Nutrient Removal and Recovery: moving innovation into practice

IWA Specialist Conference
Nutrient Removal and Recovery:
moving innovation into practice
Call for Abstracts
18 – 21 May, 2015
Gdańsk, Poland
Principal Sponsor
Biogradex Holding Sp. z o.o.
Gdańska Infrastruktura WodociągowoKanalizacyjna Sp. z o.o.
Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska
i Gospodarki Wodnej w Gdańsku
Honorary Patronage:
Welcome and Invitation
I’m very happy and pleased to be invited and to encourage the water specialists to participate to IWA Nutrient
Removal and Recovery Conference 2015 to be held in Gdańsk, Poland, an IWA Special Group event. This
invitation offers to all participants an opportunity to debate the last technical and practical solutions, and also
to meet specialists from all around the world into a transfer from innovation to practices to be used in our
operation system and activities, as we need to provide and inspiring change.
The Conference location in Poland, as a third edition of NRR, after 2 others held in 2005 and 2009, shows
that the subject is important and that the Polish specialists are focussing on it. Poland is a good example
of how to efficiently and effectively spend U.E. Funds in the water infrastructure and I’m sure that the meetings will be intensive and the debates active.
We are looking forward to meeting participants from around world, but I hope that Eastern Europe will be well represented and this
event will be a good opportunity to increase and to consolidate the relationship between IWA members from this part of Europe
and prove that the IWA mission confirms the ambition to change the future of water.
Dr Florin Illescu
IWA Danube and Eastern Europe Regional Director
I am delighted that the Nutrient Removal and Recovery conference is coming back to Europe after nearly
a six years hiatus. The previous European events in Kraków were a tremendous success with a great mix of
attendees from academia and practice. These Kraków events considerably spurred research engagements in
nutrient removal and recovery and we hope to see a repeat performance in Gdańsk. This time the conference
Scientific Committee will be in the able hands of Prof. Jan Oleszkiewicz and Prof. Jacek Mąkinia, and I have no
doubt that we will have a great scientific programme. Those interested in cutting edge fundamental and applied
research should consider attending. Those interested in new approaches for planning, design and operations
of nutrient removal and recovery facilities should consider attending. I look forward to seeing you in Gdańsk!
Dr Sudhir Murthy
Chairman, IWA Specialist Group on Nutrient Removal and Recovery
The long series of IWA specialized conferences on the nutrient removal and recovery
started in Kraków in 2005 and returns to
Poland in 2015 with the focus on paradigm-shifting technologies of main-stream
autotrophic anaerobic ammonia removal
processes, total nutrient removal in granular
sludge and suspended solids enhanced
membrane and biofilm systems. The plugging of wastewater
treatment facilities into the emerging nutrient economy will be
emphasized, together with the discussion of making the plants
environmentally sustainable while maximizing removal and
delivering recovery technologies with economically attractive
return on investment. Discussion of the impact of ever-tightening
regulations on the sustainability of adopting limit-of-treatment
technologies will be presented.
Prof. Jan Oleszkiewicz
Co-Chair, Scientific Programme Committee
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
of IWA NRR 2015 and Gdańsk University
of Technology, I am pleased to invite you
to Gdańsk – a historical city with a long
wastewater treatment tradition going back
to the 1870s. The city is located on the
Baltic Sea where eutrophication is one of
the most serious environmental threats
and reduction of nutrient loads is a challenging demand. This
conference will provide an excellent opportunity to address this
issue by presenting the latest concepts and technologies in
nutrient removal and recovery. Many distinguished scientists and
practitioners from around the world will share their knowledge
and experience. The leading motto of the conference is “moving
innovation into practice” to emphasize practical aspects of NRR
developments and perspectives on their applications, especially
in the Baltic Sea region as well as Central and Eastern Europe.
