Worship Announcements - Glenwood Lutheran Church

Glenwood Lutheran Church - ELCA - Worship Service
8:30am Service
Service of the Word - ELW
First Sunday In Lent
February 22, 2015
*indicates when to stand
Welcome & Announcements
*Brief Order for Confession and Forgiveness .................................................................. p. 211
Opening Hymn....................................... “Thy Holy Wings” ................................................. 613
Kyrie & Canticle .............................................................................................................. p. 213
Prayer of the Day
First Lesson .......................................................................................................Genesis 9:8-17
Special Music ....................................... “In Remembrance” .................................... Adult Choir
Judi Morton, flute
Second Lesson ................................................................................................. 1 Peter 3:18-22
*Gospel Acclamation ................. “Return to the Lord your God…” .................................. p. 216
P: The Holy Gospel is according to .......... Mark 1:9-15................... C: Glory to you, O Lord
P: The Gospel of our Lord!
C: Praise to you, O Christ
Sermon ........................................................................................................ Pr. Randy Chrissis
Sermon Hymn................................ “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” .......................................... 733
*Apostles’ Creed .............................................................................................................. p. 217
Children of all ages are invited to come forward and place an offering in the
Giving Church for our congregation’s use of the GRV bus
*Canticle of Thanksgiving ……..“Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” .................. 884
Thanksgiving for the Word............................................................................................... p. 220
Lord’s Prayer and Benediction ........................................................................................ p. 221
Sending Hymn .......................... “As the Sun with Longer Journey” .................................... 329
P: The peace of the Lord be with you always. Go in peace. Serve the Lord.
C: Thanks be to God.
Pr. Randy Chrissis and Pr. Krista Lee ~ Assisting in 8:30 Worship Today
Organist: Nicole Meyer
Sound: Blake Heidecker
Reader: Paul Thompson
Trustee: Curt Ogdahl
Greeters: Paul & Sherrie Thompson
Acolytes: Camryn Mithun, Meghan Cerney
11:00am Praise Band Worship Service
Opening Song .............................................. “Spirit Song”........................................................... 16
................................................... “Come Now Is the Time to Worship” ........................................ 16
Praise Song ............................................... “White As Snow” ......................................................... 3
Scripture Song......................................................................................................... Sunday School
Sermon Song ............................................... “As the Deer” ............................................................ 8
Offering........................................................................................................................Nicole Meyer
Sending Song ............................... “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High” ........................................... 13
Assisting in 11:00 Worship Today
Keyboard: Nicole Meyer
Sound: Blake Heidecker
Reader: Richard Sivertson
Trustee: Steve Claussen
Greeters: Cheryl Kleven
Acolytes: Henry Hauser, Miah Roen
Orville Jacobson
Joyce Finke
Jim Waage
LaVonne Bremseth
friends & family
Shannon Dickey
Pr. Stephanie Swanson
Faith Thorfinnson
Dave Finke
Mark Sieben
Radio Broadcast is sponsored by
Greg & Lindsay, Stella and Summit Nelson and
Jodi, Maddy and Mason McGinty in celebration of
Bruce Nelson’s birthday today
10:30am - KMGK 107.1 FM
Sponsor a Radio Broadcast
Vicky VanVickle
Steven Martin
healing & comfort
 Pauline Hoffman and family upon the death of
husband, Dave. Funeral service will be tomorrow,
Monday, 11:00am at GLC with visitation one hour
prior to the service
 Dr. Rod Brown and family upon the death of his
sister, Rebecca Weir, whose funeral was Friday in
Oakland, CA
 Family and friends of Dr. Mark Johnson whose
funeral will be 2:00pm this afternoon at Hope
Community Church
 Christine McKigney, daughter of Bruce and Vicki
Obenland, who has now completed chemotherapy
and will have surgery Thursday, February 26
 Louis Bahn, father of Jodi Steffen, hospitalized in
Redwood Falls following a stroke and on end of
life care
joy & celebration
 Special music provided by Adult Choir at 8:30am
and Sunday School at 11:00am
 All visitors with us today
Wednesday Lenten Services
March: 11, 18, 25
Holy Week Services
April: 2, 3
Sundays in 2015
April: 19
July: 5, 26
May: 24, 31
August: 16, 23
June: 14
guidance of the Holy Spirit
 Attending the Conference Assembly this afternoon
from GLC: Glenn & Sylvia Gunderson, Richard &
Erma Sivertson, Barb Ostrander, Pr. Krista Lee
and Pr. Randy Chrissis
 Lars Meisner in Rwanda with ELCA Young Adult
Global Missions
 Dewey Essig, Kristi Anderson, members of GLC
in Honduras with International Health Services
those called to military duty
Adam P. Sheppard
Rob Danielson
Dave Polzin
Seth Moore
Keith Skidemore
Jesse Duhn
Chad Blevins