Governing Board Agenda April 8, 2015 Welcome Welcome to the meeting of the National School District Governing Board. Your interest in our school district proceedings is appreciated. Our Governing Board Our community elects five Board members who serve four-year terms. The Board members are responsible for the overall operation of the school district. Among its duties, the Board adopts an annual budget, approves all expenditures, establishes policies and regulations, authorizes employment of all personnel, approves curriculum and textbooks, and appoints the Superintendent. Barbara Avalos, President Ms. Avalos was first elected to the Governing Board in November 2008 and her present term expires December 2016. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda, Member Ms. Betancourt-Castaneda was first elected to the Governing Board in November 2014 and her present term expires December 2018. Brian Clapper, Member Mr. Clapper was first elected to the Governing Board in November 2012 and his present term expires December 2016. Maria Dalla, Member Ms. Dalla was first elected to the Governing Board in November 2014 and her present term expires December 2018. Alma Sarmiento, Clerk Ms. Sarmiento was first elected to the Governing Board in November 1992 and her present term expires December 2018. From time-to-time writings that are public records, which are related to open session items on an agenda for a regular meeting, may be distributed to school board members after the posting of the agenda. Whenever this occurs, such writings will be available for public inspection in the office of the Superintendent located at 1500 N Avenue, National City, California, 91950. Speaking to the Board If you wish to speak to the Board, please fill out a Request to Speak card located on the table at the entrance to the Board Room and give it to the Recording Secretary. Board policy and state law stipulate that no oral presentation shall include charges or complaints against any employee of the District, including the Superintendent, regardless of whether or not the employee is identified by name or by another reference which tends to identify. California law requires that all charges or complaints against employees be addressed in Closed Session unless the employee requests a public hearing. All such charges or complaints therefore must be submitted to the Board under the provision of the District’s policy. At the appropriate time, the Board President will invite speakers to approach the podium. Please use the microphone and state your name and address. This information is necessary in order to maintain accurate records of the meeting. Speakers are requested to limit their remarks to three minutes. Compliance with Americans With Disabilities Act The National School District, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), requests individuals who may need special accommodation to access, attend, and/or participate in Board meetings to contact the Superintendent’s Office at 619-336-7705 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting for information on such accommodation. Translation Services Members of the public who require translation services in order to participate in the meeting should contact the Superintendent’s Office at 619-336-7705 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting for information on such services. Equal Opportunity Employer The National School District is committed to providing equal educational, contracting, and employment opportunity to all in strict compliance with all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations. The District official who monitors compliance is the Assistant Superintendent--Human Resources, 1500 N Avenue, National City, California, 91950, phone 619-336-7722. Individuals who believe they have been a victim of unlawful discrimination in employment, contracting, or in an educational program may file a formal complaint with the District’s Human Resources Office. District Vision and Core Values Creating Successful Learners…NOW WE PROMISE: WE BELIEVE: 1. A safe, nurturing learning environment 1. All students will learn 2. Student success is everyone's responsibility 3. Our community's cultural diversity enriches learning opportunities 2. An active partnership with parents and community 3. A solid foundation in reading, writing, and problem-solving 4. A focus on individual student achievement REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD Administrative Center 1500 "N" Avenue National City, CA 91950 Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Closed Session -- 5:00 p.m. Open Session -- 6:00 p.m. AGENDA If you wish to speak to the Board, please fill out a Request to Speak card located on the table at the entrance to the Board Room. NATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 1500 ‘N’ Avenue ● National City, CA 91950 ● (619) 336-7500 ● Fax (619) 336-7505 ● Creating Successful Learners… Now Agenda - April 8, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Public communication provides the public with an opportunity to address the Board regarding an item on the agenda or other topic. Anyone wishing to address the Board shall submit a “Request for Oral Communications” card. Cards are available near the entrance to the Board Room and are to be submitted to the Secretary. A member of the public who wishes to address the Board on any such matter(s) is limited to three (3) minutes for one matter up to a maximum of five (5) minutes for all matters unless such time limit is waived by a majority vote of the Board. There shall be a limit of twenty (20) minutes for any matter unless such time limit is waived by a majority vote of the Board. No Board action can be taken. 3. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION 4. CLOSED SESSION - 5:00 PM Closed session in accordance with Government Code Section 54956.9: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION Case #37-2014-00025571-CU-WM-CTL Closed session in accordance with Government Code Section 54957: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE Closed session in accordance with Government Code Section 54957: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Title: Superintendent Closed session in accordance with Government Code Section 54957.6: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Agency negotiator: Cindy Frazee Employee organizations: California School Employees Association National City Elementary Teachers Association 5. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 6. CALL TO ORDER 7. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 8. ROLL CALL 9. PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation by John Otis School students. B. Recognize Mrs. Ariadna Perez, John A. Otis School, as the National School District Volunteer of the Month for March 2015. Leticia Hernandez, Principal, John Otis School Leticia Hernandez, Principal, John Otis School Agenda - April 8, 2015 C. Recognize Ruben Constantino, Day Custodian, Ira Harbison School, as National School District Employee of the Month for March 2015. Elena De La Rosa, Principal, Ira Harbison School D. Introduce and welcome the following new employees: Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Name Position Location Diana Martinez Instructional Assistant Health Care Palmer Way School Grace Moreno Child Nutrition Services Assistant Olivewood School Martha Valencia Instructional Assistant Special Education Kimball School 10. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Public communication provides the public with an opportunity to address the Board regarding an item on the agenda or other topic. Anyone wishing to address the Board shall submit a “Request for Oral Communications” card. Cards are available near the entrance to the Board Room and are to be submitted to the Secretary. A member of the public who wishes to address the Board on any such matter(s) is limited to three (3) minutes for one matter up to a maximum of five (5) minutes for all matters unless such time limit is waived by a majority vote of the Board. There shall be a limit of twenty (20) minutes for any matter unless such time limit is waived by a majority vote of the Board. No Board action can be taken. 11. AGENDA A. Approve agenda. 12. CONSENT CALENDAR/ROUTINE ITEMS OF BUSINESS All items listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Board in one action. There will be no discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes on the motion, unless members of the Board, staff, or public request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar. A. Minutes I. Approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held on March 11, 2015. B. Administration I. Approve the Quarterly Report to the San Diego County Office of Education on Williams Complaints. C. Human Resources I. Ratify/approve recommended actions in personnel activity list. Chris Oram, Superintendent Chris Oram, Superintendent Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Agenda - April 8, 2015 II. The following employee resignations were accepted by Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources: Name Kathryn Therieau Liliana Enriquez Position Payroll/Benefits Specialist Administrative Secretary Confidential Location District Office District Office Effective Date Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources March 27, 2015 March 31, 2015 D. Educational Services I. Adopt Resolution #14-15.26 declaring the month of May 2015 as Better Speech and Hearing Month in the National School District. Meghann O'Connor, Director, Student Support Services II. Accept grant and approve Memorandum of Understanding between Cindy Vasquez, National School District, UCSD, SDCOE, CVESD and SUHSD for Director of Educational participation in the California Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant. Services E. Business Services I. Ratify/approve purchase orders, contracts and warrants as summarized Christopher Carson, below and detailed in Exhibit A. Assistant Superintendent, Business Services 13. GENERAL FUNCTIONS A. Approve the National School District Governance Team norms and protocols (Exhibit B). B. Ratify travel request for Barbara Avalos, Maria Betancourt-Castañeda and Maria Dalla to attend the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Conference in Washington D.C. on March 24-25, 2015. C. Approve travel request for Barbara Avalos, Maria Betancourt-Castañeda and Maria Dalla to attend the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Early Education Conference in Napa on April 23-24, 2015. 14. POLICIES, REGULATIONS, BYLAWS A. First Reading - No Action Required None B. Second Reading and Adoption None 15. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES A. Approve Administration of the California Healthy Kids Survey for 20152017. B. Approve the 2015-2016 National School District instructional materials list with the deletion of EnVision math and the addition of the newly adopted Houghton Mifflin Harcourt GO Math! student texts in grades K-6. C. Amend Contract #CT3051 with Edupoint for hosted Synergy (Student Information System) services and support. Chris Oram, Superintendent Chris Oram, Superintendent Chris Oram, Superintendent Chris Oram, Superintendent Chris Oram, Superintendent Paula JamesonWhitney, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Cindy Vasquez, Director of Educational Services Cindy Vasquez, Director of Educational Services Agenda - April 8, 2015 D. Amend Consultant Contract #CT3121 to reflect corrected contractor name from Haines Center to Loren Tarantino Consulting, Inc. for facilitation of Local Control Accountability Planning Committee. Paula JamesonWhitney, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services E. Ratify Consultant Contract #CT3128 with Mad Science for K-6 assemblies on Deborah Hernandez, October 22, 2014 and participation at Family Science Night. Principal, Rancho de la Nación School F. Amend Consultant Contract #CT3138 with Eldon Andersen, Project Director, Cindy Vasquez, California Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant Program for the grant Director of Educational period of January 2015 to September 2018. Services 16. BUSINESS SERVICES A. Adopt Resolution #14-15.27 establishing a Citizens' Oversight Board Christopher Carson, Committee, approving form of bylaws therefor, and appointing members thereto. Assistant Superintendent, Business Services B. Accept the following gifts: Christopher Carson, Assistant 1. $250.00 from Walmart to Palmer Way School to be used for student Superintendent, Business Services activities. 