1 MAY 2015 FIRST ASSEMBLY OF OCALA Women’s Ministries Unlimited NEWS! In this issue Let’s Talk pg. 2 From the editor… pg. 3 What You’re Saying About... pg.4 Last Minute Gift Ideas pg. 5 Heart of Worship pg. 6 Women in Missions pg. 7 Memorial Day Tribute pg. 7 The Reading Light pg. 8 Titus Two pg. 8 Welcome Home pg. 9 Calendar & Special Events pg. 10 P31 Woman Revised pg. 10 “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness. She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her: “Many daughters have done well, But you excel them all.” Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:26—30 2 Let’s Talk! “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” I Corinthians 13:13 THIS MOMENT... I may never see tomorrow; there’s no written guarantee, And things that happened yesterday belong to history. I cannot predict the future; I cannot change the past. I have just the present moment, I must treat it as my last. I must use this moment wisely, for it soon will pass away And be lost to me forever as a part of yesterday. The Bible tells us that the GREATEST of these is LOVE. We are blessed to know many different kinds of love, that of parents for their children, children for their parents, siblings, family, friends etc. etc. However, NO greater love have we received than that of God. Jesus, the Son, freely gave His life for us that we might be saved and receive the gift of eternal life because of His death on the cross. He was totally innocent but because of His love for us, He was willing to pay the price for our sins, He carried our sickness and suffering … CHOICES to be made ...Tomorrow is promised to no one. It's an individual decision/choice that we each have to make. Have we chosen, by faith, to ACCEPT the gift of eternal life? Praise God, the tomb could not hold Him! He's alive! God bless you! Eva Morales Women’s Ministries Coordinator I must exercise compassion; help the fallen to their feet, Be a friend unto the friendless; make an empty life complete. The unkind things I do today, may never be undone. And friendships that I fail to win, may nevermore be won. I may not have another chance on bended knees to pray And thank God with a humble heart, for giving me today. - ANONYMOUS 3 from the editor... ARE YOU A P31? “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:30 Regardless of what you think about the Proverbs 31 Woman (P31), she’s here to stay. She’s not only alive and well in the pages of Scripture, but in countless Bible studies, websites, and daily devotionals that attempt to translate her 2500 year old example into contemporary terms. So what is it that makes this nameless, yet famous woman so significant and is she still significant in our time? Focusing on all of her accomplishments can make her example intimidating. We’re all different. There will inevitably be ways in which you and I just don’t fit the total profile. There’s one word that disqualifies me right away maidservants. She had maidservants! I can’t even begin to imagine how much more I could have accomplished with a few of those around!! How about you? Seriously though, if you’re among those who’ve found Proverbs 31 discouraging, don't let it be. If your aim is for an all-consuming love for God that seeks above all else to please Him, take a deep breath. You’re fine. Keep in mind that the Book of Proverbs from beginning to end is Wisdom 101. There are two types of people defined in it’s verses - those who seek wisdom, become wise and live right and those who are fools because they despise wisdom. Proverbs 3:10 says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” Proverbs 31, the final chapter, is a picture of what such a life (any life) is capable of producing when one pursues wisdom. It starts with a fear of the Lord. The P31 Woman’s accomplishments certainly earned all of the appropriate accolades, but the definitive praise is for her fear of the LORD. It’s not so much about her homemaking or parenting skills, nor that she’s knowledgeable, industrious and has good business sense. It’s not about what she does, it’s about who she is. And who she is all about Whose she is. She’s perceived as “excellent” because her awesome God dwells within. By drawing on His strength and grace she’s able to accomplish what she does with excellence. Her husband is able to trust and believe in her because he knows she faithfully seeks the Lord. Powerful stuff. So, is the P31 Woman still significant today? Absolutely! P31 should serve as an encouragement to pursue a closer, more intimate relationship with Jesus, rather than pressure us to be some sort of perfect. If we are women after God’s own heart, all the rest will follow; “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 So, are you a P31? If you’re blessed to have such a wife or mom, then you know what an asset she is to you, your family and to the kingdom of God. She is rare. She is valuable. Celebrate