Oak Heights Elementary PTA 2015-16 Oak Heights Elementary PTA needs your help; Make sure PTA continues to thrive in 2015-16! NEXT PTA Meeting, Annual Elections! Thursday April 16th, 7pm We don’t operate without volunteers. For more details on duties, or to sign up, visit: www.oakheightspta.com OR circle an opportunity and return this form to school. Committee duties can, and should, be handled by many people! All positions open for nomination! Elected Positions are 1-year terms, positions may only be held 2-years max. Nearly all duties can be handled from home/outside of school hours & campus. President: (Silent Ballot Election on Thurs, April 16th) Coordinate the work of officers and committees, delegate responsibilities. Facilitate communications between school leaders, staff, and volunteers. Preside at all PTA meetings. Vice President: (Silent Ballot Election on Thurs, April 16th) Communications Coordinator Assist the President as needed, attend PTA meetings. Update Reader board, assist with copies and distribution. th Treasurer: (Silent Ballot Election on Thurs, April 16 ) Membership Coordinator Handle and report PTA finances according to bylaws and guidelines. Maintain financial accounts, and records. Attend PTA meetings. Organize membership drives. Handle data entry for the Membership Database. Secretary: (Silent Ballot Election on Thurs, April 16th) Volunteer Coordinator Record, prepare and distribute meeting minutes on a timely basis. Attend PTA meetings. Organize willing volunteers via email/website/Facebook. Fundraising Chair (and/or Committee Member) Work with school administration to select a fundraiser and set a schedule and monetary goal. Establish incentives and solicit from community, or purchase within budget allowance. Provide clear communication with administration, staff, and community. Carnival Committee (and/or Carnival Chair) Plan the booths, activities, food and prizes. Science Fair Committee (and/or Science Fair Chair) Coordinate fair date & details. Provide science fair information & notebooks to students. Secure judges. School Dance Committee (and/or Dance Chair) Select a theme and any activities, hire a DJ, and organize concessions. Yearbook Committee (and/or Yearbook Chair) Use the online template to place class/event/candid photos into the layout. Coordinate sales and distribution. Staff Appreciation Committee (and/or S.A. Chair) Offer (monthly, or bi-monthly) lunch, breakfast, or end-of-day snacks to our hardworking Oak Heights Staff. Movie Night Committee (and/or M.N. Chair) Select movies and organize concessions. AquaSox Reading Program Committee (and/or Program Chair) Using AquaSox provided program materials, organize month-of-March reading program. Distribute incentives and game tickets. Your Name (or Nominee, to be confirmed) Email Phone
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