ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH NEW MIDDLETOWN, OH MASS SCHEDULE: +MEANING DECEASED SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: SATURDAY, June 20 5PM +Frances Tabaka SUNDAY, June 21 8AM +Frances Hutchko 11AM Members of St. Paul’s MONDAY, June 22 8AM Liturgy of the Word TUESDAY, June 23 8AM +Pat Leone-Anniversary WEDNESDAY, June 24 8AM +Joseph & +Mary Hayek-Wed. Anniv. THURSDAY, June 25 8AM +Joan Yankle FRIDAY, June 26 8AM +Anthony DeFrances SATURDAY, June 27 5PM +Deceased Members of the Zemkosky Fam. +Tom & +Bay Campana SUNDAY, June 28 8AM +Jaime Lee Pavlic 11AM Members of St. Paul’s GOLDEN RYE GRILLE 10745 Main Street New Middletown 330-542-9925 Hours: 7 a.m. to 2p.m. Pilgrimages to Papal Visit in Philadelphia Sept. 26/27: The St. Nicholas Altar & Rosary Society of Christ Our Savior Parish in Struthers, Ohio is sponsoring a trip arranged by Wendt Touring, Inc. For more information, contact Priscilla Carlucci at 330-755-9966 or go to The Office of Pro-Life, Marriage and Family Life of the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown is sponsoring a family pilgrimage intended to be affordable for families with children. For more information, contact David Schmidt at 330-744-8451 ext. 272 or go to ALTAR GUILD: NO JULY MEETING JUNE 28 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: EVEREST Conquering Challenges With God’s Mighty Power FIRST READING: Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 By the envy of the devil, death entered the world. This Mon., June 22nd - this Fri., June 26th 9am - Noon Registration & volunteer forms in gathering space or call JoAnn 330-542-3824. Hope you saw the flyer in the bulletin several weeks ago. SECOND READING: 2 Cor inthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 Your abundance should supply the needs of the poor. GOSPEL: 5:21-43 Little girl, I say to you, arise! FREE COMMUNITY MEALS 5-6:30PM: This Tues., June 23, Luther’s Table Zion Lutheran Church, New Middletown Tues., June 30, Luther’s 5th Table St. John Lutheran, Petersburg This amount will be printed in the next bulletin: Regular collection for June 13/14: Church at Home: $1,574 Thank you for your generosity! Tues., July 7, Trinity United Methodist Church New Springfield We are still in need of individuals or a group to sponsor the November Table of Plenty here at St. Paul’s. Call the rectory if interested. Donations for the purchase of food and supplies for T.O.P. can be placed in the jar located in the gathering space. These donations help to offset our expenses. Thank you for your assistance! THIS MONTH’S RECOMMENDED STCCC FOOD PANTRY ITEM IS toothpaste. Please place your donations in the white baskets near the hall entrance doors. Thank you! Last month’s item was very well received. View this bulletin at 2 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 21, 2015 Garden Share News: THE WEEK AHEAD MONDAY, June 22 TUESDAY, June 23 7pm Prayer Group in Day Chapel WEDNESDAY, June 24 THURSDAY, June 25 FRIDAY, June 26 SATURDAY, June 27 SUNDAY, June 28 8PM AA Meeting in Lower Hall St. Paul’s garden on Calla Rd. is 300 feet long by 50 feet wide = 15,000 square feet. We have 4,000 running feet of drip-line for watering, and 5,800 running feet of planted material. WE NEED WEEDERS! It is impor tant that we stay ahead of the weeds to have good produce for the Garden Share Program. If you have an extra hour in your day or need exercise and fresh air - we have the solution to your need THE GARDEN! Come experience the family camaraderie of fellow Christians with a purpose. Enjoy God’s gift of summer. Come enjoy the garden! Lee: 330-774-2922 and Mary Ann 330-542-9857 Also: As you know, our produce is available at the Tuesday Evening Community Meals at all the different Churches in our area. WE NEED HELP transporting the produce to these churches. We also need help setting up and remaining at the dinner to tear produce table back down. If interest in helping, call Lee 330774-2922. A Father’s Day Prayer God, Bless all the fathers in the world. Father, we ask that You guide them to be good role models and loving to their children. We also ask that You help them to be a father like You are. Give them the grace and patience to handle situations in a loving way. Amen Change In Diocesan Policy: DIOCESAN POLICY CONCERNING ONE STIPEND PER MASS “This has been changed to 2 stipends per Mass”: Now only two per sons can be remembered per Mass (daily or weekend). We are still going to try limiting 2 or 3 weekend Masses (mainly to give everyone a chance to schedule on the weekends) and 2 daily Masses per family member (FAMILY MEMBER NOT FAMILY) per year. Any questions or concerns, please call Fr. Chris. