been decided to form a Company to be known as the Northbridge-Cammeray Masonic Hall Co. Ltd., with a nominal capital of £5,000. The Foundation stone on the south east corner of the building, still there today, has the following inscription: “THIS STONE WAS LAID by MOST WORSHIPFUL BRO. JOHN GOULSTON GRAND MASTER U.G.L. N.S.W. 23rd MAY 1925" On November 9, 1925, 328 Freemasons watched as the Grand Master dedicated the building to the principles and aims of the Craft, thereby establishing the Northbridge Masonic Lodge. Over the last 90 years, Freemasonry has been part of the local landscape and local community. Today the Masonic Lodges that meet at the Northbridge Masonic Centre continue to thrive. From its early beginning and until 1986 it was the social centre of Northbridge and has undergone at least three major upgrades, the most recent of which will be on public display at the beginning of spring 2015. Sam Strykowski Henry Lawson’s birthday bush poetry reading Bush poetry reading in Flat Rock Gully Enjoy the rousing poetry of Henry Lawson at the Henry Lawson Cave in Bicentennial Reserve, Willoughby on Sunday June 14 from 2-4pm. Audience participation is encouraged and attendees are most welcome to bring their own poem or an old favourite to read, or to have read by the performers. Bookings can be made on 9777 7755 or www.willoughby.nsw.gov.au. NPA’s website Why not read The 202 on your computer, tablet or smart phone? The current and past issues can be downloaded from NPA’s web page www.northbridgepa.com.au. The website also has useful information on current Northbridge issues, minutes of meetings, and links to local organisations. MARTIAL ARTS KIDS & ADULTS FREEMASONRY Lodge French’s Forest United MEETING AT NORTHBRIDGE Invites Masons to affiliate and persons interested in becoming a Freemason. An initial enquiry can be made by contacting: David — 0404 891 051 Sam — 0418 174 410 Martial arts is a lot more than just punching and kicking. It’s a great way to get fit, feel good about yourself & learn to handle stress & everyday life situations more consciously. Classes available for Adults, Children and Ladies only Kickboxing. Contact Rachael at White Wolf Dojo to enjoy a free trial class. e. [email protected] p. 0418 282 171 Uniting Church Hall 12 Charles Street Castlecrag www.whitewolfdojo.com.au m Community noticeboard JP Service Local JP’s provide a free community service every Thursday from 6-8pm in the Northbridge Library, 258 Sailors Bay Rd, for certifying document copies, witnessing signatures, taking Statutory Declarations and Affidavits and all other services requiring a NSW Justice of the Peace. No appointment is necessary. Further information contact the Library 9967 5386 or Geoff West; 9967 3262. Blood donations The Red Cross mobile donor van will be at Northbridge Plaza car park this year on the following Fridays, July 31 and November 6. Donations of blood can be made between 9:00am and 1:00pm. It is advisable to make an appointment beforehand. Phone 13 14 95. BowelCare Kits These will be available in local Pharmacies for 8 weeks this year, from May 2 until June 27. Kits are sold for $15.00 each. This price covers pathology testing and notification of results to both the participant and their nominated doctor. BowelCare is a not-for-profit Rotary community service. Northbridge Masonic Centre Lodge French’s Forest United No 249 of The United Grand Lodge of NSW & ACT holds regular meetings at the Northbridge Masonic Centre, corner Sailors Bay Rd and Harden Ave, on the second Wednesday of each month. All Freemasons, whether attached to a Lodge or not and visitors from interstate or overseas, are invited to attend. Enquiries: David 0404 891 051, Sam 0408 174 410 or email: [email protected]. Rotary Northbridge Rotary is one of the largest in Sydney and they are actively seeking new members, both men and women. Meetings are held every Tuesday evening for dinner at Northbridge Golf Club. Most meetings include guest speakers on a variety of interesting topics. For further information visit; www.northbridgerotary.org or contact; [email protected]. m Northbridge Library Opening hours; Tues, 10am-1pm; Wed, 2.30-5pm; Thurs, 2.30-8pm; Fri, 2.30-5pm; Sat, 9.30am-12noon. Storytime for Preschoolers (3–6 years) on Tuesdays during school term: 10.30am-11.15am. Bushcare Training Workshop Learn how to restore degraded natural areas, remove woody and non-woody weeds and work safely in the bush. This course is run by Willoughby Council and it includes a practical, hands-on session in nearby bushland in Northbridge. The two day course will be held over the weekend of June 13-14; 9:00am-1:00pm. Contact Mandy Wilson; 9777 7875 or email [email protected]. The Dairy Garden Groups work in the garden every 2nd Wednesday and on the 1st Saturday and 3rd Sunday of the month from 9:00-11am. New gardeners are always welcome. Bring a cup, vegetable scraps for the compost and some morning tea to share. For further information contact Janet France; [email protected]. MARTIN FORWARD Record prices now being achieved! Phone now for your free market update report. Recent results: Principal and Resident 0414 801 807 DID YOU KNOW? Weetawaa Road was named in 1921. Its Aboriginal meaning is “a place of fire”. 4 DALKEITH ST 19/122 SAILORS BAY RD 8/24 FORESTVILLE AVE 6 ULRIC LANE 30 COOLAWIN RD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD street record $3.83m block record $1.53m block record $1.12m street record $3.1m street record nonwaterfront Your property may be our next record! Please call Northbridge’s favourite agents for a confidential chat on 9958 9000. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCED NO I PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TEAM RECORD PRICE ... RECORD PRICE SOLD … SOLD … SOLD … SOLD We welcome contributions to the community noticeboard. It provides free advertising for not-for-profit community and charity organisations in Northbridge. Please ring Marillyn Stewart on 9958-4148 or email [email protected]. Editorial deadlines are published on the front page of The 202.
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