Spring 2015 27th March 2015 Oak Bank Newsletter Your School | Your Education | Your Learning Family Executive Head Teacher News As always, it is with huge pride that I have enjoyed reading all the news from the different departments within the School celebrating all the achievements and successes of our students. The dedication of the entire staff team in providing such a diverse range of opportunities and such personalised support deserves huge praise. A massive thank you to all staff for continuing to make everything about Oak Bank ‘special’. Despite a term of anxious waiting, we have still not been visited by Ofsted yet. We can therefore now be confident in anticipating an inspection sometime during the early part of next term. I am certain that when the call comes, the staff and students will demonstrate to the inspecting team the continued progress the school has achieved since the last inspection. As many of you are aware, the school has been consulting in relation to our desire to extend the School’s age range to include a 6th form. The consultation period has now finished and I am pleased to report that of the 129 responses we received, 127 were in favour. The application to open a 6th form will now be submitted to The Department for Education and we will hopefully receive notification of a successful outcome sometime in the Summer term. The Summer term is also when the Year 11’s complete their final examinations. It can be a very anxious time, as this marks the end of their secondary education. All staff at the school wishes every student sitting any exams this year the very best and we have every confidence that they will achieve the outcomes they deserve. All that remains is for me to wish you a wonderful Easter break and we look forward to seeing everyone safely back on Tuesday 14th April. Peter Cohen Spring 2015 1 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Head Of School News Dear All, It is never easy to make big decisions in your life, and with a heavy heart, I wish to announce that I will be leaving my Post as Head of School at the end of the Summer Term 2015. Much as I love working at Oak Bank School with its outstanding staff team and wonderful students, the time has come for me to reflect on my own life and take a step back for personal reasons. Having arrived at Oak Bank in the Summer Term 2008, I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 7 years by being involved in the exciting growth of the school. The curriculum continues to flourish to meet the needs of the students and in recent years we have developed some fantastic facilities. Our Food Technology classroom, Bike Maintenance Workshop, Outdoor Bike Track, Animal Care/Horticulture Centre, Music Technology and Expressive Arts Facility have added fantastic vocational opportunities for all students. We now look forward to being able to develop a Post 16 provision so that students can be supported beyond Year 11. Oak Bank can never be accused of ‘sitting still’ and this year, under the drive of Mr Stead, an innovative approach to healthy eating was introduced with a wide range of foods available to students at breakfast, break time and at the end of the day ‘Pop in Café’ in the Food Technology classroom. The new key stage 3 and 4 common rooms are a hub of activity in the mornings and it is wonderful to see them sampling new food products and enjoying a social breakfast. A new Cinema area was created for students to watch films on a big screen during Friday enrichment. During the Easter Holidays, Room 5, (currently the Re-Set Room), is being remodelled into a Hair & Beauty Salon to enable students to learn barbering, hairdressing and manicure skills. In future, we anticipate opening the facility to the local community as a small business enterprise. Spring 2015 2 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 This term we welcomed Mr P Collier to the Senior Leadership Team. I worked with Mr Collier in his first teaching post over 15 years ago and was delighted when he decided to join us as an Assistant Headteacher. He has already made a big impact with students in Design Technology and Social Skills and is keen to help Miss A Larkins and Mrs T Jordan in the development of residential camping trips both in the UK and abroad. In addition, Mrs K Townsend has joined the staff as our Business Manager and recently organised a Cake Sale on the Leighton Buzzard Market, managed by our Level 2 students to raise money for Comic Relief. We are excited by the links being made with our local business community as these will help to enrich the curriculum and provide further opportunities for students. I have recently met with representatives from The Kids Out Charity in Leighton Buzzard and already we have been allocated 15 free tickets to take students and family members to Wembley Stadium to watch The Saracens V Harlequins Rugby Union Match on Saturday 28th March. This charity has lots of initiatives identified for Oak Bank in the future and we appreciate their support. I wish to thank all parents/carers for taking the time to attend our Consultation Day on Thursday 26th March as these are important occasions when we are able to celebrate the achievements of our students. For