2. $250.00 from Walmart to Kimball School to be used for classroom supplies. 3. $75.41 from Target to Kimball School to be used for classroom supplies. 4. $37.01 from Target to Palmer Way School for Sixth Grade Camp. 5. $400.00 from Target to El Toyon School for field trip transportation. 6. $61.93 from Target to Lincoln Acres School for teacher incentives. 7. $134.00 from Lifetouch to Kimball School to be used for school supplies. 8. $294.70 from General Mills Box Tops for Education to Palmer Way School for Sixth Grade Camp. 9. $29.40 from Coca-Cola Refreshments for Kimball School to be used for school supplies. 10. $1434.55 from El Toyon PTO to El Toyon School to be used for student headphones. 11. $335.00 from Ira Harbison PTSO to Ira Harbison School for Sixth Grade Camp. 12. $88.00 from Ira Harbison PTSO to Ira Harbison School to be used for student activities. 13. $100.00 from Jennifer Warren to Ira Harbison School for Sixth Grade Camp. 14. $450.00 from Beverly Hayes to Olivewood School for Sixth Grade Camp. 15. $38.00 from Monica Cho to Olivewood School for Sixth Grade Camp. 16. $30.00 from Megan Curiel to Olivewood School for Sixth Grade Camp. 17. $50.00 from Jelen Rodecker to Olivewood School for Sixth Grade Camp. 18. $100.00 from Kim Peterson to Olivewood School for Sixth Grade Camp. 19. $25.00 from Nancy Larsen to Olivewood School for Sixth Grade Camp. Agenda - April 8, 2015 17. HUMAN RESOURCES A. Conduct Public Hearing pursuant to Government Code Section 3547 regarding the initial proposal for a Successor Contract from California School Employees Association (CSEA), Chapter 206, to the National School District for the 2015-2016 school year. B. Adopt tentative 2015-2016 school year work calendar. C. Adopt tentative 2015-2016 school year work construction calendar. D. Approve job description for Program Specialist-Behavior Specialist. E. Approve Side Letter of Agreement with the National City Elementary Teachers Association (NCETA) regarding classroom packing and the construction calendar for upcoming Major Construction Projects. 18. BOARD WORKSHOP A. Board Workshop on the Rigorous Curriculum Design. 19. BOARD/CABINET COMMUNICATIONS 20. ADJOURNMENT Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Paula JamesonWhitney, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 1. CALL TO ORDER Agenda Item: 2. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Speaker: Quick Summary / Abstract: Public communication provides the public with an opportunity to address the Board regarding an item on the agenda or other topic. Anyone wishing to address the Board shall submit a “Request for Oral Communications” card. Cards are available near the entrance to the Board Room and are to be submitted to the Secretary. A member of the public who wishes to address the Board on any such matter(s) is limited to three (3) minutes for one matter up to a maximum of five (5) minutes for all matters unless such time limit is waived by a majority vote of the Board. There shall be a limit of twenty (20) minutes for any matter unless such time limit is waived by a majority vote of the Board. No Board action can be taken. Agenda Item: 3. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION Agenda Item: 4. CLOSED SESSION - 4:00 P.M. Speaker: Rationale: Closed session in accordance with Government Code Section 54956.9: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION Case #37-2014-00025571-CU-WM-CTL Closed session in accordance with Government Code Section 54957: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE Closed session in accordance with Government Code Section 54957: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Title: Superintendent Closed session in accordance with Government Code Section 54957.6: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Agency negotiator: Cindy Frazee Employee organizations: California School Employees Association National City Elementary Teachers Association Agenda Item: 5. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION Agenda Item: 6. CALL TO ORDER Agenda Item: 7. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: Speaker: Quick Summary / Abstract: 8. ROLL CALL Board: Barbara Avalos Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Brian Clapper Maria Dalla Alma Sarmiento Staff: Chris Oram, Ed.D., Superintendent Chris Carson, Assistant Superintendent-Business Services Paula Jameson-Whitney, Assistant Superintendent-Educational Services Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent-Human Resources Agenda Item: 9. PRESENTATIONS Agenda Item: 9.A. Presentation by John Otis School students. Speaker: Leticia Hernandez, Principal, John Otis School Agenda Item: 9.B. Recognize Mrs. Ariadna Perez, John A. Otis School, as the National School District Volunteer of the Month for March 2015. Speaker: Leticia Hernandez, Principal, John Otis School Quick Summary / Abstract: Ms. Ariadna Perez has been volunteering at John A. Otis for many years. Ms. Perez has provided many hours of volunteer support to each of her children’s teachers and has also assisted with school wide activities. At the school level this year, Ms. Perez has helped with the Safe Routes to School program, and many of the PTO activities. When assistance is needed Ms. Perez is always willing to lend a hand. We are fortunate to have Ms. Perez involved as a volunteer at our school. She has a very positive attitude and works well with everyone. Her quiet enthusiasm and kind, gentle manner provide a positive impact on other parents and promotes others to volunteer. She is someone we can always count on to get the job done. John Otis School’s staff, students and community wish to extend our gratitude to Ms. Perez for her many hours of hard work and dedication to our school. We appreciate her efforts and are very fortunate to have her volunteering at John Otis. Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 9.C. Recognize Ruben Constantino, Day Custodian, Ira Harbison School, as National School District Employee of the Month for March 2015. Speaker: Elena De La Rosa, Principal, Ira Harbison School Quick Summary / Abstract: Ira Harbison would like to recognize Ruben Constantino as the Classified Employee of the Month. Ruben Constantino is currently working as a Day Custodian at Ira Harbison School. Comments: Ruben Constantino has been a National School District Employee for 14 years. He started as a substitute custodian and then moved into a full time position. Ruben Constantino is an exemplary employee. He is courteous, reliable, hardworking, and always ready to do what is needed to get the job done. As one of our teachers wrote about his work; "He does a terrific job every day!" Ruben believes in children first and demonstrates this every day at work. He takes great pride in his job and is a true professional. Every morning he stops by the office to check in for the day. He does so with a big smile and a "Good Morning." It is my pleasure to highly recommend Ruben Constantino for Classified Employee of the Month. Ira Harbison is very lucky to have Ruben as our daytime custodian. Financial Impact: N/A Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 9.D. Introduce and welcome the following new employees: Speaker: Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Rationale: Comments: Name Position Diana Martinez Instructional Assistant Health Care Palmer Way School Grace Moreno Child Nutrition Services Assistant Olivewood School Martha Valencia Instructional Assistant Special Education Kimball School The aforementioned employees were approved at the March 11, 2015, Governing Board meeting. Cindy Frazee will introduce the new employees. Financial Impact: Location N/A Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 10. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Quick Summary / Abstract: Public communication provides the public with an opportunity to address the Board regarding an item on the agenda or other topic. Anyone wishing to address the Board shall submit a “Request for Oral Communications” card. Cards are available near the entrance to the Board Room and are to be submitted to the Secretary. A member of the public who wishes to address the Board on any such matter(s) is limited to three (3) minutes for one matter up to a maximum of five (5) minutes for all matters unless such time limit is waived by a majority vote of the Board. There shall be a limit of twenty (20) minutes for any matter unless such time limit is waived by a majority vote of the Board. No Board action can be taken. Agenda Item: 11. AGENDA Agenda Item: 11.A. Approve agenda. Recommendation: Approve Agenda. Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 12. CONSENT CALENDAR/ROUTINE ITEMS OF BUSINESS Quick Summary / Abstract: All items listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Board in one action. There will be no discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes on the motion, unless members of the Board, staff, or public request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar. Agenda Item: 12.A. Minutes Agenda Item: 12.A.I. Approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held on March 11, 2015. Speaker: Chris Oram, Superintendent NATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Minutes of the Regular Meeting GOVERNING BOARD March 11, 2015 6:00 PM Administrative Center 1500 "N" Avenue National City, CA 91950 Attendance Taken at 4:34 p.m. Present Board Members: Ms. Barbara Avalos (arrived at 4:42 p.m.) Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Mr. Brian Clapper Ms. Maria Dalla Ms. Alma Sarmiento 1. CALL TO ORDER The public meeting was called to order by Clerk Alma Sarmiento at 4:34 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS None 3. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION 4. CLOSED SESSION - 4:30 p.m. Closed session was held from 4:34 p.m. to 6:02 p.m. Clerk, Alma Sarmiento announced that the Board held closed session in accordance with Education Code Section 48918 - Student Expulsion Student ID #903651; Government Code Section 54956.9 - Conference with Legal Counsel Anticipated Litigation - One Case; Government Code Section 54957 - Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Superintendent; and with Government Code Section 54957.6 Conference with Labor Negotiator, Agency Negotiator: Cindy Frazee; Employee Organizations: California School Employees Association and National City Elementary Teachers Association. All board members were present with the exception of Barbara Avalos who arrived at 4:42 p.m. Chris Carson and Gretchen Shipley were present from 4:34 p.m. to 5:18 p.m. Paula Jameson-Whitney was present from 5:19 p.m. to 5:25 p.m. Andrea Naested was present from 5:25 p.m. to 5:59 p.m. Chris Oram was present from 4:34 p.m. to 5:25 p.m. 5. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 6. CALL TO ORDER The public meeting was called to order by President Barbara Avalos at 6:03 p.m. 7. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Avalos led the pledge of allegiance. 8. ROLL CALL Members Present: Barbara Avalos, Maria Betancourt-Castañeda, Brian Clapper, Maria Dalla and Alma Sarmiento Members Absent: None Staff Present: Chris Oram, Ed.D., Chris Carson, Cindy Frazee and Paula Jameson-Whitney Staff Absent: None 9. PRESENTATIONS 9.A. Recognize Ms. Lakami Winston, Olivewood School, as the National School District Volunteer of the Month for February 2015. Beverly Hayes introduced Ms. Lakami Winston and commented on her many fine qualities. On behalf of the Governing Board, Maria Dalla presented Ms. Winston with a certificate and logo clock. 9.B. Recognize Ruben Constantino, Day Custodian, Ira Harbison School, as National School District Employee of the Month for March 2015. Item tabled. 12.C.II. Introduce and welcome the following new employee: Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, introduced and welcomed the following employee: Name Chad Bogart Position Computer Systems Technician 10. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Carmen Gutierrez, CSEA, spoke regarding staff development. Mike Monfort, NCETA, spoke regarding curriculum development and costs. Location District Office 11. AGENDA 11.A. Approve agenda. Motion Passed: Approve Agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Alma Sarmiento and a second by Mr. Brian Clapper. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos Yes Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Yes Mr. Brian Clapper Yes Ms. Maria Dalla Yes Ms. Alma Sarmiento 12. CONSENT CALENDAR/ROUTINE ITEMS OF BUSINESS Motion Passed: Approve Consent Calendar with the exception of items 12.C.II and 12.C.IV which were pulled for separate vote and discussion, passed with a motion by Ms. Alma Sarmiento and a second by Mr. Brian Clapper. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos Yes Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Yes Mr. Brian Clapper Yes Ms. Maria Dalla Yes Ms. Alma Sarmiento 12.A. Minutes 12.A.I. Approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held on February 25, 2015. 12.B. Administration 12.B.I. Adopt Resolution #14-15.25 declaring the month of April 2015 as Public Schools Month and the week of April 13 through April 17, 2015, as Public Schools Week. 12.C. Human Resources 12.C.I. Ratify/approve recommended actions in personnel activity list. 12.C.III. The following employee resignations were accepted by Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources: Name Holly Bauer Ana Jara Position Child Nutrition Services Area Supervisor Instructional Assistant, Preschool Location Effective Date District Office March 20, 2015 Central School February 10, 2015 12.C.IV. Adopt tentative 2015-2016 school year work calendar. Motion Failed: Following discussion, adopt tentative 2015-2016 school year work calendar failed with a motion by Ms. Alma Sarmiento and a second by Mr. Brian Clapper. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos No Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda No Mr. Brian Clapper No Ms. Maria Dalla Yes Ms. Alma Sarmiento 12.D. Educational Services 12.D.I. Adopt Resolution #14-15.22, declaring the week of April 12 through April 18, 2015 as the "Week of the Young Child." 12.D.II. Adopt Resolution #14-15.23 to support and join the "Live Well San Diego" initiative. 12.E. Business Services 12.E.I. Ratify/approve purchase orders, contracts and warrants as summarized below and detailed in Exhibit A. 13. GENERAL FUNCTIONS None 14. POLICIES, REGULATIONS, BYLAWS 14.A. First Reading - No Action Required None 14.B. Second Reading and Adoption 14.B.I. Adopt Board Policies and Administrative Regulations from California School Boards Association updates of October 2014 as follows (See Exhibit B from the February 25, 2015, agenda): Motion Passed: Adopt Board Policies and Administrative Regulations passed with a motion by Ms. Alma Sarmiento and a second by Ms. Maria Dalla. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos Yes Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Yes Mr. Brian Clapper Yes Ms. Maria Dalla Yes Ms. Alma Sarmiento 15. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 15.A. Approve adoption of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Common Core GO Math! materials and professional development for teachers in grades K-6. Motion Passed: Approve adoption passed with a motion by Ms. Alma Sarmiento and a second by Mr. Brian Clapper. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos Yes Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Yes Mr. Brian Clapper Yes Ms. Maria Dalla Yes Ms. Alma Sarmiento 15.B. Approve Consultant Contract #CT3137 with Managed Solution for ongoing monthly licenses fees to upgrade access on SharePoint Office 365. Motion Passed: Following discussion, Approve Consultant Contract passed with a motion by Ms. Alma Sarmiento and a second by Ms. Maria Dalla. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos No Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Yes Mr. Brian Clapper Yes Ms. Maria Dalla Yes Ms. Alma Sarmiento 15.C. Approve Consultant Contract #CT3146 with Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative to pilot Math Assessment Collaborative membership for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year. Motion Passed: Approve Consultant Contract passed with a motion by Ms. Alma Sarmiento and a second by Ms. Maria Dalla. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos Yes Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Yes Mr. Brian Clapper Yes Ms. Maria Dalla Yes Ms. Alma Sarmiento 15.D. Approve Consultant Contract #CT3148 with Martha Gutierrez to assist with translation services. Motion Passed: Following discussion, Approve Consultant Contract passed with a motion by Ms. Alma Sarmiento and a second by Mr. Brian Clapper. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos Yes Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Yes Mr. Brian Clapper Yes Ms. Maria Dalla Yes Ms. Alma Sarmiento 16. BUSINESS SERVICES 16.A. Award Contract #CT3150 to Western Environmental & Safety Technologies (WEST) for Request For Qualifications #14-15/151N Hazardous Materials Surveys, Testing, On-Site Observations, and Consulting Services. Motion Passed: Following discussion, Award Contract passed with a motion by Ms. Alma Sarmiento and a second by Ms. Maria Dalla. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos Yes Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Yes Mr. Brian Clapper Yes Ms. Maria Dalla Yes Ms. Alma Sarmiento 16.B. Award Contract #CT3151 to Southwest Geophysics for Request For Qualifications #1415/152N Underground Utility Locator Services. Motion Passed: Following discussion, Award Contract up to $30,000 passed with a motion by Ms. Alma Sarmiento and a second by Mr. Brian Clapper. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos Yes Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Yes Mr. Brian Clapper Yes Ms. Maria Dalla Yes Ms. Alma Sarmiento 16.C. Adopt Resolution #14-15.24 prescribing the terms of bonds of the District. Motion Passed: Following discussion, Adopt Resolution passed with a motion by Ms. Alma Sarmiento and a second by Ms. Maria Dalla. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos Yes Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Yes Mr. Brian Clapper Yes Ms. Maria Dalla Yes Ms. Alma Sarmiento 16.D. Presentation and approval of the Positive Certification and Budget Revisions for the Second Period Interim Financial Report as of January 31, 2015 (see Exhibit B). Chris Carson gave a presentation on the Positive Certification and Budget Revisions for the Second Period Interim Financial Report as of January 31, 2015. Motion Passed: Following discussion, Approve the Positive Certification and Budget Revisions for the Second Period Interim Financial Report passed with a motion by Mr. Brian Clapper and a second by Ms. Maria Dalla. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos Yes Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Yes Yes Yes Mr. Brian Clapper Ms. Maria Dalla Ms. Alma Sarmiento 16.E. Accept the following gifts: Motion Passed: Accept Gifts passed with a motion by Ms. Alma Sarmiento and a second by Mr. Brian Clapper. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos Yes Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Yes Mr. Brian Clapper Yes Ms. Maria Dalla Yes Ms. Alma Sarmiento 17. HUMAN RESOURCES 17.A. Approve out-of-state travel for Christopher Craven and Melissa Kruse to attend the National Board Conference from March 13-14, 2015 in Washington D.C. Motion Passed: Approve out-of-state travel passed with a motion by Ms. Alma Sarmiento and a second by Mr. Brian Clapper. Yes Ms. Barbara Avalos Yes Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda Yes Mr. Brian Clapper Yes Ms. Maria Dalla Yes Ms. Alma Sarmiento 18. BOARD/CABINET COMMUNICATIONS Maria Dalla congratulated the Volunteer of the Month. She shared that she and two fellow Board members attended the Legislative Action Day in Sacramento yesterday and had the opportunity to speak with Lorena Gonzalez and Ben Hueso regarding the push to repeal the reserve cap. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda congratulated the Volunteer of the Month. She shared that the visit to Sacramento was a good experience and she was able to speak with Ben Hueso about STRS and PERS. She commented that she enjoyed reading during Read Across America. Brian Clapper shared that he was able to read at eight of the ten schools during the Read Across America Events. He shared that he was able to see Ira Harbison sixth graders off to camp on Monday morning. Alma Sarmiento shared that she attended an NCETA meeting yesterday and they had a very healthy discussion. She welcomed the new employee. She also shared that Gail Devers will be doing a book signing at Sweetwater High School on Friday at 1:30 p.m. Erina Cowart welcomed the new employee. Raul Martinez welcomed the new employee. Raul Chavez welcomed the new employee. Charmaine Lawson shared that Preschool Enrollment will begin on April 27. Cindy Vasquez welcomed the new employee. She shared that all schools are in the process of testing their technology to troubleshoot before we begin SBAC testing. She gave kudos to Oscar Gil for all of his hard work with CALPADS. Meghann O’Connor welcomed the new employee. She shared that training for the ACAP pilot was held today. She congratulated the Volunteer of the Month. Yvette Olea shared information about the Padres Estrellas program. Cindy Frazee shared that there are seven more slots available for National Board Certification and teachers will be selected for this sometime next week. Chris Carson shared information on the District’s rating. Paula Jameson-Whitney welcomed the new employee. Chris Oram welcomed the new employee. Barbara Avalos congratulated the Volunteer of the Month. She shared that during her trip to Sacramento she was able to speak with Shirley Weber’s aide. She thanked the Board for asking such good questions. 19. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m. Clerk of the Governing Board Secretary to the Governing Board Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 12.B. Administration Agenda Item: 12.B.I. Approve the Quarterly Report to the San Diego County Office of Education on Williams Complaints. Speaker/Author: Chris Oram, Superintendent Quick Summary / Abstract: In May 2000, a lawsuit was filed against the State of California complaining that lowperforming schools across the State were housed in facilities that were dirty, unsafe and inadequate with further allegations that these schools were additionally burdened with unqualified teachers and insufficient instructional materials. A settlement in Williams vs. California was agreed to in August 2004 and subsequently enacted into law through SB 6, SB 550, AB 1550, AB 2727 and AB 3001 (chaptered September 29, 2004). The intent of the Williams settlement is to ensure that all students have equal access to: • Instructional materials • Qualified teachers • Safe, clean and adequate facilities Comments: A stipulation of the settlement is that all school districts must update Uniform Complaint Procedures to include: • Instructional materials • Teacher vacancies and misassignments • Emergency or urgent facilities issues The Governing Board of National School District enacted changes to the Uniform Complaint Procedures on December 8, 2004. Notices have been posted in each classroom in every school informing parents/guardians that all classes in all California public schools must have sufficient instructional materials and that the facilities must be clean, safe and in “good repair.” The notices also provide information on how and where to file a complaint. The District is obligated to present a quarterly summary report of complaints to the Governing Board and to the San Diego County Office of Education. For the period of January through March 2015, no Williams Complaints were filed in the District. See attached quarterly uniform complaint report summary. National School District Quarterly Uniform Complaint Report Summary For submission to National School District Governing Board and