her, let her know that you are proud of her and thankful to be sharing life with such a priceless woman! WOMEN’S MINISTRIES AND OUR NEWSLETTER STAFF WOULD LIKE TO WISH ALL OF YOU A HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, GREAT MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND AND A LOVELY MONTH OF MAY! 4 What You’re Saying About... MOTHERHOOD... AND MOM “My mom, Lydia Watkins, is more than my mother, she is my friend. She is my rock and my inspiration. She is also my spiritual advisor! I think she’s the best mom in the world and I’m glad God chose her to be my mother.” Lisa Koehl Lisa Koehl & Lydia Watkins “Hugs, Kisses and Unconditional Love! That’s what I receive because I’m a mom. My three children are a gift from God! It has been quite an adventure but an awesome privilege and great joy. There is something magical that happens when I hear myself called Mom!!” Lydia Watkins Having not experienced motherhood myself, the word Mother brings to my mind a kind, gentle, soft-spoken woman of few words that spoke volumes of life into my being. The greatest compliment that could be given to me would be, “Christle you remind me of your mother.” Christle Blair A mother’s love begins Before the child is born And lasts through time And difficulties And differences And many wounds And days of joy And days of sorrow Winding, wearing Weeping, sharing Changing Until, at the end What remains is that solid core That began as love Before the child was born. - Anonymous Christle Blair “I thank God for the matchless gift of motherhood and an unfathomable depth of love I never knew until I became “Mom.” There’s an incredible joy in being loved by your children, that is heightened as that love deepens into an abiding friendship. When your beloved ones place their hands in the hand of their Lord and Savior, your cup truly runs over! Oh, and then there’s the grandkids! Who could ask for more!” Terry Schmidt Terry Schmidt and Lauren Strocchia "I am forever thankful for the precious gift God has given me in my Mother. She has comforted tenderly, laughed infectiously, given selflessly, encouraged faithfully, prayed relentlessly and loved unconditionally. What a blessing it is to have both mom and friend in one beautiful woman!" Lauren Strocchia 5 What You’re Saying About... MOTHERHOOD... AND MOM (CONTINUED) “If I have done nothing else worthwhile for God’s kingdom, I have raised Chrissie, but only with the Lord’s help has she become a Christian daughter, wife, mother and nurse any mother would be proud of. She always puts her whole heart into everything she does, be it her Christian walk, her marriage, her children and her job, and does it with grace and calm, even when facing huge challenges. Daughter, friend, Chrissie, I love you and thank the Lord for you.” Jackie Barth “Proverbs 31 says: ‘she speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue...Her children arise and call her blessed.’ Not only is my mom one of the smartest women I know (we actually, lovingly, call her the queen on useless trivia), she truly is one of the wisest women I know. Every day I have a new respect for that God inspired wisdom she uses to Jackie Barth & Chrissie Wilson influence the lives of the ones she loves. Thank you Mom, for the years of wisdom and encouragement you've given to me, to Tim and Kathy and to our children. We are the ones who are blessed. Chrissie Wilson “God has blessed me as a mother of five wonderful children, ten grandchildren and five and one half great grandchildren. My deepest desire for all of these loved ones is to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.” Dolores Lunsford Dolores Lunsford LAST MINUTE GIFT IDEAS FOR MOM So you waited until the last minute. Don’t worry, we’ve got this. These suggestions are quick, easy and inexpensive, but all are thoughtful...and you know how moms like that sort of thing! Most moms just want to spend the day with their kids, so if you live nearby, a visit never fails. If you can’t visit, a phone call or Skype will be the next best thing. Texting? Don’t even think about it. A great card with a handwritten letter letting her know all the ways her life has made a difference is stellar. This works whether you visit or send it through the mail. The heart knows no bounds! Plan a day trip doing something together that she loves. And yes, even if it is shopping. Every piece of art is enhanced by the right frame. Moms love kids’ art. Dress it up and it’ll become a “gallery piece” she’ll hang proudly! How about he classic Mother’s Day gift potted plants! A better idea than flowers because they keep on giving. One simple jar + notes telling her all the reasons she's loved = a thoughtful gift idea. Write your thoughts on paper strips, roll them up and put them in the jar. Jazz up the jar with a bow...and voila! It will definitely be the thoughts that count! 