A Protocol and Database for Monitoring Transient Multi-species Reef Fish Spawning Aggregations in the Meso-American Reef WILLIAM D. HEYMAN1 and GREGORY ADRIEN2 'Department of Wildlife andFisheries Sciences Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843-2258 USA 2Adrien Consulting 16701 Leocrie Place Woodbridge, Virginia 22191 USA ABSTRACT Most commercially important Caribbean reef fish species reproduce within transient spawning aggregations in specific times and places. Fishers have long recognized and capitalized on this behavior, and heavy fishing pressure on spawning aggregations has led to declines and extirpations around the Caribbean, particularly for Nassau grouper. For the same reason that spawning aggregations are attractive to fishers, they are also an opportunity for managers to monitor the populations. To maximize this opportunity, we developed, tested, and produced a standardized protocol and accompanying database for monitoring transient reef fish spawning aggregations. The protocol includes both fisheries dependent and independent techniques for data collection as well as physical oceanographic measures. The accompanying database and user manual are designed intimately with the monitoring protocol, providing easy data entry and data retrieval via generation of reports. The system design allows upgradingto a web-based, SQL-server platform that can handle data from aroundthe world. The protocol has been adopted by the World Bank's Meso-American Barrier Reef Systems Project (MBRS) for Belize, Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala. KEY WORDS: Database, monitoring, spawning aggregations Protocolo y Base de Datos para el Monitoreo de Agregaciones Reproductivas Transitorias de Multiples Especies de Peces Arrecifales en el Arrecife Mesoamericano La mayor parte de las especies de peces arrecifales del Caribe con valor comercial se reproducen en perfodos y lugares especfficos dentro de las agregaciones reproductivas transitorias. Toda la produccidn reproductiva de los peces que utilizan esta estrategia ocurre dentro de estas agregaciones. El monitoreo de estas agregaciones puede servir como una manera eficiente de monitorear estas poblaciones cuando pasan a traves de cuellos de botella fisicos y temporales de gran importancia para sus ciclos de vida. No obstante, hasta ahora no hay un protocolo de monitoreo sistematico generalmente Page 446 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute aceptado de estas agregaciones. Nosotros desarrollamos, probamos y produjimos un protocolo estandarizado y una base de datos que lo acompana para el monitoreo de agregaciones reproductivas transitorias de peces arrecifales. El sistema de monitoreo ha sido adoptado como estandar por los cuatro paisesdel arrecife mesoamericano, Belice, Mexico, Honduras y Guatemala, a traves del Proyecto de Sistemas de Arrecifes de Barrera Mesoamericanos del Banco Mundial. El protocolo y la base de datos fueron desarrollados en colaboracidn bajo el liderazgo del Comite Nacional de Trabajo sobre Agregaciones Reproducti vas de Belice y bajo los auspicios de The Nature Conservancy. El sistema se encuentra en desarrollo y uso en Belice desde el afio 2000 y se usa para el monitoreo de 17 sitios de agregaciones reproductivas de multiples especies realizado por equipos de 8 organizaciones, gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, de Belice e internacionales. El protocolo detalla metodos dependientes e independientes de pesquerias asi como tecnicas de oceanografia flsica cuyo fin es monitorearlas agregacio nes reproductivas. La base de datos en Access que lo acompafia y el manual del usuario fueron disefiados en estrecha relacidn con el protocolo de monito reo, para proveer un sistema sencillo de ingreso y recuperation de datos mediante la generaci6n de informes. El sistema esta disefiado para ofrecer en el future una aplicacidnadaptable con base en la red que utiliza una plataforma de servidor SQL paramanejardatos de todo el mundo. PALABRAS CLAVES: Agregaciones reproductivas, base de datos, monitoreo INTRODUCTION Tropical marine fisheries have sustained the livelihoods of coastal communities throughout the Meso-American Reef and the wider Caribbean for generations, but these resources are collapsing at an alarming rate throughout the region (Safina 1995, NRC 1999, Jackson et al. 2001). Fisheries in the Caribbean are diverse, generally targeting a variety of species simultaneously. These multi-species fisheries are particularly difficult to monitor and manage using traditional means. Of particular interest to the managers are the large predatoryreef fishes such as snappers and groupers because oftheir value both as fishery products-prized by diners worldwide-and as a "draw" in the tourism industry-divers enjoy seeing large predators while diving and sport fishing. These largerreef fishes generally reproducein transient spawning aggregations that occur at specific times and places (Munro et al. 1973, Thompson and Munro 1978, Johannes 1978, Thresher 1984, Domeier and Colin 1997, Colin et al. 2003). Fishers have capitalized on this behavior by fishing intensively at spawning aggregations (e.g., Craig 1969, Auil-Marshellek 1994). Early work described the Nassau grouper fishery at Caye Glory, Belize, where as many as 300 boats captured over 2,000 kg of gravid groupers per day (Craig 1969). More recent studies have further documentedaggregations ofother species and at other times (e.g., Carter et al. 1994, Auil-Marshellek 1994, Heyman 1996, Paz and Grimshaw 2001, Sala et al. 2001). Intensive fishing pressure on these aggregations has led to declines and, in several cases, extirpations (Fine 1990, Heyman, W.D. and G. Adrien GCFI:57 (2006) Page 447 Sadovy 1994, PazandGrimshaw 2001,Sala et al.2001, Luckhurst2004). Confounding the problems associated with declining fisheries resources are the limited resources for the study, monitoring, and regulatory enforcement of reef fisheries throughout the tropics. Though scientists have been aware of spawning aggregations for many years, funding and resource constraints have limited most studies to few locations, few techniques, short durations, and focus on a single species at a time-generally groupers (e.g. Smith 1972, Colin 1992, Aguilar-Perera 1994, Carter et al. 1994, Aguilar-Perera and AguilarDavila 1996). These studies have provided excellent information about the sites, species, and temporal aspect studied; however, the lack of consistency among studies has resulted in insufficient data for broad-scale understanding of spawning aggregation dynamics, or as a basis for management decisions. An exception is the relatively well studied reef fish spawning aggregations in Belize. Anecdotal information from fishers and managers and the overall insuffi ciency ofdataand management pertaining to spawningaggregations was cause for concern. Individuals and organizations realized the still present threat to Nassau grouper andthe valueofmulti-species reef fish spawning aggregations, and formed the Belize Spawning AggregationsWorking Committee (BSAWC) to foster good management. Given the large geographic spread and simultane ous occurrencesofthe many aggregations in Belize this effort was challenging. The BSAWC sponsoredvarious nation-wide assessments, starting in 2001 and data from 17 sites in Belize were synthesized into an understandingoftransient multi-species reef fish spawning aggregations at reef promontories (Heyman and Requena 2002). Based in part on these data, a country-wide collaborative effort of data collection, education, and consensus building culminated in legislation that was enacted to conserve 11 of these sites within marine reserves in Belize (GoB 2003a, Heyman 2004). The Belize example shows the positive result of snareddatacollection and synthesis utilized for management. Though fishers supportedthe legislation, they were particularlyconcerned about the efficacy of the new laws. The BSAWC understood that a system to monitor the populations status and to measure the success of management programs was needed. The authors, working underthe auspices of The Nature Conservancy, and with the input, testing, review, and support of the BSAWC, worked collaboratively to develop a monitoring protocol, database, and data sharing agreement that would serve the needs of Belize fishers and managers alike. The BSAWC knew that Caribbean fisheries were facing similar issues, and decided to expand the project scope to the Meso-American Reef (with partial support provided by the Meso-American Barrier Reef Systems (MBRS) project). The system's broad design criteria were to provide reliable data for monitoring and management decision-making on a large number of multispecies spawning aggregation sites, each having seasonal and annual monitor ing needs. The system also needed a tool to facilitate the exchange of informa tion and learning across sites and long time periods, and thus, the system required the storage, retrieval, filtering, and output of various data sets. To be truly useful, the system had to rely on existing technical, financial, and human resources and be operated by local technicians of the four countries of the Page 448 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Meso-AmericanReef-Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. After the initial development was completed, it was shared at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute in Tulum, Mexico, November 2002. An open invitation was extended at that time for user contributions to what has become this final (2004) product. This paper describes the development, application, and use of the "Reef Fish Spawning Aggregation Monitoring Protocol for the Meso-American Reef and the Wider Caribbean" (Heyman et al. 2004) (hereafter referred to as the "Protocol") and the corresponding "Spawning Aggregation Database,"hereafter referred to as the "Database." MATERIALS AND METHODS The BSAWC sought involvement of all available institutional, financial, and human resources to complete this project, including the Belize National Government, local and international NGOs, fishing cooperatives, small-scale commercial fishers, local marine reserves, international foundations, commu nity groups,governmenttechnicians, marinereserve staff, fishers, dive guides, students, oceanographers, marine scientists, marine biologists, map makers, computer programmers, and computer operators. A complete list ofsupporting institutions (14) and the names of contributing persons (over 100) are found within the acknowledgementsof the Protocol. The BSAWC recognized the existence of standardized fishery dependent and independent monitoring techniques that had been or could be adapted for spawning aggregation monitoring (e.g. Samoilys 1997a, Zeller 1998, Colin et al. 2003, The Nature Conservancy 2003a,b). Techniques in the Protocol are largely derived from these and other published techniques (see Table 1), but with some modifications to account for the institutional, human, and financial resource constraints of the implemented. Various software packages and computer hardware platforms were evaluated for their suitability to store, retrieve,and share spawning aggregation monitoring data. Every effort was made to build a system that relies on commonly available hardware and software within the region. Further, while the system was designed to be operated initially by a network of individual users on individual PCs, we recognized the need for eventual upgrading to a web-based system to foster regional collaboration. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Protocol Methodologies and Sample Results Standardized metrics measured over time and compared among sites provide managers with information on the health of various stocks and thus a basis for management decisions (Lindeman et al. 2001). Fishery-dependent monitoring — techniques evaluate catch/effort, length frequency distribution, and gonosomatic indices based on measurements of fish caught within an aggregation. Changes in population size structure can be Heyman, W.D. and G.Adrien GCFI:57 (2006) Page449 illustrated with these techniques, and provide an early indication of depletion. Size frequency changes can appear before changes in numbers become apparent Studies of age and growth, genetics, and histology require morphometric measures (e.g., length and weight of individuals and gonads) and simultaneous sampling of various tissue or organ types for subsequent laboratory analysis. Methods for extraction of otoliths for age determination; gill, heart, or fin tissue for genetics; and gonads for histology or gonosomatic indices are provided in the Protocol and other references (Table 1). These metrics have been developed and standardized by many authors previously (Table 1.). Fishery-dependent studies help provide an accurate assessment of spawning times and strategies and assessments of population structure. Fishery-independent techniques — are available for monitoring spawning aggregations that are notbeing fished and to document behavior. Techniques to evaluate physical and environmental factors that may affect spawning time, or location, or egg dispersal areincluded. Perhaps the simplest and most valuable techniques involve thedocumenta tion of spawning aggregations using photography and video (Domeier and Colin 1997, Colin et al. 2003). Photography and video have shown spawning colorations, behaviors, andactual spawning events(e.g. Figure 1). Underwater Visual Survey (UVS) techniques document reproductive seasonality, abundance, and variability in the reef fish spawning aggregation populations. The techniques described within the Protocol are similar to other studies (e.g. Samoilys 1997b, Beets and Friedlander 1999, Sala et al. 2001, Whaylen et al. 2004, Table 1) in which SCUBA divers collect data on the abundance and sizes of fishes within aggregations. Through subsampling or direct counts, observers can provide relatively accurate estimates of the number of fish within particular aggregations. For example, pair-wise comparisons (n = 14) of Cubera snapper counts by two independent teams of observers, diving at the same time within the same aggregation in Belize, April-May 2004, were not significantly different. Sample data from Belize collected using these techniques are provided in Figure 2. These data on two commercially important reef fish species at a single spawning site show the daily abundance and the year-round importance of the site as a spawning ground, and have helped managers and fishers alike to agree on year-round closures for several reef promontory spawning aggregation sites in Belize. Using UVS, Beets and Friedlander (1999) showed significant increases in abundance and sizes of red hind during six years following the closure of an aggregation site. The BSAWC considers UVS techniques as described in the Protocol to be sufficiently accurate for monitoring and for the basis of management decisions. There are a few caveats when usingUVS, however. The objectivesof the monitoring program must be clear, particularly in a multi-species spawning aggregation. By timing observations to coincide with specific seasonal, lunar, and diel cycles, observers can dramatically increase their chances ofdocument ing the aggregations accurately. Further, some species aggregate near the bottom and toward the shelf edge (e.g., groupers), while other species, (e.g. jacks) aggregate higher inthe water column. Observers must define sampling Page 450 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute strategies and divide efforts to get accurate and repeatable counts on target species. Natural variations in populations can also confoundUVS results. Six years of monitoring a Cubera snapper aggregation at Gladden Spit, usingUVS revealed significant seasonal and annual variations in the numbers of fish at this aggregation site (Heyman et al. In review). Therefore, drawing conclu sions about population trends using census data will require at least eight to ten years for slower growing species such as large groupers, and we recommend the precautionary principle. Table 1. Techniques used in the Protocol with references to studies that describe and use each. Fishery Independent Techniques References and Examples Photography and Videography Olsen & LaPlace 1979; Colin1992; Shapiro et al. 1993; Tucker et al. 1993; Samoilys 1997a,b; Beets & Friedlander 1999; Sala et al. 2001; The Nature Conservancy 2003a. b; Whaylen et al. 2004; Heyman et al. in rev. Underwater Visual Survey Colin et al. 1987; Colin 1992; Tucker et al. 1993; Carter et al. 1994; Domeier & Colin1997; Samoilys 1997a,b; Beets & Friedlander 1999; Sala et al. 2001; Colin et al. 2003; The Nature Conservancy 2003b; Medina-Quejet al. 2004; Heyman et al. in rev. Fish Tagging Studies Carteret al. 1994; Sadovy etal. 1994; Luckhurst 1998; Zeller 1998; Bolden 2000 Bathymetric and Site Mapping and Site Descriptions Colin et al. 1987;Colin 1992;Shapiroet al. 1993; Sadovy et al. 1994; Aguilar-Perera &Aguilar-Davila 1996; Samoilys 1997a.b; Beets & Friedlander 1999; Sala et al. 2001; Colin et al. 2003; Ecochard et al. 2003 Current Drogue Studies Colin 1992 Physical Oceartographic Monitoring Colin1992; Carter et al 1994; Heyman et al. in rev. Fishery Dependent Techniques Length:Frequency Distribution Olsen & LaPlace 1979; Colin et al. 1987; Claro 1981; Crabtree & Bullock 1998; Colin 1992; Tucker et al. 1993; Aguilar-Perera 1994; Carter et al. 1994; Sadovy et al. 1994; Aguilar-Perera &Aguilar-Davila 1996; Domeier et al. 1996; Sosa-Cordero & Cardenas-vldal 1996; Beets & Friedlander 1999; Garcia-Cagide et al. 2001; Burton 2002; Medina-Quej et al. 2004 Catch per Unit Effort Olsen & LaPlace 1979; Carter et al. 1994; Sadovy & Ecklund 1999; Sosa-Cordero & Cardenas-vldal 1996; Beets & Friedlander 1999; Sala et al. 2001 Gonosomatic Index Munro et al. 1973; Olsen & LaPlace 1979; Claro 1981; Thresher 1984; Tucker et al. 1993; Carter et al. 1994; Sadovy & Ecklund 1999; Sadovy et al. 1994; Domeier et al. 1996; Garcia-Cagide & Garcia 1996; Beets & Friedlander 1999; Garcia-Cagide et al. 1999; Garcia-Cagide et al. 2001; Burton 2002; The Nature Conservancy 2003b Heyman, W.D. and G. Adrien GCFL57 (2006) Page 451 B. Figure 1. Photographs of spawning aggregations illustrating A. spawning coloration in Nassau grouper, and B. Dog snapper spawning event (photo by Douglas DavidSeifert). . Tagging studies — described in the Protocol use either simple identification tags, and/or sonic tags and stationary sonic receivers. While somewhat expensive, tagging studies can be very valuable, detailing both migration patterns andpatterns of seasonality and site fidelity. Carter et al. (1994) found a Nassau grouper swam ISO km from Belize to Mexico; Bolden (2000) recorded one that swam 220 km to a spawning aggregation. Zeller (1998) provides an excellent example of the utility of sonic tags in studies of site fidelity, arrival and departure times of fish at an aggregation site, without having to dive. Managers are urged to use identification tagsbefore investing in much more expensive sonic tags, and are urged to consider tags where diving would be too difficult Page 452 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Figure 2. The timing and abundance of spawning aggregations from daily underwater visual surveys for A. Cubera Snapper and B. Nassau Grouper during 2003 at Gladden Spit in Belize. (Data kindly provided by Friends of Nature, Placencia, Belize). Site maps anddescriptions — are valuable for monitoring and assessment of spawning aggregations. A good base map is an essential tool if underwater visual assessments willbe conducted regularly at a particular site. Maps of the spawning aggregation sites can also be helpful in the design and zoning of marine protected areas. Detailed methods for creating bathymetric maps that include spawning aggregation sites are described in Ecochard et al. (2003). Additional examples of maps andtechniques are referenced in Table 1. Database Design and Structure Software wasevaluated as a platform forthe aggregation monitoring data. Thesoftware hadto be scalable andflexible to handle the variety of datatypes and relationships. An automated database governed by a set of predefined rules and standards for the capture, update, and retrieval of data was needed. Microsoft Access 2000®, as a standalone application, offers all the basic features needed to manage the Database, and also has features that will allow for efficient data sharing and cost-effective upgrades. Access® is widely available and offers additional features that other platforms do not and was selected as the platform for the Database. Heyman, W.D. and G. Adrien GCFL57 (2006) Page 453 Access® has a built-in replication tool that can be used to distribute the Database to all participating organizations (see Data Sharing, below). Further, Access® can be usedto create an easy-to-use interface to a morescalable and robust back-end database such as Microsoft SQL Server. Alternately, the entire Database can be upgraded to SQL Server. Minimumhardware requirements for operating the database are: i) Pentium II personal computer (PC), ii) 233 Mhz processing speed, iii) 128Mb of RAM, iv) 200 Mb ofharddisk space available, v) VGA monitor, vi) CD writer, and vii) Internet connection anda reliable e-mail system The Database stores data in a collection of related and linked tables. Data is entered into these tables through pre-made, automated, digital forms (e.g., Figure 3, the Underwater Visual Survey Data entry form). The four database entities are sites,surveytypes, organizations, and survey participants. Figure 4 shows the relationships among entities for the Visual Survey in an entityrelationship (ER) diagram. ER diagrams are popular high-level conceptual data models used in the design of database applications. In many cases, data entered for each entity is channeled into a data table for storage and retrieval. In some cases, however, complex entities are broken down into smaller, more stable tables for storage. Each table represents a group ofrelevant information captured andmaintained together. User Interface The Database has been designed to be simple and easy to use, with heavy emphasis placed on the design of the user interface. The data entry screens (Figure 3) resemble the data sheets ofthe Protocol (Adrien 2003a). Whenever possible, data entry has beenautomated using look-up tables to minimize user entries ofnew species, new sites, or misspellings of existingentries. Generating reports with the Database has also been designed to be simple (Figure 5) yet not compromise the functionality and flexibility for the user. The report section offers powerful ways to display survey data. Users can specify parameters of interest for specific comparisons. For example, withina single query, users can select to report either thecount orthe average of one or many species at one or many sitesduring any specific yearor years (Figure 5). Page 454 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute to"**™** IcahhAWBfatSurvoyl Tan pefcase Survey jiWecSurvey] Gcrma! Intonation ~ Tbatnl Sle: j Tine Out I -| OroaneaSon P "31 Survey Paticipantt - Add Other Information lean Loader Tctfn Moflflbcfc "3 Nl ze: "Sito Chacectcnttict ~ GPSCoadna!er.| Surface Cendliomc At Temp: IOT Water Tom I OT SeaSWal SurJaceCumrtSpeed andDiecrjrjrd WrdSpetdandDioeeort Kurtoot Frrhria Boats , I Needy. 0 Undemahn Conditionc 0 it Temperature: I b~T Depth Votty:1 Ettrrated Surrey A»r: Cure* Camert [ n <•> "ft ] -c <•> [ Spedet Chstacteriitica _ IMKeBtllcW^StwIw I 'tfAt j<o;c»;2i«3>«^t«:!TO:»n;7ra:"cfl«i»ta:i»m1iws):ia-tKi: tew juswior" -t.i1 T I I I I I I I I I I I I ir.rbr J Ll. tecord; Hl< II Jj T > IHlr>|ot 1 dose Figure 3. Spawning aggregation database digital entry form for visual under- water survey data. Heyman, W.D. and G. Adrien GCFI:57 (2006) Page 455 eita.name tito.-escrlptlon slte.locatlon 3ite_c*ty site.slate slto.country site.commonls site.mapl site_map2 PK.FK4 vlst.dato vlts.GPS.coord viss.surf.atr.lemp \nss_surf_walor_lemp viss_surf.speed.dir viss.sea.slate viss.wind_speed.dir jgjaaajitftSv": -?,l-s; PK «33_no_fi3hlng_boat viss.under.dopth viss.undor.tomp vi8S_under_visibility vlas.undor.curronl viss.esllmated.cost orgn.name orgn.addrosel crgn_address2 orgn.elty orgn.etato orgn_po9talcodo orgn.country orgn.email orgn_.ontacUastnamo Ofgn.conlact_l-stnamo orgn.contacL phonal orgn.contact. phone2 orgn_coniact.email PK.FK1 -tiry Id PK .!«« flah enjinlox "SlsS PK •""> mm "* memo, title mornb. .laatnamo momb. .flrstnamo memb. mldnomo mornb. addrossl memb. ,addras92 memb. .state momb. .country memb. .zlpcode memb. phonal memb. ,phone2 memb. .omoil tpae.tatln.namo visd.rangaO apoe.eng.namo spec, synonym 1 spec_synonym2 spec, family visd.rangol visd.range2 visd_range3 visd_range4 vl9d.rangeS visd_rango6 vrsd_rongo7 visd.rango. visd.ranga. visd.rango tO visd. range! t visd.range!2 \risd_rangel3 vlad.total.count visd.behaviorl visd.behavior2 vl9d_bohavlor3 vlad.bohavlor4 vbd.behavlorS visd.behavlorB visd.bohavlor? Figure 4. Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram for Visual Survey data from the Database illustratingthe relationships between entities. Arrows indicate the type of relationship between entities with "1" (one) and "M" (many) at the end of each arrow. Page 456 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries institute *"* Survey |Catch/unit Effort Survey jTag Release Survey jAsia Pat Survey} I ft'i'iiliun Site: Species Count Report Specs* Count for Years _«.): |2000 Select One orMore Specie*in Die bt below to J205T Select One 01 Mote Sites in the Est below: 1 !ftw | Exportto Excel IOceantriggerRsh IPerrnt f-jr^Retfpv^Si^^iiJ fL»33i(SrteeS^^^^^2*ii Donotmakeany selection . youwantto see dataeaoss al site* fa d species Figure 5. Visualsurvey report form from the Database illustrating an example of a user-defined query. In this case, a query is requested that will illustrate all entries of visual survey counts for two species (mutton snapper and Nassau grouper) at two sites (Gladden Spit and Halfmoon Caye) over a four-year period, 2000-2004. Users can also choose to see the data within Access, or have the data directly exported to an Excel spreadsheet, or choose another tab for queries using other data sets. Data Sharing and Distribution The database was designed with the understanding that many users, in different areas could use the system on a stand-alone PC, but that these data could be combined and shared. The eventual goal is to have the system operational on an SQL server that is accessible to all users over the Internet on a secure site. Web-based systems are morecomplex and costly to maintainand update, so in the interim, the system relies on desktop systems for individual organizations, each with a full copy of the database and all data. Data are shared and updated by manual replication and synchronization of the various databases (Figure 6). A detailed guide to Access® replication is freely available (Adrien2003b). The drawback to the stand-alone system is synchro nization. If synchronization does not occur regularly some organizations may end up with outdated data, leadingto misinterpretation and incorrect reports. Heyman, W.D. and G. AdrienGCFL57 (2006) Page 457 Figure 6. Database structure and replication: the database is designed to be able to be shared among multiple users. Using replication techniques, both the main database (master) and the copies (replicas) can update each other simultaneously. CONCLUSIONS As stated in the introduction to the Protocol: "The purpose of the Protocol is to provide a standardized methodology for the evaluation and routine monitoring and conservation of transient multi-species spawning aggregations along the Meso-American Reef and the wider Caribbean. This document is intendedfor use by resource managers, conservation ists, biologists, fishers, students and trained recreational divers. '(Heyman et al. 2004). The Database is an automated tool for data generated using the Protocol from anywhere in the Caribbean, and it should be noted that it also can serve the same purpose for the Asia-Pacific region. Despite the acceptance of the Protocol and Database by users, we consider both as works in progress. Users are encouraged to evaluate the systems critically, and to provide feedback to the authors such that later releases can benefit. Page 458 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Nicanor Requena for his extensive work on editing, testing, sharing, and training using this protocol. Thanks to Douglas David Seifert for providing use of Figure IB. Thanks to the Fisheries Department, Government of Belize and the Belize Spawning Aggregations Working Committee for collaboration andsupport. Thanks to Friends of Nature for data used in Figure 2. Thanks to the Summit and Oak Foundations for financial support. This work was completed underthe auspices ofThe Nature Conservancy. LITERATURE CITED Adrien, G.E. [2003a]. Academic report to The John Hopkins University on The Nature Conservancy's Spawning Aggregation Database. The Nature Conservancy,Arlington, Virginia USA. 41 pp. Unpubl. MS. Adrien, G.E. [2003b]. User's Guide for The Nature Conservancy's Spawning Aggregation Database. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia USA. 27 pp. Unpubl. MS. Aguilar-Perera. A. 1994. Preliminary observations of the spawning aggrega tion ofNassau grouper, Epinephelus striates, at Mahahual, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 43:112-122. Aguilar-Perrera, A. andW. Aguilar-Davila. 1996. A spawning aggregation of Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striates (Pisces: Serranidae), in the Mexican Caribbean. 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Box 12559 Charleston, South Carolina 29422-2559 USA ABSTRACT Spawning condition was determined for 28 species of reef fish represent ing 11 families (Balistidae, Berycidae, Carangidae, Centrolophidae, Haemulidae, Lutjanidae, Malacanthidae, Polyprionidae, Scorpaenidae, Serranidae, Sparidae) collected off the Carolinas, Georgia and east coast of Florida (including the Keys) in depths from 1 - 686 m. The presence of migratorynucleus oocytes, hydrated oocytes and/or postovulatory follicles was used to indicate imminent or very recent spawning, and locations of capture of fishes in spawning condition were mapped using GIS. Reproductive behavior was observed from submersible for a few species. Most fishes were collected from fishery-independent sampling, with time and location of collection accurately recorded. Some specimens were sampled from fishery landings, and time and location data were approximate. Samples came from all months and through out the region, but sampling effort was not equally distributed and was concentrated from May through September and in the middle of the region (South Carolina and Georgia). In spite of some temporal and spatial sampling limitations, we determined that several species such as small senanids, haemulids, sparidsand lutjanids spawn over protracted periodsand throughout the region. Other species such as Helicolenus dactylopterus, Caulolatilus microps, Epinephelus niveates, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, Hyperoglyphe perciformis and Polyprion americanus have specific habitat requirements and live and spawn in very restricted areas. Several species (Mycteroperca microlepis, M. phenax) appear to spawn at specific shelf-edge reef sites (50 100 m depth), and tagging indicated they may undertake migrations to those specific sites during the spawning season. Some of the shelf-edge sites are utilized by several species, including some with moderately protracted spawning seasonsthat peak duringwinter or summer months. These sites may be in nearly continuous use by spawning fishes year-round, and should be considered as no-take MPAs to protect spawning adults. KEY WORDS: Essential Fish Habitat, Geographic Information Systems, Marine Protected Areas Page 464 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Sitios de Desove de Peces de Arrecife en el Atiintico Sudeste (USA) Se determino la condici6n de desove de 28 especies de peces de arrecife representando a 11 familias (Balistidae, Berycidae, Carangidae, Centrolophidae, Haemulidae, Lutjanidae, Malacanthidae, Polyprionidae, Scorpaenidae, Serranidae, Sparidae). Los especimenes se obtuvieron en las aguas de las Carolinas, Georgia y de la costa este de la Florida (incluyendo los Cayos) en profundidades de 16 a 686 m. La presencia de ovocitos con nucleo migratorio, ovocitos hidratados y/o foliculos postovulatorios se utilizo para acertar el desove inminente o muy reciente. Los sitios de captura de peces en condition de desove fueron trazados usando Sistemas de Informacion Geografica (SIG). El comportamiento reproductive de algunas especies fue observado desde un sumergible. La mayoria de los especimenes fueron obtenidos mediante muestreo independiente de la pesca, con el tiempo y el sitio de los muestreos registrados exactamente. Algunosde los especimenes se obtuvieron pormedio de la industria pesquera, y la hora y los datos del sitio de captura son aproximados. Las muestrasprovinieron de todos los meses del arlo y de toda la region, pero el esfuerzo del muestreo no se distribuyo iguaimente sino que se concentro de mayo a octubre y en el centra de la region (Carolina del Sur y Georgia). A pesar de los limites del muestreo, determinamos que varias especies tales como serranids pequenos, haemulids, sparids y lutjanids desovan durante periodos prolongados y por toda laregion. Otras especies tales como Helicolenus dactylopterus, Caulolatilus microps, Epinephelus niveatus, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, Hyperoglyphe perciformis y Polyprion americanus tienen requisites especificos del habitat y viven y desovan en areas muy restringidas. Aparentemente varias especies (Mycteroperca microlepis, M. phenax) desovan en sitios especificos de 50 a 100 m en el borde del continente, y de acuerdo con estudios de marqueo, estas especies emprenden migraciones a esos sitios especificos durante la estacidn dedesove. Algunos de los sitios del borde del continente son utilizados por varias especies, incluyendo algunas con estaciones de desove moderadamente prolongadas que alcanzan su punto masalto durante los meses de inviemo o verano. Los peces pueden utilizar estos sitios para el desove casi continuamente a lo largo del ano, y por lo tanto estas areas se deben considerar como Areas de Conservacion Marinas donde no se permite la captura de ninguna especie para proteger el desove de peces adultos. PALABRAS CLAVES: Areas de Conservacion Marinas, habitat esencial para peces, Sistemas de Informacion Geograficos Sedberry, G.R. et al.GCFI-.57 (2006) Page 465 INTRODUCTION In the re-authorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conserva tion and Management Act, through the Sustainable Fisheries Act, the U.S. Congress included provisions that required fishery management councils to identify essential fish habitat (EFH). Such EFH should include "those waters and substrate necessary to fish for spawning, feeding or growth to matur ity" (Schmitten 1999). The Magnuson Actre-authorization also provided for recognition of Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPC) for various fish stocks or assemblages (e.g., Murawski et al. 2000). HAPC are areas where some user activities (e.g., trawling, bottom longlining) are banned because of particularly sensitive habitats or species assemblages such as ivory tree coral (Oculina varicosa) and associated organisms (Reed 2000). In order to manage fisheries under EFH and HAPC provisions, it is necessary to recognize and map EFH and HAPC, and tomore clearly define them inrelation to the fishery management unit (e.g., the Snapper-Grouper Complex of the U.S. South Atlantic Fishery Management Council). Spawning grounds, by definition, are EFH. Likewise, spawning areas must certainly qualify as HAPC, asspawning habitats are important in the life history of fishes and, for reef fishes in particular, often contain sensitive species assemblages such as corals and sponges. In tropical and warm-temperate zones, many reef fishes undergo migra tions to spawn at particular reef sites that probably possess hydrographic regimes or biological assemblages that enhance survival of offspring. Many species of coral reef fish spawn inlarge aggregations, wherein large portions of a dispersed population migrate to specific sites at specific times of the year to spawn (Domeier and Colin 1997). Because of the physical and biological conditions that are apparently favorable for survival of eggs and larvae, many different species use the same sites on tropical coral reefs (e.g., Carter and Perrine 1994). As a first step in mapping EFH and HAPC it is essential to determine where fishes spawn, where fishes that aggregate to spawn gather in spawning condition, and what sites are important spawning locations for multiple species, so that these areas can be given further considerations for management, such asarea closures, that protect spawning fish. Determination of precise spawning times is essential for establishing time closures that might protect spawners and enhance recruitment. For species with protracted spawning periods, or for areas used as spawning grounds by many species that spawn at different times of the year, permanent closure of the grounds may be needed to protect spawning assemblages of fishes. Of greatest priority is determining spawning grounds for exploited reef fishes, especially those that are exploited during the spawning season when Uiey are aggregated at specific locations and times. Off the southeastern United States, such priority species and habitats include at least some of the 73 species of the Snapper-Grouper Complex (e.g., snappers, groupers, porgies, grunts, tilefishes) that are managed by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC), and their hardbottom and sponge-coral habitats. The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) has conducted research since 1973 on die continental shelf and slope off the Page 466 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute southeastern U.S., in an area often referred to as the South Atlantic Bight (SAB), from Cape Hatteras to Cape Canaveral. Some surveys have extended south to the Florida Keys, and offshore to the Charleston Bump area of the Blake Plateau. Through cooperative programs with federal resource manage ment agencies, the SCDNR has conducted basic descriptive faunal surveys, fishery assessment surveys, monitoring surveys, and studies directed atspecific resource management problems. Surveys have includedsamplingof demersal fishes with a variety of fishing gear; and hydrographic, benthic and ichthyoplankton sampling (e.g., Wenner 1983, Mathews andPashuk 1986, Collins and Stender 1987, McGovem, Sedberry and Harris 1998, Harris et al. 2001). Various cooperative state-federal projects at SCDNR have conducted detailed life history studies of many reef fishes. These have included descriptions of age and growth, reproduction, feeding habits, early life history, movements determined by tagging, and population genetics (e.g., Collins and Stender 1987, Sedberry and Cuellar 1993, Van Sant et al. 1994, Sedberry et al. 1999, McGovern et al. 1998). Ichthyoplankton (1973-1984), trawl (1973-1987) and trap (1978-2004) surveys have included region-wide annual sampling cruises. Studies of reproductive biology of reef fishes have included determination of spawning times and frequencies (e.g., Cuellar et al. 1996). Tagging studies have indicated movementsto locations suspected to be spawning grounds (Van Santetal. 1994). Data from the published studies cited above, from monitoring and sampling that has continued since those publications, and a substantial database on other species of the region are available for additional analyses. Of particular interest in a re-analysis of the historical data is the goal of using recently developed spatial and geographic analysis tools unavailable or not considered when many of the original data analyses were performed. Spatial analysis tools such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be used on these databases to determine areas that support greater abundance, biomass and/or diversity of fishes. The databases can also be examined to describe distribution of individual species in relation to bottom and hydrographic features. Importantly, the databases can be queried for locations of fish in spawning condition, locations where large numbers of juveniles are found (recruitment areas) and locations where early larvae of priority species are found (spawning areas). Mapping of EFH and HAPC for reef fishes off the southeastern U.S. Atlantic coast is of particular importance at this time, as increasing demands are placed on the resource (see Coleman et al. 2000 for review). The consumption of fishes by humans has increased dramatically in the last several decades because of increases in human population, per-capita consumption of seafood, and advances in fishing technology. Reef fishes such as those of the warm-temperate hard-bottom reefs in the SAB appear to be particularly at risk, and many species are undergoing overfishing, are over fished, or are in danger of being so (Coleman et al. 2000, NMFS 2004). Severe restrictions, including size limits, bag limits, closed seasons and limited entry have been imposed on a species-by-species basis by the SAFMC. More restrictions might be needed; for example, die fishery for red porgy in the U.S. Atlantic was closed in 1999 because of extremely low spawning potential. The economic value of the reef species complex makes protectingthe sustainability Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 467 of the fishery a critical consideration for this region. Commercial reef fish landings in the SAB from 1980-1996 were roughly 147 million lbs, with anexvessel value near $186 million (www.stnmfs.gov/stl/commercial/landings/ annual_landings.html). Many economically important reef fish species share a suiteof life history and behavioral characteristics that make them particularly susceptible to overexploitation. These characteristics include long life, large adult size, late maturity, protogyny, and spawning in aggregations or at sites that are predict able in time and space (Coleman et al. 2000). Predictable spawning aggrega tions are particularly well-documented in tropical reef fishes, and the negative impacts of fishing these aggregations are well-known(Craig 1969, Carter et al. 1994, Domeier and Colin 1997, Sala et al. 2001). Althoughsome studies have presented evidence for spawning aggregations of gag (Mycteroperca microlepis) on temperate reefs of the Gulf of Mexico (Coleman et al. 1996), it is uncertain if such aggregations represent a majorregional spawning ground, as has been documented for some tropical groupers (Carter et al. 1994), and what the effects might be of fishing suchaggregations ifthey do represent the major reproductive output for a large region. There are few data available on spawning locations, times and behavior of reef fishes of the SAB, but there is some circumstantial evidence for aggregations of some species such as gag. Circumstantial evidence includes long-distance migrations that sometimes coincide with the spawning season, and are thought to be movements toward pre-spawning aggregations or movements to actual spawning sites(Van Santet al. 1994, McGovem et al. in press). Additional circumstantial evidence for spawning aggregations of gag inthe SAB includes capture offish in spawning condition (presence of migratory-nucleus oocytes, hydrated oocytes or postovulatory follicles) at specific depths suchasdeep shelfedgereefs(MARMAP unpublished data). Such capture might represent spawning aggregations that should certainly be classified as EFH. If fishermen target these aggregations, additional HAPC consideration should be given to current management plans, so that such spawning sites can be protected during the spawnmg season. If such spawning sites are used by many species for much of the year, additional protection should be provided in the form of no-take MPAdesignation. Spawning aggregations in reef fishes are believed to correspond spatially and temporally withhydrographic features that insure greatest survival of early lifehistory stages. For this reason, many species utilize the same locations for spawning, often at different times of the year (e.g., Carter et al. 1994, Carter and Perrine 1994). These hydrographic features are often associated with prominent bottom features that influence circulation near (and downstream from) the spawning banks(Carter et al. 1994, Sedberry et al. 2001,Govoni and Hare 2001). Many reef fishes with pelagic eggs and larvae spawn in the vicinity of gyres near the shelf edge (Johannes 1978). Such topographicallyproduced gyres are implicated in removal of pelagic eggs from the spawning site, thus reducing predation, while retaining fish eggs and larvae for the ultimate return of larvae to the shelf at later developmental stages that can avoid some predation. Such gyres may carry eggs and larvae toward ideal post-larval settlement habitat, or toward areas of high larval fish food produc tion. Along the continental shelfedgeof the SAB, there are areas of gyres and Page 468 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute upwelling that are associated with high nutrients and plankton productivity (Paffenhoffer et al. 1984, Mathews and Pashuk 1986). Small occasional frontal eddies and meanders that propagate northward along the western edge of the Gulf Stream provide small-scale upwellings of nutrients along the shelf break in the SAB (Miller 1994). Such intermittent upwellings might coincide with reef fish spawning times and locations. In addition to these intermittent upwellings, there are two more permanent upwelling areas in the SAB. One is locatedjust to the north of Cape Canaveral and is caused by diverging isobaths (Paffenhofer et al. 1984). The othermuch larger and strongerupwelling occurs mainly between 32°N and 33°N (Atkinson 1985, Mathews and Pashuk 1986) and results from a deflection of the Gulf Stream offshore by the topographic irregularity known as the Charleston Bump (Bane et al. 2001). Off of South Carolina and North Carolina, the large meanderset up by the Charleston Bump forms the Charleston Gyre, an eddy with upwelled water at its core, and which moves shoreward across the edge ofthe shelf and may be important in reef fish recruitment. The presence of high nutrients at the shelf edge, and a gyre mechanism to transport larvae from shelf-edge spawning to estuarine nursery habitats influences recruitment success in gag (Sedberry et al. 2001). Recruitment in gag and some other fishes is correlated with the location, strength, and persistence of the Charleston Gyre (Sedberry et al. 2001, Govoni and Hare 2001). It is likely that spawning of gag and other reef fishes off the Carolinas is timed and located to take maximum advantage of the hydrographic condi tions created by the Charleston Bump complex from 32°N and 33°30'N (Sedberry et al. 2001, Govoni and Hare 2001). Other intermittent upwelling sitesalong the shelf edge of the SAB, andthe morepermanent upwellingnorth of Cape Canaveral might also be important spawning grounds. Life history and spawning strategies of reef fishes might be timed to coincide with different upwelling types, times and locations. For example, fishes that spawn in a few large aggregations might utilize areas of more permanent gyres, while fishes with protracted seasons (spawning many times) might use more intermittent upwelling areas. Such areas might be considered EFH or HAPC, and it is important to map prominent and persistent hydrographic features in relation to distribution of fish larvae, juveniles and adults to determine the spatial relationships among life historystages and hydrographic features. As a result of overfishing and the apparent inability of traditional methods to reverse declines in abundance of deep reef fishes, the SAFMC has proposed a series of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) that could include no-take marine reserves (SAFMC 2004). The SAFMC has recently gone through an exercise in siting MPAs that included obtaining input from user groups, interested parties, and the general public, along with some review of existing biological and habitat data. Of prime concern is protecting those spawning habitats and locations that are essential to completing the life cycles of overfished species. Also of concern is placement of MPA networks to maximize spawning potential and recruitmentof larvae from protectedareas to harvest areas and to other protectedareas in orderto provide fishing opportunitieswhile conserving spawning stock biomass. Additional study of distribution of individual reef fish species and spawning sites in relation to bottom habitats and faunas, and Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 469 the relationship of bottom features to hydrographic features and proposed MPA sites, is needed. These data are needed to maximize the effectiveness of severe management measures, such as no-take reserves, that are perceived to be an extreme burden on commercial and recreational reef fish fishermen. By strategic placement of MPAs in networks based on biological and oceano- graphic data, it is hoped that themaximum positive effect canbe achieved with the minimum impact on fishermen. It is imperative to collect and summarize such biological and oceanographic data, particularly data on spawning locations and recruitment pathways. We have utilized a 30-year fishery-independent database to build a GIS that has mapped distributions of species, and their abundance, biomass and diversity. We have also mapped data on gonad condition for several fishery species using this database and some fishery-dependent sampling. In this paperwe will describe some of the results aimedat locatingspawning grounds for reef fishes. We hypothesizethat species that appear to form large aggrega tionsdo so at specific sites and times that are relatedto cyclicalyet permanent hydrographic features. We also hypothesize that species that appear to have protracted spawning in small widely-distributed groups may use ephemeral features such as those that form intermittently during summer and fall. The purpose of this paper is to report on the results of a temporal and spatial analysis of the data available on reproduction in several speciesof reef fish, in order to determine locations of EFH and HAPC for spawning reef fishes, and sensitive areas that might need intensive management in the form of temporal, spatial or some combination of no-take Marine Protected Areas(MPAs). METHODS Study Area, Field Methods and Databases The MARMAP (Marine Resources Monitoring, Assessment and Predic tion) fishery-independent database that went into this analysis consisted of a variety of demersal fish surveys conducted from several research vessels (Figure 1, Table 1). Details of sampling can be obtained from the senior author. Briefly, fish surveys generally covered the region from Cape Fear, North Carolina to Cape Canaveral, Florida, with some stations outside that range. Surveys were conducted withbottom trawls (e.g., Wenneret al. 1979, Wenner 1983), baited fish traps (Collins 1990), bottom longlines and hookand-line (Harris et al. 2004). MARMAP trawling was conducted from 1973 to 