San Diego County Office of Education District Name: National School District Quarter covered by this report: January – March 2015 Please fill in the following table. Enter 0 in any cell that does not apply. Number of complaints received in quarter Number of complaints resolved Number of complaints unresolved Instructional Materials 0 0 0 Facilities 0 0 0 Teacher Vacancy and Misassignment 0 0 0 Totals: 0 0 0 Submitted by: Yvette Olea Title: Executive Assistant to the Superintendent Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 12.C. Human Resources Agenda Item: 12.C.I. Ratify/approve recommended actions in personnel activity list. Speaker/Author: Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Comments: Background information on individuals submitted under separate cover to Board Members. Financial Impact: See staff recommendations table. CERTIFICATED STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS April 8, 2015 Name Position Effective Date Employment None Temporary Employment None Contract Extension/Change None Unpaid Leave of Absence None Placement Funding Source Agenda - April 8, 2015 CLASSIFIED STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS April 8, 2015 Name 1. Bianca Camacho 2. Alfredo Villegas 3. Jacqueline Olea 4. Perlita Bustamante 5. Sasha Jimenez 6. Laura Duran-Mulia Position Effective Date Employment Instructional April 9, 2015 Assistant Health Care Child Nutrition April 9, 2015 Services Assistant Office Technician School Instructional Assistant Health Care Instructional Assistant Health Care Instructional Assistant Preschool April 9, 2015 April 9, 2015 Range 18, Step 1 Range 11, Step 1 Range 18, Step 1 Range 18, Step 1 April 9, 2015 Range 18, Step 1 April 9, 2015 Range 16, Step 1 Temporary Employment None Contract Extension/Change None Unpaid Leave of Absence None Placement Funding Source Special Education Fund Child Nutrition Services Fund General Fund Special Education Fund Special Education Fund Preschool Fund Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 12.C.II. The following employee resignations were accepted by Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources: Speaker/Author: Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Rationale: Name Kathryn Therieau Liliana Enriquez Financial Impact: N/A Position Location Effective Date Payroll/Benefits Specialist Administrative Secretary Confidential District Office March 27, 2015 District Office March 31, 2015 Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 12.D. Educational Services Agenda Item: 12.D.I. Adopt Resolution #14-15.26 declaring the month of May 2015 as Better Speech and Hearing Month in the National School District. Speaker/Author: Meghann O'Connor, Director, Student Support Services Quick Summary / Abstract: This recognition month is sponsored annually by the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association. National School District will be joining school districts around the country in recognizing the work that our speech and language specialists do in developing speech and language skills in our students with these disabilities. Comments: In conjunction with the ten schools in the National School District and other school districts throughout the nation, this is an opportunity to focus attention on the professional services provided to District students by the speech and language specialists. These services include assessment, therapy, classroom interventions and other services that support our students and their families. See attached resolution. Financial Impact: N/A National School District Resolution #14-15.26 BETTER SPEECH AND HEARING MONTH WHEREAS, speech-language specialists in National School District observe and celebrate Better Hearing and Speech Month each year during the month of May; and WHEREAS, National School District recognizes and values the efforts of all who work to eliminate or minimize the isolating effects of communication disorders in the one in ten families affected by them; and WHEREAS, those students of National School District who have overcome their communication disabilities through the services of dedicated speech-language specialists should be recognized; and WHEREAS, speech-language pathology services throughout our nation help to enable and empower individuals with communication disorders to lead independent, productive and fulfilling lives; and WHEREAS, National School District is proud and honored to have experienced and dedicated speech-language specialists offering quality education and health care services to its students; now BE IT SO RESOLVED that the Governing Board of the National School District declares the month of May as Better Speech and Hearing Month, and we encourage all to recognize the achievements of audiologists and speech-language specialists in improving the quality of life for people with communication disorders. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Governing Board of the National School District of San Diego County, California, this 8th day of April, 2015, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Chris Oram, Ed.D., Secretary to the Governing Board of National School District of San Diego County, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by said Board at a regular meeting thereof on the date and by the vote above stated, which resolution is on file and of record in the office of said Board. Secretary to the Governing Board Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 12.D.II. Accept grant and approve Memorandum of Understanding between National School District, UCSD, SDCOE, CVESD and SUHSD for participation in the California Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant. Speaker/Author: Cindy Vasquez, Director of Educational Services Quick Summary / Abstract: National School District, Chula Vista Elementary School District, Sweetwater Union High School District, University of California at San Diego, and San Diego County Office of Education, as the science grant partnership, applied for and was awarded a three-year California Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant entitled Power: Solving Problems through Engineering in the Physical Sciences. National School District serves as the lead agency on this grant. The Memorandum of Understanding provides guidelines on how the entities will collaborate through the duration of the grant. Each organization will be providing a variety of services during the grant period (see attached chart). The purpose of the grant is to increase teacher knowledge of the Next Generation Science Standards in physical sciences and engineering. Approximately 71 teachers from the three school districts will be involved; 35 from National. The grant will impact students and teachers as the Next Generation Science Standards are implemented over the next several years. The goals of the grant include: 1. Increasing students’ learning of physical sciences and engineering; 2. Increasing students’ positive attitudes towards the physical sciences and engineering, and awareness and interest in future courses and careers; By 3. Increasing teacher content knowledge of the CA NGSS physical sciences and engineering, both content and processes; 4. Increasing teachers’ positive attitude, confidence, and time spent teaching physical science and engineering; including college and career readiness; 5. Increasing knowledge and use of effective science pedagogy including: the engineering design cycle; and inquiry-based, problem-based, project-based, service learning with a focus on strategies that engage females; 6. Increasing knowledge and use of effective ELL pedagogy in science learning; 7. Creating, piloting, refining, and sharing integrated units of learning in the physical sciences that include engineering learning opportunities. Comments: The grant will cover costs associated with the partnership as outlined in the grant proposal, with in kind support and services beyond the grant amount for substitutes and consultant salaries to be determined as the grant progresses. The total amount of funding received for the grant over the three year period will be $1,800,000. Financial Impact: N/A Each organization will be providing a variety of services during the grant period, 20152018. National School District Professional Development Team Coaches Core Partnership Teachers/Professors Video/Website In-Kind Services & Support Partnership Funding (annually) Chula Vista Elemetary School District Sweetwater Union High School District University of California, San Diego X X X X X X X X X X X X X NTE $12,000 X NTE $12,000 San Diego County Office of Education Calif. Dept. of Ed. CaSMP Grant X X X NTE $12,000 X X 0 0 $564,000 Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 12.E. Business Services Agenda Item: 12.E.I. Ratify/approve purchase orders, contracts and warrants as summarized below and detailed in Exhibit A. Speaker/Author: Christopher Carson, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Rationale: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Financial Impact: Purchase Orders #A04107-#A04118, #C1553-#C1562, #F14455-#F14595, #P5571-#P5837, #S05125-#S05127 Consultant Contracts (not to exceed $500 each) Commercial Warrants Miscellaneous Contracts Revolving Cash Fund Business I (Month ending March 31, 2015) Revolving Cash Fund Business II (Month ending March 31, 2015) CNS Checks - March 2015 - None Purchasing Card - February 2015 See above for summary of expenditures. All funds are included in the totals. $ 183,092.63 $ $ $ $ 98.00 790,211.98 0.00 3.00 $ 3.00 $ $ 0.00 17,459.40 Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 13. GENERAL FUNCTIONS Agenda Item: 13.A. Approve the National School District Governance Team norms and protocols (Exhibit B). Speaker/Author: Chris Oram, Superintendent Quick Summary / Abstract: The Governance Team norms and protocols were reviewed and updated at the Special Board Meeting held on January 26, 2015. Comments: The Board has reviewed and agrees to follow the governance team norms and protocols in order to support a positive and productive working relationship among the National School District Board of Education, Superintendent, staff, students and the community. Recommendation: Approve the Governance Teams norms and protocols. Financial Impact: N/A Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 13.B. Ratify travel request for Barbara Avalos, Maria Betancourt-Castañeda and Maria Dalla to attend the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Conference in Washington D.C. on March 24-25, 2015. Speaker/Author: Chris Oram, Superintendent Quick Summary / Abstract: Local school boards are charged with the responsibility to develop policies and practices to ensure that student learning and academic success remain an outcome and priority. In order for the board to be successful in its role, it is important that each and every board member display strong governance skills in order to enhance the board’s collective strength. These skill sets include the ability to understand the District processes, procedures, and systems that help board members successfully fulfill their role. Effective board members not only learn to navigate both the formal and informal structures successfully, but also become leaders within the District and in their communities. The overarching goal of the NELI Policy Institute on School Governance is to provide Latino public servants with the enhanced capacity and governance skills they need to become effective advocates for their students, families, and communities. School board members attending this two-day convening, will hear from leading education experts from the public, private, and non-profit sectors who will tackle pressing policy and key core governance topics. The Institute will include a curriculum that covers: • Parliamentary Procedures (Part I - III) • Equal Educational Opportunities to Learn: The Role of the Federal Government • Lessons Learned and the Path Forward: Common Core State Standards and Assessment Implementation • Assessment Implementation and Meeting the Needs of ELLs • Best Practices: Challenges & Strategies in Implementing the Common Core State Standards Comments: Ms. Avalos, Ms. Betancourt-Castañeda and