those who were unable to attend, your child’s Key Worker will be contacting you to organise a convenient time to meet at the start of the Summer Term. Finally, it is my intention to hopefully work part time at Oak Bank from September 2015 and I shall be discussing a potential role with Mr P Cohen and the Senior Leadership Team in the near future. Many thanks for your continued support and hoping that you all have an enjoyable Easter Holiday. Best Wishes Graham Hesketh Head of School Spring 2015 3 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Rotary Club Rotary Technology Tournament. Four level 2 students, picked for their keen minds and nimble fingers, were entered in the Rotary Technology Tournament 2015. It was a bit daunting for Charlie, Harrison, Luke and Phoebe to enter the huge hall packed with students from many different schools across the county. Each team was given a pack containing the task, some bits of wood, plastic pipes, wires, batteries, a small motor, pulleys, string, paperclips, screws, elastic bands etc. Solar Eclipse At 09.15 on 20th March 2015, a small number of Oak Bank students trooped outside with various bits of equipment in the hope of viewing the solar eclipse. Much to our delight, the clouds thinned and we could see the Sun partly covered by the Moon. Their excited shouts brought out other students and staff and about half the school enjoyed the spectacle. We watched the temperature drop rapidly on a thermometer as more and more of the Sun was covered. With the cloud cover intermittently blocking the Sun completely it was hard to notice the light dimming but everyone noticed how cold it got. After assembly, the increase in light levels as the Sun reappeared startled many students. Spring 2015 The task was to design and build a machine to cross a crocodile (and dinosaur) infested river on a suspended wire. Phoebe volunteered to complete the portfolio – 10 sheets of labelled drawings and explanations of how the team worked together to build a machine that could complete the task. Charlie volunteered to do all electrical work – a bad move on his part as one of the wires had a faulty casing and he suffered at least six electric shocks in the cause of wiring the motor up. Luke and Harrison covered the drilling, cutting and waiting patiently in the queue for one of the two glue guns that were shared with 400 other students. The judges were impressed by the teamwork and communication between team members. It is fair to say that the judges were amazed at the confident way that the team could explain what they were trying to do and how they would achieve it. Team Oak Bank succeeded in making a working model, despite the judges shaving 15 minutes off the working time. A number of mainstream school teams did not manage this! Mrs Neil and Mr Milton were both immensely proud of our students and the way they conducted themselves. 4 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Music Music technology this term has seen pupils learning about the most sampled drum beat of all time. The Amen Break is a drum pattern from a Soul Funk band called the Winstons. It saw small success at its release in 1969 but really became famous in the 80’s when rap artists began sampling it. Pupils learnt all about its history and copyright laws and then sampled their own drum patterns using different methods, including recording a live drummer and chopping drum parts from existing songs. Instrument Lessons One to one instrument lessons are now available with both Mr Batchelor and Mr Wainer. If you would like to learn Drums, Keyboard, Guitar or Bass please let them know. Spring 2015 5 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 English World Book Day To celebrate World Book Day, a special guest was invited to join all English lessons. Comic book artist Chris McGhie (He draws Banana Man and works for the Beano!) came in to give children a lesson in drawing comic strips. All pupils were an absolute credit to the school and really got involved in the lessons. They got to see some of the artist’s most famous work and learnt some really valuable skills. Every child in the school received a book and a comic at the end of the day. Extra prizes were awarded at the end of the day for exceptional behaviour. The prizes were as follows; Most polite and welcoming student: Callum Howard, Best engagement in lesson: George Bayes and Abbie Brewer, Best storyboard: Alex Benjamin Jennings and Iain MacDonald and Best effort: Jordan White and Justin Baker. Year Ten at the Pantomime (oh yes they were!) At the very beginning of this term, the English department took all the year 10’s to see the Pantomime at Milton Keynes Theatre. All children were exceptionally well behaved and really enjoyed the show, which was jazzed up by street dancers and the celebrity Bradley Walsh. Milton Keynes Theatre staff were really accommodating. We had free ice-cream and were sat in premium seats. Everyone without exception was up dancing in their seats at the end. A really good time was had by all and we hope to do more trips like this in future. The children had a really memorable time and got to see something a bit different. Spring 2015 6 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Art