1987, in depths from 9 - 366 m. Trawl stations were established randomly within depth and latitude strata; along transects perpendicular to the coast; or at index monitoring sites in reef habitat. Those index stations were also sampled with fish traps from 1978 to the present; however, since 1987 the trap survey has been conducted at randomly chosen reef points (e.g., McGovern, Sedberry and Harris 1998), many of which are at or near the trap index stations sampled from 1978 - 1986. Page 470 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute raw nvt WW Figure 1. Sampling locations, by fishery-independent gear type, for specimens used inthe spatial and temporal analysis ofreeffish spawning. Table 1. Summary of primary sampling gear used in collection of specimens; and months, years, latitude and depths of collections. Ind • fishery-independent samples; Dep =fishery-dependent samples. Gear Conductivity-ternperature-Depth (CTD)cast Blackfish trap Chevron fish trap Florida snapper trap Mini-Antillean S-trap Number of Month Year Latitude Depth (m) Collections Range Range Range (°N) Range Ind De 1987-2003 1977-1999 1987-2003 1980-1989 1977-1980 27.2-34.6 30.7-34.3 27.2-34.6 30.4-34.3 30.7-33.7 15-789 X X 1982-2003 1982-1986 1979-2003 27.9-38.7 32.0-32.8 28.2-34.2 15-500 44-229 1983-2003 1974-2003 1989-2003 1986-1989 26.0-34.4 18.2-34.7 3298 6185 Mar-Oct Jan-Dec Mar-Dec 1710 Feb-Sep 1393 157 Jan-Feb 15-65 13-218 15-196 19-75 X X X X X X May-Sep Bottom bngOne KaO pole bottom tongline Vertical bngOne 502 199 May-Sep 305 Feb - Mar Hook and line (rod &reel) Snapper reel 389 3226 Jan-Dec X X X X X X X X 25.8-32.0 29.1-33.9 1-234 11-256 396-838 3-13 X X X X 1980-1987 31.6-34.3 15-35 X X 28.7-34.9 28.7-40.6 26.0-32.5 4-20 9-686 17-52 X X X 49-220 X May-Sep Jan-Dec Jan-Dec Jan-Dec Falcon net (23-m otter trawl) 452 232 Fly net (16-m bottom trawl) 145 Feb 1071 1214 Jan-Dec Jan-Dec 1980-1987 1973-2001 38 Feb-Aug 1988-2002 Wreckfish reel Apr Aug - Oct Apr-Sep Otter trawl (18-m semi-balloon) Yankee trawl (3/4 scale) Spear gun Oct,Dec X Page 472 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute In order to sample deeper habitats, we employed experimental longline gear, directed at two habitat types: upper continental slope reefs(100 - 250 m) and mud-bottom tilefish grounds(175 - 225 m). Data collected from each sampling gear included location, hydrographic parameters (measured with CTD), species composition, abundance, biomass, and length frequency of all fish species caught. Stations were located using LORAN-A, LORAN-C, or GPS, and the best available navigation technology was used at the time of fishery-independent sampling. All fish samples from fishery-independent sampling that were processed for reproductive studies wereobtained using LORAN-C ordifferential GPSnavigation. Subsamples of certain priority species in the catches (Table 2) were dissected to obtain otoliths and gonad tissues. For those fishes, all appropriate lengths and weights were measured and the otoliths and gonads removed. Gonads were fixed in the field in 10% seawater formalin solution. In addition to samples collected during the fishery-independent surveys, we sampled commercial catches to obtain a full size range of specimens or to obtam samples outside of the months (generally May through September) mat fishery-independent sampling occurred. Samples were processed in the field and lab in the same manner as those collected during fishery-independent surveys; however, precise catch time and location were not always available. Catch location was often reported as a National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Reef Fish Logbook statistical grid cell number. Those cells are one degree of latitude by one degree of longitude or about 10,440 km2 for this region. Deficiencies in time andlocation data werenoted in the data analysis. Laboratory Processing of Gonad Samples Reproductive tissues were vacuum infiltrated andblocked in paraffin, and then sectioned(7 mm thickness) on a rotary microtome. Three sections from each sample were placed on a glass slide, stained with double-strength Gill's hematoxylin and counter-stainedwith eosin Y. Sections were viewed under a compound microscope at 40 - 400X and for most species two readers inde pendently assigned sex and reproductive state with criteria from Harris et al. (2004) for gonochorists and from Wenner et al. (1986), Harris and McGovem (1997) and McGovem et al. (1998) for hermaphrodites. Date of capture, specimen length, and specimen age were unknown to the readers. If the assessments differed, both readers viewed the slide simultaneously and agreement was reached. Spawning females of all species had at least one of the following structures in histological sections: i) Migratory-nucleus oocytes, ii) Hydrated oocytes, or iii) Postovulatory follicles. Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 473 Table 2. Species on which SCDNR has collected life history samples from which dataon sexand reproductive statewere obtained for spatial and temporal analysis. Family Scientific Name Berycidae Beryxdecadactylus Scorpaerridae Helicolenus dactytopterus Potyprionidae Polyprion americanus Common Name red bream blackbeOy rosefish wreckfish Serranidae Centropristisocyurus Centropristis striata Cephalopholis cruentata Cephalopholis fulva Diplectrum formosum Epinephelus adscensionis Epinephelus drummondhayi Epinephelus flavolimbatus Epinephelus mono Epinephelus nigritus Epinephelus nh/eatus Mycteroperca interstitialis Mycteroperca microlepis Mycteroperca phenax bank sea bass black sea bass graysby coney sand perch rocklirtd speckled hind yellowedge grouper redgrouper warsaw grouper snowy grouper yellowmouth grouper gag scamp Malacanthidae Caulolatilus microps Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps Carangidae Seriola dumerili blueline tilefish tJlefish greateramberjack Lutjaridae Lutjanus campechanus Rhomboplites aurorubens Haemulidae Haemulon aurolineatum Haemulon plumieri Sparidae Calamus nodosus Pagruspagrvs Centralophidae Hyperoglyphe perciformis red snapper vermilion snapper tomtate white grunt knobbed porgy redporgy barrelfish Balistidae Batistescapriscus gray triggerfish Page 474 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Data Manipulation, Standardization and GIS Analysis Data from the surveys (fishery-independent and -dependent) and labora tory analysis were incorporated into a database that could be queried for speciesidentification, collection data, sex and reproductive state. The database also included hydrographic measurements taken by CTD deployed at the same time as the fish collections (+ 2 h), and within one kilometer of the fish collection sites. We queried the database for the priority species for which we had reproductive data (Table 2) and exported the data to ESRI Arclnfo ArcMap 9.0 for spatial analysis. We plotted location of capture of all speci mens of each species, and overlaid location of capture of spawning females (as defined above) on the same map. Where relevant, we included on each map the location of proposed no-take (no bottom fishing) MPAs that are currently under consideration by the SAFMC (SAFMC 2004). We also analyzed occurrence of spawning females by month to define spawning season and temporal peaks in spawning activity. We calculated mean (± one standard deviation) and range of bottom temperatures recorded when spawning females of each species were collected. Data reported in tables were from fisheryindependent sampling only, and depth, location, time and temperature data are accurate. Maps generated from the GIS analysis included approximate locations from some fishery-dependent samples, and those are differentiatedon the maps. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fishery-independent sampling effort was not equally distributed, either spatially or temporally (Figure 1, Table 1), and was concentrated from May through September and in the middle of the region (South Carolina and Georgia). Fishery-dependent samples provided accurate temporal information (+ 5 days) on spawning times for those months not sampled during fisheryindependent surveys, but location data, particularly those collected by NMFS, were often "rounded" to the nearest degree of latitude and longitude. In spite of some temporal and spatial sampling limitations, we found that fish species examined exhibited a variety of spatial patterns of spawning activity, with respect to their general distribution, habitat features and in relation to other species. Several species such as small serranids, haemulids, sparids and lutjanids spawned over protracted periods and throughout the region (Table 3). Black sea bass (C. striata), a small serranid, were distributed across the continental shelf throughout the region, generally in depths less than 60 m (range: 2-130 m). Of 30,170 examined to determine sex and reproductive state, 2251 were spawning females (Table 3). Spawning sites were located throughout the region in depths of 15 - 56 m (Figure 2), although most were found mainly in the middle of the SAB. Spawning females were collected during most months of the year (Table 4), with a major spawning period of February through April. In contrast, black sea bass north of Cape Hatteras spawn mainly from June through September (Able et al. 1995); however, spawning times here were similar to those found in the Gulf of Mexico Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 475 Pecember to April (Hood et al. 1994)]. Bottom water temperatures where spawning females were collected ranged from 11.45 to 26.57°C (Table 3, N = 898 independent measurements). Figure 2. Locations of capture of black sea bass, including all captures and capture of spawning females, by survey type (fishery-independent vs. fisherydependent). Sites proposed as MPAs that would prohibit bottom fishing are X also shown. \ Table 3. Collection data for species examined for spawning activity. Data include total number of specimens collected, numbb. examined to determine sex and reproductive state, and number found to be spawning females; depth of capture of all specimens and of spawning females; latitude range (°N) of collections of spawning females; and bottom temperatures (mean, standard deviation and range) where spawning females were collected. Depth, latitude, and temperature data were from fishery-independent sampling. In some cases (-), data were not available. Capture Total Soecimens Species B. capriscus B. decadactylus Collected Death Exam Spawning (m) (m) Spawning Depth (°N) Spawning Mean 7582 4349 141 C.microps C.ocyunjs 17 3210 1344 20754 16 1181 1112 2402 8 88 514 52 21-155 46-256 1-146 45-60 48-234 27-57 31-32 32-32 32-32 C. striata C. ctuentata 118059 11 30170 7 2251 0 2-130 30-50 15-56 27-34 24 18 12830 43 780 34 274 73 1 634 5 39-58 9-84 33-83 39 17-47 37-53 5 28-114 31-205 22-95 C. nodosus C.futva D. foimosum E.adscensionis £ drummondhayi E. RavoSimbatus E.morio C «*n*ir»»lr) •*» 427 1000 2390 2223 •lO 6 46 4 13-128 - JO 20-75 - 4CO - - 160-194 30-90 4CO Spawning Temperatures (°C) Latitude 27-33 - - 33 27-34 32-32 32-32 32-32 32-34 Range sd 22.41 - 1.96 - 18.87-27.42 - 21.92 0.68 20.10-22.67 14.91 16.81 18.88 2.12 0.63 8.87-16.28 16.24-18.63 2.68 11.45-26.57 - 23.80 23.55 21.75 - 14.47 21.01 - - 3.09 1.51 - - 2.09 - 23.80-23.80 14.03-28.50 20.05-23.96 - 14.47-14.47 16.97-24.08 iable 3. Continued. Capture Total Specimens Species H. dacfytopte/us H.peKJfonni$ Lc/iamae/eo/ificeps Lcampec/iant/s M inlersifflalis Collected Eixam Death Spawning (m) (m) Spawning Depth m Spawning Spawning Latitude Mean 32-32 Temperatures l'C) Range sd 229-238 12 324 38-686 181-520 62-311 190-300 31-32 13.02 1.96 10.16-14.90 778 18 80 9 7-240 27-84 24-67 27-33 32-32 23.16 2.02 18.05-27.59 17.26 21.18 1.84 17.26-17.26 15.60-24.08 16.88 0.89 16.24-18.99 4280 1381 138 353 3552 102 2431 1225 29 - 49-51 . . . - - - - - - Mm/c/ofep/s M.p/ienax P.pag/us 7329 3759 5363 2467 1848 351 15-117 17-113 24-117 33-93 26-33 29-32 22732 15687 457 9-307 26-57 30-32 P. amencanus Rau/o/utens 2067 41455 1466 11798 55 3280 44-653 14-163 433-595 18-97 31-31 27-34 23.37 2.01 16.01-28.09 2797 2498 250 15-216 45-122 24-33 23.71 0.00 23.71-23.71 S. di/me/r// - - • - \ Tablo 4. Spawning periods for fishes examined. Spawning percentage = percent of female specimens in spawning condition. Dark gray indicates major spawning period. Light gray indicates months of spawning activity. Spades B. capiiscus B. docadactytus n Female* 2259 11 Spawning Percentage 11.70 C. mlcrops 619 63.04 1267 19740 4.10 11.40 C. cruontata 4 0.00 C. futva 8 12.50 D. formosum E. adscensionis E. drummondhayi E. flavolimbatus E. morio E.nigritus 779 81.39 12 41.67 169 2.96 0.0 0.0 52 11.54 0.0 0.0 2058 2.24 9 11.11 E. nlveatus 533 18.01 H. aurollneatum 925 25.73 H. ptumleri H. dactyloptems H. perciformis L. chamaeleonticeps L. campochanus 1227 12.31 548 25.18 68 17.65 1101 27.91 402 19.90 12 75.00 M. mlcrolopls 4872 37.93 M. phenax 1988 17.66 M. Interstltlalis P. pogrus Nov. 72.73 752 C. striata Jun. 6.24 C. nodosus C. ocyurvs Porcontaoe In spawning condition bv month Feb. 10870 4.20 P. americanus 793 6.94 R. ourorubons 8666 37.85 S. dumerili 1363 18.34 0.0 I 400JT>':\.--»:lK • 0.0 lu,-.a.5iC 0.0 •1 f*.JL •••—^ ,V * -• *• •••.v.v . , j saj-j.; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 479 Bank sea bass (C. ocyurus) were also broadly distributed across the shelf throughout the region (Figure 3), but appeared to prefer deeper waters than black seabass (range 1 - 146 m). Of 2402 examined for sex and reproductive state, only52 were spawning females, and all of those were collected in depths of 27-57 m off South Carolina in October through May (Tables 3-4). The major spawning period was February through April. Spawning females were collected in water temperatures thatranged from 16.24 to 18.63°C (n = 21). Sand perch (D. formosum) were also widely distributed across the shelf (Figure 4), generally in depths less than 60m (range 9-84 m). The sand perch appears to be much less dependent onreefhabitat, and was oftentaken in trawl collections over sandy bottom (e.g., Wenner et al. 1979, Darcy 1985). More than 80% of the female sand perch examined were in spawning condition. Spawning females (n = 634) were collected throughout the region from May through September at depths of 17 - 47 m (Tables 3-4). Bottom temperatures atspawning sites ranged from 14.03 to 28.50°C (n = 596). A similar spawning season (April-October) wasreported from the southern Caribbean (Obando and Leon 1989) and Bortone (1971) reported peak ovary maturation in May in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Like sand perch, tomtate (H. aurolineatem) were found across the shelf throughout the region. Spawning females (n = 238 of 2412 examined) occurred on middle and outer-shelf reefs (Figure 5) and were collected from May through July in depths from 15-54 m (Tables 3-4). Bottom temperatures at spawning sites ranged from 20.16 to 28.04°C (n = 232). Red snapper (L. campeckanus) were also widely distributed across the shelf (Figure 6, Table 3), but appeared to spawn at mid- to outer-shelfdepths (24 - 67 m). Of 778 red snapperexamined for sex and reproductive state, 80 were spawning females. Spawning females were collectedin January and May through October in the waters off South Carolina to Florida (Table 4). The major spawning period was June through September. Red snapper spawned at temperatures ranging from 18.05 to 27.59°C (Table 3; n = 41). Red snapper were reported to spawn in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico from April through October (Collins et al. 2001). Vermilion snapper (R. aurorubens) were ubiquitous in collections on the middle and outer shelf, and were found in depths from 14 - 163 m (Figure 7, Table 3). Spawning females (n = 3280 of 11,798 fish examined) were found at nearly all depths and latitudes where vermilion snapper occurred. Vermilion snapper spawned in depths from 18to 97 m and at temperatures from 16.01 to 28.09°C (n = 2511). Spawning occurred from April through September, with a major spawning period of May through September (Table 4). Spawning appears to be slightly more protracted than in the Gulf of Mexico [May to September (Hood and Johnson 1999)]. ^> Page 480 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Figure 3. Locations of capture of bank sea bass. See Figure 2 for additional explanation. « e o 'S •a co CM £ co a. 0 = lS TO CO N.SS N.K U. Qj Page 482 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute TTN Figure 5. Locations of capture of tomtate. See Figure 2 for additional explana tion. Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 483 Figure 6. Locations of capture of red snapper. See Figure 2 for additional explanation Page 484 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute WW Figure 7. Locations of capture of vermilion snapper. See Figure 2 for additionalexplanation. Several species (Mycteroperca microlepis, M.phenax, Balistes capriscus, Calamus nodosus, Pagruspagrus and Seriola dumerili) appeared to spawn at specific shelf-edge reef sites (50 - 100 m depth) in spite of being generally distributed across the shelf. Gag (M. microlepis) were caught throughout the region (15 - 117 m) during fishery-independent sampling (Table 3, Figure 8). Sedberry, G.R. etal. GCFL57 (2006) Page 485 Because gag are winter-early spring spawners (from December through May), few were collected during research cruises that sampled mainly from May through September. However, fishery-dependent sampling yielded many female gag in spawning condition from throughout the region. Of 5,363 gag obtained from all sampling, 1,848 were spawning females. Most fisherydependent samples were landed under an emergency rule that required fishermen to land gag with the gonads intact so that researchers could deter mine sex ratios and other aspects of reproduction (McGovem et al. 1998). Unfortunately, the emergency rule did not require accurate location data and catch locationswere often reported in NMFS sampling grid cells (Figure 8). In spite of the inaccuracy in location, it appears that gag spawn at shelf-edge reefs, in depths from 24 -117 m, primarily from February through April (Table 4), at a bottom temperature of 17.26°C (only one measurement). Gag in the Gulf of Mexico spawn slightly earlier than we found here [December to May, with peak activity occurring during February and March (Hood and Schlieder 1992)]. Scamp (M. phenax) were found mainly on middle- and outer-shelf reefs throughout the region (Table 3, Figure 9). Spawning females (n = 351 of2,467 examined) were found at shelf-edge reefs from northern Florida to South Carolina from February to August (Table 4), with a major spawning period of March through May. In the Gulf of Mexico, scamp spawning peaks from late February to early June (Coleman et al. 1996). Spawning females were collected at depths of 33 - 93 m and water temperatures from 15.60 - 24.08°C (Table 3; n = 131). We observed scamp engaged in courtship behavior like that described by Gilmore and Jones (1992) at shelf-edge reefs off northern Florida and South Carolina in summer of 2002 and 2004 (off St. Augustine, 28 July 2002, 29.9°N, 80.3°W, 60 - 61 m depth, 1000 EDT, 19.46 - 19.49°C; off St. Augustine, 29 August 2004, 30.0°N,80.3°W, 59 m, 0912 EDT, 17.8°C; off Jacksonville, 30 July 2002, 30.4°N, 80.2°W, 56 - 85 m depth, 1923 - 1929 EDT, 20.90 - 20.94°C; ESE of Charleston, 1 August 2002,32.3°N, 79.0°W, 56 - 61 m depth, 1818-1829 EDT, 20.47 - 22.03°C). These observations involved one gray-head (apparent) male scamp and one to a few apparent females. Courtship behavior was observed, but not any spawning. As described by Gilmore and Jones (1992), scamp occurred in various color phases; individual fish were constantly in motion, and changed rapidly between different color morphs. Apparent females (usually one or two, but up to five, courted by single apparent males) tended to remain in the "brown phase", whereas the apparent males switched between "gray-head" phase when pursuing females, and "cat's paw" phase when turning away from apparent females. These behaviors were observed in the morning and late afternoon. Spawning was not observed, but as in other groupers (Carter et al. 1994) that may occur after sunset (Harris et al. 2002), when we were not making observations. Bottom temperatures during our observations were similar to those observed by Gilmore and Jones (1992) during spawning activity in scamp. Page 486 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute .? Figure 8. Locations of capture of gag. See Figure 2 for additional explanation. Note that all spawning locations deeper than 175 m are from fishery-dependent collections, reported from NMFS statistical areas (see Methods). Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) 7TW Page 487 WW Figure 9. Locations of capture of scamp. See Figure 2 for additional explana tion. Page 488 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Greater amberjack (S. dumerili) occurred on middle- and outer-shelf and upper-slope reefs throughout the region and were captured at depths of 15 216 m (Table 3; Figure 10). We examined 2,498 gonads, 250 of which were from spawning females. Spawning females were collected from depths of 45 to 122 m. Only two spawning specimens were obtained from research cruises, and they were collected at a water temperatureof 23.71°C. Spawning females were collected from January through June, with a major spawning period in April and May (Table 4). Most (88%) spawning greater amberjack were collected by commercial fishermen in the Florida Keys during a special effort aimed at obtaining gonads for determining fecundity, sex ratios and spawning season. Most (95%) spawning females were collected from waters south of 30°N latitude, although there is evidence for spawning off the Carolinas and Georgia too. Knobbed porgy (C. nodosus) were more restricted to mid- and outer-shelf reefs off the Carolinasand Georgia(21 - 155m, Figure 11). Spawningfemales were found almost exclusively at outer-shelf reefs and occurred at depths of 45 to 60 m (Table 3). Of 1181 specimens examined for sex and reproductive state, 88 were spawning females (Table 3). Knobbed porgy spawned over a narrow temperature range (49 measurements; range = 20.10 - 22.67°C). Spawning occurred from February through July, with a major spawning period of April through May (Table 4). Red porgy (P. pagrus) were also distributed across the middle and outer shelf throughout the region, and spawning females were collected in depths from 26 - 57 m (Table 3, Figure 12). Of 15,687 examined for sex and reproductive state, 457 were spawning females. Females in spawning condi tion were found from September through May at bottomtemperatures of 16.24 to 18.99°C (n = 18); however, the major spawning period was November through March (Table 4). In the Gulf of Mexico, red porgy spawn from January to April (Hood and Johnson 2000). Gray triggerfish (B. capriscus) were broadly distributed across the shelf (13 -128 m) throughout the region(Figure 13),but appear to concentrate spawningon middle-shelfto shelf-edge reefs (20 - 75 m). Of 4,349 examined for sex and reproductive state, 141 gray triggerfish were spawning females (Table 3). Gray triggerfish and other balistids construct nests by moving debris and fanning sediments on the bottom, creating a shallow cleared depression. These nests are guarded by either parent for 24 - 48 hours after spawning (Fricke 1980, Lobel and Johannes 1980). On 4 August 2002 (32.8° N, 78.3°W; 54 m; 20.58°C) we observed a large (~30 cm TL) gray triggerfish hoveringover a cleared depression about 75 cm in diameter. An apparent egg mass could be observed in the bottom of the depression. Gray triggerfish spawned from May through August, with a major spawning period of June and July (Table 4), at temperatures of 18.87 - 27.42°C (N = 148; Tables 3. Gray triggerfish also spawn in warmer months(peak in November and December) in the southeastern North Atlantic [Ghana (Ofori-Danson 1990)]. Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 489 Figure 10. Locations of capture of greater amberjack. See Figure 2 for additional explanation. Note that some fishery-dependent collections in south Florida are as reported from NMFSstatistical areas (see Methods). Page 490 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute • • • a 53 Spawning Females, Fishery Independent All Catch Locattons. Fishery Independent Spawning Females. Fishery Dependent ADCatch Locations, Fishery Dependent •t Proposed MPAs so ^^00^^ i 1 79"W 7S-W • Kilometer! 200 Rgure 11. Locations of capture of knobbed porgy. See Figure 2 for additional explanation. Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) WW Page 491 revr WW Figure 12. explanation. Locations of capture of red porgy. See Figure 2 for additional Page 492 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute env 79"W 78W rrw Figure 13. Locations of capture of gray triggerfish. See Figure 2 for additional explanation. Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFL57 (2006) Page 493 White grunt (H. plumieri) and red grouper (E. morio) haddistributions that differed from most shelfspecies (Figures 14- 15). Both species were caught on Oie middle and outer shelf, mainly in the northern part of the SAB, and apparently have a disjunct distribution (Zatcoffet al. 2004, Chapman et al. in prep.). They are abundant in the Caribbean and southern Florida, butare not common off northern Florida or Georgia. They appear to be more tropical species that are found only in the waters of the northern SAB, which areunder the influence ofthe CharlestonGyre (see additionaldiscussionbelow). Of the 2,256 white grunt examined, 151 were spawningfemales. Spawn ing females were collected from March through September at most locations where white grunt occurred, with a major spawning period of April through June (Table 4). Spawning occurred in depths from 22 to 51 m (Table 3). White grunt spawned in warmer waters (20.23 - 27.42°C; n = 123) than other species examined, reflecting its preference for warmerwaters. Red grouper (E. morio) have a distribution similar to that of white grunt, although spawning is generally restricted to depths greater than 40 m (Figure 15). Spawning females (n = 46) represented 2.1% of the 2223 red grouper examined for sex and reproductive state (Table 3). Red grouperspawn in late winter and spring (February through June with a peak in April; Table 4) in depths from 30to 90 m. In the Gulf of Mexico, peak spawning occurs in April (Coleman et al. 1996). Red grouper spawned in generally cooler waters than white grunt (range 16.97 - 24.08°C; n = 7). Several species such as Caulolatilus microps, Lopholatilus chamaeleon ticeps, Epinephelus flavolimbates, E. niveates, Helicolenus dactylopterus, Polyprion americanus, Hyperoglypheperciformis and Beryx decadactylus have specific habitat requirements and were therefore collected and found in spawning condition in very restricted areas. They generally exhibited pro tracted spawning periods. Blueline tilefish (C. microps) were collected only off of South Carolina on shelf-edge and upper slope reefs between 46 and 256 m (Figure 16). Blueline tilefish (n = 1112 examined for sex and reproductive state) were found associated with hard bottom that occurs in that area (Sedberry et al. 2004). Females in spawning condition (n = 514) were collected from February through October, with a major spawning period of March through September (Table 4). Spawning females were collected at a temperature range of 8.87 - 16.28°C (n = 32). Tilefish (L. chamaeleonticeps) also had a restricted depth and latitude range (Table 3, Figure 17); however, tilefish are found on soft-bottom habitat on the upper slope, where they construct burrows (Harris et al. 2001). Most tilefish were collected off South Carolina and Georgia, and spawning females were found in those areas. Spawning females ( 324 of 2431 fish examined) were collected in all months except October and December (Table 4), in depths from 190 to 300 m, at temperatures from 10.16 to 14.90°C (n = 9). The major spawning period was March through July. North of Cape Hatteras, most tilefish spawn from May to September(Grimes et al. 1988). Page 494 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Figure 14. Locations of capture of white grunt. See Figure 2 for additional explanation. Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) WW Page 495 WW Figure 15. Locations of capture of red grouper. See Figure 2 for additional explanation. Page 496 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute eiw saw TOW _i_ Canlota tikis microps If •••----^j* MTJ! Figure 16. Locations of capture of blueline tilefish. See Figure 2 for additional explanation. Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) • •.<•.'.: Page 497 ,»•* 8fW «m WW Figure 17. Locations of capture of tilefish. See Figure 2 for additional explana tion. Page 498 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Yellowedge grouper (E. flavolimbatus), like blueline tilefish, had a restricted depth distribution (Figure 18) and were also found mainly on shelfedge and upper-slope reefs off of the Carolinas at depths of 31 to 205 m. Spawning females (six of 73 fish examined) were collected in August and September in depths from 160 to 194 m, at a temperature of 14.47°C (one measurement) (Tables 3-4). Yellowedge grouperspawn earlier (April to July) in the southernCaribbean (Manickchand-Heileman and Phillip2000). Snowy grouper(E. niveates) were collected on shelf-edge and upper-slope reefs, mainly off the Carolinas (Figure 19). Spawning females (96 of 649 fish examined)were collected from April through September, in depths from 187to 302 m (Tables 3 - 4). The major spawning period was May through August. No bottom temperature data were available for collections of spawning snowy grouper. During a submersible dive on snowy grouper habitat in August (2002) off South Carolina, a bottom temperature of 13.27°C was measured, although no spawning snowy grouper were observed during that dive (Sedberry et al. 2004). Blackbelly rosefish (H. dactylopterus) were also found over a relatively restricted depth range over hard bottom, and were often caught along with snowy grouper (Figure 20). Blackbelly rosefish were collected between 38 and 686 m and spawning females were caught in depths from 229 to 238 m (Table 3). Of 1,381 specimens examined, 138were spawning females. Femaleswere in spawning condition from December through April, with a major spawning period of January through April (Table 4). In the western Mediterranean Sea, blackbelly rosefish spawn in January and February (Munoz et al. 1999). No bottom temperature data were available for collections of spawning blackbelly rosefish, and only one collection off South Carolina had location data (Figure 20). Wreckfish (P. americanus) occurred only on the continental slope, on a feature known as the Charleston Bump (Sedberry et al. 2001). Of 1,466 wreckfish examined for sex and reproductive state, 55 were spawning females. Wreckfish were caught in depths from 44 to 653 m, and spawning females were caught in depths from 433 to 595 m (Table 3, Figure 20). Wreckfish on the Charleston Bump have been collected at temperatures ranging from 6.2 to 16.3°C (Sedberry et al. 1999), and observed from submersibles (September 2001; August-September 2003) at temperatures of 8.4 - 16.7°C in depths from 430 to 570 m. Females in spawning condition were collected from November to May and were most prevalent in samples from February and March (Table 4). The Charleston Bump is the only known spawning area for wreckfish in the western North Atlantic (Sedberry et al. 1999); wreckfish in the South Atlantic (Brazil) spawn in the austral winter [July to October (Peres and Klippel 2003)]. We obtained 325 barrelfish (H. perciformis) from commercial fishermen and conducted histological examination of 102 specimens. All samples, including spawning females, came from wreckfish fishermen fishing on the Charleston Bump (Sedberry et al. 2001). The distribution of adult barrelfish is similar to that of adult wreckfish and spawning locations and times are about the same. Of the 102 specimens examined, 12 were females in spawning condition (Table 3). Females in spawning condition were found from Novem- Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 499 ber through January and in May (Table 4). WW 8I*W __l Epinephelus flavolimbatusl i&S^l «&££;. &€?&•&&:• *-,% •: ••v.s.'S-? : \v$- v >£&wS>??: ^;.-t 3&& Jftwj^fcte?••#JftaA3^&£a^^rfejt££ • Spawning Females. Fishery Independent • All Catch Locations. Fishery independent * Spawning Females, FisheryDependent * All Catch Locations. Fishery Dependent >§} Proposed MPAs •Kilometers 0 25 SO 100 —i— 79*W Figure 18. Locations of capture of yellowedge grouper. See Figure 2 for additional explanation. Page 500 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Figure 19. Locations of capture of snowy grouper. See Figure 2 for additional explanation. Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) erw 81 "W Page 501 WW 8TW Figure 20. Locations of capture of blackbelly rosefish and wreckfish. See Figure 2 for additional explanation. Page 502 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Red bream (B. decadactylus), like wreckfish and barrelfish, were collected by commercial wreckfish fishermen fishing on the Charleston Bump (Sedberry 2001). Of 16 specimens examined, eight were spawnmg females collected in June through September (Table 4). No spawning females were present in samples from April, May, November and December. No depth or temperature data were obtained from the commercial fishermen, but location and tempera tures were similar to wreckfish catch locations. Three additional species of grouper were also rarely collected in spawning condition. Yellowmouth grouper (M. interstitialis) was occasionally taken at middle- and outer-shelf reefs off of South Carolina (n = 18), where a few females (n = 9) were found in spawning condition in February, March and August off South Carolina at depths of 49 - 51 m (Tables 3-4, Figure 21). Only one bottom temperature was recorded at one spawning location (14.47° C). Rock hind (E. adscensionis) were collected mainly at shelf-edge reefs off of South Carolina and, of 34 examined for sex and reproductive state, five were spawning females collected during March, May and June from depths of 37 - 53 m (Tables 3-4, Figure 21). Bottom water temperatures for those collections were 20.05 - 23.96°C (n = 6). Speckled hind (E. drummondhayi) were distributed throughout the region on outer-shelf to upper-slope reefs in depths from 28 to 114 m, and were collected more frequently (274 examined) thanrock hind (Table 3, Figure 22). Five spawning females were found off of South Carolina in May, June and September(Table 4). In addition to the above species of grouper, we also examined gonads of seven graysby (C. cruentata), 18 coney (Cfulva) and 12 warsaw grouper (E. nigritus) collected throughout the region (Table 3). Several of the warsaw grouper were collected in proposed MPA sites off northern Florida and South Carolina. One spawning female was caught in May on the upper slope at a depth of 168 m (location unknown). An additional warsaw grouper examined from the database contained late vitellogenic oocytes, perhaps indicating potential spawning in the region. We collected one female coneyin spawning condition in June (33.8°N, 76.8°N, 39 m), and one potential spawner in the same month with late vitellogenic oocytes. In Puerto Rico, coney spawn from December to March (Jimenez and Fernandez 2001). One female graysby examined also contained late vitellogenic oocytes, again perhaps indicating potential spawning in the region. We observed several running ripe male coney and graysby; however, male reef fishes are in spawning condition for much of the year and cannot be used to determine spawning location in the absence of females. In addition to the histological evidence of spawning cited above, we have observed courtship behavior in hogfish, Lachnolaimus maximus, at shelf-edge reef sites. Hogfish courtship was observed from submersible off Jacksonville, Florida on 30 July 2002 (30.4°N, 80.2°W, 56 m depth, 1846-1926 EDT) andoff Charleston, South Carolina on 1 August 2002 (32.3°N, 79.0°W, 61 m depth, -1000 EDT). Behavior was as described by Colin (1982), with the male displaying erect spines in the first dorsal fin, and rapid pelvic-fin agitations. This display was directed at one or two nearby females. Although Colin (1982) observed spawning from mid-afternoon to sunset, we did not observe actual spawning in hogfish during dives in morning and late afternoon. Bottom temperatures at the Florida site during the dive Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 503 ranged from 20.90 - 20.94°C, considerably cooler than those reported by Colin (1982) in December to March in Puerto Rico (24 - 26°C). Bottom tempera tures at the South Carolina site ranged from 20.47 - 22.03°C. 77"W Figure 21. Locations of capture of rock hind and yellowmouth grouper. See Figure 2 for additional explanation. Page 504 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Figure 22. Locations of capture of speckled hind. See Figure 2 for additional explanation. Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 505 CONCLUSIONS AND MANAGEMENT ISSUES Spawning condition was determined for 28 species of reef fish at several phylogenetic levels, including Beryciformes (Berycidae), Scorpaeniformes (Scorpaenidae), Perciformes (Carangidae, Centrolophidae, Haemulidae, Lutjanidae, Malacanthidae, Polyprionidae, Serranidae, Sparidae) and Tetraodontiformes, and over a considerable depth and latitudinal range. In spiteof sometemporal and spatial sampling limitations, we determined thatthe species examined fall into a few groups of life history and spawning strategies. Several species, such as small serranids, haemulids, sparids and lutjanids, spawned over protracted periods and throughout the region. Black sea bass, sand perch, tomtate, red snapper, and vermilion snapper were broadly distrib uted and spawned across the shelf, although vermilion snapper spawning activity seemed to be more concentrated at shelf edge reefs than the other species in this group. Red porgy and bank sea bass also had broad distributions throughout the region, but spawning appeared to be more narrowly focused on deeper sites in the middle ofthe region. In the case of bankseabass, and to a lesser extentred porgy, this may reflect sampling limitations as these both spawn in winter, when sampling is more difficult and was subsequently more confined to the waters near our laboratory. Gag, scamp, red grouper, knobbed porgy and gray triggerfish spawned mainly at shelf-edge reefs. Gag use shallow coastal or estuarine waters as nursery areas, but make either an ontogenetic shift or spawning migration to the outershelf. Tagging of gag has indicated a spawning migration (Van Sant et al. 1994, McGovem et al. In press). Gray triggerfish juveniles are pelagic or benthic in a variety of habitats (Martin and Drewry 1978), but apparently move to deep reefs with age and maturity. Knobbed porgy, red grouper and scamp appear to be more resident onouter-shelfreefs, where spawning occurs. Tilefish, blackbelly rosefish, blueline tilefish, snowy grouper and yellow edge grouper are resident, at least as adults, on the upper slope. Spawning is restricted to reef(or mudinthecase of tilefish) habitats on theupper slope. Barrelfish, wreckfish and red bream live on the Charleston Bump, mainly in depths from 500 - 600 m (Sedberry et al. 2001, Popenoe and Manheim 2001, Weaver and Sedberry 2001). Spawning also occurs there, under the main axis of the Gulf Stream. Eggs, larvae and juveniles of wreckfish and barrelfish are pelagic, perhaps living at the surface for several months (Sedberry et al. 1999, Martin and Drewry 1978). It is uncertain how these fishes are recruited back to the Charleston Bump. Juvenile wreckfish are very commonat the surface in the eastern North Atlantic in the months following spawning on the Charleston Bump, and wreckfish from the eastern North Atlantic are genetically identical to those from the Charleston Bump (Sedberry et al. 1999, Ball et al. 2000), indicating substantial gene flow between the regions, mediated by Gulf Stream flow. White grunt, and to a lesser extent red grouper, were collected in spawning condition primarily in the northern part ofthe studyarea andapparently havea disjunct distribution (Zatcoff et al. 2004, Chapman et al. In prep.). They are abundant in the Caribbean and southern Florida, but are not common off Page 506 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute northern Florida or Georgia. They appearto be more tropical species that are found only in the waters of the northern SAB that are under the influence of the Charleston Gyre. Because of the influence of Gulf Stream waters being transported onto shelf waters off northern South Carolina and southern North Carolina via the Charleston Gyre, many tropical species are recruited to this area (Powell et al. 2000). Gag and greater amberjack appear to undertake spawning migrations to the south, with most spawning in greater amberjack apparently occurring off of southern Florida. Tagging of these species off South Carolina has indicated substantial movement to south Florida of large fish during the spawning season (Van Sant et al. 1994, McGovem et al. In press, Meister et al. In prep.). Several rare tropical groupers (yellowmouth grouper, rock hind, speckled hind, graysby, coney, warsaw grouper) occur in the region, but it remains uncertain if spawning in most of these is occurring here or if recruitment of these fish comes from southern spawning locations. Groupers generally have long-lived larvae [31 - 66 days (Lindeman et al. 2000)], and it is certainly possible that periodic recruitment of these tropical species occurs. Some females examined appeared to be in, or approaching, spawning condition; however, it is unknown if population densities are high enough to induce spawning behavior (aggregation, harem formation) that often accompanies spawning in these tropical groupers (Jimenez and Fernandez 2001). Although influenced by sampling limitations, there did appearto be areas within the region that are spawning grounds for several species. Shelf-edge reefs (40 - 60 m) in the middle of the SAB appeared to be particularly impor tant. Some of these reefs coincide with areas proposed by the SAFMC as MPAs that will prohibit bottom fishing (SAFMC 2004). Proposed MPAs that encompass shelf-edge reefs off Charleston, South Carolina [SAFMC Proposed South Carolina-B MPA, Option 1 at about 32.3°N (SAFMC 2004)] included spawning grounds for bank seabass, red grouper, gag, scamp, knobbed porgy, red porgy, vermilion snapper and gray triggerfish. Blueline tilefish were also caught in spawning condition in this proposed MPA site,but most were caught deeper, on upper slope reefs. Red snapper were also found spawning in this proposed MPA, but extensive spawning was found scattered across the shelf. Black sea bass and sand perch spawned near the South Carolina B sites, but most spawning in those two species was at scattered middle-shelf reefs. Rock hind spawned nearthis site andoccurred in the proposed SC-B Option 1 MPA. Spawning in rock hind also occurred near Proposed South Carolina-A MPA, Option 2 at about32.8°N,and rock hind werecollected at that proposed shelfedge MPA site. The two instances of courtship behavior observed in hogfish also took place in proposed MPA sites, one of which was South Carolina B (the other was Florida Option 1 off Jacksonville). The proposedMPA sites off South Carolina appear to be particularly important as spawning grounds for several species. Spawning occurred at one proposed South Carolina site (South Carolina-B Option 1)during all months of the year. Gag and scamp spawning occurred in more than one proposed MPA site off South Carolina, and spawning scamp were caught in proposed MPA sites off Florida too (SAFMC Proposed North Florida MPA Option 2 at 30°N). Tomtate were found spawning at many mid- to outer-shelf sites, but only one Sedberry, G.R. etal.GCFI:57 (2006) Page 507 proposed MPA site (the North Florida Option 2 site) had spawning tomtate. Vermilion snapperwere found spawning in almost all of the proposed sites, the exceptionsbeing deep (> 200 m) sites off North Carolina and Georgia. Several species spawned mainly on upper-slope habitats. Blackbelly rosefish, snowy grouper, yellowedge grouper, and tilefish spawned on reef or mud habitat centered around 200 m. Although tilefish spawned near one of the proposed Georgia MPAs (SAFMC Proposed Georgia MPA Option 1), no spawning in any of these deepwater species was detected within the proposed MPA sites. Because protection and management of deepwater species is one of the primary objectives of the proposed MPA sites (SAFMC 2004), consid eration should be given to locating a deepwater site to coincide with known spawning areas in deepwater species. No spawning sites of greateramberjack coincided with proposed SAFMC MPA sites. However, two spawning locations were within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, but not within no-take zones in the Sanctuary. Tagging data (Meister et al. in prep.) indicate substantial movement of greater amberjack from the Carolinas to southern Florida during the spawning season. The commercial fishery for greater amberjack is closed in April (see SAFMC web site for regulations: www.safimc.net') and 56% of spawning fish were collected in April (most ofthose from southernFlorida). This probably affords considerable protection to spawninggreater amberjack. Gag and red porgy are managed, in part, by a spawning season closure, with commercial catches limited to the recreational bag limit for gag in March and April (when 76% of spawning females were collected). Among several other restrictions, sale of red porgy is prohibited from January through April, when 88% of spawning females were collected. These closures during the peak spawning season probably afford some protection to spawning gag and red porgy. Many species of reef fish spawn at shelf edge sites that are under the influence of the Charleston Gyre. Eggs and larvae of these species are probably entrained in this gyre. Gag larvae are most often collected in the Charleston Gyre, often several tens of kilometers offshore and over much deeper water (> 600 m) than their preferred (< 50 m) habitat (Sedberry et al. 2004). Spawning in the Charleston Gyre probably results in bettersurvival, as early life history stages are carried off the shelf with its associated predators, and are retained in a cyclonic circulation (with upwelling at its core) that provides nutrients and eventual transported back ontothe shelftoward shallow nursery areas. Such a strategy seems to be associated with the long larval period found in groupers that spawn at shelf edge sites (Lindeman et al. 2000) and that helps them utilize large gyres such as the Charleston Gyre. Deep reef fishes of the Charleston Bump and Blake Plateau live and spawn in areas beyond those currently proposed as MPAs where bottom fishing would be prohibited. Wreckfish, however, are managed with gear restrictions (no longlines), an individual transferable quota with total allowable catch, and a spawning season closure (15 January through 15 April). Because barrelfish spawn at about the same place, and their spawning season extends into January (no data were available from February), it is likely that they are afforded some protection during spawning by regulations imposed on the Page 508 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute wreckfish fishery. Red bream, however, spawn in summer on the Charleston Bump, when the wreckfish fishery is open and they are caught as bycatch. There is no evidence that the apparently small (but undocumented) bycatch is having a negative effect on spawning red bream, but this deserves further investigation. In addition to spawnmg demersal fishes on the Charleston Bump, there is some evidence that this is a spawning site for pelagic dolphin (Coryphaena hippurus) and swordfish (Xiphias gladius) as well (Govoni and Hare 2001, Sedberry et al. 2004). Although many reef fishes important in commercial and recreational fisheries off the southeastern U.S. spawn across broad shelf areas, it is evident that some spawning is localized. Often, local spawning grounds are utilized by several species. In deciding among options for final MPA sites, consideration should be given to sitesthat are used as spawning grounds by several species. It is obvious thatsome options among the MPA sites proposed by the SAFMC contain more spawning sites for more species than do some of the other sites, and that by minor shifts in location oreven orientation of the proposed closed areas, more spawning fishes could be protected. Consideration of known spawning areas and timesshould be an important criterion when planning time or area closures to ensure sustained fisheries. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank scientists of the SCDNR-MARMAP program, past and present (especially C. Barans, W. Bubley, J. Burgos, N. Cuellar, E. Daniel, K. Filer, P. Harris, P. Keener-Chavis, D. Machowski, J. McGovem, S. Meister, J. Moore, S. Palmer, P. Powers Mikell,W. Roumillat, C. Sharp, S. Van Sant,W. Waltz, C.Wenner and B. White), for assistance in data collection and analysis. Personnel of the NOAA Fisheries Beaufort Laboratory assisted with collection of fishery-dependent samples. K. Grimball prepared most of the histological sections and C. Schobemd provided observations of courtship behavior observed during her analysis of submersible videotapes. M. Brouwer (SAFMC) assisted with translations. Funding was provided by grants from NOAA Fisheries, including MARFLN Grant NA17FF2874 (G. Sedberry, Principal Investigator) and Unallied Science Program Grants NA97FL0376, NA07FL0497 and NA03NMF4720321 (G. Sedberry, Principal Investigator). Submersible observations were supported with grants from the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration (Grants NA16RP2697 and NA0ROAR4600055; G. Sedberry, Principal Investigator). NOAA Fisheries has supported the SCDNR since 1973 to collect the fishery-independent data used in this paper, underthe SCDNR-MARMAP Program (current Grant 50WCNF106007-L0003; P. Harris, Principal Investigator). Sedberry, G.R. et al. GCFL57 (2006) Page 509 LITERATURE CITED Able, K.W., M.P. Fahay, and G.R. Sheperd. 1995. Early life history of black sea bass, Centropristis striata, in the Mid-Atlantic Bight and a New Jersey estuary. Fishery Bulletin 93:429-445. Atkinson, L.P. 1985. Hydrography and nutrients of the southeastern U.S. continental shelf. Pages 77-92 in: L.P. Atkinson, D.W. Menzel, and K.A. Bush (eds.). Oceanography of the Southeastern U.S. Continental Shelf. 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South Carolina Marine Resources Center Technical Report 33:79 pp. Page 514 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Wenner, C.A., W.A. Roumillat, and CW. Waltz. 1986. Contributions to the life history of black sea bass, Centropristis striata, off the southeastern United States. FisheryBulletin 84:723-741. Zatcoff, M.S., A.O. Ball, and GR. Sedberry. 