Ms. Dalla are members of NALEO. Airfare and two days hotel costs are being paid for through a NALEO scholarship. Travel costs include registration, travel and meals. Recommendation: Ratify travel request. Financial Impact: Not to exceed $500 per Board Member General Fund Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 13.C. Approve travel request for Barbara Avalos, Maria Betancourt-Castañeda and Maria Dalla to attend the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Early Education Conference in Napa on April 23-24, 2015. Speaker: Chris Oram, Superintendent Quick Summary / Abstract: The NALEO Education Leadership Initiative (NELI) aims to provide Latino public servants with the enhanced capacity and governance skills they need to become effective advocates for their students, families, and communities. Participants attending this twoday convening will hear from leading experts from the public, private, and non-profit sectors who will tackle pressing early learning policy topics. The Institute will include a curriculum that covers: Access to Quality Early Education in California Enhancing Early Educator Professional Development Diversifying the Early Education Workforce Making the Vision of Early Childhood Education for All a Reality Identifying Effective and Sustainable Early Learning Models: Systems and Funding Comments: Ms. Avalos, Ms. Betancourt-Castañeda and Ms. Dalla are members of NALEO. Airfare and hotel costs are being paid for through a NALEO scholarship. Travel costs include registration, travel and meals. Recommendation: Approve travel request. Financial Impact: Not to exceed $100 per Board Member General Fund Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 14. POLICIES, REGULATIONS, BYLAWS Agenda Item: 14.A. First Reading - No Action Required Speaker/Author: Chris Oram, Superintendent Quick Summary / Abstract: None Agenda Item: 14.B. Second Reading and Adoption Speaker/Author: Chris Oram, Superintendent Quick Summary / Abstract: None Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 15. EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Agenda Item: 15.A. Approve Administration of the California Healthy Kids Survey for 2015-2017. Speaker/Author: Paula Jameson-Whitney, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Quick Summary / Abstract: The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) is an anonymous, confidential survey of youth resiliency, protective factors and risk behaviors. It is administered to students at grades five, seven, nine and eleven. It enables schools and communities to collect and analyze data regarding local youth health risks and behaviors, school connectedness, protective factors, and school violence. Questions ask children about eating habits, school safety and bullying, involvement with school, as well as questions regarding work habits, cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs. There is also a section asking students what type of parental involvement/support they get in their home. Comments: The National School District Local Control Accountability Plan has several goals related to student safety and wellness. The administration of the survey to our fifth grade students will provide baseline data upon which to frame improvement efforts. By using the State tool, the District is afforded the ability to benchmark against other districts in the state and county, as well as be ensured of the statistical validity of the measurement. The survey was previewed by the parents and principals of the District Advisory Council (DAC).There will be a "positive" permission process as recommended by the DAC. This means that in order for a student to take the survey, there must be a signed permission form stating so. Parents will have an opportunity to preview the survey prior to giving permission for their child to take the survey. Recommendation: Approve administration of survey. Financial Impact: N/A Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 15.B. Approve 2015-2016 NSD instructional materials list with the deletion of EnVision math and the addition of the newly adopted Houghton Mifflin Harcourt GO Math! student texts in grades K-6. Speaker/Author: Cindy Vasquez, Director of Educational Services Quick Summary / Abstract: On March 11, 2015, the Board approved the adoption of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Common Core GO Math! materials and professional development for teachers in grades K-6. To meet the requirements of the State’s Williams policy, the Go Math! student texts must be added to the list of National School District instructional materials. Please see attached Instructional Materials list with the deletion of EnVision math and the addition of Go Math student texts. Recommendation: Approve instructional materials list. Financial Impact: N/A NATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT CORE CURRICULUM 2015-2016 . Grade Transitional Kindergarten Kindergarten 1st Grade Subject Language Arts Math Publisher Scholastic Touchmath T.E.'s Unit Boxes (4) Scholastic Big Day TouchMath Language Arts ELD Math Science Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin McGraw-Hill Big Books, 10 themes Big Books, 10 themes Student texts Flipbook Welcome to School Big Books H.M. Medallion / Supplemental Materials California Go Math! (ENG)CA Science or (SPAN)CA Ciencias Social Studies H.M. Harcourt Big Book (ENG)Our World, Now and Long Ago or (SPAN)Nuestro mundo, ahora y antes Language Arts Houghton Mifflin ELD Math Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin Science 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade McGraw-Hill Format Title / Titulo Student Anthology, Level 1.1 Student Anthology, Level 1.2 Student Anthology, Level 1.3 Student Anthology, Level 1.4 Student Anthology, Level 1.5 Student Anthologies, Levels 1.1-1.5 Student texts Unit Big Book Package - English Component Textbook - Spanish Component CA Unit Soft Big Book Collection (ENG)Here We Go or (SPAN)Aquí vamos! (ENG)Let's Be Friends or (SPAN)Seamos amigos (ENG)Surprises or (SPAN)Sorpresas (ENG)Treasures or (SPAN)Tesoros (ENG)Wonders or (SPAN)Maravillas H.M. Medallion / Supplemental Materials California Go Math! Student Anthology, Level 2.1 Student Anthology, Level 2.2 Student Anthologies, Levels 2.1-2.2 Student texts Textbook Textbook (ENG)Adventures or (SPAN)Aventuras (ENG)Delights or (SPAN) Encantos H.M. Medallion / Supplemental Materials California Go Math! (ENG)CA Science or (SPAN)CA Ciencias (ENG)People We Know or (SPAN)La gente que conocemos (ENG)Rewards or (SPAN)Recompensas (ENG)Horizons or (SPAN)Horizontes H.M. Medallion / Supplemental Materials California Go Math! CA Science Our Communities Traditions H.M. Medallion / Supplemental Materials Californai Go Math! CA Science A Changing State Social Studies H.M. Harcourt Language Arts Houghton Mifflin ELD Math Science Social Studies Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin McGraw-Hill H.M. Harcourt Language Arts Houghton Mifflin ELD Math Science Social Studies Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin McGraw-Hill H.M. Harcourt Student Anthology, Level 3.1 Student Anthology, Level 3.2 Student Anthologies, Levels 3.1-3.2 Student textbook Textbook Textbook Language Arts ELD Math Science Social Studies Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin McGraw-Hill H.M. Harcourt Textbook Textbook Student textbook Textbook Textbook Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science and Be A Scientist CA Ciencias (ENG)A Child's View or (SPAN) Con los ojos de un niño NATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT CORE CURRICULUM 2015-2016 5th Grade Language Arts ELD Math Science Social Studies Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin McGraw-Hill H.M. Harcourt Textbook Textbook Student Textbook Textbook Textbook Expeditions H.M. Medallion / Supplemental Materials California Go Math! CA Science The United States: Making a New Nation 6th Grade Language Arts ELD Math Science Social Studies Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin McGraw-Hill H.M. Harcourt Textbook Textbook Student Textbook Textbook Textbook Triumphs H.M. Medallion / Supplemental Materials California Go Math! CA Science Ancient Civilizations Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 15.C. Amend Contract #CT3051 with Edupoint for hosted Synergy (Student Information System) services and support. Speaker/Author: Cindy Vasquez, Director of Educational Services Quick Summary / Abstract: The District has been using Edupoint’s Synergy Student Information System for the past eight years. This year the Board approved direct services and support through Edupoint instead of contracting with San Diego County Office of Education. Synergy provides the District with flexible administrative features which make it easy to track attendance, and built-in tools that simplify sharing information. Additionally, Synergy tracks all health and immunization information and affords the ability to input, report and track discipline incidents. Most of this information is required to be sent to CALPADS, the State student data system that tracks this information on a consistent basis. As a result of working directly with Edupoint, as well as diligent staff efforts, Synergy data going to the State CALPADS system shows “zero” errors. To ensure that there is the capacity to continue to accomplish this, the District added nightly data back-ups, which are also currently being used to feed data into other systems (e.g., District data warehouse, Renaissance Learning STAR and Accelerated Reader.). The total for these services and supports currently exceeds the original approved amount by $901. Comments: Amending the original contract by $901 will allow the District to utilize the nightly backups for the systems that need them. Recommendation: Amend Contract. Financial Impact: Amended amount of $52,450 (an increase of $901) General Fund Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 15.D. Amend Consultant Contract #CT3121 to reflect corrected contractor name from Haines Center to Loren Tarantino Consulting, Inc. for facilitation of Local Control Accountability Planning Committee. Speaker/Author: Paula Jameson-Whitney, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services Quick Summary / Abstract: On June 25, 2014, National School District approved its first Local Control Accountability Plan. This comprehensive plan was the result of many hours of input, committee meetings, and planning. Kris Flynn, consultant from Loren Tarantino Consulting, guided the Local Control Accountability Planning Committee through two meetings during which the committee developed the plan. Her role as a neutral, yet knowledgeable facilitator enabled the process to be transparent and authentic. The original contract approved by the Board on December 10, 2014 incorrectly listed the Haines' Center as the provider. Approving this amendment will change the name of the provider to Loren Tarantino Consulting, which is the correct name. Comments: The Local Control Accountability Plan is a three-year rolling plan that must be reviewed and revised annually. Beginning in February of 2015 the LCAP Committee reconvened to assess the effectiveness of the first six months of the plan, determine next steps and develop the 2015-2015 to 2018-2019 update. Recommendation: Amend Consultant Contract. Financial Impact: $5,000 General Fund Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 15.E. Ratify Consultant Contract #CT3128 with Mad Science for K-6 assemblies on October 22, 2014 and participation at Family Science Night. Speaker/Author: Deborah Hernandez, Principal, Rancho de la Nación School Quick Summary / Abstract: Mad Science is the world’s leading science enrichment provider. They deliver unique, hands-on science experiences for children that are as entertaining as they are educational. Mad Science introduces millions of children to a world of discovery while sparking their imagination. Mad Science encourages scientific literacy in children in an age when science is as vital as reading, writing and arithmetic. Mad Science has provided assemblies at schools across the District. Rancho de la Nación held Family Science Night on Wednesday, October 22, 2014. Mad Science