The Art Department has been busy preparing Year 10 students Paul Jacques and Dominic Woodbridge for the start of their two year GCSE programme. Dominic has been making a lino cut to print from and Paul has been working on a Sci-fi theme and made a robot costume. KS3 have been looking at the work of Andy Warhol and the Pop Art Movement, they have created individual A n d y Wa r h o l i n s p i r e d p i e c e s o f w o r k u s i n g contemporary icons such as Homer Simpson. KS2 have been ‘making marks’ using different techniques to colour and decorate paper such as marbling effects or mask and reveal methods. Mrs Jeavons Spring 2015 7 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Science Years 5, 6, 7 and 8 now have the benefit of some of the online materials to support the new 2014 science curriculum. The rest of the materials, including those for year 9, should hopefully be published later this year. There are a variety of short films, pictures, animations and other presentations to help support those students who find it easier to learn if they have something to see as well as having to listen to new information. The sites can also be used at home for revision. Students in year 7 and 8 can login using the username and password they were given at school: https://www.pearsonactivelearn.com/ Students in year 9 who wish to use the year 7 and 8 materials for revision prior to GCSE may request a username and password. You need to be aware that the curriculum has changed significantly since you were in these years and there may be new material or things might be in different topic areas from when you studied it. Please ask if there is anything in particular that you wish to find. Students in year 5 and 6 can login using the username and password they were given at school and also need the school code rgah to login at: https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/ login?c=0 There is no similar online resource to support years 10 and 11. However, you can access the specification (what you are expected to learn) at: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/ gcse/science-b-4500/spec-at-a-glance Past papers can be found at: http:// w w w. a q a . or g . u k / s u b j e c t s / s c i e n c e / g c s e / science-b-4500/past-papers-and-mark-schemes (remember to pick either F for foundation or H for higher tier) You can also find useful GCSE revision material at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/ subjects/zrkw2hv Spring 2015 8 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 External Provision External Provision provides pupils at Oak Bank with an opportunity to be educated off site, through a variety of collaborative partnerships with Colleges, Training Providers and Community interest groups. There are in excess of 50 Placements each week across several different programmes, as broad as Bricklaying, Arts, Plastering, Photography, Motor Vehicle Maintenance, Engineering, Agriculture, Animal Sciences, Catering and Health. The achievements of pupils are demonstrated by the wealth of qualifications and accreditations g a i n e d t h r o u g h t h e E x t e r n a l Pr o v i s i o n programme. City and Guilds in Carpentry, Arts Awards in Photography, Btec qualifications in Fish Husbandry, AQA Unit Awards in Music Technology and Horse Riding have all been achieved. “Your students are a delight to teach, they are so motivated to work and always get the work completed. We enjoy having them on the Animal Care Unit at Shuttleworth and hope they come to study with us when they leave Oak Bank”. Shuttleworth College Tutor. “Kelsey and Jordon have completed their Bronze Arts Award, they both worked so hard to pass this qualification. They have now progressed onto the Silver Arts Award”. Make a Difference Project Tutor. “All of your year 10 and 11 pupils have had a brilliant week at Plastering, Rhys has worked very well. The portfolios for their City and Guilds qualification are almost complete”. C and G Plastering Academy Tutor. “It is always a pleasure to work with you all; we look forward to meeting some more pupils soon who want to attend Jam Rock Media”. Jam Rock Media Tutor. Connor and Dominic have both passed their qualification at Angling for Success this year. Dominic is progressing on into year 11 to study for the Level 2 Btec qualification in Fish Husbandry. Angling for Success Tutor. Spring 2015 9 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Physical Education Basketball Basketball has been very popular this half term and students have taken part in competitive games at lunch times. This has led to Basketball being offered during activities in the afternoons. During these sessions we have worked on dribbling and shooting skills and real improvements have been seen in those attending regularly. Todd, Harrsion, George and Shyon are four students that have attended nearly every session and are shaping into good players. They have displayed excellent sportsmanship and determination and I hope they continue to enjoy their court time. Yonex All England Badminton Championships Visit On Thursday March 6th Mr Stead took Phoebe Harris and Abbie Brewer both in Year 7 along w i t h Vi c t o r i a Yo