March 29, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays: Monday– Saturday: 8AM Sunday Mass: Saturday 4PM, Sunday 8AM, 10:30AM & 5PM Holy Days: 8AM and 7PM Welcome Visitors… We are happy to have you here with us at Our Lady of the Angels, a parish of the Diocese of Venice, in Florida. Whether you are here for the first time or visit periodically you are most welcome. To find out what is going on in our parish or to obtain membership forms please visit our website at PARISH OFFICE 12905 State Road 70 East, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 Phone: 941.752.6770 Fax: 941.752.6821 Website: Email: [email protected] Blessings, Father Dan Smith Monday-Friday: 8:30AM-4PM Saturday: Closed Sunday: 9AM-10:15AM The office will be closed April 3rd for Good Friday and April 6th for Easter Monday. PARISH STAFF Administrator Rev. Daniel Smith [email protected] Parochial Vicar Rev. John Hoang [email protected] Deacon Deacon Hugh Muller Business Manager Pat Martino [email protected] Director of Religious Education Spence McSorley [email protected] Asst Director of Religious Education Debbie Jackson [email protected] Director of Youth Ministry Rob Wiedeman [email protected] Director of Music Martha Lopez-Leschke [email protected] Director of Facility Charlie McLaughlin [email protected] We hope you feel at home here and please come again! OFFICE HOURS CATHOLIC SCHOOLS BULLETIN Cardinal Mooney HS—941.371.4917 Dreams Are Free– 941.366.4010 Incarnation– 941.924.8588 Saint Joseph—941.755.6770 Saint Martha—941.953.4181 Articles emailed to [email protected] Thursday by noon, ten days prior. Announcements: Wednesday by Noon prior to weekend. OFFICE NEWS Donations for mass intentions, flowers, vigil lights, and Eucharistic bread may be given each week in memory of a loved one. Contact the office at 941.752.6770. Interested in baptism requirements? Please contact the office four months in advance of your desired date. If you would like to become a member of the parish, registration forms are available at the front office or online at Volunteers are always needed. Please stop by the office or call a ministry listed on the “How to Get Involved—Join a Ministry” page located at the back of the bulletin. Interested in the Sacrament of Marriage? Contact the office a minimum of six months in advance of your desired date. Requirements for the Sacrament of Marriage within the Diocese of Venice can be found online at evangelization/marriage-preparation PARISHIONERS WITH CHILDREN IN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS We are very happy you have chosen to pursue a Catholic school education for your children and sincerely hope it will allow them to prosper in our Faith, and become excellent citizens in our community. Congratulations and thank you for that commitment. We stand with you in your decision. need to attend weekly mass at a different Catholic church. With that understanding, we expect weekly offertory envelopes to be used at least 75 percent of the time during the year. Without this attendance, we as a Parish will be unable to approve the request for the Catholic tuition rate when it is As members of Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Church, our received. We hope you will reach out to Father Dan and Father Parish has made a financial commitment on your behalf in our John and say hello after mass each week so each of them can joint effort of helping your children, with the cost of receiving a make you and your children feel welcome. Catholic school education. Each year our Parish helps many families offset the cost charged by each Catholic school. We believe a Catholic school education continues each week at Mass, which is why it is so important to be here each week, just As faithful stewards of our Parish, we sincerely ask for your as being at school each day is a must. involvement in our Parish community. We have many ministries and the contribution of your time and talents would Again, we applaud your decision to educate your children in be greatly appreciated. our Faith. We pray for your patience and understanding, your guidance, your active participation in our growing Catholic We also look forward to seeing you and your children at weekly community and the love of your children and our entire mass each Saturday or Sunday. We hope you are receiving the Catholic community. Parish weekly offertory envelopes as we ask that you use them each week. With a growing congregation, this is the easiest way God Bless, for us, as the Parish Finance Council, to ensure we are not Your Parish Finance Council of Our Lady of the Angels Catholic missing you. Community In order to qualify for the Catholic School tuition rate, we do Father Dan, Father John, Peter Grabowski, Bill Jarema, Joyce not require an offering be included in the weekly offertory Pascuzzi, RuthAnn LaMore, Nick Zec Jr. envelope, but we do require that they be used weekly. We understand there are times when you and your children may Stewardship of Our Treasures, Our Soul and Our Prayers To Be a Christian Steward A Summary of the U.S. Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Stewardship What identifies a steward? Safeguarding material and human resources and using them responsibly are one answer; so is generous giving of time, talent, and treasure. But being a Christian steward means more. As Christian stewards, we receive God's gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. "As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace" (1 Pt 4:10). OUR TREASURES March 22, 2015 2015 YTD Attendance - 2,567 Average - $8.25 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 starts July 1, 2014 $ 21,167.08 $ 781,561.22 Goal Pledged Payments March 23, 2014 2014 YTD $ 18,332.50 $ 707,935.30 CFA $242,000.00 $171,094.19 $ 95,300.74 70.70% of Goal 19.80% of 1,970 Households SPECIAL PRAYERS AND GOOD DEEDS From a Child’s Perspective Each week faith formation children submit their “Special Prayers and Good Deeds”. We have chosen a few to share (in their words and unedited), please keep all of God’s children in your daily prayers. OUR PRAYERS MASS INTENTIONS Please remember in your prayers all of our parish family and friends who suffer physically, emotionally, or spiritually, especially: Daniel Kegg Bill Gelnaw Charlie Austin Praught Liv Baker David Bilkie Ella Grace Parcels Dan Humbert Maureen Coleman Roy Landrum Bita Vitale Peggy McDaniel Terri Lavins Noe Rodriguez Jim Ryan Stan Skawinski Sam Bastianelli Charles Brummer Joe Cosgrove Joe Stachniak Paul Horne Susan Rothermel If you wish to have the name of a relative or friend added to our prayer list for twoweeks, please contact the front office, 941.752.6770 or [email protected] OUR SOULS Confession Friday 8:30AM until all are heard 5PM-6PM Saturday 8:30AM until all are heard Or schedule a separate appointment Rosary 7:30AM Daily Morning Prayer 8:30AM Daily 40 Days for Life 25th of Each Month Sept 25th-Nov 2nd Patriotic Rosary Wednesday 6:15PM-7PM MONDAY—March 30 8AM Larry Negretti By Sandy & Larry Simmons Rita & Frances Kaye By The Bradley Family TUESDAY—March 31 8AM John Jones By Joan Jones Clarence Dyer By Mike & Debbie Dyer WEDNESDAY—April 1 8AM Bob Gruesen By Nancy Haas Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Friday 8:30AM-6PM Charlie & Dolly Blake (Living) Divine Mercy Hour Friday 3PM THURSDAY—April 2 Holy Thursday 7PM For Our Parishioners Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 8AM First Friday of the Month Christ Renews His Parish Retreat Men—TBA 2016 Women— TBA 2016 By Steve & Peggy Blake FRIDAY—April 3 Good Friday 3PM For Our Parishioners SATURDAY—April 4 Easter Vigil 8:15PM For Our Parishioners SUNDAY– April 5 Prayer Line Easter Sunday If you wish to add a name to the prayer line or join Our Lady of the Angels’ 8AM prayer line, please contact Janet Jones at 941.727.9449 or Lorraine Sollecito at For Our Parishioners 941.755.7578 Donations Donations for Mass intentions, flowers, vigil lights, and Eucharistic bread may be given each week in memory of a loved one. Contact the parish office at 941.752.6770 for requests. Special thanks to Carmen & Robin Spagnola, parishioners and owners of Wine Styles in San Marco Plaza for their generous donation of wine to be used in the celebration of the Eucharist. 10AM For Our Parishioners 12PM For Our Parishioners Pope Francis prayer intentions for March THE DIOCESE NEEDS YOUR FEEDBACK In preparation for the Ordinary Synod of General Prayer Intention - "That Bishops to be held in Rome, Oct 4-25, those involved in scientific 2015, on the topic, The Vocation and research may serve the well-being Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World, you are invited to of the whole human person." submit comments on the questions raised Mission Prayer Intention - "That in the Lineamenta (working document) of the unique contribution of women the Synod concerning pastoral challenges to the life of the Church may be facing families. recognized always." To find the Lineamenta in both English and Spanish, and for information on how to submit comments directly, please go to PALM SUNDAY Your It was during the fourth century in Jerusalem that Christians first started w w w . d i o c e s e o f v e n i c e . o r g . consultation will be compiled and using palm branches in commemoration of Jesus' entrance into submitted to the United States Conference Jerusalem. Today, we continue to use palms in most churches on this Sunday, Catholic and Protestant alike. It is one of