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Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine Inc
Reg (Vic): A0022218W ABN: 18 776 847 535
PO Box 298, Sandringham, VIC, 3191, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9597 0363
Fax: +61 3 9597 0383
Email: [email protected] Pre-­‐disposing Activity Name: ..................................................................................... RACGP QI& CPD Number: ........................................... Due Date: Saturday 2 May 2015 Workshop: Heart, Diabetes and Weight 2015 10.00am Saturday 2 May 2015 – 1.00pm Sunday 3 May 2015 40 Category 1 RACGP QI&CPD points Activity No. 18325 Learning Objectives 1.
Identify obesity and its effects on other diseases. Recognise the underlying causes of a predisposition to metabolic conditions. Describe the role of epigenetics in the development of diabetes. Develop a checklist to identify nutritional and dietary strategies for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Tasks for completion prior to the activity: 1. Please read and consider the following article: • Vitamin D insufficiency and insulin resistance in obese adolescents Catherine A Peterson, Aneesh K Tosh, and Anthony M Belenchia If you have difficulty opening the above link, please copy and paste it into your browser or search for the article title and author 2. Please write a short case history (please ensure no identifying patient information is included) or a discussion piece based on any of your previous knowledge and experience of obesity, cardiovascular disease or metabolic conditions, with particular reference to one or more of the learning objectives above (300-­‐500 words). Please submit your case history or discussion piece with this form (please keep a copy for yourself). I have completed this activity. Signed.......................................................................................................... Date:................................... Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine Inc
Reg (Vic): A0022218W ABN: 18 776 847 535
PO Box 298, Sandringham, VIC, 3191, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9597 0363
Fax: +61 3 9597 0383
Email: [email protected] Reflective Activity Name: ..................................................................................... RACGP QI& CPD Number: ........................................... Due Date: Monday 1 June 2015 (please fax, mail, or scan+email this form to arrive by the due date) Workshop: Heart, Diabetes and Weight 2015 10.00am Saturday 2 May 2015 – 1.00pm Sunday 3 May 2015 40 Category 1 RACGP QI&CPD points Activity No. 18325 Learning Objectives 1.
Identify obesity and its effects on other diseases. Recognise the underlying causes of a predisposition to metabolic conditions. Describe the role of epigenetics in the development of diabetes. Develop a checklist to identify nutritional and dietary strategies for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Tasks for completion within 4 weeks of attending the activity: 1. Please read and consider the following article: • Epigenetics and life-­‐long consequences of an adverse nutritional and diabetic intrauterine environment Nady El Hajj, Eberhard Schneider, Harald Lehman and Thomas Haaf If you have difficulty opening the above link, please copy and paste it into your browser or search for the article title and author 2. Review your pre-­‐disposing activity case history or discussion piece in view of what you have learned in the learning activity and write a reflective piece (300-­‐500 words) indicating how this has influenced your understanding, or will influence the way you practice, with particular reference to one or more of the learning objectives above and any additional prevention, management or treatment options available to you. Please ensure this is appropriately referenced. Please submit your reflective piece with this form (please keep a copy for yourself). 3. Please complete and return the Participant Evaluation Form, either at the end of the workshop or with this form. I have completed this activity. Signed.............................................................................................................. Date:.................................... Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine Inc
Reg (Vic): A0022218W ABN: 18 776 847 535
PO Box 298, Sandringham, VIC, 3191, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9597 0363
Fax: +61 3 9597 0383
Email: [email protected] Participant Evaluation Form Name: ..................................................................................... RACGP QI& CPD Number: ........................................... Workshop: Heart, Diabetes and Weight 2015 10.00 am Saturday 2 May 2015 – 1.00pm Sunday 3 May 2015 40 Category 1 RACGP QI&CPD points Activity No. 18325 Learning Objectives: Please indicate the extent to which the following learning objectives were met: Identify obesity and its effects on other diseases. NOT MET PARTIALLY MET ENTIRELY MET Describe the role of epigenetics in the development of diabetes. Develop a checklist to identify nutritional and dietary strategies for the treatment of cardiovascular disease Recognise the underlying causes of a predisposition to metabolic conditions. NOT RELEVANT PARTIALLY RELEVANT RELEVANT Learning needs/relevance. Please also indicate: To what extent were your individual learning needs met? To what extent was the activity relevant to your individual practice? A GP Feedback form is available on the RACGP QI&CPD website If you were dissatisfied in any way with the quality or conduct of the education activity you can fill out the ‘GP Feedback to RACGP’ form available from the RACGP website. Heart, Diabetes and Weight 2015 -­‐ 10.00 am Saturday 2 May 2015 – 1.00pm Sunday 3 May 2015 Please indicate your rating of the following aspects of the education activity. Please use the following scale below: 1 Poor 2 Improvement needed 3 Adequate 4 Good 5 Excellent 1.
Area 1 2 3 4 5 Comments Clinical relevance Evidence-­‐based Recency (up to date) Practical application Overall quality In rating the presenters please consider their knowledge of the topic and their ability to impart that knowledge 2.
Speakers 1 2 3 4 5 Comments Prof John Funder Dr Eliana Marino A/Prof Salvatore Pepe Prof Neil Mann A/Prof Cath Suter Prof John Dixon Prof Peter Clifton Prof Mimi Tang Joseph Proietto Prof Margaret Morris Prof Ross Grant Prof Gary Egger Prof John Mattick Venue and admin 1 2 3 4 5 Venue (lecture rooms) Refreshments and meals Conference administration Comments What were the 3 most important things you learnt from this activity and how will it change the way you practice? 1. 2. 3. How could the activity be improved? What do you think may have been missing? Any other comments?