u n g i n Ye a r 9 t o t h e Championships in Birmingham at the Barclaycard Arena. All the pupils were a credit to the school and were a pleasure to be with. We were lucky enough to witness the Husband and Wife England mixed double pairing of Chris and Gabby Adcock win their match and go through to the Quarter finals. The pupils and staff saw some excellent singles, doubles and mixed doubles matches. I hope the girls were inspired by the event I know I certainly was. Spring 2015 10 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Ten Pin Bowling Academy Over the last four Monday PE sessions Mr Stead has taken a group to Go Bowling in Dunstable to improve their ten pin bowling skills. They have been under the expert guidance of Lizzie Shaw who represents Bedfordshire at ten pin bowling. The pupils on average bowled 4 games and improved in their technique and scores. All the pupils have shown respect to Lizzie and taken on board the advice, hints and tips she has given them. The pupils that attended were: Alex Stephenson – Year 8 Alex Benjamin – Jennings – Year 8 Alan Stringer – Year 8 Kieran Engleman – Year 8 James Hurrell – Year 8 Spring 2015 11 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Y 9 &10 demonstrate impressive skills at Free Running A group of Year 9 & 10 pupils have been lucky enough to attend free running at the Paramount Academy in Milton Keynes. All the pupils have attended each session with great enthusiasm showing a willingness to better their skills and push themselves further. They all demonstrated determination, inspiration, courage and respect in each session the attended. Vinnie Mongiardi and Billy Armstrong both impressed all pupils and staff with their ability to run up a wall and perform a back somersault and land on their feet. Kelsey Pang amazed all with a moment of brilliance performing a handstand walk forwards and backwards with beautiful control. Callum Howard has worked outside of his comfort zone in every session, pushing himself to better his skills. Trent Cameron has continued to give 100% in every session and improving his skills every session and is never scared to try new skills. Nathan Thomas O’ Keefe and Todd Carmichael displayed super bar skills by being able to swing from one bar to another over a distance of 2 metres. Arlie Perschky was excellent through all his sessions and has a natural talent for the sport. A huge well done to all that attended. Year 10 Year 9 Vinnie Mongiardi Nathan Thomas O’ Keefe Billy Armstrong Todd Carmichael Kelsey Pang Andrew Henderson Paul Jacques Arlie Perschky Trent Cameron Harry Keogh Callum Howard Shyon Abraham Callum Poynter Spring 2015 12 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Pupil of the half term – Spring One 2015 The following pupils were nominated by the PE team for demonstrating excellence during the months of January and February. Justin Baker – Year 6 (Key Stage 2) Kai Woodcock – Year 7 (Key Stage 3) Callum Poynter – Year 10 (Key Stage 4) Each pupil will receive 500 vivo miles, a certificate and a display medal in recognition of this superb achievement. Oak Bank Elite At the start of the spring term an idea was raised to involve a fitness bootcamp to all students who wished to take part. This also included work in the gym and external provision to boxing. I would like to say a massive well done to all students who were involved in the hard work during these sessions showing great qualities such as determination, discipline, team work, courage and will to keep going when things got tough. Bootcamp Inspirers: Justin Baker Andrew Henderson Gym Inspirers: Andrew Henderson George Bayes Boxers: Callum Howard Ryan Hodges Billy Armstrong I am truly proud of all the individuals who have taken part in each category and would like to thank them not only for their hard work but for keeping the morale high and seeing it through. I look forward to the new term to see the young people not only get fitter, healthier and happier but to be a true inspiration to more students like they have already. Spring 2015 13 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 GENERAL STUDIES Another busy term has been had in both Miss Jordan’s and Mrs Hogg’s lessons this term, with lots more planned for next term! Year 5 and 6 ASDAN Stepping Stones Award The class have continued to look at healthy lifestyles after their visit to Hazard Alley Safety Centre last term and learnt the importance of healthy eating and looking after your body. The students then looked at environmental studies and researched insects native to Britain. The students developed skills in ICT by creating a PowerPoint Presentation with their research, created colourful posters and joined in class fact finding discussions. Year 7 ASDAN Keysteps Certificate The year 7 class have completed the Enterprise Module this term. The students designed and created colourful designs to transfer on to mugs using a heat transfer press. They then made colourfully designed boxes to package their gifts. Year 8 ASDAN Bronze Award The Year 8 classes completed the Expressive Arts Module this term. They researched famous people, made jewellery, created a painting or drawing, wrote a song or poem, visited the cinema to view Big