those traditions of of Catholic Bishops as part of the feedback worship that, no matter how far apart we may seem at times, we continue from the Diocese of Venice in Florida. to share due to our common heritage. But Palm Sunday is also known as Passion Sunday, because we hear an account of the passion of Jesus Christ during the liturgy. Most churches also share this reading in common. Many Catholic parishes use multiple lectors to proclaim the Gospel, while it is not uncommon for a similar reading or even a performance in many mainstream Protestant churches. The commonality found in the worship on this particular Sunday seems to highlight the fundamental truth in the observance: Jesus Christ died for everyone. He did not die on a cross for just Catholics, or just Orthodox, or just Protestants. Whether one acknowledges it or not, he was crucified for all those who are born of man. Today, we rejoice not just for what he has done for us but also for what he has done for all of creation. Baptisms For more information parents and/or godparents are encouraged to contact the front office at 941-752-6770 four months in advance of receiving the sacrament. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is offered twice on Fridays at 8:30AM until all are heard and again from 5PM-6PM, and again on Saturday morning’s at 8:30AM. You can also call 941-752-6770 and make a specific appointment to receive the sacrament. Eucharist is celebrated daily for those in full communion with the Church. If you are homebound and would like someone to bring you the Eucharist, please call Pat Martino at the Parish Office 941-752-6770. Children who wish to be prepared to receive their first communion are prepared through the faith formation classes beginning each fall. It is a two year program starting in first grade. For information contact Spence McSorley, 941-752-6770 Confirmation is the sacrament that completes initiation into the Church. In this sacrament the confirmed is enriched for a life of discipleship by the gift of the Holy Spirit conferred by the laying on of hands and anointing with chrism by the Bishop. Baptized adults who have not received this sacrament can register for Adult Confirmation preparation classes. For youth, it is a two year program beginning in ninth grade. For information about either program, contact Spence McSorley 941-752-6770 or [email protected] Anointing of the sick (formerly known as the Last Rites) is celebrated when someone is seriously ill or before major surgical procedures. If you or a loved one would like to receive this sacrament please call the Parish Office at 941-752-6770. The Sacrament of Marriage is celebrated throughout the year. For more information please contact the office a minimum of six months in advance of your desired date. Requirements for the sacrament within the Diocese of Venice can be found online at During Holy Week There will be no 8AM Mass on Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Holy Saturday. Confession Hours No confessions on Good Friday or Holy Saturday. Stations of the Cross April 3, 2015 Good Friday -Noon HOLY WEEK MASS SCHEDULE Palm Sunday - March 29, 2015 Saturday Vigil – 4 PM Sunday – 8 AM, 10:30 AM, 5 PM Holy Thursday April 2, 2015 – 7 PM (No 8AM Mass) Good Friday April 3, 2015 (No 8AM Mass) Stations of the Cross-Noon Our Lord’s Passion—3PM Holy Saturday April 4, 2015 (No 8AM Mass) Blessing of Easter Food—11AM in Church Vigil Mass—8:15 PM Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 (No 5PM Mass) 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 Noon Overflow for 10 AM Mass will be in SHH. Thank you for donating during this Lenten season. Don’t forget to turn your rice bowl’s into the bins in the back of the church by Sunday, April 12th. The Fourth Cup – Dr. Scott Hahn Well-known Catholic theologian Dr. Scott Hahn explains Christ's Paschal Sacrifice on the cross as the fulfillment of the traditional fourth cup used in the celebration of the Jewish Passover meal. He draws a symbolic parallel to the Last Supper and Christ's death on Calvary. Through his scholarly insights and important biblical connections, Mass will come alive for you as never before! We now have a deeper understanding of the institution of the Eucharist and its deeply-rooted nature in the Passover. Kent - Mena, AZ This CD is available in limited quantity located on the Lighthouse Catholic Media display in the gathering area of our Church, for a small donation. It can also be obtained online on either CD or downloadable mp3 using the link: Please Direct all questions regarding Lighthouse Catholic Media to Bill Bridegroom at [email protected] THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS Thank you for your donation to the inaugural youth