provided a spin and pop show and several science stations on optical illusions, magnetism, and dry ice as interactive hands-on experiences as well. In addition, Mad Science provided several make it and take it booths where students and their parents made slippery slime, periscopes, and magnet sets. Staff participated as well by providing additional interactive stations. Parents and students were very excited and enthusiastic learning about science. Comments: This event was planned by the Rancho PTO in Spring of 2014. The PTO disbanded shortly after the event was organized and the appropriate paper work was never filed. Current leadership requests the ratification for this valuable event using site funds rather than PTO funds. Recommendation: Ratify Consultant Contract. Financial Impact: $1,175 Title I Funds Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 15.F. Amend Consultant Contract #CT3138 with Eldon Andersen, Project Director, California Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant Program for the grant period of January 2015 to September 2018. Speaker/Author: Cindy Vasquez, Director of Educational Services Quick Summary / Abstract: Eldon Andersen is the Project Director for the California Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant (CMSPG) for which National School District is the fiscal agent. Chula Vista Elementary School District and Sweetwater Union School District are partnering with NSD in this grant. On February 25, 2015, the Board approved only National School District’s portion of Mr. Andersen’s $70,000 contract (approximately $12,000). Because NSD is the fiscal agent, the amount must be increased to the entire cost of Mr. Andersen’s salary, with NSD to be reimbursed with the CSMPG funds and by the other participating districts. The breakdown of Mr. Andersen’s salary is as follows: • $35,000 from Mathematics and Science Partnership Grant • $35,000 in General Fund from the participating districts, each contributing approximately $12,000. Comments: As grant implementation progresses and additional coaches are hired, consultant contracts will be brought forward for Governing Board Approval. The grant will absorb the costs of the additional contracts. Recommendation: Amend Consultant Contract. Financial Impact: Not to exceed $70,000 per year Math and Science Partnership Grant Funds and General Fund Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 16. BUSINESS SERVICES Agenda Item: 16.A. Adopt Resolution #14-15.27 establishing a Citizens' Oversight Board Committee, approving form of bylaws therefor, and appointing members thereto. Speaker/Author: Christopher Carson, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Quick Summary / Abstract: A General Obligation (GO Bond) election was held within the boundaries of the National School District on November 4, 2014. This election was called under the authority of the Governing Board under Resolution #14-15.02, and was on the ballot as Measure N. Comments: With Measure N being a Proposition 39 GO Bond, a Citizens' Oversight Committee is required. The Committee consists of seven (7) members, and is tasked with the following activities: a. Receive and review copies of the District's annual independent performance audit and annual independent financial audit, required by Article XIIA of the California Constitution. b. Inspect school facilities and grounds for which bond proceeds have been or will be expended, in accordance with any access procedure established by the District's Superintendent. c. Review efforts by the District to maximize bond proceeds by implementing various cost-saving measures. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution. Financial Impact: N/A National School District Resolution #14-15.27 RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE NATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT ESTABLISHING A CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE, APPROVING FORM OF BYLAWS THEREFOR, AND APPOINTING MEMBERS THERETO WHEREAS, the Governing Board of the National School District (the “District”) previously adopted a resolution requesting San Diego County (the “County”) to call an election for general obligation bonds (the “Bond Election”) to be held on November 4, 2014; and WHEREAS, notice of the Bond Election was duly given; and on November 4, 2014, the Bond Election was duly held and conducted for the purpose of voting a measure for the issuance of bonds of the District in the amount of $26,100,000 (the “Measure N”); and WHEREAS, based on the statement of results from the County, more than fifty-five percent of the votes cast in connection with Measure N were in favor of issuing the aforementioned bonds; and WHEREAS, Section 15278 of the Education Code of the State of California provides that the governing board of a school district shall establish and appoint members to an independent citizens’ oversight committee; and WHEREAS, the Governing Board of the District wishes hereby to establish such independent citizens’ oversight committee in connection with issuance of bonds under Measure N and to appoint members thereto; NOW, THEREFORE, THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE NATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT DOES HEREBY FIND, DETERMINE AND CERTIFY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Bond Election Results. The Governing Board of the District has entered the results of the Bond Election on its minutes. Section 2. Authorization. Measure N was authorized pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 1 of Article XIIIA of the California Constitution and subdivision (b) of Section 18 of Article XVI of the California Constitution in accordance with the requirements of the Strict Accountability in Local School Construction Bonds Act of 2000 (the “Act”). Section 3. Establishment of Committee. An independent citizens’ oversight committee (the “Committee”) is hereby established for the purposes set forth in the Act. 1172393.1 9406-003 1 Section 4. Membership. The persons identified in the attached Exhibit A are hereby appointed as the initial members of the Committee. Section 5. Bylaws. The Committee shall operate pursuant to the Board-approved Bylaws. The Committee shall have only those responsibilities granted to them in the Act and the Bylaws. The Bylaws, as submitted herewith and attached hereto as Exhibit B, are hereby approved. Section 6. Other Actions. Officers of the Board and members of the Committee established hereunder are hereby authorized and directed, jointly and severally, to do any and all things and to execute and deliver any and all documents which they may deem necessary or advisable in order to give effect to and comply with the terms and intent of this Resolution. Such actions heretofore taken by such officers, officials and staff are hereby ratified, confirmed and approved. APPROVED, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Governing Board of the National School District on this 8th day of April 2015. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Barbara Avalos, President of the Governing Board ATTEST: Chris Oram, Ed.D., Secretary of the Governing Board 1172393.1 9406-003 2 Exhibit A Measure N Citizens’ Oversight Committee Members District staff recommends that the Governing Board appoint the individuals listed below to the Measure N Citizens’ Oversight Committee (the “Committee”). District staff have selected these individuals based on the review of each candidate’s written application and each candidate satisfies at least one criteria established by the Strict Accountability in Local School Construction Bonds Act of 2000. There is one Committee position that remains open at the time this attachment was prepared. District staff is currently in communication with potential candidates that could fill this one remaining position. District staff will provide a status update on these candidates at a future Board Meeting. Member Name Member Type Dave Pairis Business Organization Representative Rosalie Alvarado Senior Citizens’ Organization Representative Pending Taxpayer Organization Representative Guadalupe Rojas Parent/Guardian Representative Carolina Howard Parent-Teacher Representative Manuela Ramirez At-large Representative Anne Campbell At-large Representative 1172393.1 9406-003 A-1 Exhibit B NATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT MEASURE N CITIZENS’ INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE BYLAWS Section 1. Committee Established. The National School District (the “District”) was successful at the election conducted on November 4, 2014 (the “Election”), in obtaining authorization from the District’s voters to issue up to $26,100,000 aggregate principal amount of the District’s general obligation bonds, pursuant to a 55% vote. The election was conducted under Proposition 39, being chaptered as the Strict Accountability in Local School Construction Bonds Act of 2000, at Section 15264 et seq. of the Education Code of the State (“Prop. 39”). Pursuant to section 15278 of the Education Code, the District is now obligated to establish the Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee to satisfy the accountability requirements of Prop. 39. The Governing Board of the District (the “Board”) hereby establishes the Measure N Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee (the “Committee”) which shall have the duties and rights set forth in these Bylaws. The Committee does not have independent legal capacity from the District. Section 2. Purposes. The purposes of the Committee are set forth in Prop. 39, and these Bylaws are specifically made subject to the applicable provisions of Prop. 39 as to the duties and rights of the Committee. The proceeds of general obligation bonds issued pursuant to the Election are hereinafter referred to as “bond proceeds.” The Committee shall confine itself specifically to reviewing and reporting on the expenditure of bond proceeds generated under Measure N. Regular and deferred maintenance projects and all monies generated under other sources shall fall outside the scope of the Committee review. Section 3. duties: Duties. To carry out its stated purposes, the Committee shall perform the following 3.1 Inform the Public. The Committee shall inform the public concerning the District’s expenditures of bond proceeds. 3.2 Review Expenditures. The Committee may review quarterly expenditure reports produced by the District to ensure that (a) bond proceeds are expended only for the purposes set forth in the ballot measure; (b) no bond proceeds are used for any teacher or administrative salaries or other operating expenses. 3.3 Annual Report. The Committee shall present to the Board, in public session, an annual written report which shall include the following: a. A statement indicating whether the District is in compliance with the requirements of Article XIIIA, Section 1 (b)(3) of the California Constitution; and b. A summary of the Committee’s proceedings and activities for the preceding year. 1172393.1 9406-003 B-1 3.4 Duties of the Board/Superintendent. Either the Board or the Superintendent, as the Board shall determine, shall have the following powers reserved to it, and the Committee shall have no jurisdiction over the following types of activities: a. Approval of construction contracts, b. Approval of construction change orders, c. Appropriation of construction funds, d. Handling of all legal matters, e. Approval of construction plans and schedules, f. Approval of Deferred Maintenance Plan, and g. Approval of the sale of bonds. 