6 Heart of Worship - by Heather Sorenson I can’t do THAT in worship!!! Have you ever been in the middle of worshipping God and felt an urge to do something that you wouldn’t normally do? Maybe it’s clapping your hands. Maybe it’s something really noticeable, like running to the altar. How do you respond to that urge? Have you ever told God, “I can’t do THAT! Are you crazy? People will LOOK at me!” Or maybe you’ve been half-heartedly worshipping on a Sunday morning and something someone else does catches your eye. Maybe they fall to their knees. Maybe they shout loudly. Have you ever thought, “What are they doing? They can’t do that! We’re in church!” I think sometimes we forget WHO God is and WHY we worship Him in the first place. As easy as it is to put God in a box, it’s just as easy to put our worship in one too. And, in my opinion, neither belongs there! I believe our worship should reflect our heart for God. It should show the rest of the world how much He has done for us. Think about this… if someone gave you a million dollars, how would you react? Different personalities will respond SO differently. Not everyone is going to act the way you would. But just because someone responds differently doesn’t mean they are wrong. Now let’s apply that to our worship. God does things for us that are out of this world… worth WAY more than a million dollars. If nothing else, dying on a cross for us so that we might have eternal life through Him qualifies as a priceless gift. How we react to that knowledge and that love should come through in our worship. I’m not here to tell anyone what they should do in a worship service. But I AM here to encourage you to do two things: 1) Let the Holy Spirit reign in YOUR worship of God AND 2) in your neighbor’s worship. Let’s dive into the Bible and see some of the ways people have worshipped God: · In John 4:21-24, Jesus says to worship in spirit and truth · In Revelation 4:8-11 the elders fell down before Him who sits on the throne · 1 Chronicles 16:30 says to tremble before Him · Hebrews 12:28-29 says to worship Him with reverence and awe · Nehemiah 9:5 says to stand up and praise the Lord · Psalm 100:1-2 says to shout for joy and worship the Lord with gladness and joyful songs · Psalm 105:1 says to proclaim His name · Psalm 143:6 says to spread out your hands to Him · Psalm 95:6 says to bow down in worship, kneeling before God · Matthew 5:15-16 says to let your light shine before others · 1 Corinthians 14:15-16 says to sing praise with your spirit and also with your mind · Psalm 33:3 says to sing to Him a new song and play on the strings, with loud shouts · Psalm 150:1-6 lists several ways to worship, including trumpets, dancing, strings and cymbals · Psalm 47:1 says to clap and shout to God This is all just the TIP of the ice burg. The bible talks about SO many different ways to worship and praise our God in Heaven. Who says only one or two of them should be done in church? Next time, let the Holy Spirit reign in your worship. Don’t put it in a box. Don’t worry about what you USUALLY do or what your neighbor might think. And don’t worry about what your neighbor is doing! Remember, this is ALL about the God that loves you. Think about all He has done for you and let that reflect in your worship of Him. 7 Women in Missions - by Terry Schmidt LINDA VICE, MISSIONARY TO MISSIONARIES “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last.” John 15:16(NIV) times: The test – if they confirm something that has been going on in your heart – bank on it...period. If it is out of the blue, you can feel free to toss it. Later that night we had a guest speaker in church. After the sermon, the guest had a word of knowledge. “There is a young girl here who has fallen headover-heels with an upcoming evangelist. If she marries him, mis*sion*ary (noun) she will regret it for the rest of someone who leaves her life, because she is called to their family for a short the foreign field.” Bang! It was like I had been shot. This, as you time, so that others may can imagine, flung me to the join the family of God front of the church in tears, and for eternity. it was done. My beloved thought I had lost my marbles, which didn't make it easy for me. But the peace – oh, there is nothing to compare it to. This was what I was up against. God was calling me to the unknown. No one is comfortable with the unknown. Still, I kept it to myself hoping that I would be able to keep my life intact. Only 19 at the time, I did not leave for the mission field until I was 36. In the mean time, I had married and had three children – all headed in the same direction. It was a Wednesday, and I was writing a letter to a friend, and even found it hard to write the word “missionary” down – but I did and sent it off. God, in His mercy, did what He had to do to make me into what I was designed to be and do. That peace has never left me. My children have grown and it has formed who they are. A