group online auction. We received over 50 items in total. A link to the auction will be available soon for previewing the items we will be selling. We will have for sale items such as: YOUTH GROUP What’s Happening This Week 3/29/15-No Meeting, Spring Break Next Week 4/5/15-No Meeting, Happy Easter Threesome of golf with Father John at Lakewood Ranch Golf and Country Club. Cabin stay in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Spiritual All student parishioners entering grades 6th-12th are welcome to join the youth group. Meetings are held in Sacred Heart Hall on Pat Benetar Concert Tickets Sundays from 6:15PM—8PM. For more information 941.752.6770 or Evening of Babysitting Email: [email protected] Website: Various Local Business Gift Boys basketball summer camp at Cardinal Mooney. Cards for nails, restaurants and more. PRAISE BAND The praise band supports the With all of the items donated, our goal is to raise $5,000 for our youth to Sunday 5PM Mass and meets at attend summer camps, conferences and to help with the weekly dinners. 3:45PM in the church for Please show your support and rehearsal before Mass. The band bid for some of these great is open to all youth and adults 100 items. who would enjoy singing or playing an instrument with us. The online auction will begin For more information, contact April 13, 2015 and run Martha Lopez-Leschke, at through April 20, 2015. [email protected] call 941.752.6770 For more information please contact Julie Santiago 724581-7373 or Randy Cody 727-560-5588 or email 50 [email protected]. More CHILDREN’S LITURGY information is available at http:// Number of Items Donated for online auction Children who have not received their First Communion may join children’s liturgy during the Sunday 10:30AM Mass. Listen for Father to call the children up for a blessing and then as a group they will move to Sacred Heart Hall and will return shortly after the homily. Parents are welcome to join their children if need be. The Spring Pantry Clean Out to Feed the Hungry For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink. St Matthew 25:35 The food collection will be distributed to the following: Bethesda House Food Pantry Bethesda House in a Drop-In Center supported by Catholic Charities to respond to the physical, social and spiritual needs of the HIV infected and affected persons. St Joseph’s Food Pantry St Joseph’s Food Pantry distributes over 10,000 bags of food to approximately 5,000 families each month. Suggestions: Cereal Canned goods Rice Beans Baby food Ramen noodles Pasta Peanut butter Macaroni and cheese Soups Spaghetti sauce Non-perishable food items only. St Michael’s Food Pantry St Michael’s Food Pantry serves 250-300 families with a food box each Saturday. Stillpoint House of Prayer Food Pantry Still point House Food Pantry serves 125 families each Monday and Friday. COFFEE GET TOGETHER On the first Thursday of every month there will be coffee and goodies after the 8 AM Mass in Sacred Heart Hall. Please join us for coffee and conversation. For more information contact JoAnn DiCarlo at 941-739-7767 or email [email protected] ST ANTHONY HEALTH MINISTRY—Kidney Disease March 2015 is National Kidney Month. More than 26 million American adults have Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and millions more are at risk and are unaware of it. Chronic Kidney Disease has been called “the silent killer” and a “quiet epidemic” because of the fact that it can sneak up on you without many symptoms or warning signs. phosphorus and potassium in balance in the blood. Unhealthy kidneys and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) can cause: cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke, weak bones, nerve damage, anemia and kidney failure. The following symptoms are Did you know? possible warning signs of kidney disease: fatigue, Of the 110,000 weakness, painful urination, Americans currently foamy urine, dark urine, awaiting an organ puffy eyes, swollen face, transplant, 87,000 are hands, ankles, abdomen or waiting for a kidney. Dawn Anderson, feet, increased thirst or an Diabetes is the leading RN, CRNN increased need to urinate. If Parishioner cause of kidney failure and it you experience any of these accounts for 44% of new symptoms, it’s important to cases. see your physician and get the Uncontrolled or poorly controlled appropriate testing to check your high blood pressure is the second kidney function. leading cause of kidney failure in the US, accounting for 26% of cases. There are certain things that we The third and fourth leading should all do to keep healthy and causes of kidney failure in the US are prevent kidney disease. They are: glomerulonephritis (an inflammatory exercise regularly, control weight, condition