3.5 Duties Only Related to Voter-Approved Projects Only. In recognition of the fact that the Committee is charged with overseeing the expenditure of bond proceeds, the District has not charged the Committee with responsibility for: a. Projects financed through the State of California, developer fees, redevelopment tax increment, certificates of participation, lease/revenue bonds, the general fund or the sale of surplus property without bond proceeds shall be outside the authority of the Committee. b. The establishment of priorities and order of construction for the bond projects shall be made by the Board at its sole discretion. c. The selection of architects, engineers, soil engineers, construction managers, project managers, CEQA consultants and such other professional service firms as are required to complete the project based on District criteria established by the Board at its sole discretion. d. The approval of the design for each project including exterior materials, paint color, interior finishes, site plan and construction methods (modular vs. permanent) by the Board in its sole discretion and shall report to the Committee on any cost saving techniques considered or adopted by the Board. e. The selection of independent audit firm(s), performance audit consultants and such other consultants as are necessary to support the activities of the Committee. f. The allocation of State School Building Program grant funds to projects in the order and in the amount determined by the Board in its sole discretion. 1172393.1 9406-003 B-2 g. The approval of an annual budget for the Committee that is sufficient to carry out activities set forth in Prop. 39 and included herein. h. The adoption of a plan for publicizing the activities of the Committee and the determination as to whether a mailer, a newspaper notice or website materials would best suit the distribution of the Committee’s findings and recommendations. i. The amendment or modification of the Bylaws for the Committee as provided herein, subject to the legal requirements of Prop. 39. j. The appointment or reappointment of qualified applicants to serve on the Committee, subject to legal limitations, and based on criteria adopted in the Board’s sole discretion as part of carrying out its functions under Prop. 39. 3.6 Authorized Activities. In order to perform the duties set forth in Section 3, the Committee may engage in the following authorized activities: a. Receive and review copies of the District's annual independent performance audit and annual independent financial audit, required by Article XIIA of the California Constitution. b. Inspect school facilities and grounds for which bond proceeds have been or will be expended, in accordance with any access procedure established by the District's Superintendent. c. Review efforts by the District to maximize bond proceeds by implementing various cost-saving measures. Section 4. Membership. 4.1 Number. The Committee shall consist of a minimum of 7 members appointed by the Board from a list of candidates submitting written applications, and shall be based on criteria established by Prop. 39, and per Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 7214. 4.2 Qualification Standards. a. To be qualified a person must be at least 18 years of age and reside within the District’s geographic boundary, in accordance with Government Code Section 1020. b. The Committee may not include any employee, official of the District or any vendor, contractor or consultant of the District. 4.3 Ethics / Conflicts of Interest. By accepting appointment to the Committee, each member agrees to comply with Articles 4 (commencing with Section 1090) and 4.7 (commencing with Section 1125) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code and the Political Reform Act (Gov. Code §§ 81000 et seq.) and to complete Form 700 as required by all “designated employees” of the District. 1172393.1 9406-003 B-3 4.4 Term. Except as otherwise provided herein, each member shall serve a term of two (2) years, beginning February 1, 2015. No member may serve more than three (3) consecutive terms. At the Committee’s first meeting, members will draw lots to select a minimum of three (3) members to serve for an initial three (3) year term and the remaining members for an initial two (2) year term. 4.5 Appointment. Members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board through the following process: (a) appropriate local groups will be solicited for applications; (b) the Superintendent or designee will review the applications; (c) the Superintendent or designee will make recommendations to the Board. 4.6 Removal / Vacancy. The Board may remove any Committee member for any reason, including failure to attend two (2) consecutive Committee meetings without reasonable excuse or for failure to comply with the Committee Ethics Policy. Upon a member’s removal, his or her seat shall be declared vacant. The Board, in accordance with the established appointment process shall fill any vacancies on the Committee. 4.7 services. 4.8 Compensation. The Committee members shall not be compensated for their Authority of Members. a. District. Committee members shall not have the authority to direct staff of the b. Individual members of the Committee retain the right to address the Board as an individual. Section 5. Meetings of the Committee. 5.1 Regular Meetings. The Committee is required to meet at least once a year including an annual organizational meeting. 5.2 Location. All meetings will be held within the District. 5.3 Procedures. All meetings will be open to the public and conducted in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code Section 54950 et seq. Meetings will be conducted according to such additional procedural rules as the Committee may adopt. A majority of the number of Committee members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business except adjournment. Section 6. District Support. 6.1 The District shall provide to the Committee necessary technical and administrative assistance as follows: 1172393.1 9406-003 B-4 a. preparation of and posting of public notices as required by the Ralph M. Brown Act, ensuring that all notices to the public are provided in the same manner as notices regarding meetings of the District Governing Board; b. equipment; provision of a meeting room, including any necessary audio/visual c. preparation and copies of any documentary meeting materials, such as agendas and reports; and d. retention of all Committee records, and providing public access to such records on an Internet website maintained by the District. 6.2 District staff and/or District consultants shall attend all Committee proceedings in order to report on the status of projects and the expenditures of bond proceeds. 6.3 No bond proceeds shall be used to provide District support to the Committee. Section 7. Reports. In addition to the Annual Report required in Section 3.3, the Committee may report to the Board at least semi-annually in order to advise the Board on the activities of the Committee. Such report shall be in writing and shall summarize the proceedings and activities conducted by the Committee. Section 8. Officers. The Superintendent shall appoint the initial Chair. Thereafter, the Committee shall elect a Chair and a Vice-Chair who shall act as Chair only when the Chair is absent, which positions shall continue for 2 year terms. No person shall serve as Chair for more than two (2) consecutive terms. Section 9. Amendment of Bylaws. Any amendment to these Bylaws shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the entire Governing Board of the District. Section 10. Termination. The Committee shall automatically terminate and disband at the earlier of the date when (a) all bond proceeds are spent, (b) the Committee has issued its final annual report as required under Section 3.3 above, and (c) the Committee has completed and conducted its final meeting which shall be scheduled after notice of subsection (a) herein occurs 1172393.1 9406-003 B-5 Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 16.B. Accept the following gifts: Speaker/Author: Christopher Carson, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services Rationale: Quick Summary / Abstract: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. $250.00 from Walmart to Palmer Way School to be used for student activities. $250.00 from Walmart to Kimball School to be used for classroom supplies. $75.41 from Target to Kimball School to be used for classroom supplies. $37.01 from Target to Palmer Way School for Sixth Grade Camp. $400.00 from Target to El Toyon School for field trip transportation. $61.93 from Target to Lincoln Acres School for teacher incentives. $134.00 from Lifetouch to Kimball School to be used for school supplies. $294.70 from General Mills Box Tops for Education to Palmer Way School for Sixth Grade Camp. 9. $29.40 from Coca-Cola Refreshments for Kimball School to be used for school supplies. 10. $1434.55 from El Toyon PTO to El Toyon School to be used for student headphones. 11. $335.00 from Ira Harbison PTSO to Ira Harbison School for Sixth Grade Camp. 12. $88.00 from Ira Harbison PTSO to Ira Harbison School to be used for student activities. 13. $100.00 from Jennifer Warren to Ira Harbison School for Sixth Grade Camp. 14. $450.00 from Beverly Hayes to Olivewood School for Sixth Grade Camp. 15. $38.00 from Monica Cho to Olivewood School for Sixth Grade Camp. 16. $30.00 from Megan Curiel to Olivewood School for Sixth Grade Camp. 17. $50.00 from Jelen Rodecker to Olivewood School for Sixth Grade Camp. 18. $100.00 from Kim Peterson to Olivewood School for Sixth Grade Camp. 19. $25.00 from Nancy Larsen to Olivewood School for Sixth Grade Camp. Walmart and the Walmart Foundation considers it their responsibility to make a positive impact in the communities they serve and are passionate about helping people live better, one community at a time. Target’s Take Charge of Education donations are accumulated when supporters of the school make purchases at Target using their REDcard. Target donates up to 1% of these purchases to the eligible K-12 school they’ve designated. Lifetouch National School Studios takes portraits of our students on a yearly basis and donates an amount back to the schools. Box Tops for Education® is one of the nation’s largest school fundraising loyalty programs and has been helping schools succeed since 1996. With over 250 participating products, it’s an easy way for schools to earn cash for the things they need. The Coca-Cola Foundation, and its regional foundations strive daily to be responsive to the priorities in the global communities where we live and work. El Toyon PTO works throughout the year to support various programs at El Toyon School and National School District. Agenda - April 8, 2015 Ira Harbison PTSO works throughout the year to support various programs at Ira Harbison School and National School District. Jennifer Warren is an employee of the National School District with an interest in supporting school activities. Beverly Hays is an employee of the National School District with an interest in supporting school activities. Monica Cho is an employee of the National School District with an interest in supporting school activities. Megan Curiel is an employee of the National School District with an interest in supporting school activities. Jelen Rodecker is an employee of the National School District with an interest in supporting school activities. Kim Peterson is an employee of the National School District with an interest in supporting school activities. Nancy Larsen is an employee of the National School District with an interest in supporting school activities. Comments: Matching funds will not be made available for the 2014-2015 school year due to budget constraints. National School District appreciates the support of individuals and organizations that contribute to the enhancement of the District's educational programs. These gifts are in keeping with the criteria of Board Policy 3290. Recommendation: Accept gifts. Financial Impact: N/A Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 17. HUMAN RESOURCES Agenda Item: 17.A. Conduct Public Hearing pursuant to Government Code Section 3547 regarding the initial proposal for a Successor Contract from California School Employees Association (CSEA), Chapter 206, to the National School District for the 2015-2016 school year. Speaker: Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Quick Summary / Abstract: The Agreement between the National School District and the California School Employees Association (CSEA), Chapter 206 expires June 30, 2015. The CSEA has provided their initial proposal for a new three-year contract (Successor Contract). Comments: Section 3547 of the Educational Employment Relations Act (EERA) requires public school districts in California to give public notice of all bargaining