Hero 6 and wrote a film review comparing it to other films by the same Director. Spring 2015 14 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 GENERAL STUDIES Year 9 ASDAN Certificate of Personal Effectiveness Certificate The Year 9’s have completed the Expressive Arts Module for their qualification. They have created colourful paintings and drawings. They have also completed the Beliefs and Values module. For this unit they gained an understanding of the Buddhism religion and looked at why there is drug abuse. Year 10 ASDAN Certificate of Personal Effectiveness Certificate The Year 10’s have completed the Sports and Leisure Module and the International Module this term. The have researched foods and famous places in Italy. They created colourful factual presentations, learnt a little basic Italian and took part in tasting some foods of Italy. Well done to Dominic Woodbridge and Callum Poynter on successfully completing two weeks of work experience. Year 11 The Year 11’s have been busy preparing for their futures by creating their CVs, applying to colleges and learning interview skills. This work will also help them gain credits to their BTEC Workskills and ASDAN Life Skills qualifications. Spring 2015 15 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Judo Sessions Pupils at Oak Bank have continues to have the privilege to take part in Judo sessions with Judo coach David Down. David has been leading Judo sessions every Friday since November 2014. Pupils have enjoyed the opportunity to develop skills in a new sport and many have shown a natural ability for the sport and a desire to improve themselves. Special mentions must go to Andrew Henderson and Jordan Gallagher in Year 9 for their determination and focus shown in all the sessions they have attended. Spring 2015 16 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Design Technology This half term students have engaged with building complex pasta bridges, designing sportswear, making flying gliders and the chance to improve personal wood work skills. This has all been in a half terms work for our students in the design technology department. Being new to Oak Bank School, I have been really impressed with the enthusiasm that has been shown towards creative projects. It is my hope that personal skills can be developed further and that we can continue to work with interest to design innovative, functional and appealing products. Spring 2015 17 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Bike Maintenance Computing It has been excellent having the Year 8’s join the Bike Maintenance Workshop this term with each and every one of them showing great enthusiasm and skill when working with the school bikes. It’s great to see so many pupils engaging with the technological side of our bike program here at Oak Bank. Year 11 pupils have been working hard and have recently completed their ICT Functional Skills Level 1 examination. Despite the initial exam nerves and apprehension all students completed the paper to the best of their ability and answered as many questions as they were possible. I am very pleased with the mature attitude displayed and am proud of the effort that all of the pupils gave towards the 2 hour exam. I wish them all the very best and am looking forward to seeing the results. The ICT Functional Skills Level 2 qualification is due in May 2015. All pupils from Key Stage 2 through to Key Stage 4 have the opportunity to choose Bike Maintenance in their DT and Options lessons. In these lessons we learn everything from simple puncture repair, to full projects, including building a complete bike from scratch. We currently have one student building a bike to order for a member of the staff team. Some of the older students have 1 to 1 sessions where they concentrate on the more technical side of bike repair, but it’s also great to see the younger students learning the processes of team work, helping each other to learn and be safe in a workshop environment. As we are constantly going through bike parts and are looking for parts to replace the ones we use I would like to use this terms newsletter to make a plea to all friends and families of the school: If you have, or know of someone that has, any old, unwanted bikes or parts that you/they no longer have any use for, the students at Oak Bank would be eternally grateful for any donations that could be made. If you are not able to get the bikes or parts to us we can make arrangements to have them collected within a reasonable radius of the school. If you are able to do this, please leave a message for Mr Milton at the school. Spring 2015 Year 9 pupils are currently working towards an AQA Unit Award in Components for Personal Computers. For this predominantly practical based award they are required to locate and describe the main functions for a number of key components in personal computers. Gardening news Spring is fast approaching and in the horticulture centre we have started to plant our crops. The students were busy spreading muck on the gardens in the autumn term to keep the weeds down and condition the soil. As a result we are now reaping the benefits as the ground is virtually weed free and easy to turn over. Potatoes, peas, carrots