of the kidneys) and follow a balanced diet, quit smoking, polycystic kidney disease. drink alcohol in moderation, drink African Americans are three times plenty of water, monitor your as likely to develop kidney disease as cholesterol level, get an annual Caucasians. Each year more than physical and be aware of your family 88,000 Americans die from kidney history. failure. Healthy kidneys are responsible for: regulating the body’s fluid levels, filtering wastes and toxins from the blood, releasing a hormone that regulates blood pressure, activating Vitamin D for healthy bones, releasing a hormone that directs the production of red blood cells and keeping sodium, RECLAiM Sexual Health offers an anonymous, sciencebased, Catholic Online Recovery Program, and provides resources for those who desire to reclaim God's plan for their lives, and the lives of loved ones impacted by pornography or other unhealthy sexual behaviors. It's time to RECLAiM God's original plan for your life! THE NEED TO REFLECT ON THE CRUCIFIXION With the penitential season of Lent and after years of it happening the average winding down, I have a confession to make: I person only occasionally bumps their hand or don’t like focusing too much on the stubs a toe. Crucifixion. When I find myself preparing to Victims of leprosy, however, do not pray the Rosary, I have to stop and think get that same painful warning. And though which mysteries are traditional to that day. they are without pain, they end up being And I always have, at least interiorly, a slight without toes and fingers, as they repeatedly moment of disappointment whenever I am bump into things that first bruise, but then reminded on a Tuesday or Friday that the deteriorate their limbs and appendages. Sorrowful Mysteries are to be the focus of that The good news is that God designed Rosary’s reflections. our bodies to increase our pain Most likely, I’m not alone tolerance without making us numb in my aversion to thinking about to the pain. Before you re-read Christ’s suffering on the Cross. No that sentence to make sure you one in their right mind truly likes read it right: yes, it’s a sign of to focus on the pain and torture of health and strength not to numb a brutal execution, especially if the the pains of life, but to endure person undergoing such suffering them. “A study by the medical is beloved. Nor is it any easier to researcher Jonas Tesarz and think that the pain being endured colleagues at the University of was done so for the sake of you. Heidelberg in 2012 found that But, as Catholics, we must athletes had significantly higher not ignore the Cross. The Spence McSorley pain tolerance than normally active Director of crucifixes in our Church and in people. And yet both groups had our homes are a reminder that a Religious Education similar pain thresholds, the point at person suffered and died a horrible which a sensation is recognizable death on behalf of our eternal salvation. as pain” (No pain, no game by Michael St. Paul warned about the Cross being Thomsen, emptied of its power (1 Corinthians 1:17). He So the solution to the problem, is to knew we must contemplate Christ’s suffering find ways to stop being spiritually out of shape and attach it to our own (Colossians 1:24) in by increasing our ability to reflect on the pain order to fully experience the fullness of life endured by our Lord. that Christ promised us (Colossians 1:27; John One of those ways is the long 10:10). standing tradition of praying before a crucifix. So how do we go about having a Another would be to pray the Stations of the more profound and meaningful experience of Cross. Another would be to read the Passion reflecting on the Cross and Him who died narratives of the Gospels or watch one of the upon it for our sake? Fortunately, it’s easier films portraying the events of Jesus’ final days than we might think, in large part, because before his death. pain and suffering (as much as we may try to We shouldn’t look at these practices deny it) is a natural part of our human as being, as some have suggested, a morbid experience. fascination of an-out-of-touch Catholicism. If All too often, we like to avoid pain by we had created the story of Our Lord’s numbing it through alcohol, drugs, sex, suffering and death out of our own m a t e r i a l i s m , c on s t a n t n o i s e a n d imaginations, then these practices could very entertainment, etc. But that’s unnatural. It’s well be seen as such. But, since the suffering also dangerous. and death of Christ was a real event that Leprosy, the famous disease of occurred in recorded history, these practices Biblical stories, is a horrible illness that leads are part of an incredibly sane method of to the loss of limbs and appendages. It