thought about the gift of the word of knowledge – the gifts we believe in as taught in I Corinthians 12 which have been abused at If you find yourself at an intersection of life, hear Him, trust Him – He has your back. JOHN 15:16! Once you read something and God speaks to you through it, you cannot “unread” it. It was as clear as a bell. I was a Bible School student and very happily engaged to a man I loved, but that verse! It was calling me to a different life. How could this happen? I told no one – thinking that with time the punch that verse packed would dissipate and I could get on with my life. Linda Vice MEMORIAL DAY - Monday, May 25, 2015 ALL GAVE SOME… SOME GAVE ALL REMEMBER THEM THIS MEMORIAL DAY MAY WE NEVER FORGET FREEDOM ISN’T FREE… (WITH DEEPEST GRATITUDE TO THOSE WHO PAID THE ULTIMATE PRICE) 8 The Reading Light - by Pastor Lois Wade WHEN TROUBLES COME... I’m always amazed how quickly my faith vanishes when hard times come. I’m not surprised when they come knocking at my door but I am never ready for the guilt and fear along with the sense of testing they bring. These hard times seem as if they will stay forever. But each time I am set free, and I have yet another praise report of how God rescued me! I used to think difficult situations came into my life because of me, that somehow I disobeyed or committed a sin of omission. I was set free from that guilt by Jesus’ words in John 16:33, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” These words helped me understand trouble in our lives is part of living in a sinful world. When I deal with hard times, fear often creeps into my life. I find myself playing the “what if” game. What if I don’t know what to do? What if I can’t make it happen? What if people don’t understand? The “what if’s” blind me from the truth. I John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.” This means fear has no place in my faith. I must not allow fear to be the enemy’s tool to keep me from trusting God to get through. Jesus came to keep me from fear and to help me live in Titus Two His love and mercy. I have to decide if I am going to live like I believe that. When times of testing arrive, nothing seems to make sense. God can seem so distant. I find myself questioning God’s faithfulness and His goodness. I’ve often wondered, “Why do these times come?” I Peter 1:6-7 puts it all into perspective, “In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” The refining of my faith is definitely worth the process! It is a hard lesson to learn but troubles and faith go hand in hand. I can’t have one without the other. Through troubles and faith I can experience a miracle of God’s power in my life. The outcome of my battles depends on how I choose to handle the struggle. Will I run and hide, hoping for things to eventually pass over? Will I blame God and sulk in anger and bitterness? Or will I allow God to refine my faith so that it becomes greater worth than gold? - by Jackie Barth DRUDGERY... OR BLESSING? Are your days ones of dull, wearying tasks, repeated day after day? You job is monotonous and demanding and at home the dust never stops, the diapers are ever present along with the laundry, cooking is required every day, and there are the dishes – dirty ones that appear constantly on your clean counter top. Yes, the Lord blesses you in many ways, but most of your life seems like drudgery. There is a very old book that I have read a few times. It is “The Practice of the Presence of God”, by Brother Lawrence, who became a French monk in the year 1666. “What”, you ask, “has anyone from that century have to say that would be relevant to me, a woman in the 21st century, busy with work, family, whatever? There he was holed up in a monastery with nothing to do but contemplate God. He would know nothing of the drudgery that is my life from morning to night.” Au contraire, Mon ‘Amie! Brother Lawrence’s job in the Carmelite monastery was washing the dishes. Did he have a dishwasher? No. Did he have Dawn dish detergent? No. Did he have a “scrubee” that our craft ladies sell? I doubt it. Did he even have hot water? I don’t know. But I do know he had a deep love of God and a super humble spirit. Continued on page 9 9 Continued from page 8 We know he gave his heart to Christ at age 18. He was lame and a pretty clumsy fellow. He thought by entering a monastery and devoting his life to God, his faults would not be allowed and he would therefore become the servant of Christ that he desired to be. Brother Lawrence determined early in his Christian walk to honor God in every detail of his life. Working in the kitchen became to him the same as worshipping in the chapel, because he did everything believing that God was immediately and presently with him. Any transgression was immediately brought before the Lord for forgiveness. Washing the dishes and cooking was a joy to him, because he was serving his fellow brothers with