2004. Population genetic analysis of red grouper (Epinephelus morio) and scamp (Mycteroperca phenax) from the southeastern U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Marine Biology 144:769-777. The Nassau Grouper Spawning Aggregation Fishery of the Cayman Islands - An Historical and Management Perspective PHJLLIPPE G.BUSH1, E. DAVID LANE2, GINA C. EBANKS-PETRJE1, KIRSTEN LUKE1, BRADLEY JOHNSON1, CROY MCCOY1, JOHN BOTHWELL1, and EUGENE PARSONS1 ' Cayman Islands Department ofEnvironment P.O. Box 486 GT Grand Cayman 2Fisheries andAquaculture, Malaspina University-College Nanaimo, B.C. Canada ABSTRACT The reproductive characteristics of mass spawningat predictabletimes and places have made the Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striates, vulnerable to over fishing. Historically in the Cayman Islands, five Nassau grouper spawning aggregations provided an important seasonal artisanal fishery for local fisher men from which fish were harvested by the thousands. In 1986, fishermen began complaining of reduced catch and size of fish taken from the fishery. Since 1987, the fishery has been monitored. Data on age, size, catch, and catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) was collected. Fifty-two percent of fish aged were seven and eight years old, indicating full recruitment to the fishery by this age. Analyses ofdata show overall declines in catch, CPUE, and size. In 2001 a sixth aggregation was discovered and heavily fished. In 2002, an 'Alternate Year Fishing' law was passed to reduce fishing mortality. In 2003, an 8-year ban on fishing in all designated grouper spawning areas was implemented when it became apparent tiiat further fishing could irreversibly compromise the viability of the 'new' aggregation. Of the six known Nassau grouper spawning aggregations sites in the Cayman Islands, three are fished out, two are in seri ous decline, and one, though affected by fishing, is still comparatively healthy. Additionally, two other areas were designated as potential spawning sites. The Cayman Islands case is one typical of the depletion pattern of 'boom-and-bust' Nassau-grouper aggregation fisheries seen throughout the region over the past three decades. Despite the current ban on this activity locally, our goal is to convince the local populace that this practice is unsustainable, and should per manently cease. KEY WORDS Nassau grouper, spawning aggregation, Cayman Islands, re stricted marine areas Page 516 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute EI Proceso de Apareamiento en las Islas Caimanes del Nassau Grouper del Punto Perspectivo Historico y de Manejamiento Las caracteristicas de reproduccion del Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striatus) en tiempos y lugares predictibles los ha hecho vulnerable a la sobre pezca. En las Islas Caimanes historicamente 5 agregaciones de apareamiento del Nassau Grouper proveian una importante pezca temporal. Sin embargo en 1986, los pezcadoreslocales comenzar6n a notar la reduccidn de la cantidad y el tamano del pez obtenido. La captura ha sido monitoriada por los ultimos 14 afios , durante este tiempo los datos como la edad, tamano, cantidad y cantidad de unidad de esfuerzo, fueron obtenidos y analizados. 52% de la edad de los peces fue 7 (26%) y 8 (25.9%) afios de edad, indicaron complete recruitamiento de este grupo de edad en las pesca. Analisis de los datos senalaron todavia reduccion en las pesca, CPUE, y tamano. En el ano 2001 una Sexta agregacion fue descubierta y violentamente pescada. En el 2002 una ley de altenar un ano de pezca fue obtenidad con la idea de reducierla mortalidad. Pero cuando fue evidente que mas pescas hiban a comprometer irreversiblemente la posibilidad de sobrevivencia de la nueva argegaci6n se implanto una nueva ley de 8 afios de prohibicion de captura en todas las areas designadas de apareamiente del Nassau Grouper. De las seis conocidas agregaciones de apareamiento del Nassau Grouper situados en las Islas Caimanes tres nan desaparecidos, dos nan declinado seriamente y una a pesar del impacto sigue relativamente saludable. Las Islas Caimanes es un caso tipico de las pollaciones de explotar sobre 3 decadas la abundancia de la pesca del NassauGrouper. A pesarde la prohibi cion de la actividad pescadera local. Nuestra objective es de convencer y educar la populacion local que esta practica es inconveniente y debe cesar permanentemente. PALABRAS CLAVES: Nassau Grouper, caracteristicas de reproduccion, las Islas Caimanes INTRODUCTION The reproductive characteristic of aggregation spawning at predictable sites and times have made the Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus (Bloch 1792), vulnerable to overfishing. As a result, many of the known spawning aggregations of this species, areno longer viable (Sadovy and Eklund 1999). The Cayman Islands (Grand Cayman, Little Cayman, and Cayman Brae) lie between 19°15' and 19045'N latitude and between 79°44' and 81°27'W longitude, and Nassau grouper are relatively abundant when compared to many other locations (Patengill-Semmens and Semmens 2003). A traditional fishing culture has evolved into one economically dependent on marine tourism and finance over the past 30 years. Historically, mere were five Nassau grouper spawning aggregation sites (Tucker et al. 1993): one at the southeast comers of each of the three islands, Page 517 Bush, P.G. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) one at the southwestern comer of GrandCayman, and another at the southeast comer of the Twelve Mile Banks west of Grand Cayman (Figure 1). Another aggregation exists at Pickle Bank (44 nautical miles north of Little Cayman) whose political jurisdiction is undetermined. The aggregations at the eastern ends of the islands are the most well known, and have traditionally been exploited sincethe early 1900s with the use ofsmallopen boatsand handlines. In 1985, recognizing the importance of these three spawning areas, a general license was issued under the Restricted Marine Areas (Designation) Regula tions allowing access by residents, but restricting them to fishing by hook-andline only. In 1986, increasing complaints from fishermen of a decline in both numbers and size of fish taken from the fishery during the last several years prompted the implementation of a monitoring program by the Department of the Environment. Atlantic ocmb cult «( riMlco *^Cairaan Inland* «o « "P^\ Littla Cayman A Caynan Brae Brand Caysan 12 Mlla Bank A" 8 Spawning Sites % Hiotorical • 'Haw* aV Potantial «0 WWa Figure 1. Map showing current Restricted Marine (Grouper Spawning) Areas, (1) Grand Cayman - northeast point, (2) Little Cayman • northeast point, (3) Cayman Brae - northeast point, (4) Grand Cayman -southwest point, (5) 12-Mile Bank - northeast end, (6) Little Cayman - southwest point, (7) Cayman Brae - southwest point, (8) 12-Mile Bank - southwest end. Page 518 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute METHODS From 1987 through 1992, data on catch, catch-per-unit-effort, and size, were collected during spawning season from the three main spawning sites. Catch data was recorded on a per boat basis. CPUE was determined by dividing annual catch by the number of boat trips. Total length (TL) in centimeters was measuredusing a graduated board. Age data was obtained by analyzing sagittal otoliths taken from 479 fish, and the agingtechnique was validated in 1992 by use of captive fish injected with oxytetracycline (Bush et al 1996). Sampling of catch and size data from the three mainaggregations continued through 2001. Sex andweightdata was initially collected, but was discontinued due to manpowerand time restraints. Data from the southwest point of Grand Cayman, Twelve-Mile Bank, and Pickle Bank was sporadic and is not reported herein. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fishery Data Most grouper in the spawning aggregations (84%) are betweenthe agesof six and 11 with 52%of the fish either ages seven (26.1%) or 8(25.9%). These two dominant year classes (seven andeight) indicate the age at full recruitment to the fishery (Figure 2). The oldest fish (29 years) exceeds the oldest age reported for Nassau grouper (Olsen and LaPlace, 1978) by 13 years. A length at age curve was generated (Figure 3) and fitted to the von Bertalanfry growth equation in order to compare the equation parameters with those published for E. striatus (Manooch 1987, Valle et al 1997). Loo, average asymptotic length, = 765 + 30 mm with 95% confidence limits; K, growth coefficient, 0.282 (per yr.); and to, theoretical age at 0 length, -0.638 yrs.; were calculated from a regression of the Ford/Walford line (1 ,+[ = 140..04 + 0.821,, r2 = 0.96) to where lt= lt+i; his the mean length at any given age. By restricting the ages used to calculate the von Bertalanfry growth parameters to those with a minimum of 10 fish in any age group (i.e., ages 5 -13) a close fit of calculated and observed lengths was obtained between those ages (Table 1). Manooch (1987), Pauly and Binohlan (1996), and Valle et al (1997) summarize parame ters of Nassau grouper: L„ from 900TL -1130mmTL, with one exception (760 mm TL from NE Cuba, Claro et al 1991), K's from 0.060-0.224 (per year), and to-3.27-0.488 (year). Our calculated growth parameters differ from those published; Loo = 765 mm TL and to = -0.638, are lower than previously published with the exception of one L«, estimate by Claro et al 1991. Our growth coefficient K = 0.202 is slightly higher than those reported by Manooch (1987), Pauly and Binohlan (1996), and Valle (1997), with one exception, 0.224 reported by Randall (1962). The low L« and high K would indicate that Nassau grouper around the Cayman Islands have a high early growth rate to ages 10 or 11 but a lower terminal size than other stocks. Bush, P.G. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 519 130120 110 100 SO & 80 g 70 | 60 u- 6040 3020- 10 | o1- —i——^—t—•—i—i—i—i . i 0 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 S 9 1011121314151617181920 2122 23 24 25 26 2728 29 Age (years) Figure 2. Age frequency distribution of 479 E. striatus from 1987 -1992. 90-, 85 N 80 75 70 u 65 60 * T e jw-I S«>- f) ?45o 'MeanTotal Length -?40A o 35 H 30 25- jn 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 26 27 28 29 Age (years) Figure 3. Growth curve for E. striatus sampled from aggregations 1987 -1992. Page 520 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Table 1. Age vs. Length data of 479 Nassau grouper from the Cayman Islands. Predicted mean lengths fitting the data between ages 5 and 13 to the von Bertalanfry growth equation: It= 765[1-e-0.202(t+0.638)] Age years Total Lengths (mm) No. Fish Predicted Length Range Mean Standard Deviation 0 150-180 1 230-290 268 4 340-445 408 42.3 6 398 5 365-585 478 72.7 14 465 520 - - - 2 93 4 216 6 360-630 541 61.1 52 7 345-710 570 48.2 125 565 8 490-695 599 45.4 124 601 9 530-750 638 54,1 45 631 10 555-720 646 42.8 25 655 11 540-750 663 57.2 31 675 12 620-710 704 47.9 15 692 13 660-760 713 34.1 10 705 14 600-735 716 50.9 9 716 15 565-820 722 87.2 6 725 16 660-760 714 - 4 733 17 810-840 827 - 3 738 18 801 743 21 782 28 850 29 810 - - 1 - - 1 753 - - 1 762 - - 1 763 Catch, CPUE, and Size from these three spawning aggregations have declined over the 15 year period. Catch (Figure 4a) from Grand Cayman and Little Cayman during the early years of the monitoring period was in the low hundreds and has since dwindled. In Cayman Brae, while catch was in the low thousands during the initial years following the re-discovery of the spawning aggregation, it too has declined drastically in the lastsix years. Catch-per-uniteffort and size (Figure 4b,c) for all three islands show similar marked trends. The LittleCayman site was abandoned in 1993 whenthe aggregation ceasedto form. Bush, P.G. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) —a— LftrJeCayman " •" CaymanOne Page 521 --*• -GrindCayman ^—Trand Lima Cayman - • - Trand Cayman Brae —• -Trend Grand Cayman! B. -Little Cayman • «* CaymanBrae -Trand time Cayman Trend Cayman Buc —*- -GrandCayman Trand Grand Cayman 6500 ~ . a* . 6300 "^•-. Si 00 a oo —•-Little Cayman •«• Cayman Brae —*• •Orand Cayman Trand UM» Cayman •-• trand Cayman Brae —• -TrandGrand Cayman Figure 4. 15-yeartrends in (A) Annual catch, (B) Annual catch-per-unit-effort and (C) Annual size from the three northeastern grouper spawning aggrega tions. Page 522 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Chronology of Fishing Activity Between 1984 and 1990, the Cayman Brae site was dormant and the fishing fleet of Cayman Brae targeted the northeast SPAG of Little Cayman (the two islands are five nautical miles apart). In 1991, an aggregation was found approximately 1.2 km north of the dormant Cayman Brae site, and has been heavily fished. By 1993, the Little Cayman site was inactive. Continued monitoring through 2001 showed continuing declines in both catch and size of fish from the aggregations of Grand Cayman and Cayman Brae. Of the two other aggregations, located near Grand Cayman, one (Southwest site) was fished until 1990, after which it no longer formed, and theother (Twelve-Mile Bank) still yields a variable, albeit low, number offish. In 2001, another aggregation which (according to anecdotal reports) had not been fished since the late 1960s, was 're-discovered' at the western end of Little Cayman, and heavily fished during the 2001 and 2002spawning season. Approximately 4,000 fish were taken from thisaggregation during 20 days of fishing (Whaylen et al 2004). Pre-fishing abundance for this aggregation is estimated atover 7,000 fish. This aggregation isbelieved tobethe last healthy spawning aggregation of Nassau groupers in the Cayman Islands. Chronology of Management Measures In 1995, after the first sixyears of data showed a decline in all parameters, a recommendation was made to implement an 'Alternate Year Fishing' strategy in order to reduce fishing mortality by half. However, due to lack of politicalsupport,this was not implemented. In 1998, the three main spawningareas at the eastern ends of the islands were formally demarcated as 'Restricted Marine Areas' for which access required licensing by the Marine Conservation Board (the statutory authority responsible forthe administration ofthe Marine Conservation Law). Following public controversy regarding the mass harvest of fish in 2001, and again in 2002, the Marine Conservation Board and the Department of Environment campaigned for support to protect the Nassau grouper spawning aggregations byholding a series of meetings with government, the watersports, and restaurant sectors of the Cayman Islands Tourism Association, as well as fishermen. Protective legislation was passed inFebruary of 2002 (Whaylen et al. 2004). This legislation defined a spawning season ofNovember 1 to March 31, and implemented the 'Alternate Year Fishing' law (first recommended in 1995) to reduce fishing mortality in the designated grouper spawning areas. This law allowed fishing every other year with the first non-fishing year starting with 2003, and also seta catch limit of 12 Nassau grouper perboat per day during fishing years. The law also defined one nautical mile 'no trapping' zones around each spawning site, and set a minimum size limit of 12 inches for Nassau grouper. Finally, a significant aspect of the lawprovided power to the Marine Conservation Board to change these restrictions to anyor all of the designated spawning areas. In mid-December of 2002, the other two of the five original spawning areas, and the new one at the west end of Little Cayman, were designated as restricted marine areas. In addition, two more areas were designated, due to Bush, P.G. etal.GCFI:57 (2006) Page 523 their potential to accommodate spawning aggregations, and the possibility of spawning aggregations shifting. These were the southwest end of 12 Mile Bank and the southwest end of Cayman Brae, both of which have the geo- morphological and oceanographic characteristics common to such spawning areas. With the approaching spawning season of 2004, it was realized that the new 'altemate-year-fishing' management strategy would not accomplish the goal for which it was originally intended. Our calculations showed that, despite the new catch limits, fishing during the 2004 season could compromise the viability of this relatively healthy aggregation. Assuming that fishing effort would be similar to that of 2001 and 2002, most of the estimated 3,000 surviving fish in the 'new' spawning aggregation at the west end of Little Cayman, would be removed. As a result of this, on the 29lh December of 2003, the Marine Conservation Board exercised it powers to change the 'Alternate-Year-Fishing' portion of the law to an eight year ban on fishing within all designated grouper spawning areas. It was thought that this time period representing one reproductive cycle for the species, was the minimum needed to realize any benefits to replenishment. CONCLUSION The Cayman Islands case is typical ofthe depletion pattern of 'boom-andbust' grouper aggregation fisheries seen through out the region over the past three decades. Lack of effective management has resulted in the demise of many spawning aggregations, including some local ones, and the species is now absent in many locations. It is important that fisheries management authorities be empowered to respond quickly to problems as the timeliness ofthe response iscritical if it is to succeed. The seven year delay in implementation of the alternate year strategy, combined with continued heavy fishing, almost certainly would have compro mised the strategy's intended effect asreproductive stock became depleted. The Cayman islands now have a total of eight designated grouper spawning areas covering an area of17.56 square kilometers. Ofthe six known Nassau grouper spawning aggregations sites in the Cayman Islands, three are fished out, two are inserious decline, and one, though affected bytwo years of heavy fishing, still relatively healthy. Despite the current ban on fishing local aggregations, our goal is to convince residents that this practice is unsustain able in any measure, and should permanently cease. Inthe interim, webelieve that the management measures implemented, along with adequate enforcement, will contribute effectively to the perpetuation of this species in the Cayman Islands. Immediate future plans for the Little Cayman aggregation include continued in-situ monitoring, as well as a tagging and tracking project. Eventually assessments will be carried out on all known spawning aggrega tions sites, with a view to monitoring any replenishment or re-habilitation. Other sites possessing other locations possessing similar geo-morphological Page 524 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute and oceanographic conditions will also be investigated. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Brian Luckhurst, Will Heyman, and Yvonne Sadovy for their expertise, advice, and dedicated support. In particular, we appreciate their urgent letters of appeal to the Minister for Tourism, Environ ment, and Developmentin support of protective legislation. Our gratitude also goes to Leslie Whaylen and the REEF Team, whose assistance in monitoring the 'new' spawning aggregation in Little Cayman was invaluable. LITERATURE CITED Bush, P.G., E.D. Lane, and G.C. Ebanks. 1996. Validation of Ageing Tech nique for Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striates) in the Cayman Islands. Pages 150-157 in: F.A.Arrequin-Sanchez, J.L.Munro, M.C. Balgos andD. Pauly (eds.). Biology, Fisheries and Culture of Tropical Snappers and Groupers. Proceedings EPOMEX/ICLARM International Workshop on Tropical Snappers and Groupers. October 1993. Mannoch III, C.S. 1987. Age and growth of snappers and groupers. Pages 329373 in: J.J. Polovina and S. Ralston (eds.). Tropical Snappers and Groupers, -Biology and Fisheries Management. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado USA. Olsen, D.A. and J.A. LaPlace. 1978. A study of the Virgin Island grouper fishery based on breeding aggregations. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 31:130-144. Pattengill-Semmens, C.V. and BX Semmens. 2003. The status of reef fishes in the Cayman Islands (BWI). Status of coral reefs in the Western Atlantic: Results of initial Surveys, Atlantic Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) Program. Atoll ResearchBulletin496:226-247. Sadovy, Y. and A.M. Eklund. 1999. Synopsis of biological information on Epinephelus striatus (Bloch 1972), the Nassau grouper, and E. itajara (Lichenstein 182) the jewfish. NOAA technical report NMFS 146, US Department of Commerce. 65 pp. Tucker, J.W., P.G. Bush, and S.T. Slaybaugh. 1993. Reproductive patterns of cayman Islands Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) populations. Bulletin ofMarine Science 52:961-969. Valle, S.V., Garcia-Arteaga, and R. Claro. 1997. Growth parameters of marine fishes in Cuban waters. Naga, theICLARM Quarterly 20(l):34-37. Whaylen, L., C.V. Pattengill-Semmens, B.X. Semmens, P.G. Bush, and M.R. Boardman. 2004. Observations of a Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus, spawning aggregation site in Little Cayman, Cayman islands, including muti-species spawning information. Environmental Biology ofFishes 70: 305-313. Primeras Descripciones de la Agregaci6n de Desove del Mero Colorado, Epinephelus guttatus, en el Parque Marino Nacional "Arrecife Alacranes" de la Plataforma Yucateca ARMIN TUZ-SULUB1, KENNETH CERVERA-CERVERA2, JUAN C. ESPINOSA MENDEZ2 y THIERRY BRULE1 1Laboratorio deIctiologia. CINVESTA V- IPN- Unidad Merida. Antigua Carretera a Progreso Km 6. AP. 73 Cordemex C.P. 97310. Merida, Yucatan, Mexico 2Centro Regional deInvestigacion Pesquera Yucalpeten. INP. SAGARPA. Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico. C.P. 97320 RESUMEN Desde el ano 2000 los primeros indicios de la ocurrencia de una agregaci6n de desove de mero Colorado E. guttatus en el Arrecife Alacranes fueron puestos de manifiesto en trabajos realizados con Pescadores locales. A partir del2002 y hasta el 2004, un area ubicada en el noreste del arrecife y conocido como "el sandwich" fue monitoreado mensualmente en los dias previos y posteriores a la fase lunar de luna llena. La determinacidn de la densidad de organismos de E. guttatus enel sitio permitio definir que los meses deenero a marzo son los meses pico de reproduccion de esta especie. La presencia de ovocitos hialinos, observados macroscopicamente, en ejemplares hembras de esta especie nos permitio confirmar laocurrencia deagregaciones dedesove en esta area particular del Arrecife Alacranes. La talla de los organismos, que fueron observados en la agregacion, correspondio a ejemplares adultos y estuvieron entre los20 y 45 cm. de longitud total. La proportion de sexos fue estimada en 1:1.3. La ocurrencia de este comportamiento reproductor fue observada, en el mismo sitio y durante los mismos meses, durante el tiempo de estudio. El area de agregacion esta ubicado a una profundidad de 85 pies y presenta una cobertura dominante de corales suaves, principalmente gorgonias. Datos de la explotacion pesquera deesta agregacion son incluidos y discutidos en este trabajo. PALABRAS CLAVES: Agregaci6n de desove, meroColorado, Yucatan First Descriptions of a Spawning Aggregation of Red Hind, Epinephelus guttatus, in the National Marine Park "Alacranes Reef on the Yucatan Platform Since 2000, first indications of the occurrence of a spawning aggregation of red hind E. guttatus in the Alacranes Reef were identified through inter views with local fishermen. From 2002 through 2004, an area located in the northeast reef and known as the "sandwich" was monitored monthly during the days prior to and after the Full Moon. The determination of density of E. guttatus in the site allowed us to define that the months of January to March Page 526 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute are the peak time of reproduction of this specie. The presence of hyalin oocytes,observed macrocospically, in females examples allowed us to confirm the occurrence of spawning aggregation in this particular area of the Alacranes Reef. The size of the organisms observed in the aggregation corresponded to adult organisms and were between the 20 and 45 cm. total length. The sex ratio was estimated at 1:6 male:female. Reproductive behavior was observed, in the same site and during such months, throughout the time of study. The aggregation is located at a depth of 85 feet, andit displays a dominant coverof smooth corals, mainly gorgonians. Fishing data are included and discussed in this work. KEY WORDS: Spawning aggregation, red hind, Yucatan INTRODUCCION Durante su epoca de reproduccion, los adultos de diversas especies de peces tropicales de las familias Serranidae, Lutjanidae, Caesionidae, Mugilidae, Labridae, Scaridae, Acanthuridae y Siganidae forman agregaciones en lugares especificos y periodos determinados, para liberar sus gametos. Estas agregaciones constituyen unos de los ejemplos mas espectaculares de las diversas estrategias de reproduccion que desarrollan los organismos presentes en los ambientes de arrecifes coralinos. Una agregacion de reproduccion puede ser definida como un amontonamiento de peces de una misma especie, que se juntan para emitir sus gametos, y cuya densidad o cantidad de individuos es significativamente mas alta que la observada, en la misma zona de agregaci6n, durante el periodo de inactividad sexual. Las investigaciones sobre las agregaciones de reproduccidn de peces son escasas por el hecho de que este tipo de estudio es generalmente dificil de realizar. A menudo son eventos efimeros que ocurren en lugares muy remotos, muchas veces cuando prevalecen condiciones climaticas desfavorables y, si suceden en zonasde facil acceso, estas agregaciones ya desaparecieron o fueron reducidas en importanciaporla pesca (Domeier y Colin 1997). Varias especies de meros(Epinephelinae, Epinephelini) realizan migraciones de reproduccion y forman agregaciones de centenares a miles de individuos durante varios dias, en sitios especificos de extension limitada, y a veces en sincronia con las fases lunares (Domeier y Colin 1997). A la fecha se ha podido comprobar la formaci6n de agregaciones de reproduccion tipicas para E. adscensionis (Colin et al. 1987), E. guttatus (Colin et al. 1987; Shapiro et al. 1993a,b); Sadovy et al. 1994), E. itajara(Colin 1994), E. striates (Smith 1972, Olsen y Laplace 1979, Colin et al. 1987, Colin 1992, Aguilar-Perera 1994, Carter et al. 1994, Sadovy y Colin 1995, Aguilar-Perera y Aguilar-Davila 1996), M. bonaci (Carter 1989, Carter y Perrine 1994, Eklund et al. 2000), M. tigris (Sadovy y Domeier 1994) y M. venenosa (Bannerot en Domeier y Colin 1997). Otras especies como M. microlepis y M. phenax forman agregaciones mas modestas en cuanto al numero de individuos involucrados, y en areas mis extensas (Gilmore y Jones 1992, Coleman et al. 1996, Koenig et al. 1996). Algunas especies como Cephalopholis cruentata, Cfiilva y probablemente E. morio no forman agregaciones para la reproduccion (Coleman et al. 1996). Tuz-Sulub, A. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 527 Debido al hecho de que, ano teas ano, las agregaciones de reproduccion de meros se forman muy a menudo en los mismos sitios geograficos y durante el mismo periodo del ano, estas son particularmente vulnerables a la pesca comercial. Las especies que presentan tal comportamiento de reproduccion parecen muy propiciasa la sobreexplotaci6n pesquera(Sadovy 1997, Coleman et al. 2000). En el Banco de Campeche, se explotan comercialmente 17 especies de meros de los generos Cephalopholis, Epinephelus y Mycteroperca (ColasMarrufo et al. 1998, Tuz-Sulub 1999). Ninguna agregacion de reproducci6n de merosa sido reportada a la fecha parael Banco de Campeche, a pesar de que la reproducci6n de varias especies ha sido observada en esta region (Brule et al. 1999, Renan 1999, Brule et al. 2000, Colas-Marrufoy Brule 2000, Renan et al. 2001). La formation de una agregacion de reproduccion de E. striatus en el sur del Caribe mexicano, en Mahahual, Quintana Roo, constituye el unico reporte actualmente disponible sobre este tema para las aguas mexicanas (Aguilar-Perera 1994, Aguilar-Perera y Aguilar-Davila 1996). Estudios previos en el parque Marino Nacional "Arrecife Alacranes", con barcos de la flota pesquera yucateca, nos permitieron inferir que en esta zona arrecifal podria estar ocurriendo agregaciones de desove de algunas especies de mero. El propositi) del presente trabajo rue de determinar, a traves del analisis de criterios directos como indirectos, si esta zona podria ser considerada como un lugar potencial de agregaciones de reproduccion del mero Colorado Epinep helus guttatus. MATERIAL Y METODOS Durante los afios del 2002 al 2004 se realizaron muestreos mensuales en un area del Parque Marino Nacional Arrecife Alacranes. Estos incluyeron los meses de reproduccion delmero Colorado, Epinephelus guttatus, reportadas en la literature para la zona del Atlantico Oeste. En el area de muestreo el sitio fue geoposicionado y descrito en funcidn desuscaracteres bioticos y abioticos. Los muestreos se realizaron durante algunos dias posterioresa la fase lunar de lima llena. Para Uevar a cabo la determination de la ocurrencia de agregacion de desove del mero Colorado, se siguieron los metodos directos e indirectos descritosen el manualdel SCRFA(2003). Para determinarla densidad de los organismos se estimo el niimero de individuos de la especie distribuidos en un transecto lineal de aproximadamente 100 mts de largo por un metro de ancho; debido a las medidas de seguridad este area se reconocia en un tiempo no mayor de 10 minutos de buceo con ayuda de equipo autonomo. Ademas en cada inmersidn se observaron y describieron los patrones de coloracidn y comportamiento de los organismos. Documentos de foto y video fueron realizados con ayuda de camaras automaticas de 35 mm y 8 mm, respectivamente. Se caracterizo la cobertura de fondo del area estudiada y en cada inmersidn se registraron los parametros de temperatura del agua y la profundi dad promedio en la que se encontraban losorganismos. Para confirmar la maduracion gonadal de los individuos observados se colectaron algunos de ellos a travesdel arte de pesca de arpon hawaiano. Cada ejemplar capturado fue sexado macroscopicamente y datos biometricos de Page 528 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Longitud Total, Peso Total y Peso de la Gonada fueron tornados en ellos. La descripci6n macroscopica de las gonadas fue realizada con ayuda de los criterios propuestos por Brule et al. (1999) para el E. morio, ademas se realizaron analisis de tipo ponderal (indice gonadosomatico: IGS = 100*Pg/ Pe) para la comparacion con otros estudios de la misma especie. RESULTADOS Zona de la Agregaci6n El lugar donde ocurre la agregacion se localiza en la zona de barlovento del complejo arrecifal, a unos 200 metros de la barrera arrecifal, es conocida localmente por los Pescadores como "Sandwich" debido a los restos de un barco encallado cerca de esta zona. Geograficamente se localiza en los 29° 36' LN y los 89° 43' LO cubriendo una extension de aproximadamente 1.5 kilometres cuadrados. El fondo marino, ubicado a una profundidad de entre 25 y 32 metros, presento un alto porcentaje de cobertura coralina viva, compuesta principalmente por corales suaves (octocorales), hasta en un 60% de su superficie; seguida por pequeiios parches de corales masivos de las especies Montastraeaannularis y Diploria strigosa (30 %), la cobertura restante estuvo compuesta principalmente por arena, roca y algas calcareas (10%). La transparencia en el area fue siempre del 100 % con una visibilidad de hasta 30 metros. La temperatura del agua, a proximidad del fondo, fluctuo entre los 19.8CC (enero)y 25.8.°C (julio). Caracteristicas de la Agregacion Las observaciones submarinas directas permitieron determinar un gradual aumento de la densidad de los organismos en el sitio de estudio. Los valores mas altos fueron encontrados en el mes de febrero (133 individuos por transecto en promedio) pero este aumento comienza desde el mes de diciembre (1 individuo) y culmina en el mes de abril (6 individuos); los meses restantes, de mayo a noviembre, se presento una densidad casi nula de E. guttatus en el sitio de agregacion. Los especimenes de E. guttatus presentaron un comportamiento gregario y cambios en el patron de coloration. La agregacion de E. guttatus ocurrid en pequeiios grupos de 6—8 individuos, a proximidad del fondo. En cada grupo, uno de ellos, de tamano mas grande, siempre se ubico mis arriba de sus companeros y del substrate con un comportamiento territorial. La mayoria de los ejemplares con este comportamiento presentaron una coloration mas palida, con ties barras oscuras ubicadas verticalmente a ambos lados del cuerpo. Mientras los organismoscerca del fondo, en su mayoria eran hembras, definidas claramente por el prominente abultamiento de sus vientres, presentaban un color uniforme palido, con puntos oscuros en todo el cuerpo, y un borde oscuro en las aletas caudal, dorsal y pectorales. Analisis Macroscdpico Un total de 114 ejemplares fueron capturados, principalmente en los meses de mayor densidad. Asi, macroscopicamente, se sexaron a 59 machos, los Tuz-Sulub, A. etal. GCFL57 (2006) Page 529 cuales estuvieroncaracterizados por la presenciade gonadas pilidas, las cuales emitian esperma al someterlas a una presion leve. En 12 individuos no fue posible llevara cabo un sexadomacroscopico debidoa que las gonadasestaban en estado inmaduro y de muy pequeiio tamano, estos organismos fueron catalogados como indeterminados. 43 hembras fueron identificadas debido a una avanzada maduracion gonadal, caracterizada por la presencia de ovocitos opacos y hialinos a simple vista. Lapresencia de ovocitos hidratados, macroscopicamente, nos permitio deducir que el desove en lashembras capturadas era de manera inminente. Asi con los datos anteriores se obtuvo una proportion de sexosde 1H:1.3M. Las tallas de los organismos capturados fueron para los machos: Longitud total minima y maxima de 34.8 y 48.5 cm., respectivamente. Las hembras tuvieron un rango de talla entre los 26.5 y 35.3 cm. de longitud total minima y maxima respectivamente. Los organismos categorizados como indeterminados tuvieron una longitud total entre los 30.0 y 35.4 cm. minima y maxima respectivamente. El analisis estadistico mostro diferencias entre la tallas, siendo los macho mas grandes que las hembras y los indeterminados, y entre estos dosultimos, el rango de tallas nopresento diferencias estadisticas. El analisis ponderal del indice gonadosomatico revelo altos valores individuates: las hembras tuvieron valores maximos y minimos de 38.2 y 2.8% respectivos. Los valores para los machos fue de 2.76 y 0.35%, para los organismos indeterminados estos fueron los mas bajos con valores de 1 y .19 % maximos y minimos respectivamente. Por otio lado el analisis de la presencia de ovocitos hialinos en relation con la fase lunar nos permitid observar que los mayores porcentajes relativos del niimero de hembras con esta caracteristica se presentabanen dias posteriores a la fase de luna llena y mas cercanosa la fase de luna nueva. DISCUSI6N El reporte de la ocurrencia de agregaciones dedesove para una especie de mero, Epinephelus guttatus, es el primero en su tipo de description que se tiene para lazona delbanco deCampeche. Asi la determinaci6n deun periodo de reproduccion de esta especie que ocurre entre los meses de enero a marzo coincide con lo reportado para la misma especie en otra areas del Mar Caribe; en particular, E. guttatus se reproduce entre enero y abril en Jamaica, Puerto Rico y Venezuela (Colin et al. 1987, Shapiro et al. 1993a,b, Sadovy 1996). Las variaciones mensuales observadas en el sitio, con un aumento bastante notorio de la densidad en los meses antes mencionados es un detalle de caracter directo que permite afirmar que efectivamente la ocurrencia de unaagregacion se esta dando en el area (SCRFA 2003). En los sitios donde ocurren estas agregaciones las caracteristicas de coberturadel fondo con la dominancia de pequeiios parches de coral masivo y corales suaves concuerda con lo que este estudio encontrd en la zona conocida comoel "sandwich" (Colinet al. 1987, Shapiro et al. 1993a,b). Se noto a traves de la realization de observaciones submarinas, la formation de varios pequeiios grupos de individuos de E. guttatus dominadas por un macho con su pequeno conjunto de hembras. Tambien se identificaron Page 530 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute para los ejemplares de esta especie, patrones de coloration muy similares a los descritos por Colin et al. (1987) y Shapiro et al. (1993a) para especimenes machos y hembras de E. guttatusobservados en agregacion de reproduccion en Puerto Rico. Sin embargo debido a la carencia de personal y las condiciones meteorologicas de la zona de estudio no se pudo en algun momento observar algun cortejo nuptial ni tampoco emision de gametos por parte de las organis mos agregados. A partir de del analisis macroscdpico de las gdnadas de los organismos capturados nos confirmo que estaban sexualmenteactivos y se encontraban en las etapas terminales de la vitelogenesis para las hembras o de la espermiogenesis para los machos. La presencia de un buen porcentaje de hembras con ovocitos hialinos observados a simple vista durante el periodo de mayor actividad reproductiva, nos permite determinar de manera concreta que los organismos que ocurren en esta agregacion Uevaran a cabo un desove inminente (SCRFA 2003). De manera general, se conoce poco sobre la ubicacidn geografica de los sitios de reproduccion de los peces arrecifales de importancia comercial (Sadovy, 1996). Sin embargo con todo lo anterior y considerando la clasificaci6n propuesta por Domeier y Colin (1997), podemos coincidir que para E. guttatus realiza una agregacidn de desove de tipo Transitorias ocurren en lugares ajenos al area de distribution habitual de los reproductores y implican, por parte de ellos, la realization de migracionesde una duration de varios dias o semanas. Estas agregaciones se forman durante varios dias o semanas consecutivos, a lo largo de un periodo de tiempo limitado a uno o dos meses del ano. Asi se reporta que E. guttatus forma agregaciones de reproduccion de tipo Transitoria, que ocurren en sincronia con los periodos de luna llena, en Bahamas, Belice y Honduras para la primera y en Bermudas, Belice, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, y las Islas Virgenes para la segunda(Domeiery Colin 1994). Se ha observado frecuentemente un uso compartido de los mismos sitios de desove por parte de varias especies de meros y pargos pero en epocas del ano diferentespara cada una de ellas. Tal es el caso de E. guttatus, E. striates, M. venenosa y Lutjanus synagris en las bias Virgenes(Beets y Friedlanderen Sadovy, 1996) o tambien E. striates, M. bonaci y L jocu en Belice (Carter, 1989). Al contrario, en otras regiones, como en las Bermudas, diferentes especies desovan durante la misma epoca pero en sitios distintos: entre 33 y 37m de profundidad para E. striatus y entre 18 y 27 m para E. guttatus (Bumett-Herkes en Thresher 1984). Durante la formation de una agregacidn, la modalidad de apareamiento (por pareja o en grupos) adoptado por los organismos de una especie determinada, puede ser deducida del valor de la proporcidn relativa que representa el peso de los testiculos en relation con el peso de los machos (i.e. IGS). Los machos de las especies que se reproducen a traves de la formation de parejas presentan testiculos reducidos, de poco peso, y valores de IGS bajos; mientras que los machos de las especies que desovan en grupos, presentan testiculos muy desarrollados, de fuerte peso, y valores de IGS elevados. Los altos valores maximos de IGS de machos de E. dejan suponer que estas especies deben de desovar en grupos. Esta conclusidn confirma las observaciones realizadas en otras regionessobre E. striatus pero contradice lo establecido Tuz-Sulub, A. etal. GCFL57 (2006) Page 531 para E. guttatus, lo cual es considerado como una especie cuyos individuos forman parejas durante el desove (Domeier y Colin 1994). Con relation a M. venenosa no se disponede reportesobre su modalidadde apareamiento. Es necesario la realization de estudios mas detallados sobre la ocurrencia de esta agregacion de desove en el Arrecife Alacranes, ademas estudios mas avanzados en otras areas de la ecologia pueden poder articularse con la ubicacion ahora concreta en tiempo y espacio de este fenomeno natural. Actualmente la localization precisa de los habitats criticos donde se forman las agregaciones de reproduccion asi como el periodo durante el cual estas ocurren, son informaciones de suma importancia para pretender alcanzar un manejo sustentable y la protection de especies de peces de alto valor comercialy muy vulnerable a la explotacion pesquera, como son los meros. AGRADECIMIENTOS Al Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACYT) por el apoyo financiero para la realization de este trabajo a traves del proyecto N° 37606-B "Habitats criticos de algunos serranidos (Pisces: Perciformes) de importancia Comercial de la plataforma continental de Yucatan". Al Lie. Rene H. Kantun Palma, Director del Parque Marino Nacional Arrecife Alacranes, por todo el apoyo logistico otorgado. Muy sinceramente a los senores Jose Luis Carrillo Galaz, Felipe Alvarez Carrillo, Fernando Chan Teh, directivos de las coopera tives "Fed. Reg. de Soc. Coops, de la Ind. Pesq. de la zona Centro y Poniente del Edo. De Yucatin F.C.L.", "Pescadores de Sisal, S.C. de R.L." y "Pescadores del Golfo de Mexico, S.C. de R.L." respectivamente, por todo el apoyo brindado. A la IBA. Teresa Colas Marrufo y Biol. Esperanza Perez Diaz, auxiliares de Laboratorio de Ictiologia, por todo el apoyo logistico brindado en la realization de este trabajo. LITERATURA CITADA Aguilar-Perera, A. 1994. Preliminary observations of the spawning aggrega tion of Nassaugrouper, Epinephelus striates, at Mahahual, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 43:112-122. Aguilar-Perera, A. and W. Aguilar-Davila. 1996. 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Reproduccionde Mycteroperca bonaci y Mycteroperca venenosa (Pisces: Serranidae) en la plataforma cubana. Revista de Biologia TropicalAA\ll 1-780. Gilmore, R.G. and R.S. Jones. 1992. Color variation and associated behavior in the Epinephelinae groupers, Mycteroperca microlepis (Goode and Bean) and M. phenax (Jordan and Swain). Bulletin of Marine Science 51:83-103. Koenig, C.C, L.A. Collins, Y. Sadovy, and P.L. Colin. 1996. Reproduction in gag (Mycteroperca microlepis) (Pisces: Serranidae) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the consequence of fishing spawning aggregation. Pages 307323 in: F. Arreguin-Sanchez, J.L. Munro, M.C. Balgos and D. Pauly (eds.). Biology, Fisheries and Culture ofTropical Groupers and Snappers. Proceedings of an EPOMEX/ICLARM International Workshop on Tropical Snappersand Groupers, Campeche, Mexico, October 1993. Moe, M.A. 1969. Biology of the red grouper Epinephelus morio (Valenciennes) from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Florida Department of Natural Resources, Marine Research Laboratory, Professional Papers Series 10, St. Petersburg, Florida USA. 95 pp. Olsen, D.A. and J.A. Laplace. 1979. A study of a Virgin Islands grouper fishery based on a breeding aggregation. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 31:130-144. Renin, X. 1999. Aspectos de la reproduccion de la cuna bonaci, Mycteroperca bonaci (Poey, 1869 del Banco de Campeche, Yucatan. Tesis de Maestria, Cinvestav-Unidad Merida, Merida, Mexico. 82 pp. Renan, X, T., Brule, T., Colas-Marrufo, Y., Hauyon, and C. Deniel. 2001. Preliminary results of the reproductive biology of the black grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci from the southern Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Gulfand Caribbean Fisheries Institute 52:1-14.. Sadovy, Y. 1996. Reproduction of reef fishery species. Pages 15-59 in: N.V.C. Polunin and CM. Roberts (eds.). Reef Fisheries. Chapman and Hall, London, UK. Sadovy, Y. 1997. Problems of sustainability in grouper fisheries. Pages 321324 in: Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Fisheries Forum, China Ocean Press, Beijing, China. Sadovy, Y. and P.L. Colin. 1995. Sexual development and sexuality in the Nassau grouper. Journal ofFish Biology 46:961-976. Sadovy, Y. and M.L. Domeier. 1994. Aggregation and spawning in the tiger grouper, Mycteroperca tigris (Pisces: Serranidae). Copeia 1994:511-516. Sadovy, Y, A. Rosario, and A. Roman. 1994. Reproduction in an aggregating grouper, the red hind, Epinephelus guttatus. Environmental Biology of Fishes 41:269-286. Shapiro, D.Y., Y. Sadovy, and M.A. McGehee. 1993a. Size, composition and spatial structure of the annual spawning aggregation of the red hind, Epinephelusguttatus(Pisces: Serranidae). Copeia 1993(2):399-406. Page 534 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Shapiro, D.Y., Y. Sadovy, and M.A. McGehee. 1993b. Periodicity of sex change and reproduction in the red hind, Epinephelus guttatus, a protogynous grouper. Bulletin ofMarineScience 53:1151-1162. Smith, CL. 1972. A spawning aggregation of Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus (Bloch). Transactions ofthe American Fisheries Society 101:257261. Thompson, R. and J.L. Munro. 1978. Aspects of the biology and ecology of Caribbean reef fishes: Serranidae (hinds and groupers). Journal of Fish Biology 12:115-146. Thresher, R.E. 1984. Reproduction in Reef Fishes. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, New Jersey USA. 399 pp. Tucker J.W., P.G. Bush, and S.T. Slaybaugh. 1993. Reproductive patterns of Cayman Islands Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striates) populations. Bulletin ofMarineScience 52:961-969. Tuz-Sulub, A.N. 1999. Composicidn, distribution e importancia pesquera de los serranidos (subfamilia Epinephelinae) en el Banco de Campeche, Yucatan, Mexico. Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Merida, Mexico. 77 pp. Estimation of the Size of Spawning Aggregations of Red Hind (Epinephelus guttatus) Using a Tag-recapture Methodology at Bermuda BRIAN E. LUCKHURST\ JONATHAN HATELEY 2, and TAMMY TROTT' ' Marine Resources Division Department ofEnvironmental Protection, P.O.BoxCR52, Crawl CR BX, Bermuda 222 LongAcre, Delamere Park, Cuddington, Norwich, UK ABSTRACT The estimation of the number of fish at a spawning aggregation site by diver census can be logistically challenging. The spatial extent of the aggregation, underwater visibility, spawning time and other factors can influence the accuracy ofthe estimate. We use the results of an extensive tagrecapture program for red hind (Epinephelus guttatus) at two spatiallyseparated spawning aggregation sites to estimate maximum aggregation sizes. A total of three Peterson index values were derived from tag-recapture results obtained at two seasonally-protected aggregation sites from 1993-2000. The three maximum aggregation size estimates ranged from 926 to 1,153 fish. These values are compared to estimates of red hind aggregation size from two locations in the Caribbean. KEY WORDS: Epinephelus guttatus, spawningaggregation size, Petersen index, Bermuda Valoraci6n del Tamano de Agregaciones de Freza de Mero Colorado (Epinephelus guttatus) con una Metodologfa del Etiqueta-recobrar en Bermudas La estimation del niimero de individuos en bancos de desove usando censos de buceo puede ser un desafio logistico. La extension especial del banco de desove, la visibilidad subacuitica, el tiempo del desove y otros factores pueden influenciar la exactitud de las estimaciones. Utilizamos los resultados de un extenso programa de marcado y recaptura para mero cabrilla (Epinephelus guttatus) en dos sitios de desove separados para estimar los tamanos maximos de las agregaciones. Un total de ties valores del indice de Peterson fueron derivados en los dos sitios protegidos durante la epoca de desove durante el periodo 1993-2000. Las tres estimaciones del tamano maximo de la agregacionvariation entre 926 a 1,153 individuos. Estos valores se comparan con las estimaciones del tamano de las agregaciones de mero cabrilla con otras dos localidades en el Caribe. Page 536 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute PALABRAS CLAVES: Mero Colorado, Epinephelus guttatus,agregaciones de freza, etiqueta-recobrar INTRODUCTION Reef fish spawning aggregations are documented throughout most of the wider Caribbean region, and there appears to be a general declining trend in landings from most known sites (Luckhurst 2004). The majority of the landings from spawning aggregation sites are of the commercially important groupers and snappers. Species from these two families comprise a significant proportion of the landings from aggregations in most countries in the region. Amongst the eight species of groupers known to form spawning aggregations in the region (Luckhurst 2003), the red hind, a medium-sized grouper, is known to form spawning aggregations in a number of countries including Bermuda (Luckhurst 1998). Domeier and Colin (1997) defined two different types of spawning aggregations, "transient" and "resident". Groupers and snappers form "transient" aggregations with the following characteristics: i) Fish frequently migratelong distancesto the aggregation site, ii) Aggregations typically form for only 1-3 months duringthe same time periodeach year, iii) The durationofthe aggregation ranges from only a few days to several weeks, iv) The formation ofaggregations is entrained to the lunarcycle with the full moon periodappearing to be the most common aggregation time for groupers and snappers in the wider Caribbean. Due to the economic importance of groupers and snappers to most fisheries, research to date has concentrated largely on the species in these two families. However, relatively few spawning aggregations have been scientifi cally evaluated. As a consequence of this paucity of quantitative information from aggregation fisheries, it is difficult to evaluate aggregation status and formulate appropriate management measures. The estimation of fish abundance at spawning aggregation sites has been conducted mainly by divers using various visual census techniques. Shapiro et al. (1993) produced an estimate of the size of a red hind spawning aggregation in Puerto Rico while Beets and Friedlander (1998) evaluated a red hind aggregationin St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. More recently, Nemeth (2005) has been documenting the recovery of this same red hind aggregation under permanent closure. In conducting visual counts, protocols are typically standardized to minimize error and usually involve several divers and repeated counts. However, there are still a number of problems associated with visual assess ments: i) Underwater visibility - Poor visibility limits the field of vision for diver counts. ii) Spatial extent ofaggregation - Aggregations covering large areasmay preclude the ability to survey the entire site during a given dive. Luckhurst, B.E. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 537 iii) Depth limitations - Many aggregations occur in relatively deep water (30+ m) limiting bottom time for divers. iv) Temporal dynamics - Many aggregations are only fully formed just before spawning occurs which is frequently approaching dusk, hence low light conditions limit the ability of divers to make accurate counts. v) Sea conditions - It appears that spawning aggregation sites are frequently in reef locations with strong currents and often rough sea conditions, makingthe task ofworkingat these sites more difficult for divers. vi) Species behaviour - Some species swim in the water column making them easier to count while others shelter in the reef infrastructure until just prior to spawning and are notreadily observed by divers. As a result of these problems, the use of underwater video cameras has become a common means of providing a permanent record of the aggregation and different videography techniques, e.g. freeze frame, can be used to estimate the abundance of aggregating fish. This video record can then be analyzed ata later date to examine detailed fish behaviour and other features of the aggregation. Lastly, sonar scanning of aggregations has come into use in recent years to estimate abundance. Thistechnique requires ground truth work to interpret target size and strength in order to provide reasonable estimates of aggregation abundance from sonar records. The first research on spawning aggregations in Bermuda was conducted on the red hind from 1973 - 1975 (Burnett-Herkes 1975). This research program was initiated due to a request from commercial fishermen to take management action in the face of the overfishing of aggregations. The research involvedtagging andbasicbiologybut therewas very limited data on spawning dynamics and no estimates of aggregation size were made. Sam pling of the aggregations continued on anintermittent basis through the 1980s but no tagging was conducted. Following the commencement of a long-term tagging program in 1993, the initial results indicated a relatively high recapture rate of tagged fish (15.2%) at the aggregation site and the recaptured fish demonstrated site fidelity (Luckhurst 1998). This provided the opportunity to use tag-recapture data to estimate aggregation abundance. Suitable data were available for only three of the seven yearsofthe tagging program. In this paper, we use a Petersen index to estimate abundance of redhinds at two spawning aggregation sites at opposite ends of the Bermuda reef platform. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sampling andtagging of red hinds from the northeastern (NE1) spawning aggregation site (Figure 1) was conducted during the peak spawning aggrega tion periods (full moon, May to July) in 1993 - 1995. At the southwestern (SW1) site (Figure 1), sampling and tagging took place during the spawning periods from 1997 - 2000. Page 538 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 64 SOW Figure 1. Map of Bermuda reef platform indicating locations of the two spawning aggregation sites (SW1, NE1) for red hind for which aggregation abundancevalues wereestimated. The details ofthe sampling and tagging protocolare outlined in Luckhurst (1998). It should be noted that from 1994 onward, all specimens were doubletagged with Floy T-bar anchortags to minimize the effect of tag loss detected after the first year of tagging. To evaluate the possible increased vulnerability to predation of tagged fish upon release, the senior author observed (using SCUBA) the release, on three separate occasions of tagged fish (total of >50 fish) while stationed on the reef substrate under the research vessel. Observa tions were made of the behaviour upon release and tagged specimens were tracked for the first 10-15 minutes post-release. The visibility of the tags while fish were located within the reef infrastructure was also noted. Following the theory outlined by Seber (1982), an estimate of maximum aggregationsize is possible through the Petersonestimate, derived by; N* = fa,+ l¥n,+ i. (m2+l) 1 (1) where N* = estimate ofthe number offish in a closed population Luckhurst, B.E. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 539 n/ = number of fish tagged and released in the first sample, n2 = number of fish obtained in the second sample m2 = number oftagged fish in the second sample. The variance (v*) ofN* is given by Seber (1982); v* = (nL+ !)(»>+ Hfai- y»2¥ii1- mj) (2) (m2+l)1(mI+2) and an approximate95% confidence interval for N (the number of fish in a closed population)canbe calculated by; N* ± 1.96Vv* (3) Before substituting experimental values into equation (1), handling mortality must be considered so that n,refers to the number returned alive to the population (Seber 1982). An element of post-release mortality of tagged fish probably occurred as a result of the invasive "winding" and tagging procedures. Mortality due to capture and "winding" was estimated from the proportion of red hinds that died while being retained in live-wells on board the research vessel or in holding tanks ashore during a 24 hour minimum observation period following capture. This time-period was selected as experience indicated it to be the most vulnerable period of captivity. Data from 1993 and 1994 indicated that the mortalityrate in captivity was approxi mately 6%. Thus, the value substituted into equation (1) for survivorship of tagged and released fish was reducedaccordingly. RESULTS Post-release Behaviour of Tagged Fish Diving observations of tagged fish released overboard from the research vessel indicated that all marked fish behaved in a similar manner. Upon entering the water, they oriented momentarily and then swam rapidly down ward to the reef substrate where they sought cover under ledges or within crevices in the reef infrastructure. Typically after 5-10 minutes, they left shelter and moved slowly and cautiously away remaining close to the sub strate. There were no observations of attempted predation on any tagged fish. Aggregation Size Estimates Suitable data from the tagging program to generate aggregation size estimates was available for only one year at the northeastern aggregation site (NE1) while two years data were available for the southwestern site (SW1) (see Figure 1). Substituting values into equation (1) for the three data sets providedestimatesof aggregation size (JV*)(Table 1). From equations (2) and Page 540 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (3), the 95% confidence limits for N, estimated from the variance (v*) of N*, are given to provide estimates of maximum aggregation size (Table 1). Given the similarity in these abundance estimates generated from the two sites, it might be concluded mat they are similar in area. However, as diving operationswere not made at the sites duringthe sampling and tagging periods due to logistical constraints, there are no estimates of density of red hinds at the two sites during the spawning periodswhich could be compared. It should be recalled that both sites are seasonally closed to all fishing during the spawning period (May - August) and thus receive the same protection. Table 1. Petersen Index estimates of red hind aggregation size and maximum aggregation size (using the 95% confidence interval) at two sites on the Bermuda reef platform. Aggregation Year Aggregation size (N*) Maximum aggregation size site NE1 1993-94 639 926 SW1 1S97-98 712 1.153 SW1 1998-99 664 1.074 (95% CI) DISCUSSION Before comparing the aggregation size estimates obtained in this study with the estimates for red hinds from locations in the Caribbean, it is useful to evaluate the assumptions upon which the Peterson method is based in estimat ing population size (N), ifN* is to be a suitable estimate ofN: Thepopulation is closed (N is constant) — The spawningaggregations depart from this assumption in severalways: i) An estimate of mortality from the tagging process itself was not obtained because fish were not retained for observation after tagging. Thus, additional mortality may have occurred as a result of the tagging process (e.g. infection of wounds around the tag site). There may also have been increased vulnerability to predation as a result of tagging although initial diving observations at the time of release did not detect any. Thus, more tagged fish may have been removed through incidental mortality than estimated (n/is too high), with the net result ofoverestimating the aggregation size, ii) Fishing mortality during the period between samples will remove fish from the population. In addition, recruitment probably occurred between the two sampling periods as fish attainingmaturity joined the aggregation. Seber (1982) states that when both recruitment and mortality occur, N* will overestimate both the initial and final population size. Luckhurst, B.E. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 541 All fish have the same probability ofbeing caught in the first sample — Two potential sources of bias could affect the composition of the first sample; the area sampled and the catchability of the fish. Given that the spawning aggregation sites were very limited in area (1-1.5 hectares) and the research vessel was not static in relation to the anchor site, it is probable that all portions of the aggregation site were fished. As catchability often varies with the size of the fish, a variety of hook sizes and bait types were used to reduce bias through gear selectivity. Studies on a red hind aggregation in southwest Puerto Rico demonstrated that hook and line fishing provided an adequate sampling technique both for sex ratio and size distribution within the aggrega tion, as determinedby spearfisbing (Shapiro et al 1993). The secondsample is a simple random sample — Two sources ofbias need to be considered here; thorough mixing of the tagged andunmarked fish between the sampling periods and the effect of tagging on catchability. Our data strongly indicate that the aggregations dispersed and reformed between sampling years thus resulting in thorough mixing of the tagged and untagged fish. Multiple recaptures of red hinds were common at both sites providing circumstantial evidence that catchability was not significantly affected by tagging. There is no tag loss between samples — During the early stages of the study, tag obliteration was recorded and thus complete loss of the visible portion of the tag probably also occurred. However, all specimens were double-tagged from 1994 onward thus limiting the impact ofthis factor. All tags are reported on recovery in the second sample — The only vessel authorised to fish at the aggregation sites during the spawning season was our research vessel. As the aggregation sites are both located in seasonally protected areas, we believe that poaching by other vessels wasunlikelyand all recaptures in the second sample wereprobably reported. Given the above considerations, we believe that our estimates are reason able first approximations ofred hind aggregation size in Bermuda. There are three studies of red bind spawning aggregation size from the Caribbean with which to compare our estimates. The first study was con ducted in Puerto Rico by diver survey and the estimate of the size of the red hind aggregation, based on a peak density of 7.6 fish/100 m1, was 745 fish (Shapiro et al. 1993). This value is very similar to our values. The second study, which was conducted in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, yielded a mean density estimate of 4.7 fish/100 m2 (Beets and Friedlander 1998) but did not provide an estimate ofthe aggregation size. However, this density estimate was obtainedtwo days after peak spawning and so is undoubtedly an underes timate as red hinds appearto leave the aggregation site shortly after spawning (Shapiro et al. 1993). As there is some uncertainty concerning the actual area of the aggregation site in St. Thomas, we are unable to estimate aggregation size. Given the area of the aggregation site and density values, a simple extrapolation will produce an estimate of aggregation size. The population Page 542 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute response of red hind to the permanent closure of this same aggregation site in St. Thomas (Red Hind Marine Conservation District) was evaluated by Nemeth (2005). He determined that the area of the red hind aggregation was considerably larger than our Bermuda estimates (1-1.5 hectares) and that the density of red hinds increased from 11.2 fish/100 m2 in January 2000 to 24.0 fish/100 m2 in 2003. As a consequence of these higher values, Nemeth (2005) estimated that the spawning population size ranged from about 26,000 to 84,000 fish. These are extraordinarily high values when compared to the other studies outlined here and may demonstrate the dramatic impact of a permanent closure ofan aggregation site on the population. The technique of mark / recapture has much potential for assessing aggregation size, particularly if simple experiments to assess tagging mortality and tag loss ratesare conducted to reducethe tendency for overestimationofJv*. This technique can be a useful compliment to other methods of estimating aggregation abundance particularly when on site abundance estimation is challenging. LITERATURE CITED Beets, J. and A. Friedlander. 1998. Evaluation of a conservation strategy: a spawning aggregation closure for red hind, Epinephelus guttatus, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Environmental Biology ofFishes 55:91-98. Burnett-Herkes, J. 1975. Contribution to the Biology of the Red Hind, Epinephelus guttatus, a Commercially Exploited Serranid Fish from the Tropical Western Atlantic. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Miami, Miami, FloridaUSA. 154 pp. Domeier, M.L. and P.L. Colin. 1997. Tropical reef spawning aggregations: defined and reviewed. Bulletin ofMarine Science 60:698-726. Luckhurst, B.E. 1998. Site fidelity and return migration of tagged red hinds (Epinephelus guttatus) to a spawning aggregation site in Bermuda. Proceedings ofthe Gulfand CaribbeanFisheriesInstitute50:750-763. Luckhurst, B.E. 2003. Development of a Caribbean regional conservation strategy for reef fish spawning aggregations. Proceedings ofthe Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 54:668-679. Luckhurst, B.E. 2004. Currentstatus of conservationand management ofreef fish spawning aggregations in the Greater Caribbean. Proceedings of the Gulfand Caribbean Fisheries Institute 55:530-542. Nemeth, R.S. 2005. Population characteristics of a recovering U.S. Virgin Islands red hind spawning aggregation following protection. Marine Ecology Progress Series 286:81-97. Seber, G.A.F. 1982. The Estimation of Animal Abundance and Related Parameters. The Blackburn Press, 654 pp. Shapiro, D.Y., Y. Sadovy, and M.A. McGehee. 1993. Size, composition, and spatial structure of the annual spawning aggregation of the red hind, Epinephelus guttatus (Pisces: Serranidae). Copeia 1993:399-406. Status of a Yellowfin (Mycteroperca venenosa) Grouper Spawning Aggregation in the US Virgin Islands with Notes on Other Species RICHARD S. NEMETH, ELIZABETH KADISON, STEVE HERZLIEB, JEREMIAH BLONDEAU, and ELIZABETH A. WHITEMAN Centerfor Marine andEnvironmental Studies University ofthe Virgin Islands 2 John Brewer's Bay St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands 00802-9990 ABSTRACT Many commercially important groupers (Serranidae) and snappers (Lutjanidae) form large spawning aggregations at specific sites where spawn ing is concentrated within a few months each year. Although spawning aggregation sites are often considered important aspects of marine protected areas many spawning aggregations are still vulnerable to fishing. The Grammanik Bank, a deep reef (30 - 40 m) located on the shelf edge south of St. Thomas USVI, is a multi-species spawning aggregation site used by several commercially important species of groupers and snappers: yellowfin (Mycteroperca venenosa), tiger (M. tigris), yellowmouth (M. interstitialis) and Nassau (Epinephelus striatus) groupers and cubera snapper (Lutjanus cyanopterus). This paper reports on the population characteristics of M. venenosa with notes on E. striates and other commercial species. In 2004, the total spawning population size of yellowfin and Nassau groupers were 900 and 100 fish, respectively. During recent years commercial and recreational fishing have targeted the Grammanik Bank spawningaggregation. Between 2000 and 2004 an estimated 30% to 50% of the yellowfin and Nassau grouper spawning populations were removed by commercial and recreational fishers. These findings support the seasonal closure of the Grammanik Bank to protect a regionally important, multi-species spawning aggregation site. KEY WORDS: Marine protected areas, reef fish spawning aggregations, fisheries management La Condicidn de Agregaciones Reproductivas de Cuna Cucaracha y Mero Gallina: Din&mica de una Multi-especie Agregacion Reproductiva en el USVI Muchos meros (Serranidae) y pargos (Lutjanidae) forman agregaciones reproductivas en sitios especificos por un par de meses cada ano. Aunque sitios de desove se consideran un aspecto importante de areas marinas protegidas, muchos agregaciones reproductivas son vulnerable a la pesca. El Banco de Grammanik se usa por varias especie comercialmente importante de meros y pargos. Es un arrecife profundo (30 - 40m) localizado en el sur de los USVI y Page 544 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute es un sitio que tiene una multi-especie agregacion reproductiva. Buzos han documentado el desove de cuna cucaracha (Mycteroperca venenosa), cunas (M. tigris y M. interstitialis), mero gallina (Epinephelus striates) y el pargo guasinuco (Lutjanus cyanopterus). Durante aiios recientes, Pescadores commerciales y recreativas han concentrado en la agregacion reproductiva de cuna cucaracha. La pesca amenaza no s61o esta especie pero tambien el mero gallina, que se extirpo localmente en el los 1980s, pero puede ser que se recupera en este sitio. Este manuscrito describe los cambios anuales y estacionales en abundancia, la utilization del habitat, y describe las caracteris ticas de la poblacidn reproductiva del cuna cucaracha y mero gallina. PALABRAS CLAVES: Areas marinas protegidas, agregaciones de desove, las Islas Virgenes de los EEUU INTRODUCTION Many commercially important groupers (Serranidae) form large spawning aggregations at specific sites and at which spawning is concentrated within a couple of months each year (e.g. red hind Epinephelus guttatus and Nassau grouper E. striatus (Colin et al. 1987), tiger grouper Mycteroperca tigris Valenciennes (Sadovy et al. 1994). These spawning aggregations may be the primary source of larvae that replenish the local fishery through larval retention and recruitment (Sadovy 1996). In the late 1970s and early 1980s, unregulated fishing on grouper spawn ing aggregations sites throughout the U.S. Virgin Islands led to the extirpation of Nassau grouper and brought the red hind grouper population to the verge of collapse (Olsen and LaPlace 1978, Beets and Friedlander 1992). In 1990, through the recommendations of the Caribbean Fisheries Management Council and support of local fishers, two important red hind spawning aggregation sites (Red Hind Bank, St. Thomas and Lang Bank, St. Croix) were closed season ally during spawning to protect the breeding populations of red bind. In 1999, the Red Hind Bank Marine Conservation District (MCD) was established as the first no-take fishery reserve in the USVI. Recent evidence suggests that the closure of the Red Hind Bank has been successful in protectingthis spawning subsection of the population. By 1997 the average size of spawning hind had increased by over 6 cm (Beets & Friedlander, 1998). Even more impressively, the number of spawning individuals increased dramatically from 4.5 fish /100 m2 in January 1997 to 23 fish /100 m2 in January 2001 (Beets and Friedlander, 1998, Nemeth 2005). Similar responses to protective management measures have been shown for other species throughout the Caribbean (Bohnsack 1990). Unfortunately not all grouper spawning aggregations are afforded the neces sary protection to sustain their populations. Prior to the year 2000, the Grammanik Bank was known as a deep coral reef bank utilized by local commercial fishermen. Commercial fishermen knew of the existence of a yellowfin grouper spawning aggregation but did not harvest these fish since they were known to contain ciguatera poisoning. In February 2000, scientists at the University of the Virgin Islands first surveyed the Grammanik Bank as partof a study to compare fish populations inside and Nemeth, R.S. et al. GCFL57 (2006) Page 545 outside of the Red Hind Bank Marine Conservation District (Nemeth and Quandt 2004). Considerable attention was focused on this deep coral bank when commercial and recreational fishermen landed an estimated 10,000 pounds of yellowfin grouper within a week following the full moon in both March 2000 and 2001 (K. Turbe Personal communication). These unusually large catches of grouper were verified in monthly commercial catch reports (USVI Division of Fish and Wildlife, unpublished data). It was also reported that manyof these yellowfin grouper weregravid with well developed ovaries (H. Clinton, Personal communication) andthatmany Nassau grouper were also caught asbycatch and sold. It wasestimated that over500 M. venenosa and50 E. striatus were removed from the spawning aggregation each year. Following collapse of the Nassau grouper fishery in the late 1970s there has been no known spawning aggregation for this species on the shelf south of St. Thomas or St. John. Currently, a lack of enforcement at this site could mean the collapse of the yellowfin grouper and/or the delayed recovery of the Nassau grouper population which may be re-forming a potentially spawning aggrega tion at this site. Although the Grammanik Bank was recommended for closure as early as November2000,the Caribbean Fisheries Management Council has only recently approved an interim seasonal closure of the Grammanik Bank from February through April 2005. The data presented in this paper provides baseline spawning population information on these vulnerable grouper species and will allow an assessment of the response of these grouper populations to the recent protective measures. METHODS Locate Primary Spawning Aggregation Site To locate the primary spawning aggregation sites of M. venenosa and E. striatus within the Grammanik Bank, the entire bank was surveyed using scuba and underwater scooters several days before and after the full moon in March 2003 and March and April 2004. GPS coordinates were recorded by a boat following a diver-towed surface buoy to determine the area ofthe bank. Grouper Spawning Density, Fish Size, and Behavior Diver surveys were conducted between February 2001 and August 2004. Since several species of groupers and snappers are particularly wary and tend to swim away from divers prior to being counted along a transect line (RSN, personal observations), a combination of belt transects, stationary point counts, and roving diver searches were used to accurately estimate fish densities as well as total spawning populationsize of all commercially important Serranids and Lutjanids. Point counts were conducted by recording all fish within a 10 m radius of a stationary diver for a period of four minutes. Belt transects were 30 m x 2 m and conducted by swimming along the linearaxis of the reef while a transect tape unreeled behind the diver. The size of all fish observed along transects or point counts were estimated in 10 cm size classes. Roving diver searches were typically constrained by scuba limits at deep depths, and therefore, were conducted for periods of 15 minutes. Roving divers would Page 546 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute swim at a constant speedand survey a 10 m widearea while towinga surface buoy. These roving dives allowed reasonably accurate estimates of total population size since diverssurveyed non-overlapping areas ofthe narrowreef (<100m wide)and several sequential dives couldcoverthe entire length of the Grammanik Bank (1.69 km). Tagging and Population Sex Ratios BaitedAntillianfish traps and hook and line wereused to collect groupers. Due to the depth from which the fish were collected, expansion of air within their gas bladders resulted in buoyancy problems and occasional embolisms. A sterilized large-bore hypodermic needle was used to extract gas from the over-inflated air bladder. Once buoyancy was restored, each fish was meas ured for total length (to the nearest mm) and tagged through the dorsal fin pterygiophores with a numerically-coded Floy dart tag (FT-2). Dart tags contained the following information: identification number, reward $20, University of the Virgin Islands, and a contact telephone number. The recapture location of returned tags provided information on distance travelled by fish departing the aggregation site and a detailed picture of the source of spawning groupers. Prior to release,the gender of each fish was determined by using ultrasound and by gently squeezing the body wall above the vent to extract milt and possibly eggs. Fish were released using a release cage which could be remotelyopened once the cage reached the sea floor, thus minimizing mortality due to predation and ensuring re-pressurization ofgroupers. RESULTS Location of Primary Spawning Aggregation Sites The Grammanik Bank lies on an East-West axis at the edge of the insular shelf south of St. Thomas, USVI (Figure 1). The bank extends 1.69 km at its longest point (between 18°11.30N, 064°57.50W and 18°11.60N, 064°56.60W). During visual surveys the northern and southern margins were clearly visible, and the bank was estimated to be less than 100 m wide for virtually its whole length. Depths on the coral reef varied between 35 and 40 m and the coral bank is bordered to the east and west by shallower (25 to 30 m) hard-bottom ridges along the shelf edge, sparsely colonized by corals, gorgonians and sponges. The bank is bordered to the north by another coral bank and to the south by the steep drop off. The primary spawning aggregation site for M. venenosa was discovered on April 9, 2004. It was located over colonized hard bottom approximately 300 m west of the dominant coral reef. During this same time period, we observed Nassau groupers, some with the bicolor spawning coloration and others with visibly extended abdomens. This presumed spawning aggregation site for E. striatus encompassed the west end of the coral reef bank to the M. venenosa site. A spawning site for M. tigris was also located at the western tip of the coral reef bank. A spawning site for M. interstitialis was located along the southwestern margin of the coral reef bank. Finally, the spawning site for Lutjanus cyanopterus, the cubera snapper, Nemeth, R.S.etal. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 547 ««?• / ^ ^^:^. \ '/ i aS*^ "J/ Figure 1. Map of the Northern Virgin Islands showing location of the Gram manik Bank(*) and the Marine Conservation District (MCD) along the southern edge of the insular platform. Dashed line shows 100 fathom depth contour. Grouper Spawning Density, Fish Size, and Behavior Visual surveys (belt transects andpoint counts) were conducted on various dates from February 2000 to August 2004but mostwere done around the full moon from February through April in each year (Table 1). Densities of commercially important groupers varied considerably between months and years (Figure 2). M. venenosa densities were highest in March 2003 and April 2004, E. striatus and M. interstitialis densities peaked on March 2002 and March 2003, respectively, and M. tigris showed high densities in April 2001 and 2004 and February 2002 (Figure 2, Table 1). From December 2002 through February 2003 the densities of M. venenosa and E. striatus were very low, and there was no evidence that these species were aggregating. While densities of most groupers remained the same throughout March 2003, the average density of M. venenosa increased almost fourfold (Table 1) by 19 March, one day after the full moon (Table 1). Whether this represents an overall population increase or clustering of individuals towards a single location was unknown. With the exception of M. tigris, all other serramds departed the Grammanik Bank aggregation site by early April 2003 (Table 1). Throughout March 2004 point counts provided fairly consistent estimates of grouper densities (Table 1). However, observations offish behavior indicated that as evening approached groupers began to depart their daytime positions, suggesting that fish were possibly moving toward the actual spawning aggregation site. Since point counts were not effective at locating the spawn ing aggregation site, scooter surveys were primarily utilized throughout April 2004. Tablel. Grouper density (#/100m2 ±SD) from belttransects and point counts on the Grammanik Bank, St. Thomas USVI, between February 2000 and August 2004. Dashed lines indicate that no data was collected using that method. N = number of transects or point counts. Date | M. vene E. striatus Point counts I Belt transects N M. tigris nosa M. interstitialis N M. vene £ striatus M. tigris M. interstitialis nosa ^Mtsm^^^^^^^^m^^^^^^^^^^^k^^^^^^m^^^^^^^m^^ 17 Feb 6 0 0 0.28 ±0.68 0 - - - Kt^lillJliiisiSs! SKiiliftllllmimmiimsmmm mmmmmmmmm WSMwMMSMm! 11 Apr 3 0 0 2.54 ±2.54 0 19 Jul 6 0 0 0.28 ±0.68 0 6 Sep 6 0.28 ±0.68 0 0 0.28 ±0.68 1Mar 4 0 2.78 ±2.54 2.22 ±1.92 0 27 Mar 15 0.83 ±2.41 0.68 ±2.50 0.28 ±0.65 0 18 Dec - - 6 0.21 ±0.26 0.05 ±0.13 Tablel (conL). Grouper density (#/100m ± SD) from belt transects and point counts on the Grammanik Bank, St. Thomas USVI, between February 2000 and August 2004. Dashed lines indicate that no data was collected using that method, n = number of transects or point counts. M. vene E. striatus M. tigris nosa M. interstitialis 12 Feb 0.21 ±0.60 0.42 ±0.77 0.42 ± 0.77 0.21 ±0.59 4 Mar 0.67 ±0.91 0.33 ± 0.75 0 0.83 ±1.39 18 Mar 19 Mar 3 Apr 11 Dec m 7 Jan 0 0.83 ±1.18 0.21 ± 0.59 N M. vene E. striatus M. tigris M. interstitialis 0 0.42 ±0.74 nosa o 3 2.23 ± 0.32 0.32 ±0.32 7 2.64 ± 0.57 0.41 ±0.70 0.50 ±0.55 0.27 ±0.22 2 0 0 0.16 ±0.22 0 70 0 © • SL 0.21 ±0.59 27 Feb 0.47 ±0.68 0.16 ±0.22 2 Mar 0.32 ±0.36 0.06 ±0.13 0.13 ±0.23 3 Mar 0.38 ±0.35 0.13 ±0.28 0 4 Mar 0.21 ±0.18 0.21 ±0.37 0 5 Mar 0.32 ±0.32 0.20 ±0.26 0 7 Mar 0.64 ±0.64 0.17 ±0.22 8 Mar 0.32 ±0.45 O 0.08 ±0.14 o Tl IB e o 0.26 ±0.24 0 0 0 12 Mar 0 0 1.75 ±0.68 0 13 Mar 0.25 ±0.14 0.13 ±0.17 2.80 ±1.68 0 12 Apr 2.02 ±0.80 0 0 0 D) Page 550 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Nassau E o n o n 0 JO ia_L o e 10 c Q 31 Yellowmouth 2 1 n n 0 OOn B|o • _o 2001 2002 2003 2004 0 Year Figure 2. Density of four spawning grouper species: yellowfin (Mycteroperca venenosa), Nassau (Epinephelus striatus), tiger (M. tigris) and yellowmouth (M. interstitialis) for February, March and April 2001 to 2004. n = no data, 0 = no fish seen. Calculated from pointcounts and transects. During roving diver surveys of the whole bank on 11 and 12 March 2003 (sbc days prior to the full moon), the highest density of M. venenosa was seen in a small (approximately 50 m2) section of the bank. Other individuals were observed scattered across the reef and the total population estimate for M. ve nenosa grouper at this time, across the entire bank, was about 50 individuals. Population estimates for E. striatus, M. tigris and M. interstitialis for March 2003 were 5,7 and 13 groupers, respectively. Nemeth, R.S. et al. GCFC57 (2006) Page 551 More frequent roving diver surveys in April 2004 (full moon on April 5) improved our population estimates for M. venenosa and M. tigris (Figure 3). Total population estimates for E. striatus declined dramatically from March to April 2004 and may have been a result of fishing mortality from the three to five fishing boatsseenon the bank eachday over the courseof severalweeks. 1000 800 600 400 Yellowfin ••I •! I 200 100 c o •mm 13 80i 40 20 3 a o a. Nassau 60 I -•• -I w.f mil, . I. 100 80 Tiger 60 c 40 c 20 mmm li * a co Date Figure 3. Total population size for four spawning grouper species: yellowfin (M. venenosa), Nassau (£. striatus), tiger (M. tigris) and yellowmouth (M. intersti tialis) for March 11 (grey bar) and April 2-13, 2004 (black bars). The spawning aggregation sites were discovered on April 8 for E. striatus, M. tigris and M. interstitialis groupers and on April 9 for M. venenosa grouper. Full moon was on April 5,2004. Page 552 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute The presumed spawning aggregations of M. venenosa, M. tigris, M. interstitialis and E. striates were observed on April 8 to 13, 2004. During 2004, M. venenosa occurred in a large aggregationwhere about 50% to 75% of the fish were swimming two to five meters above the bottom, and the remain der swam near the bottom. Several color phases of M. venenosa were ob served. The most commonincluded the typicalcolor pattern of irregularblack spots on a white background. On other individuals, the dark spots were obscured on the dorsal half of the body by a deep red color. A final color partem included fish with light colored head, white caudal fin with wide black margin and bright yellow on the margins of the pectoral fins and on the lips. Otherindividuals were observed with intermediate forms ofthese colorphases. No spawning or courtship was observed for M. venenosa. E. striatus were noted in loose groupings and as pairs with one individual, presumably a male, in the bicolor phase and the other individual, presumably a female with visibly extended abdomen, displaying normal barred color pattern and resting on the bottom. At the Grammanik Bank only four of 60 E. striatus were seen displaying bicolor phase, but no courtship or spawning was observed. The bi color phase male was observed either displaying laterally to the female, hovering one to two meters above the female, resting near the female on the bottom or swimming alone one to two meters above the bottom. M. tigris and M. interstitialis spawning aggregations had similar behavioral traits where about half of the individuals were hovering two or three meters above the bottom while the remainder where near the bottom among coral colonies. M. tigris was observedwith three distinctcolor phases. Dominantmales had pale yellow head, dark speckled body, and white patch with black spots on the ventral posterior portion of the body and base of anal fin. These fish were often observed cruising or hovering two to four meters above the bottom or displaying courtship behaviors to females which had distended abdomens. These resumed females displayed the barred color pattern typical of M. tigris and were typically seen swimmingslowly or resting near the reef. A third color phase included smaller individuals with the typical body stripes obscured by a darkened body. These individuals were typically seen hovering two to three meters above the reef. M. interstitialis were observed with a bicolor phase similar to that of£ striatus and a lighter color phase typical ofM. interstitialis. Both color phases were seen either resting near the bottom or hovering two to three meters above the reef. Courtship was not observed for M. interstitialis. Spawning was not observed for any ofthese grouper species. The Grammanik Bank was surveyed for several months following the grouper spawning season in 2003 and 2004. In April 2003, one day after the full moon, more than 50 cubera snapper (Lutjanus cyanopterus) were observed during a roving survey. On the full moon in May 2003, divers estimated more than 300 L. cyanopterus on the bank. Three days following the full moon in June the population of L. cyanopterus on the Grammanik bank had declined to approximately 150 fish. The spawning season shifted from April to June in 2003 to June through August in 2004 (Figure 4). During the daytime several large (20 to 100 fish) roving schools of I. cyanopterus were observed through out the bank with snappers most often concentrated on the northern margin of the bank. Toward evening roving schools of L. cyanopterus joined into one Nemeth, R.S. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 553 large school and fish displayed intensifying courtship interactions and spawning. Schoolmaster snapper (L. apodus) were also observed in large numbers in April (n = 180) and July (n = 120) 2004 but no signs of courtship or spawning was observed. MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG Month Figure 4. Total population size of cubera snapper (L cyanopterus) spawning aggregation on the Grammanik Bank from March to August 2003 and 2004. Size estimates of groupers from fish transects and point counts (categorized into 10 cm increments) ranged from 30 to 80 cm total length while mean lengths for M. venenosa, E. striatus, M. tigris andM. interstitialis were 53.2 cm, 45.6 cm, 47.0 cm and 43.7 cm, respectively. More detailed size frequency distributions and sex ratios were obtained from 28 M. venenosa and 62 E. striatus during trap and hook and line fishing. Male M. venenosa were significantly larger than females (ANOVA: F = 16.4, p < 0.001, Figure 5). Female to male sex ratio was nearly 1:1 for M. venenosa. The length of both sexes of E. striatus were nearly identical (ANOVA: F = 0.48, p > 0.50, Figure 5) but the female: male sex ratio was 2.4:1. Ultrasound analysis of M. venenosa and E. striates showed that females and males of both species had well developed gonads with males of both species running ripe and females with hydrated eggs. During sampling in March 2004, two Nassau (male and female) and two male yellowfin groupers died due to air embolism. In April 2004, two additional Nassau groupers died. These last two fish were brought back to the lab and examined. The female was 55.9 cm total length and weighed 3,442 g. Its ovary weight and volume were 426 g and 410 ml, respectively. The male Nassua grouper was 64.8 cm total length and weighed 4,996 g. The weight of its testes was 322 g. A total of 23 yellowfin and 60 Nassau groupers were tagged and released on the Grammanik Bank between 8 March and 9 April, 2004. To date, no tagged groupers have been recaptured and returned to UVI for reward. Page 554 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Mycteroperca venenosa 10 GsEEJ Female (mean = 64.5 cm, n = 13) ••• Male (mean = 75.4 cm. n = 15) 8 <D 6 E 3 4 w 2 0 Epinephelus striatus 20 es23 Female (mean = 59.1 em, n = 44) ••• Mate (mean = 60.3 cm, n = 18) //////// Size class (TL mm) Figure 5. Size frequency distributions and gender for yellowfin (M. venenosa) and Nassau (E. striatus) groupers from the Grammanik Bank spawning aggregationsite in April 2004. DISCUSSION In March 2000 and 2001, the yellowfin grouper spawning aggregation on the Grammanik Bank was heavily targeted by local commercial and recrea tional fishermen. At this same time many Nassau grouper were also being caught as bycatch (K. Turbe Personal communication). It was estimated that over 500 M. venenosa and 50 E. striates were removed from the spawning Nemeth, R.S. et al. GCFL57 (2006) Page 555 aggregation each year. Following these heavy catches, this study found that M. venenosa did not aggregate to spawn in 2002 but formed a small aggregation in 2003 (n = 50). These data were supported by the fact that fishermen caught almost no grouper in 2002 and very few in 2003 (RSN Personal observation). Unfortunately, it was not possible to determine if M. venenosa successfully spawned in either year. These low numbers,however, strongly suggest that the M. venenosa spawning aggregation was greatly reduced in this location during the 2002 and 2003 spawning seasons. Such a rapid reduction in numbers of fish on spawning aggregations in response to fishing pressure is not unusual (e.g. E. striatus grouper - Colin 1992, Sadovy and Eklund 1999) but serves to highlight the need for more responsive management action. In addition to M. venenosa, E. striates, M. tigris, and M. interstitialis were observed on the Grammanik Bank. In 2002 small clusters of E. striatus possibly represented the earliest stages in the re-forming of a spawning aggregation. In March 2003, a single cluster of E. striatus, not previously recorded in either Decem ber or January, was present on the reef. However, there was no clear evidence (e.g. behavior, coloration) that E. striatus successfully spawned in 2002 or 2003 at the Grammanik Bank. In March and April 2004, however, M. venenosa E. striatus,M. tigris, and M. interstitialis aggregated on the Grammanik Bank in much larger numbers than the previous two years. M. venenosa formed an aggregation of over 900 individuals. We are unsure why M. venenosa returned in such large numbers in 2004, but several possibilities exist. There are reports from fishermen that spawning aggregations of Nassua, yellowfin, and red hind in St. Croix were known to temporarily relocate to other sites if they received a lot of fishing pressure during one season (T. Daly Personal communication). For example the spawning aggregation in 2002 and 2003 may have relocated to an alterna tive spawning site these years in response to heaving fishing in 2000 and 2001 but returned to their historical spawning site on the Grammanik Bank in 2004. Recent data for red hind also suggests that this species may have peak spawning years that occur on a regular two-year cycle (Nemeth 2005). Thus, 2004 could have been a peak year, 2003 a low year and 2002 could have been a peak but was affected by heavy fishing in the previous two years. M. tigris and M. interstitialis also formed spawning aggregations of 90 and 25 individuals, respectively. In contrast, E. striatus was observed in distinct pairs and did not form a larger aggregation (RSN Personal observa tion). Colin (1992) found that when E. striates was present in large groups of greater than 500 fish the majority of fish within the spawning aggregation displayed the bicolor color pattern, whereas when they occurred in small spawning groups of less than 100 fish only about half were displaying the bicolor phase. E. striatus were typically observed in loose groupings swim ming or resting near the reef. We also observed four of 60 E. striatus display ing the bicolor phase, but only three of these individuals seemed to be paired with a visibly gravid female. In group spawning species such as E. striatus, it is not known what minimum population size is needed to initiate group spawning behaviors, but the minimum aggregation size required to initiate courtship and spawning in E. striatus may be significantly larger than required by other haremic groupers such as red hind (E. guttatus) and M. venenosa Page 556 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (Sadovy 2001). Colin (1992) recorded E. striatus in small groups of less than 100 fish which were spawning, but only about half were displaying the bicolor phase which typically proceeds spawning. He also found that courtship occurredin groups of only ten fish. An estimated 60 E. striates were counted on the Grammanik Bank in April 2004, but courtship was seen only once, and spawning was not observed so it is possible that although an aggregation may be re-forming there may not yet be any successful spawning. With the exception ofE. striates, the spawning season of all other grouper and snapperspecies observed on the Grammanik Bank was consistent with the reported literature from throughout the Caribbean (Sadovy et al. 1994, Claro and Lindeman 2003). Nassau typically form spawning aggregations from December through February, but have been found with ripe ovaries later in the spring as well (Olsen and LaPlace 1978,Thompson and Munro 1978, Colin et al. 1987, Colin 1992, Tucker at al. 1993, Sadovy et al. 1994, Claro and Lindeman 2003). Although E. striatus had previously spawned December through February in the Virgin Islands (Olsen and LaPlace 1978), spawning now seems to be following the seasonal pattern of M. venenosa (i.e. February to April). The seasonal shift could have two possible explanations. The historical site of the E. striates spawning aggregation was located within the present boundaries of the red hind Marine Conservation District (Olsen and LaPlace 1978). Because the population "memory" of this historical aggrega tion site was lost when the spawning aggregation was fished to extinction in the late 1970s, the new cohort off. striatus may have followed or copied die behavioral patterns and migratory routes of M. venenosa and E. striatus is just now reforming at a different location and season. The second alternative, as suggested by commercial fishermen, is that there are so many E. striatus at the historical spawningaggregation site thatthe fish showingup at the Grammanik Bank are over-flow from the historical spawning aggregation site. This alternative still needs to be verified. The meanlength (70.7 cm TL) andF:M sex ratio (1:1.1) ofM. venenosa in this study was nearly identical to values reported by Thomson and Munro (1978) for the oceanic banks off Jamaica (mean TL = 68 cm, F:M = 1.2:1). According to Thomson and Munro (1978), these oceanic banks received relatively low fishing pressure. The similarity in length frequency and sex ratio of M. venenosa from unexploited oceanic banks off Jamaica in the mid1970s and St. Thomas in 2004 may indicate that M. venenosa at the Gram manik Bank may be less impacted by fishing than previously thought. This would support the hypothesis that the groupers did, in fact, find an alternative spawning site during the two years when the aggregation did not form on the Grammanik Bank. Length-frequency data for E. striatus from this study were also similarto those reported for E. striates in St. Thomas prior to its collapse and the relativelyunexploited oceanic banks of Jamaica, Belize and Bermuda (Olsen and LaPlace 1978, Thompson and Munro 1978, Sadovy and Eklund 1999). The length frequency distribution also suggests that the age structure of E. striatus at the Grammanik Bank is dominated by four to six year old fish (Olsen and LaPlace 1978). Sex ratios from unexploitedpopulations tend to be close to unity (Sadovy and Eklund 1999) whereas the female:male sex ratio at the Grammanik Bank was biased towards females (2.4:1) and similar to Nemeth, R.S. et al. GCFI:57 (2006) Page 557 exploited populations in the Cayman Islands (Colinet al. 1987). Although the length frequency data reflects a size composition from unexploited popula tions, the biased sex ratio at the Grammanik Bank suggests that E. striatus continues to be exploited (Sadovy and Eklund 1999) as bycatch during the M. venenosa spawning aggregation in the Virgin Islands. This pattern may also indicate that sex ratios are very sensitive to even moderate fishing pressure on spawning aggregations. Alternatively, these biased sex ratios could also be present in the size structure of a reforming E. striatus spawning aggregation. As reforming aggregations have never been documented, this could just be the natural pattern and the number of males will increase as population size increases. Continued fishing pressure on M. venenosa with associated catches of E. striatus will eliminate the likelihood that this E. striatus will re-form a spawning aggregation in this location. If fishing is allowed on the Grammanik Bank, the reestablishment of grouper spawnmg may be disrupted not only by the removal of individual fish but also by the disruption of complex behavioral patterns that are required to initiate courtship and spawning. Although the Grammanik Bank was recommended for closure as early as November 2000, the Caribbean Fisheries Management Council has only recently approved an interim seasonal closure of the Grammanik Bank from February through April 2005. Results from this study support the seasonal closure of the Grammanik Bank from February 1 to April 30, as the time period most likely to protect the yellowfin grouper spawning aggregations, and more importantly, to provide protection for a potentially reforming Nassau Grouper spawning aggregation. Future research will need to address how these commercially important species utilize the habitats within the Grammanik Bank during the spawning period but also during the entire spawning season to ensure that movement during spawning does not go beyond the proposed closure boundaries. Finally, this study also highlights the fact that the Grammanik Bank may be regionally important as a multi-species spawning aggregation site and management measures that suitably protect the spawning populations of several aggregating species of grouper and snapper that occur at this site from February through August each year will need to be evaluated. LITERATURE CITED Aronson, R.B., P.J. Edmonds, W.F. Precht, D.W. Swanson, and D.R. Levitan. (1994). Large-scale, long-term monitoring of Caribbean coral reefs: simple, quick, inexpensive techniques. Atoll Research Bulletin 421:1-19. Beets, J. and A. Friedlander. 1992. Stock analysis and management strategies for red hind, Epinephelus guttatus, in the U.S.V.I. Proceedingsofthe Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute 42:66-79. Beets, J. and A. Friedlander. 1998. Evaluation of a conservation strategy: a spawning aggregation closure for red hind, Epinephelus guttatus, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Environmental Biology ofFishes 55:91-98. Bohnsack, J. (ed.). 1990. The potential of marine fishery reserves for reef fish management in the US Southern Atlantic. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFC-261.14 pp. Page 558 57th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Claro, R. and K.C. Lindeman. 2003. Spawning aggregation sites of snapper and grouper species (Lutjanidae and Serranidae) on the insular shelf of Cuba. Gulf & Caribbean Research 14:91-106. Colin, P.L., D.Y. Shapiro, and D. Weiler. 1987. Aspects of the reproduction of two species of groupers, Epinephelus guttatus and E. striatus in the West Indies. Bulletin ofMarineScience 40:220-230. Colin, P.L. 1992. Reproduction of the Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striates, (Pisces: Serranidae) and its relationship to environmental condition. Environmental Biology ofFishes 34:357-377. Nemeth, R.S. 2005. Population characteristics of a recovering US Virgin Islands red hind spawning aggregation following protection. Marine Ecology Progress Series 286:81-97. Nemeth, R.S. and A. Quandt. 2005. Differences in fish assemblage structure following the establishment of the Marine Conservation District, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 56:367-382. Olsen D.A. and J.A. LaPlace. 1978. A study of a Virgin Islands grouper fishery based on a breeding aggregation. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 31:130-144. Sadovy, Y. 1996. Reproduction of reef fishes. Pages 15-59 in: N.V.C. Polunin and CM. Roberts (eds.). Reef Fisheries. Chapman and Hall, London, England. Sadovy,Y. 2001. The threat of fishingto highly fecund fishes.Journal ofFish Biology 59:90-108. Sadovy, Y. and A. Eklund. 1999. Synopsis of biological data on the Nassau grouper Epinephelus striatus (Bloch. 1792), and the jewfish E. itajara (Lichtenstein, 1822). NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 146 and FAO Fish. Synop. 157. Sadovy, Y., P.L. Colin, P.L., and M. Domeier. 1994. Aggregations and spawning in the tiger grouper, Mycteroperca tigris, (Pisces: Serranidae). Copeia 1994:511-516. Thomson, R. and J.L. Munroe. 1978. Aspects o fthe biology and ecology of Caribbean reef fishes: Serranidae (hinds and groupers). Journal of Fish Biology 36:115-146. Tucker, J.W., P.G. Bush, P.G., and S.T. Slaybaugh. 1993. Reproductive patterns of Cayman Islands Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) populations. BulletinofMarineScience 542:961-969.
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