is not coping with that reality. uncommon to see one suffering from leprosy The more we reflect on the having a gnarled set of fingers, filed down to Crucifixion, the more we realize it was nubs. Surprisingly, though, this consequence necessary because of our sinfulness. The more of the disease is not due to the breakdown of we reflect on the Crucifixion, the more we skin, flesh, and bone tissue within the body. realize Christ died not only for me, but even Rather, it occurs from leprosy’s main for those who irritate me. And the more we destructive character: the destruction of nerve reflect on the Crucifixion, the easier it endings. becomes to embrace our own crosses in this Those who suffer from leprosy lose life; knowing how incredibly less painful they their sense of touch. Because of this, they also are to endure than what He endured for us. lose their sense of pain. If you walk too close to a piece of furniture with your arms out to the side as normal, your hand may bump the table, sending a shock wave of pain as a note to self to next time walk a bit further away. Our brains do this automatically all the time ENCORE GROUP The ENCORE Group is comprised of mature, single adults who are active and productive individuals living the single life, either by choice or by circumstance. We share friendship, compassion, companionship, and support through social and volunteer opportunities. For specific information, contact: Lorraine Sollecito, 755-7578, or Ed Day, 7513869. Schedule of Events April 5 – Easter Sunday Dinner, for those who have no family here with which to celebrate the Feast – Pier 22, 4:00 PM. Contact Lorraine. April 12 – Monthly brunch at Tara Golf & CC, 12:15 PM. Contact Ed. April 25 – Monthly dinner, TBA, Contact Annabel Ryan, 758-7671 If you are single and wish to have a more active life, join us! O UR L ADY OF THE A NGELS C ATHOLIC C HURCH “B UILDING O UR S ACRED S PACE FOR THE F UTURE ” Volume #5 March 22, 2015 Thank you to all that donated. Due to the holidays the bulletin was sent to print before the latest numbers were available after the weekend of March 22nd. . Anonymous (40) Mary Ann Burrus Albert DiPietro & Marcia Uras Emory & Donna Hedrick Michael & Diane Adams Elaine Busch Carol Downey Dennis & Lisa Hertzler Ventura & Kathleen Michael & Linda Byerle George & Sandy Druist Paul & Carol Herzing Aguirrezabal Jack Byrnes Mary & Donald Dufek Lawrence & Mary Hickey Gary & Joan Ales Ramon & Imelda Cabo Nancy & Paul Duignan Marie Higgins Vincent & Carol Alesi Marta Calabrese Kenneth & Noreen Duronio Vincent & Margarita Hoaglin Anthony & Frances Alibro Ramsey & Kathryn Campbell Michael & Deborah Dyer James & Karen Hodgkinson George & Karen Allen Frank & Yudit Candocia Thomas & Kristi Dyer Theodore & Olympia Hoffman Martin Alvarez Andrew & Helen Carbery Robert & Molly Eliason Nancy Holihan Garry & Marcia Andersen Carlos Cardenas John & Patricia Ermond Janice Holton Jane Arnoldi & Thomas Stoffels Craig & Victoria Carney Timothy & Luzviminda Evens John & Tippy Holz Ramzi & Debbie Bahu Roger & Jean Carpenter Leola Farrell Richard & Ceci Hopper Raymond & Linda Baker Steve & Leslie Carroll John Farrell Charles & Norma Hostman Robert & Diane Baker Robert & Marion Carroll Joseph & Cynthia Ferda Edward & Lorraine Hotwagner Stephen & Mary Balazic Charles & Ann Cavanaugh Clarence Flisakowski John & Holly Hroncich Edward & Judith Balmer Bobbie Cavanaugh Terry & Linda Fountain Timothy & Denise Huelsman Frank & Karen Barbarito Epifanio & VirgencitaCedro Andrew & Traci Franklin Anthony Hueston George & Frances Barletta Vince & Diane Cera Ernest & Mary Jane Freeman Otto & Fran Jack, Jr. Jerome & Catherine Barner Robert & Kathleen Cestaro Charles & Teresa Fry William & Donna Jackson Linden Barnes & Alana Turner Frank Chan John & Julia Gallo Mary Anne Jakovic Richard & Sharon Barnett James & Joanne Chandler Randy & Ellen Gangle William & Laurie Jarema Richard & Beth Barrett Donald & Cynthia Christo Patrick & Patricia George Joseph & Marion Jarr Carol Bartens Andrew & Jennifer Clark Alfredo & Catherine Giangreco James & Marianne Jerzyk Sam & Mary Lee Bastianelli Joseph and Sandra Clarke Lawrence & Letha Gillis Jean Johnson Charles & Linda Baumann Larry & Barbara Clemons Warren Glasow Robert & Jane Johnson David & Kerry Becker Roger & Christine Clyne Joseph & Julia Gleason John & Regina Joly Thomas & Suzanne Benton Frank & Trudy Coan Alessandro & Bonnie Golino Joan Jones Emil & Alice Beran James & Sarah Coghlan John & Bonnie Golon William & Janet Jones Mary Bilkie Gerald & Mary Collins Javier & Jessica Gonzalez Harold & Rosemary Jones Millie Billick John & Jayne Colombaro Thomas & Sharon Gorczycki Craig & Sheila Jordan Larry & Peggy Blake Charles & Tina Cook Peter & Ellen Grabowski Ed & Joan Kaminski Peter & Doris Bokach Scott & Carrie Corscadden Richard & Jane Greenamoyer Thomas & Kim Kanatzar The Joan Second Boles Greatest Story Ever Robert Told & Shirley – Fr. Michael Cote Gaitley Joseph & Catherine Groelly Walter and Beata Kedziora Jim Susan Bolin & Beth Crawfordthe "second greatest Patsy Grote Danielthat & Sandra Kegg In & this vastly popular talk, Robert Fr. Gaitley describes story ever told" - a story encompasses Rodolfo & Christie Borda& Julia Crispell Frank &role Catherine Grzelak Consecration Gerald &can Rosalynn Divine Mercy, the life of St.Stephen Pope John Paul II, and the crucial that Marian play inKiefer your & the LesaCongregation Dailey James & Fathers Karin Guida James &Conception Katharine Kimbrell life.Lescano Fr. Michael Gaitley is aThomas priest in of Marian of the Immaculate and the Leslie & Jasonof Bouchard & SharonHelpers, Damewood Suzanne Guymore than one Dorothy Klodnicki director the AssociationGary of Marian a spiritual William benefit&society with million members. Daniel & Eliana Boudreau Catherine Damiano George & Deborah Halak Boyd & Theresa Klofenstine The Bourque Robert priests & Annelike Darnell Donald & Judith -Hall The worldFamily needs more dedicated Fr. Michael Gaitley! Roland Thibodaux, LA Barbara Knierim Alfred & Olga Bracciano John & Lois Davis Mark and Lynne Halper Patrick & Roberta Knowles Daniel Edgar Day Robert & Catholic Kelly Hamm Theodore Karen Kohuth This CDBrady is available in limited quantity located on the Lighthouse Media display in the&gathering area William Carol Bridegroom Lawrence &ItJacquelyn Brian & Mary Catherine Kollmeyer of&our Church, for a small donation. can also be obtained online onHansen either CD or downloadable mp3 using Joseph Kathleen Brisley DeAngelis George and Stephanie Please Hare Direct all questions regarding the& link: Karen Brodie Christopher DeBellevue William & Mary Harris Lighthouse Catholic Media to Bill Bridegroom at [email protected] Theresa Brooks & Julie Corbett Denise Hart & Carrie Risi Paul & Alice Browne Omer & Vivian Desrosier David & Janice Hasler David & Sheryl Buck Jody & Lee Diercks Arthur & Lorraine Hatch Martha Burch John & Elizabeth Dilacqua Donna Hayes Gerard Koontz Joseph & Patricia Kosobucki Douglas & Jeanette Kremski Joel & Susan Kroon Gene & Barb Kutcher Timothy & Margaret LaBar Mark & Stacy Laderer William & Mary LaFollette Anna & Kenneth Lakich Pat & Don Lane David & Karen Larsen Kathleen LaStella Beverly Latine John & Josephine Leavy William & Carolyn Leggett Reynaldo & Virgilia Lim Anthony & Ramona Limon William & Stephanie Lloyd Peter & Anne Lofquist George & Joyce Lurz Nathan & Laura Macione Richard & Denise Macklin Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Maggelet Raymond & Donna Makovec Michael & Diane Malik Kenneth & Linda Malkiewicz James & Helen Malley John & Kit Manhold Pedro & Estrella Manrique Michael & Donna Marrs Craig and Erica Marten Patricia Martino Patricia May Terri Maze Lawrence & Yolanda Mazzarella Dale McCall Kathleen McCarthy LeAnne & Jason McKendree Gerald & Marianne McLaughlin Jay & Apres McLaughlin William McLochlin Irene McNamara Bob & Sharon McNutt Sharon & Roger McShane William & Andrea McSorley Diarmuid McSweeney Ronald & Evonne Metzig Todd & Michelle Meurer Gary & Pamela Meyers Leon & Ruth Michaud Stephen & Connie Micklavzina Marjorie Miele Sheila Milazzo Jack & Toni Milholland Alen & Deb Miller Haydee Minero-Burrows John & Jean Monaghan Frances Morehead Hugh Morrow Hugh & Barbara Muller David & Mary Ann Murbach Dennis & Mary Murphy Richard Murphy Karen & Terry Nicholson Terry and Karla Norman Michael & Janice Novello William Nowak Mark & Linda O'Brien Michael & Rosanne O'Byrne John & Mary Anne O'Connell Javier & Gloria Olivos Herbert & Mary Ellen O'Neil Charles & Carol Orlando Glenn & Ruth Oster Gregg & Anna Pacitti Francis & Doreen Papp Robert & Carol Parke Michael & Joyce Pascuzzi Elwin & Maureen Paulhus Vincent & Lucia Payne Paul & Barbara Petrus Robert & Theresa Phillips Thomas & Carol Pickett Joseph Picone Donald & Viola Plourde Anna Previte Dennis and Helen Puglisi Jim & Debbie Pye Joan Qualley Raquel Ray Joseph & Janet Rebhan Daniel & Lora Rees William & Constance Rempe Mary Louise Ringers Gail Risi Michael & Mary Rivers Anthony & Marie Rizzi Noe & Patria Rodriguez Frederick & Virginia Romano David Rondeau Kenneth & Mary Ann Ross Joseph & Cheryl Rossi Donald & Beverly Roy John & Margi Russell Myra Russell David & Jessica Russo James & Joann Ryan Leonard & Donna Ryan Richard & Mary Ryan Angel & Julieta Salazar Jae & Jennifer Sammy Joseph & Julie Santiago Michael & Susan Sassano David & Ann Saunders Joanne Scalisi John & Mabel Schranz Gloria Schroeck Theodore & Rose Schulte James & Rose Schweiger Joseph & Maria