food and clean dishes. As he worked at his hard tasks he sang and talked to God, always believing that he was just where he was supposed to be, doing what he was meant to do. He was sent into the city to buy supplies and in time was questioned by those he came in contact with about how he could do what he did with such cheerfulness. It pleased him to witness to the fact that Jesus loved him and was always with him, helping him in everything he did. Should we not “There is not in the world a kind remember as well, of life more sweet and “Lo, I am with you delightful, than that of a always, even to the continual conversation with ends of the earth?” We ARE living in His God; those only can presence! So much comprehend it who practice the better if we and experience it.” acknowledge it and Brother Lawrence form a close relationship with Him. It will turn your daily living from whatever drudgery it is into great blessing, both for you and those around you. Welcome Home! Perfect with a cup of coffee or a glass of cold milk, these muffins are great for breakfast, dessert or a midnight snack. The espresso spread is also excellent on a bagel or toast. CAPPUCCINO MUFFINS 2 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 cup sugar 2-1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup 2% milk 2 tablespoons instant coffee granules 1/2 cup butter, melted 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3/4 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips In a food processor, combine the spread ingredients; cover and process until well blended. Transfer to a small bowl; cover and refrigerate until serving. In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. In another bowl, combine milk and coffee granules until coffee is dissolved. Add the butter, egg and vanilla. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. Fold in chocolate chips. Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups two-thirds full. Bake at 375° for 17-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool for 5 minutes before removing from pans to wire racks. Serve warm with espresso spread. Yield: about 14 muffins (3/4 cup spread). ESPRESSO SPREAD: 4 ounces cream cheese, cubed 1 tablespoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon instant coffee granules 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips 10 Calendar & Special Events PROVERBS 31 WOMAN: 2015 Revised “A truly good woman, is priceless. She is honest, loving and tenderhearted. She doesn’t manipulate or deceive to get her own way, but seeks the LORD to follow His ways. She dresses modestly and conducts herself morally, mindful of keeping a good testimony. Her dedication to the LORD, her husband and her family has earned her husband’s heart. She’s up early, and manages her home well. She doesn’t live beyond her means creating debt and unpaid bills. She is sensible with her money, shopping the ads, clipping coupons and getting the best buys. She isn’t lazy but keeps busy at home, ensuring that all the needs of her We Can Do It! household are taken care of. She practices hospitality, creating a home that’s warm and welcoming to friends and a haven for her family. If there’s a need for her to work outside the home, she rises to the occasion. She has learned the love of Christ for others and the importance of being a giver. She reaches out to help those in need and looks for ways to produce the means. She teaches her children both in word and deed that loving, trusting and serving the LORD is the foremost thing. She lovingly nurtures, wisely disciplines and trains them in the way they should go. She teaches them that no matter what may come, they must never deny their LORD and is constant in prayer for their faithfulness. She entrusts God with her future and seeks Him to prepare for whatever that future will require. She has peace and assurance because she keeps God first May 2015 2- Mother's Day Luncheon - 11:30 a.m. Activity Center 3- Interfaith Food Drive 6- Living Beyond Yourself - 7 pm 10 - Mother’s Day! 13- Woman of Grace - 2 pm 15- June Newsletter Deadline 20- Living Beyond Yourself - 7 pm 25- Memorial Day! 27- Living Beyond Yourself - 7 pm Women’s Ministries Unlimited News! Women’s Ministries Unlimited News! is a publication of Ocala First Assembly of God Women’s Ministries. OUR MISSION STATEMENT: To inform, encourage, inspire and bless. WOMEN’S MINISTRIES COORDINATOR, Eva Morales NEWSLETTER EDITOR, Terry Schmidt FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD Her children are proud she’s their mom and her husband praises her often, because he knows the treasure he has in her. Were he to estimate what she’s actually worth, he couldn’t afford her because you can’t afford priceless!. 1827 NE 14th Street, Ocala FL 34470 (352) 351-1827 Photos by Microsoft Office unless otherwise stated. All Rights Reserved.
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