Your Community`s Biggest Capital Investment

Your Community’s Biggest Capital Investment
What you need to know about your water/wastewater facility
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Syracuse Center of Excellence | 727 E. Washington Street, Syracuse, NY
Attendance Limited to 25 | This program is focused on information of value to local elected officials.
Registration and Lunch
Welcome, Introductions, and Overview
Patricia Cerro-Reehil, NYWEA
Ten Steps to Protect & Maintain Your Wastewater Utility
Tom Rhoads, Commissioner, Onondaga County WEP
These 10 easy steps allow elected leaders to better understand, and better manage their
community’s utilities.
How to Develop and Administer an Effective Asset Management Plan
Tim Taber, Associate, Barton & Loguidice
For water and wastewater systems, the renewal and replacement of the assets that make up our
infrastructure is a constant and ongoing task. Many communities have turned to asset management to
efficiently manage this important part of a utility’s business. This approach has gained recognition all across
the world for its effectiveness in maximizing the value of capital as well as operations and maintenance
How to Keep Your Ratepayers Engaged, and “In the Loop”
Khris Dodson, Associate Director, Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center
An informed community will support the infrastructure that supports quality of life, economic
development and water quality. Keeping folks “in the loop” isn’t about hearings and finger
wagging, it’s about simple actions and steps to truly making engagement a positive experience.
Stormwater Management Matters
Greg Liberman, EDR
Stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces carries large amounts of various pollutants to surface waters.
Learn how keeping stormwater out of the system using green infrastructure can be part of the solution.
How do you know if your system is compliant?
Sandy Lizlovs, Environmental Engineer II, Region 8 - NYSDEC
Discussion of various legal and administrative responsibilities, enforcement & compliance, and tips on how
to stay off the non-compliance listing.
Financing Wastewater Systems
Matt Driscoll, President, NYS Environmental Facilities Corp.