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES FOR June 20/21 MASS Lectors Servers Euch. Min. Hosp. 5PM Allen-P Bell-A Ohlin –E Scheck-N Bator-S Cubellis-F Humphries-T Klinke-K May-F Pope-K Roland-G Ohlin-M Fanta-C Morris-P Ohlin-R/M Perrine-P Sherry-H 8AM Blasko-S Rachic-S Aey-J Cappeli-C Detwiler-D Gentile-M Hatala-P Rachic-L/S Schuler-J/J Bero-C/R Kursel-D Morena-B/J Parry-J 11AM Evan-M/L Clavin-H Schneider-T Evan-E/R Gbur-J Hiznay-A/J Russo-D Barber Fam. Eminhizer-L Moyer-S PRAYERS ANSWERED FROM THE SILVER BOX: THANK YOU TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, WHO IS FATHER TO ALL! View this bulletin at 3 ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH NEW MIDDLETOWN, OH NEW BUS TRIP SPONSORED BY 50+ GROUP: Dear Friends, Do we sometimes feel like the disciples? They call out to Jesus “Do You not care that we are perishing?” They are afraid that the storm will sink them so they expect Jesus to instantly take care of it instead of figuring out their way through it. Most times we just want our challenges to go away as fast as possible. As Christians, we can especially expect Jesus to just make all better. It is faith that will help us weather any storm that comes our way. Do we ever look for the good out of the storms of our lives? Jesus will help us get through the rough times, but we should not expect Him to be the magic pill that makes all better instantly. How does our weathering the storms make us stronger and bring us closer to Christ? Do not be afraid, just have faith in Jesus. MOUNTAIN PLAYHOUSE (Laurel, PA) AND MORE: “Church Basement Ladies IV,” Wed., Aug. 5, 7:30AM-8PM, $98 per person. Any questions, call Betty Himes 330-953-3823. Hope you saw the flyer which was inserted in last week’s bulletin. HAPPENINGS ELSEWHERE: Independence Day: Religious Liberty Is Foundational To Our Nation! With the appr oach of Independence Day, the U.S. Bishops are calling for a “Fortnight for Freedom:” fourteen days of prayer, education, and action for religious freedom in the US and abroad. The Fortnight for Freedom takes place from now to July 4, a time when our liturgical calendar recognizes great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power, including St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, St. John the Baptist, SS. Peter and Paul, and the First Martyrs of the Church in Rome. This year’s theme focusses on the "freedom to bear witness" to the truth of the Gospel. Learn more by… going to As was announced at Masses this past weekend, Carol Craven is retiring as the Director of Religious Education for St. Paul’s effective June 30, 2015. This does not mean that she is leaving our parish. She will work to offer a greater level of adult education opportunities for St. Paul’s. This will give her the ability to spend more time with her family and other interests that she would like to pursue. This leaves the position of Director of Religious Education open at our parish. If you know of a candidate who may be interested, please have him or her contact me. The position is be advertised throughout the diocese as well. As there are more details on the search for a new director, I will let you know. First Friday Club Of Greater Youngstown: Thur s., J uly 2, 11:30am-1pm, Antone’s Banquet Center, Boardman. Speaker: Rev. Terrance P. Curley, D.Min., “Dealing with Loss,” Author,, St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Nahant, MA. For reservations, call 330-720-4498. Recently there have been some issues with groups who are renting the social hall for parties and other occasions. Some kids from these parties have been seen running around the church and items have been taken as well as defaced. If you are at a party and you notice individuals going into the church or other areas where they should not be, please ask them to return to the social hall or ask one of the people in charge to do so. We would prefer not to lock the church, but it may come to this if further problems occur. Thank you for your help with this. Faith & Family Festival - Register Now! This day of fun and fulfillment for families and friends is Sun., July 12, beginning at 10am at Hoover Park across from Walsh University (1875 E. Maple St., North Canton) and it’s FREE! Featuring popular Catholic speaker and Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, praise and worship music leader Ben Walther, and radio personality Brooke Taylor. Plus activities for the kids! Sponsored by the Office of Pro-Life, Marriage, and Family Life of the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown. Lunch provided. Donations accepted. Please register at For more info., contact 330744-8451, ext. 272, or [email protected]. I want to wish all of our fathers a very happy Father’s Day. I hope that if you are a father, grandfather, godfather, or any other type of father, you will enjoy this special day. Take a little time to spend with your family and enjoy the blessings God has bestowed on you in your life. May God bless all of our fathers this day and always. Rice Bowl Grants: Available for gr oups or organizations who provide food distribution for those in need. Applications for other then food distribution will not be considered. Call or come in to St. Paul’s rectory for an application. Deadline to submit application is Aug. 1. For further information, contact Rachel Hrbolich 330-744-8451, ext. 328, or [email protected]. Blessings to all of you this week Fr. Chris Pregnancy Help Center now hir ing Nur se Manager . Must be either an RN or Nurse Practitioner (will receive fetal ultrasound training). Must hold a current license in good standing with the OH ST. MED. Board. 37 hours a week. Good administrative skills and spiritual maturity a must. If interested, call Leni Cornell, at 330-788-4000, Tues.-Thurs., 10am-3pm , to set up an interview. VOCATION BULLETIN BLURB: Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 21, 2015 Father’s Day “He indeed died for all, so that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sake died and was raised.” Is Christ calling you to die to self and live for Him as a priest, deacon, or in the consecrated life? Consider the possibility. Call Fr. Chris Luoni at (330) 744-8451, or email: [email protected]. View this bulletin at RECTORY PHONE NUMBER: 330-542-3466 WEBSITE: 4
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