Ohio ICES Cake Talk... ...From the Buckeye State ! A Publication of the International Cake Exploration Societé - Ohio Chapter Final Reminder for the Spring Day of Sharing and Seahorse Class with Timbo Sullivan Notes from your OH ICES Rep Heather Sandahl Spring 2015 The Standing Seahorse class will take place on Saturday, April 25th, from Noon until 7pm. There are still seats available for this class., but we have to know immediately if you would like to join in on this class. You can register on-line at www.ohioices.org. Find the FORMS page on the top menu of the home page and look for the on-line Class registration form. If you have any questions or need help registering, please d r o p a l i n e t o [email protected], or call Karen at 440-801-1420. If you will not be sure of your schedule until the last minute, you are still VERY welcome to join us for the Day of Sharing. Email or call for details. A Note From Heather The OH ICES Day of Sharing will be on Sunday, April 26 from 10am to 5pm at the Crowne Plaza North Hotel, 6500 Doubletree Rd., Columbus, OH. Please postmark your mail-in registration or complete your on-line registration no later than Saturday, April 18th. Don’t Miss these Great Demos Those of you who have seen some of my recent Facebook posts know that there are lots of things going on in the Sandahl household. Our family has become increasingly connected with the children of the Mexican orphanage where we’ve had many happy visits over the years and have been involved in the adoption process. In addition, my husband has been given (and already started) a brand new job opportunity - in Philadelphia…!! Needless to say, I’ll be joining him there in the not-too-distant future. With that said, this may be one of the last opportunities I will have to speak to Continued on pg 2 Continued from pg 1 you as your State ICES Rep. Since I’m looking at a move to PA, I will not be seeking another term as your Rep. I have enjoyed seeing everyone at our meetings (and was JUST getting to learn everyone’s name..!!). It has also been a great experience to learn about the inner workings of ICES, by attending the Midyear Meetings. Several weeks ago, I was fortunate to be able to tour the hotels and convention center in Mobile, and I think you’re really going to enjoy it. If I don’t get the chance to do this in person, I would like to thank everyone who has attended over the past two years. Special thanks go to Cindy, Vincent, Melissa and Karen for keeping everything in good working order. Having their help has made this job so much easier. I hope you give the next Rep the same welcome and support that you’ve shown to me. Thank you all, again….. Heather Chapter Elections We have had one candidate come forward for the chapter elections. Running for the Representative post is : Cindy Patrick .Cindy is the owner of Enticing Icings in Delaware, OH, and is the current Alternate Rep and past Treasurer Anyone who wishes to run for ANY of the positions, including Representative, Alternate, Secretary or Treasurer can present themselves for nomination on the morning of the Day of Sharing., before the start of the business meeting All current members in good standing may vote in this election. Ballots for live voting will be given out at the Day of Sharing. Anyone who wishes to vote in this election, but can not attend, may do so by either absentee ballot or by proxy vote.. If you have received the printed version of this newsletter in the mail, you will see those forms printed on the back of the enclosed Day of Sharing registration form. Those who have received this newsletter by email can print a separate page containing only the absentee ballot and proxy form. If you are going to attend the Day of Sharing, DO NOT use or fill in either the absentee form or the proxy form. These are only to be used by those members who will not be at the Day of Sharing. The absentee ballot is provided for those who, even though they can not attend the meeting, feel that they wish to support the announced candidate. If you want to reserve your vote until any other candidates come forward, you may do so using the Proxy form. This form is to be given to someone whose opinion you trust, that will cast your vote for you live at the meeting. If you have any questions about the process or the positions, you can find the outline of Officer duties on our website - www.ohioices.org (scroll to the bottom of the home page and look for the “Spring 2015 Elections” box - click the link to get the office descriptions - or you can email [email protected] or call Karen Garback at 440-801-1420 for more information. In the event that no other candidates come forward at this time, a floor vote will be taken to allow other methods of filling empty positions. ICES Proxy Format No more than five (5) proxies may be voted on by any one (1) person at any meeting. By exercising your right to vote by proxy, you assign your voting rights to another member. This designated member will vote in your place on matters requiring a vote at the membership meeting. PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL TO WHOM YOU ASSIGN YOUR PROXY. While you may instruct them how to place your vote, once your proxy has been assigned, the person carrying it may vote in any manner they choose. YOUR PROXY SHOULD ONLY BE ASSIGNED TO SOMEONE YOU TRUST WHO IS OF LIKE MIND. Please provide the following information: Date of Meeting to which this Proxy applies: April 26,2015 I,_______________________________________________________, being a member in good standing of the (clearly printed member's name) International Cake Exploration Societé, (ICES), do hereby give __ _______________________________________, also a (Name and address of person assigned) member in good standing of ICES, the authority to vote on my behalf on any matters brought before the membership at any Membership Meeting. I understand that I have the right to cancel the proxy at any time. I understand that this proxy will expire upon the adjournment of this meeting. This Proxy Sheet may be turned in by the bearer up to 24 hours in advance, but no later than 1 hour before the start of the business meeting. Please provide the following information: Member’s original signature _____________________________________ Membership ID number ________________ The bearer of this proxy must bring it to the April 28th Day of Sharing and present it IN PERSON. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM If you are using the Absentee Ballot, please cut on this line to separate the Absentee Ballot from the Proxy Form Absentee Ballot - use this ballot ONLY if you are not attending the Day of Sharing or using a proxy (IMPORTANT INFORMATION - READ CAREFULLY) The following candidates have been placed into nomination, and are running for the positions as designated next to or above their name on the ballot. Please mark the ballot to cast a vote for the individuals listed, even if the candidate’s name is unopposed . Only marked votes will be counted. Opposing candidates may come from floor nominations on the day of the vote. By selecting your preference here, you make sure that your vote has been cast for your chosen candidate. If you wish to wait for the final field to be presented, and you can not attend the meeting for a live vote, it is suggested that you use the Proxy Format above. This is a secret ballot. Do not sign or otherwise identify yourself on this ballot. Write the words Absentee Ballot on the outside of the envelope, with your name and return address clearly marked on your envelope, only. (Please mark your selections with an X) OH ICES State Representative : (choose one) _____ Cindy Patrick Return this absentee ballot by mail, postmarked no later than Monday, April 20, 2015 to: Karen Garback - 5370 Columbia Rd. North Olmsted, OH Ohio Chapter of ICES Please mail registration to: Karen Garback Day of Sharing 5370 Columbia Rd. ● North Olmsted, OH 44070 440-801-1420 [email protected] Sunday, April 26, 2015 Registration Form Registrations must be postmarked no later than Saturday, April 18, 2015 or on-site fees will apply. Crowne Plaza North Hotel ● 6500 Doubletree Rd. Columbus OH Please Print Name ______________________________________________________ Are you an ICES member? yes__ no__ Address City State Zip Ph.( ) Email If you would like to bring guests, please list each name below: (use back of form if necessary) 1. Name City State _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Name City State _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Name City State _______________________________________________________________________________ Do you or your guest(s) have any special dietary requirements? (Registration Fees must accompany this form) STANDARD Registration (Postmarked by April 18th) ICES Members _________ @ $35.00 __________ Non-Members __________ @ $45.00 __________ “First time” non members ______ @ $35.00 __________ LATE / ON-SITE Registration (Postmarked AFTER April 18th) ICES Members __________ @ $45.00 __________ Non-Members ___________ @ $55.00 __________ “First time” non-members ______ @ $45.00 __________ Ohio Chapter of ICES Day of Sharing Fee Policy Total $_______ Total $_______ Email us at [email protected] if you will not make the postmark deadline, but wish to pay by check check.. Make checks payable to: Ohio Chapter of ICES The Standard Fee applies to all Mail-in registrations POSTMARKED by Saturday, April 18th Registrations postmarked after this date are subject to the Late / On-site fees. Once a registration has been received, failure to attend the Day of Sharing may result in forfeiture of registration fees. If a refund is deemed feasible, it will be sent AFTER Day of Sharing. No refunds will be guaranteed. All returned checks are subject to bank penalties. Further participation in Day of Sharing events will be denied to anyone failing to repay the treasury for assessed bank charges. I am bringing displays to share. How many ? _____ Interested in taking this class? Seats are still available..!! Email at [email protected] for details Online registration will be open for a short time longer… Don’t delay….!! Crowne Plaza North Hotel 6500 Doubletree Rd., Columbus, OH Saturday, April 25, 2015 Instructor: Timbo Sullivan Time: 12 noon - 7pm Cost: $155/Members $165/Nonmenbers Supplies: 5lb box of fondant, a rolling pin, apron, a PME Flower and Leaf veiners or similar veiner and a ball tool . Instructor will supply the rest. Register on-line by credit card . Several of your favorite Vendors will be on hand.. Ohio Chapter of ICES 2013 - 2015 Officers ICES Representative Heather Sandahl 523 Cardinal Hill Ln. Powell, OH 43065-8483 614-438-4156 [email protected] Alternate Representative Cindy Patrick 236 Lake St. Delaware, OH 43015 740-363-1470 [email protected] Cake Talk is a publication of the Ohio Chapter of ICES, and items contained herein may not be copied, quoted or distributed without acknowledgement of the source. Cake Talk is distributed free to members in good standing of the Ohio Chapter of ICES. All others may obtain a subscription - four issues for $10 - by sending a request to: Ohio ICES Cake Talk 5370 Columbia Rd. North Olmsted, OH 44070 Make your check payable to Ohio Chapter of ICES You can request the PDF version of visiting our website: www.ohioices.org Cake Talk by Treasurer Melissa Clark 8063 Cranes Crossing Dr. Lewis Center, OH 43035-8635 740-602-3027 [email protected] Secretary Vincent Kajderowicz 520 Bates Rd Toledo, OH 43610-1113 419-255-8744 [email protected] Winter issue deadline for all articles, ads and announcements is Nov. 30th Advertising policy Advertising space is provided as a service to our members, both as a tool for announcing events and sale goods, and as a way to obtain information about products and services of interest to the Sugar Art Community Cake Talk has a circulation of approx. 200 readers, in hard copy and electronic print. Our ad space rates are very inexpensive and go toward the up keep of our publications. Karen A. Garback - Newsletter Editor These rates are per issue: 1/6 page - $ 5 1/2 page - $20 Keep those prizes coming…… 1/4 page - $10 Full page - $40 Space is subject to availability at the time of printing. We always need your donations for raffle prizes. Keep the cupboard filled..!! Mail your camera ready art and payment to: New, end-of-season items, closeouts or things you may have purchased and have never used, can make great prize items for those baskets…… Or email your items to: [email protected] More prizes, more fun…!!! Bring yours to the next Day of Sharing….!!! Ohio ICES Cake Talk 5370 Columbia Rd., North Olmsted, OH 44070 Make checks payable to Ohio Chapter of ICES For clarity of reproduction, emailed print items are preferred. No item will be published until payment is received. Ohio ICES Cake Talk 5370 Columbia Rd. North Olmsted, OH 44070 First Class Please Forward There’s still time to register for the Day of Sharing Sunday April 26th 10am to 5pm Crowne Plaza North Hotel Columbus, OH Details Inside…..
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