Sciame Joseph & Karen Scirica Joseph & Sonja Scirica James & Molly Scott Ronald & Eileen Scott Matthew & Lora Sevarino Matt & Leah Shelton Wayne & Ruthie Shewmaker James & Martha Shupe Joseph & Jane Sibenac Al & Patricia Sidlovsky Karl & Janelle Sidnar Joseph & Patricia Simmon Larry & Sandra Simmons Carol Smith William & Renee Snyder Maciej & Jolanta Sobolewski Patrick & Diane Solano Lorraine Sollecito Louise Sorge Raymond & Patricia Spicochi Henry Staub Lois Steel Jerry & Pam Stephens Barry & Joanna Sternberg Peter & Ann Stewart Jeannine Stites William & Charlene Stocker William & Alfrieda Sutz Adam & Lidia Szopinski Jaworsky & Daryl Ann Tarriela Tom & Chris Taylor Mark & Susan Telford James & Sandra Tellier Jose & Aleyamma Thomas William Thomas Marsha Thomas Thomas & AnnMarie Thompson Eusebio & Laureana Tochip Ramon Torralba James & Jane Trame Christopher Treston John and Christina Valdes Tom & Janet Valentine Enrique and Christina Via-Reque Dick & Lorraine Vitale Larry & Susan Wade Thomas & Karen Walrath Richard Walser Emma Walsh Warren & Jeanine Walter Cornelius & Mary Ward Phillip & Judith Wayer Kenneth & Marcia Weaver Richard & Theresa Weidel Robert & Ann Wheeler Paul Wilchek Francis & Joan Wojdyla James & Lori Wolcott Womens Guild Mark & Gail Wynne Donald & Marie Yearwood Shirley Yost Peter & Mary Ann Zabaga Teresa & Stuart Zais Richard Zandy Nicholas & Vicki Zec Arthur & June Zuranski For our campaign to be successful, your gift should be an expression of your gratitude to God for all you have been gifted with. We ask that parishioners prayerfully reflect upon their ability to give of their substance, not their excess. We cannot emphasize enough the concept of “Equal Sacrifice, Not Equal Giving.” This means that not everybody can make the same size gift, but they can make the same size sacrifice through prayer, consideration, and reflection. HOW TO GET INVOLVED—Join a Ministry When we serve the Lord and His Church we are greatly blessed; not only with what is needed in our ministry, but also personally in a way that nourishes and sustains us. This is the entire point of the beatitudes; we are nothing short of blessed by Him, when we live for the Kingdom of God. So consider serving as a volunteer less as an obligation or duty and more as a gateway to our Lord’s abundant graces. Below is a contact list for all of the activities, events and ministries that are available to our Parishioners. Please contact them to find out when or where the next meeting will be or how you can become involved in your church. Adult Faith Enrichment Dr. Janice Novello 941.907.3844 [email protected] Altar Servers—Adult & Youth Chris Treston 941.751.0840 [email protected] Art & Environment Alice Browne 941.257.6156 [email protected] Baptism Helpers Donna Marrs 941.567.5201 [email protected] Bereavement Reception Angels Sandy Simmons 941.907.0425 [email protected] Bible Study Tom Dailey 941.713.5529 [email protected] Catechists Spence McSorley 941.752.6770 [email protected] Children’s Liturgy of the Word Theresa Ott 941.907.0449 [email protected] Chorus Angelicus/Praise Band Martha Lopez-Leschke 941.752.6770 [email protected] Encore, Adult Singles Lorraine Sollecito 941.755.7578 [email protected] Eucharistic Ministers Gail Wynne 727.698.8020 [email protected] Finance Council Peter Grabowski 941.351.9474 [email protected] Garden Helpers Bob & Theresa Phillips 941.745.2104 [email protected] Golf Tournament Committee Kathy LaStella 941.753.5148 [email protected] Good Samaritans Gail Wynne 727.698.8020 [email protected] Hospitality—Ushers & Greeters Bill & Laurie Jarema 941.753.7800 [email protected] Knights of Columbus Bob Hellner 941.232.8647 [email protected] Lectors Sam Bastianelli 714.469.7794 [email protected] Loving Stitches Jan Morris 860.485.8243 [email protected] Ministry to Homebound, Hospitalized or Infirmed Dawn Anderson 941.685.3244 [email protected] Money Counters Pat Martino 941.752.6770 [email protected] Office Helpers Diane Solano 941.752.6770 [email protected] Peace and Justice Dr Janice Novello 941.907.3844 [email protected] Prayer Line Angels Janet Jones 941.727.9449 [email protected] RCIA Spence McSorley 941.752.6770 [email protected] Respect Life Jeannine Stites 941.330.5913 [email protected] St Clare Women’s Guild Joyce Pascuzzi 941.359.3990 [email protected] St Anthony Health Ministry Dawn Anderson 941.685.3244 [email protected] Sunday Pancake Breakfast Don Roy 941.758.4056 [email protected] Vacation Bible School Julie Santiago 724.581.7373 [email protected] Wedding Helpers Sharon Barnett 941.209.0772 [email protected] Welcome Team Jackie deAngelis 770.905.6061 [email protected] Youth Ministry Rob Wiedeman 941.752.6770 [email protected]
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