proposals to make these available for public scrutiny. This process, referred to as “sunshining,” gives the public the opportunity to express their views at a board meeting prior to the commencement of the negotiation process with recognized employee organizational representatives. See attached proposal. Financial Impact: N/A THE CALIFORNIA SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION AND ITS NATIONAL CHAPTER 206 INITIAL PROPOSAL TO THE NATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT February 2015 Pursuant to the Educational Employment Relations Act (EERA) and Article 24 of the current collective bargaining agreement between the National School District (District) and the California School Employees Association, and its National Chapter 206 (CSEA), we submit our initial proposal to meet and negotiate with the District. CSEA proposes that all portions of the current Agreement remain in full force and effect, except as follows: ARTICLE 1: RECOGNITION CSEA desires to update recognition language to state “CSEA and its National Chapter 206”. ARTICLE 6: CSEA RIGHTS CSEA desires to negotiate enhanced CSEA release time and appointments to District committees. ARTICLE 10: PAY AND ALLOWANCES CSEA desires to negotiate a fair and equitable increase in classified salary. Appendix B-Classified Salary Schedule. ARTICLE 12: HEALTH AND WELFARE BENEFITS CSEA would like to discuss the District’s contribution to health and welfare benefits. ARTICLE 18: VACANCIES CSEA desires to negotiate the filling of vacancies by seniority. ARTICLE 19: CLASSIFICATION AND RECLASSIFICATIONS CSEA wishes to address timelines and reclassification process. ARTICLE 27: TERM OF AGREEMENT CSEA proposes a new three (3) year term. NEW ARTICLE: LAYOFF CSEA desires to introduce a new article in the Agreement related to layoff and reemployment rights for classified employees. Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 17.B. Adopt tentative 2015-2016 school year work calendar. Speaker/Author: Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Quick Summary / Abstract: This item was originally brought to the Governing Board for approval on March 11, 2015. The Governing Board did not approve the item at the March 11, 2015 meeting. Members of the Governing Board desired to have additional information regarding the 2015-2016 work calendar. This item is being brought back to the Governing Board for reconsideration. The District annually negotiates or asks for input on the school year work calendar pursuant to the collective bargaining agreements between the Governing Board of National School District and California School Employees Association (CSEA), Chapter 206 and National City Elementary Teachers Association (NCETA). CSEA reached a tentative agreement on February 12, 2015. NCETA gave input on the 2015-2016 work calendar on February 24, 2015. Comments: See attached tentative school year work calendar. Recommendation: Adopt tentative 2015-2016 school year work calendar. Financial Impact: N/A Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 17.C. Adopt tentative 2015-2016 school year work construction calendar. Speaker/Author: Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Quick Summary / Abstract: The National City voters approved a general obligation bond for the National School District in November, 2014. As a result, major construction projects will take place at eight National School District schools over the next two to three years. The eight sites are scheduled to receive electrical upgrades and air conditioning. The construction projects will require the school sites being affected to have an alternative construction calendar that starts later in the school year. This year Ira Harbison School is scheduled for construction. Central, Lincoln Acres and El Toyon Schools may still be scheduled for construction, pending approval of the projects by the appropriate state agencies. The 2015-2016 school year work construction calendar was presented to both Associations. Pursuant to their contracts, NCETA gave input and CSEA negotiated and agreed to the calendar. Comments: See attached tentative 2015-2016 school year work construction calendar. Recommendation: Adopt tentative 2015-2016 school year work construction calendar. Financial Impact: N/A Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 17.D. Approve job description for Program Specialist-Behavior Specialist. Speaker/Author: Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Quick Summary / Abstract: In June, 2011 the State Legislature gave the responsibility of providing mental health services for students with disabilities to school districts. The bill was AB 114, Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS). Prior to 2011 County Mental Agencies provided these students with mental health services. Over the last several years the need for these services for the students in the National School District has increased. Comments: The District is in need of a Program Specialist-Behavior Specialist to provide coordination, guidance and appropriate services for students with disabilities who have mental health needs. A new job description has been developed for this position and is being presented for approval. The funding as indicated below will come directly from the ERMHS funds provided by AB114. See attached job description. Recommendation: Approve job description. Financial Impact: $114,512 Salary and Benefits Educationally Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) Funds Adopted: NATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT JOB DESCRIPTION JOB TITLE: PROGRAM SPECIALIST-BEHAVIOR SPECIALIST Job Purpose Statement: Under the general direction of the Director of Special Education, provides overall program and technical assistance, coordinates staff development as requested with an emphasis in educationally related mental health services (ERMHS), Autism, behavioral and social disorders. Essential Job Functions: • • • • • • • • • • • • Observes, consults with school staff, site administration, general education teachers, students, families and special education staff in the designated support in the area of social, behavioral and mental health services. Coordinates programs, mental health resources and assists in evaluating the effectiveness of programs for individuals with exceptional needs in the area of social, behavioral and mental health service. Provides coordination, consultation support with materials to support positive behavioral, social outcomes and program development specifically in mental health areas of need for student success within classroom, school site environments. Assists in planning and implementation of staff development, program development and innovation of specialized behavioral methods and approaches at site, district and SELPA levels. Assists in supervising and evaluating assigned personnel. Participates as a member of the IEP Team as appropriate and as the Administrator as needed. Assists special education personnel in implementing and coordinating related to educationally related social, emotional and behavioral services provided though the IEP. Responsible for monitoring educationally related mental health curriculum, social skills materials and methodology in area(s) of expertise. Serves as a resource in the in the identification, selection, production and use the instructional materials. Assists in the articulation of special education programs between elementary and middle school. Maintains knowledge of current laws and regulations pertaining to individuals with exceptional needs through attendance at meetings, in service programs, conferences and reading current literature. Participates in compliance, focused monitoring and technical assistance reviews for the state. Other Job Functions: • Perform related duties as assigned, self-directed, collaboratively as needed. Job Requirement – Qualifications • Experience Required: At least five years of successful experience working in a variety of special education program settings, experience in educationally related mental health services. Bilingual English/Spanish is desirable. Knowledge and /or Abilities Required: Knowledge of : Special Education identification and assessment procedures, development of behavior intervention plans, and instructional programs to address identified student needs, behavioral and management strategies and techniques relating to students who experience atypical behavioral needs, mental health supports and practices, laws and regulations related to special education and individuals with disabilities. Abilities to: Plan, organize, and facilitate IEP meetings, interpret multidisciplinary reports, work collaboratively with teams, site administrators, parents and students. Manage personnel and programs. Maintain records meet scheduling deadlines, communicate effectively orally and in writing, establish and maintain effective organization, community and public relationships. Stand and walk for prolonged periods perform a variety of specialized and specific tasks. Education Required: Masters’ degree in an appropriate educational field. Licenses, Certifications, Bonding and/or Testing Required: Must possess a valid California Special Education or PPS Credential. Should have advanced training and experience in working with individuals with significant behavioral disorders Board Certified Behavior Analyst Certification (BCBA) desired. California Administrative Services Credential preferred. Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 17.E. Approve Side Letter of Agreement with the National City Elementary Teachers Association (NCETA) regarding classroom packing and the construction calendar for upcoming Major Construction Projects. Speaker/Author: Cindy Frazee, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources Quick Summary / Abstract: The National City voters approved a General Obligation Bond for the National School District in November, 2014. As a result, major construction projects will take place at eight National School District schools over the next two to three years. Eight sites are scheduled to receive electrical upgrades and air conditioning. The construction projects will require the school sites being affected to have an alternative construction calendar that starts later than the regular school year. The sites are Ira Harbison, Central, Lincoln Acres, El Toyon, Olivewood, John Otis, Kimball and Las Palmas. Comments: This year Ira Harbison School is scheduled for construction. Central, Lincoln Acres and El Toyon schools may still be scheduled for construction. These projects are subject to pending approval by the appropriate state agencies. The District and NCETA have reached a tentative agreement regarding teachers packing/unpacking the contents of their classrooms due to major construction occurring at their site over the next two to three years. In addition, the Side Letter addresses the development of a construction calendar during the year of major construction at a school site. The Side Letter of Agreement is available in the Superintendent's office. Recommendation: Approve Side Letter of Agreement. Financial Impact: Approximately $75,000 per year for two years. Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 18. BOARD WORKSHOP Agenda Item: 18.A. Board Workshop on the Rigorous Curriculum Design. Speaker/Author: Paula Jameson-Whitney, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Quick Summary / Abstract: Beginning in October 2014, teams of teacher leaders have been working with consultants from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's Leadership and Learning Center to create Common Core Instructional Units in both English Language Arts and mathematics. The units sequence the Common Core Standards and provide a framework for intentional alignment of the standards to rigorous activities. Comments: Ms. Jameson-Whitney and participating teachers will provide the Governing Board with a description of the work being done, as well as a plan for the implementation of the instructional units. Financial Impact: N/A Agenda - April 8, 2015 Agenda Item: 19. BOARD/CABINET COMMUNICATIONS Agenda Item: 20. ADJOURNMENT
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