Prof. Jacek Mąkinia
Co-Chair, Scientific Programme Committee
About the Conference
Conference themes:
Scientific Programme Committee:
1.Conventional biological nitrogen and phosphorus
removal processes
2.Sidestream and mainstream deamonification
3.Carbon augmentation for biological nitrogen and
phosphorus removal
4.Chemical nutrient removal and recovery
5.Operation and control of NRR in wastewater treatment plants
6.New technologies for maintaining biomass in NR reactors
(membranes; granular sludge, biofilm carriers; hybrid systems)
7.Secondary solids separation (clarifier design, biomass
degasification; ballast sedimentation)
8.Achieving low effluent nutrient limits
9.Regulatory drivers for enhanced nutrient removal
10.Green-house gas emissions during NRR processes
11.Microbiological methods for identification of microorganisms
involved in NR processes
12.Source separation for nutrient recovery
13.Nutrient recovery in sludge management processes
14.Plugging into the phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer market
15.Nutrient management in the Baltic Sea region and
Eastern Europe
16.Modeling nutrient removal processes
1.Prof. Jan Oleszkiewicz (Co-chair), Canada
2.Prof. Jacek Mąkinia (Co-chair), Poland
3.Prof. Harro Bode, Germany
4.Dr Charles Bott, USA
5.Prof. Guanghao Chen, China (Hong Kong)
6.Mr Rhodes Copithorn, USA
7.Dr Glen Daigger, USA
8.Prof. Dawen Gao, China
9.Dr Giulio Munz, Italy
10.Mr Joseph Husband, USA
11.Prof. Norbert Jardin, Germany
12.Prof. Helmut Kroiss, Austria
13.Dr Sudhir Murthy, USA
14.Prof. Per H. Nielsen, Denmark
15.Dr Adrian Oehmen, Portugal
16.Dr Denny Parker, USA
17.Prof. Elzbieta Plaza, Sweden
18.Prof. Zhou Qi, China
19.Dr Frank Rogala, Spain
20.Prof. Karl-Heinz Rosenwinkel, Germany
21.Prof. Diego Rosso, USA
22.Dr Julian Sandino, USA
23.Prof. Aurora Seco, Spain
24.Prof. Hansruedi Siegrist, Switzerland
25.Prof. David Stensel, USA
26.Prof. Joanna Surmacz-Górska, Poland
27.Prof. Janusz Tomaszek, Poland
28.Dr Ryujiro Tsuchihahshi, Canada
29.Prof. Mark van Loosdrecht, Netherlands
30.Prof. Bernhard Wett, Austria
31.Prof. Hidenari Yasui, Japan
32.Prof. Zhiguo Yuan, Australia
33.Dr Qiuyan Yuan, Canada
34.Prof. Jiri Wanner, Czech Republic
Organizing Committee:
1.Jacek Mąkinia (Chair), Gdańsk University of Technology
2.Krzysztof Czerwionka, Gdańsk University of Technology
3.Marcin Marcinkowski, Gdańsk University of Technology
4.Dominika Sobotka, Gdańsk University of Technology
5.Joanna Majtacz, Gdańsk University of Technology
6.Kamil Wiśniewski, Gdańsk University of Technology
7.Fernandez Morales, University of Castilla – La Mancha, Spain
8.Yvonne Schneider, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
9.Damian Kruk, University of Manitoba, Canada
10.Anna Mikola, Aalto University, Finland
11.Antonio Albuquerque, University of Beira Interior, Portugal
Call for Abstracts
Abstract submission
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract according to
IWA format before 30th November 2014. The procedure as well
as template for submission is available on the official conference
be notified of acceptance by 15th January 2015, and full papers
should be submitted by 1st April 2015.
All submissions should be original and not been previosly
accepted for publication in a journal. Authors whose extended
abstracts are selected will be invited to submit a full paper for
an oral presentation or a poster presentation. The authors will
After the conference, full papers will be further reviewed and
considered for publication in IWA Publishing Journals:
■ Water Science and Technology
■ Water Practice and Technology
Paper selection and publication
Conference Venue
Get to know the thousand-year history of the beautiful port on the Baltic. Look Neptune,
the god of the sea, in the eye and wave at the lady in the window. Take a walk down the
Long Market and call at Artus Court. You can walk in the footsteps of the main character of
Günter Grass “The Tin Drum” or look at the stars of Hevelius. In 1980, Gdańsk Shipyard was
the birthplace of the Solidarity trade union movement, whose opposition to the Communist
regime led to the end of Communist Party rule in 1989, and sparked a series of protests that
successfully overturned the Communist regimes of the former Soviet bloc. Solidarity’s leader,
Lech Wałęsa (awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983) became President of Poland in 1990.
Gdańsk is the capital of the Pomeranian Voivodeship and has got nearly 500,000 inhabitants.
There are numerous higher education institutions here. Among this quite considerable group
Gdańsk University of Technology is the largest technical university in the area and one of
the oldest technical universities in Poland.
Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT)
* Conference venue to be confirmed
GUT is the oldest and the largest scientific and technological academic institution in northern
Poland. In 2014, we are celebrating the 110th anniversary of the first inauguration of the academic
year at the university. At nine faculties, there are approximately 27,000 students and 1200 academic teachers. The university offers over 60 undergraduate and graduate programs, including
12 programs taught fully in English. GUT is one of the top Polish universities in terms of the
number of candidates, salaries of graduates and number of graduates holding CEO positions.
Exhibition and Convention Centre is located in the direct vicinity of one of Europe’s most
beautiful football stadiums – the PGE Arena Gdańsk. The AMBEREXPO complex consists
of three integrated exhibition halls, with a total floor space of 12,000 m², a convention and
conference center with 4 rooms for 1058 participants and a mobile space arrangement
option, complete with a Reception Area and VIP Zone, Press Centre, Restaurant.
Key dates:
Call for papers
1st September 2014
Deadline for abstracts submission
30th November 2014
Registration starts
1st December 2014
Notification of acceptance for authors
15th January 2015
Deadline for early bird registration
15th February 2015
Registration deadline for authors of accepted papers
28th February 2015
Deadline for full manuscript submission
1st April 2015
Principal Sponsor:
Gdańsk University of Technology
NRR 2015
address Narutowicza 11/12
80-233 Gdańsk, Poland
Conference Secretary:
Mr. Marcin Marcinkowski
email: [email protected]
Fax. + 48 58 347 24 21
inspiring change
IWA Head Office | Alliance House, 12 Caxton Street, London SW1H 0QS, UK | Company registered in England No. 3597005 | Registered Charity (England) No. 1076690
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