and onions have already been planted directly into the soil and a selection of seeds has been planted in the green house. The students are involved with all aspects of the garden, from preparing the ground, planting, watering and weeding. This year Oak Bank are part of the Leighton in Bloom open gardens initiative, this is where the Horticulture Centre will be open to the public along with other gardens in the local area. We shall notify you of the date next term. If you are gardening over the Easter holiday and have any spare bedding plants or shrubs needing a home please think of us! 18 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Healthy Eating in the BSW House. Our pupils in the BSW House have been experimenting with the new foods available to them from the Healthy Schools Initiative. As part of the ASDAN Award some of the pupils have made fresh fruit smoothies, which they thoroughly enjoy making and sampling. The pupils are really keen to try new foods which they may not have dared to before, for example, the pupils always have a cupboard full of fresh fruit, nuts, fruit and cereal bars to snack on. With the new initiative the pupils have become more involved in what foods are ordered for them, and the new foods are often conversation starters due to discussions around nutritional values within the foods they are now eating. We are looking forward to expanding our knowledge about new foods together. VIVO Awards. The VIVO award system in School has recently had a revamp. The Reward categories have been looked at and changed to entice the students back into using and earning VIVOs in School. The VIVO shop saw new products being added, for example, students can now purchase items such as selfie sticks, comfy fluffy socks, shower gel, boxing equipment and many more items. Many students have also been generously donated their VIVOs to charity by buying cakes, sponsoring head shaves and buying teachers as their personal servants for the day. This is the current leader board for students who have been rewarded the most VIVOs this academic year. Parents/Carers are able to check student’s accounts through separate log-ins so if you require more information about this please do not hesitate to contact Miss Ward. Spring 2015 19 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Oak Bank Pupils BoxingTheir Way To The Top!!!!! For the past year, various Oak Bank students have been put through their paces by a professional boxing coach. They have endured painstaking workouts and fitness routines and have all shown great commitment to improve their boxing skills as well as their fitness, discipline and attitude. The pupils have all demonstrated fantastic team work and cooperation as they have all helped each other to overcome some gruelling challenges. From lifting tractor tyres to sparing in the ring, the pupils of Oak Bank have once again shown what our school is all about: HARDWORK, DETERMINATION & SUCCESS……..GOOD JOB GUYS!!!!!!! Pupils who have attended boxing sessions: Billy Armstrong, Kieran Jays, Ryan Hodges and Callum Howard. Spring 2015 20 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Science Trip to Airkix MK on Monday 23rd March This was a thrilling trip for the year 5 and 6 Science students where they put their knowledge of forces into practice with some indoor skydiving! Tyla, Kyle Quinn, Iain, Michael, Ethan and Ryan all showed courage and skill when they were suspended in mid-air and spinning around. Some of the students even went to the very top! We managed to get some fantastic photos and videos of the boys in action and wearing their cool in-in-one suits. The instructors were impressed by how quickly our students picked it up and told us we would be welcome back again. This something we can definitely consider in future, as a reward for good progress in Science. Spring 2015 21 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Numeracy Key Stage Two Changes to the teaching of numeracy The pupils in Key Stage two have been working hard on their end of term assessments. We have had new additions to the group and they are beginning to show signs of settling in. Due to the increased numbers in the KS2 house the year 7’s will begin their transition over to the main body of the school beginning in April. This term the years 5 and 6 have worked hard on their Literacy skills and have engaged thoroughly in their World War Two Topic. Breakfast in the KS2 house has shown a promising start. They pupils are enjoying the opportunity to eat new food that they have not necessarily tried before and are enjoying a healthy, balanced start to their day. Staff are looking forward to getting out in the garden with the children now that the weather has become warmer. There is a plan for the children to grow things during their animal Care/horticulture sessions. KS2 pupils have had the opportunity to work alongside the year 7 pupils to help them develop their social skills. They have been looking at sharing equipment, discussing ideas and strategies, working together, communicating and solving dilemma’s. They have taken part in various challenges and tasks to promote their self-esteem, problem solving skills and communication skills. Amongst many