NG Newletter 2015_04_28 - North Gresham Elementary School

North Star News!
April 28, 2015
North Gresham Grade School
Tracy Klinger, Principal
Phone: (503) 661-6415
Address: 1001 SE 217th
Gresham, OR 97030
Calendar of Events:
May 11th
-PTC Meeting 6:30 pm
May 12th
-5th Grade Clear Creek Visit – 9:15 am
May 15th
Invitation to Parents:
If you are interested in
participating in the annual
review of the Title I Parent
Compact and Parent
Involvement Plan, please join
us at our PTC meeting on
Monday, May 11th at 6:30 pm.
in the Library.
-Parent Input Form Due
May 21st
-Clear Creek Family Night (5th Gr. Parents)
6:00 – 8:00 pm
May 22nd
-No School – Curriculum & Instruction Day
May 25th
-No School – Memorial Day
June 1st
PTC Meeting 6:30 pm
"Register for Kindergarten by June"
Is your child going to be 5 years old by September 1st? Sign up for kindergarten by June 1st!
If your child will be 5 years old by September 1st, he or she can start kindergarten this fall. Register at your neighborhood
school by June 1st to give your child a good start, connect to summer activities, and get access to free resources. School
offices close for the summer, so don’t wait! When you register by June 1st, you have time to get to know your school and your
teacher, and they have time to prepare the classroom for your child. To identify your school, call 2-1-1 or email
[email protected]. Help in many languages is available.
You will need the following documents to register your child for Kindergarten:
Proof of age – a birth certificate or similar document will work.
Proof of address – Gresham-Barlow requires two or more documents such as utility bills or other bills mailed to the
home address. These must be recent, and the name on the bill must be of a parent or guardian of the student.
Immunization records – Oregon requires all children in public school to have immunizations prior to enrollment. Your
child’s doctor can provide a list of immunizations your child has received.
FREE Breakfast/Lunch Program:
Great news for you and your students!
Please be courteous to our neighbors!
If you are driving to school or walking in the
neighborhood, please respect the mailboxes,
driveways and properties around the school. If a
neighbor is trying to pull out of their driveway,
let them out. If you need to turn around, please
go around the block rather than using driveways.
Please do not park in a neighbor’s driveway to
pick up your student (this is private property).
Thank you for your help in being a good neighbor!
We are excited to announce that our school will qualify
again for CEP (Community Eligibility Provision) for the
2015-2016 school year (all students eat at no charge).
What does this mean for you and your children?
Elementary students are eligible to receive a healthy
breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to your
household each day of the 2015-2016 school year. No
further action is required of you. Your child(ren) will be
able to participate in these meal programs without having
to pay a fee or submit an application.
**Students who are transitioning to middle school will need
to complete a Free and Reduced application. These forms
will be available during registration, as well as at our
district website.
Parent input forms will be available at the school office, or on our website, Monday, April 27th and MUST be turned into the
office no later than Friday, May 15, 2015 The request forms will not be accepted after that date.
These forms are designed to help us better place your child in a classroom for next year. These are not teacher request
forms. Please do not ask for a specific teacher, as we will be unable to honor that request.
Note: If you plan on moving over the summer and your student will not be attending North Gresham next fall; please let the
school office know as soon as possible. This information will helpful for placement of students for next year.