other group tasks we’ve seen the tallest tower built out of newspaper, the smallest item built out of Lego, the largest rope used for group skipping and the longest distance moved using a tennis ball and rackets. Spring 2015 In September we made significant changes to the teaching of numeracy at Oak Bank and although it’s still early days in many ways, it isn’t too early to make some initial observations. Previously we taught Maths according to year groups. This meant that whatever your ability, you could have lessons with peers that may be significantly more or less able than you. That is why we have changed to our current system in which pupils of similar ability are taught together regardless of their ages. There have been some noticeable improvements in student levels in just a short time and from feedback I have received, the lessons are going very well. We have a large number of pupils about to sit their Maths GCSE’s in June with age being no barrier. In addition to all of the Year 11’s, there are Year 10’s and even Year 9’s entered. The experience will be good for them and I have every confidence in them to work at the best of their ability! Mr White 22 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Outdoor Education The cold, wet winter months have meant things have been a little quieter on the Outdoor Ed front during the Spring Term; however we have still found time to get to the climbing wall and out in the local area! Outdoor Ed in PE The Year 7’s and the Year 8’s had the option to try rock climbing as part of their PE lessons in January and February. All of the pupils who attended the sessions worked hard and have all worked towards achieving qualifications in this challenging sport! Experienced climbers Charlie Armstrong, Liam Butler and Tyran Snow have all logged climbs towards their NICAS Awards, whereas other students have been working towards an AQA Unit Award in Rock Climbing. Highlights have included Year 7 pupils Kai Woodcock and Kyle Draper challenging themselves to do harder climbs each week they went, Aaron Lloyd and Phoebe Harris showing fantastic team work to achieve their goals, and new pupils Alan Stringer and Matty Quirke showing that they are able to use support from their new classmates to reach the top! Well done to all of the pupils that climbed during this term and I look forward to having some new additions to our school climbing team! Spring 2015 23 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Outdoor Education BSW PE/ Outdoor Ed The BSW PE group have had the opportunity to try their hand at a range of activities this term, from indoor rock climbing on rainy days, to building snow ovens on snowy days! Kieran Jays (Year 10), Billy Armstrong, Alfie Devlin and George Wadsworth (all Year 9) managed to build a fire in the snow to toast marsmallows and make smores. Outdoor Ed Options Group Year 9 and 10 pupils who have Outdoor Ed as one of their options have just begun to work towards a new qualification; a Prince’s Trust Award/ Certificate in Employability and Personal Development. As part of this pupils have taken part in a wide range of activities such as wide games, bush craft, rock climbing, high ropes and caving. As part of a team exercise the group took part in the ‘Jacobs Ladder’ challenge, in which they had to work together to climb as high as they could by giving each other leg ups, pushing, pulling and holding on to each other’s ropes! Highlights for this term have included Vinnie Mongiardi challenging his fears at both the Jacobs Ladder and in the caves, and Todd Carmichael reaching the top of the Jacobs Ladder on his own! Callum Poynter and Lennon Geairns also had a fast and furious ‘snow ball manhunt’ during a particularly cold snowy day, to beat the other boys! Through this new qualification we hope to give pupils a better idea of how to work as part of a team and evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses so that they can become more effective learners in school With the turn of the weather and the promise of warmer temperatures (and less rain!) we are hoping to get out and about more during the Summer Term! Spring 2015 24 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 RED NOSE DAY ‘Roll up Roll up read all about it…’ Oak Bank level 2 pupils held a market stall in the heart of Leighton Buzzard town on Tuesday 17th March, selling school made & donated cupcakes for Red Nose Day. Level 2 pupils had an array of 220 cupcakes of all variety’s, 24 of which were kindly donated by SHELLY’s CAKES. An impressive £118.29 was raised in just under 3 hours! Locals were very interested in the Schools stall and impressed with the cakes on offer, One team managed to get a £20.00 donation for just 6 cakes. We even had a visit from our local former world heavyweight boxing champion Frank Bruno, who kindly had his photo taken with us The few cakes which didn’t get a home were taken to Swiss Cottage for the residents to enjoy with afternoon tea. The six L2 pupils and Miss Knight did Oak Bank School very proud and it was a pleasure to work alongside them for the morning. Spring 2015 25 Spring 2015 27 March 2015 Curriculum Awards Spring 2015 26
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