Our Lady of Guadalupe 7000 35th Avenue SW , Seattle, Washington, 98126 April 11 and 12, 2015 Loving and gracious God, you gave us your Son, Jesus Christ. He gave of Himself, not only on the cross, but in every moment of His life. He saw the hungry; He fed them. He saw the lame; He cured them. He saw the sick; He healed them. He saw the discouraged; He encouraged them. He saw the dying; He gave them new life. He gave. In this way, He taught us to give. Mass Times Saturday Vigil - 5:30 PM Sunday Mornings - 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Weekday Mass - Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday - 9:00 AM Holy Day Masses - 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturdays - 4:15 to 5:00 PM (or by appointment through the Parish Office) OLG Parish - www.olgseattle.org [email protected] Phone: 206-935-0358 OLG Parish School - 3401 SW Myrtle, Seattle, WA 98126 www.guadalupe-school.org Phone: 206-935-0651 From the Pastor’s Desk Easter! Now What? With visitors and our own community, we celebrated the central event in our faith - the raising of the Lord, Jesus. We will unpack this saving event for 50 days. During the 50 days leading to Pentecost, we will Baptize children and next week, celebrate Confirmation. Great young people and adults will be confirmed at the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Confirmation will celebrate the Holy Spirit living within each Confirmation candidate, not some mark of achievement like a graduation. During my Easter homily, I said that God always wants to resurrect somebody and as Russell Wilson says, “Why not us?” The 50 days of Easter are wonderful days to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation. We celebrate this sacrament on Saturday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Our parish children will also celebrate First Communion, another expression of Easter Life. Please pray for our First Communion families. Enjoy Easter New Life as you plant your gardens and enjoy the glories of Spring. Happy Easter Fr. Jack Prayer & Liturgy Let Us Pray For Bertha Okrusch, John Goold, Carsten Maes, Aaron Hubert, Judith Hull, Barbara Duchscherer, Karen Kinner, Pete Baum, Daniel Hansen, Robert Mollerus, Marge Zielaskowski, Frank Coccia, Alfred Cruz, Ken Casey, Jake Steiner, Vonnie Lawrance, Pattie Quinn, Eveyln Soros, Pat Middelton, Lou and Sis Blumer, Nelly Villasenor, Sandy Warren, Justin Shaw, Rocco Marrese, Sharon Schellong, Andre Sasonoff, Stella Casey, Velda Handler, Jeanette Denfeld, Kay Kukowski, Tanya Wright, Jennifer Wong, Brianna Nelson, Marianne Carroll, Lou Vaughan, Mary LeGrand, Ann Toth, Delores Chapman, Craig Kaplan, Joan Lewis, Matthew Benoit, Lennie Tague, Richard Brodrick, Sr. Bea LaFramboise, Robert Hedgcock, Patricia Calhoun, John Sisson, Pat McCarthy, Chris Hackett, Jacquie Fitzwater, Janice Stannard, Sinead Anne Cadde, Essie Weinberger, Carole Maes, Dene Napolitan and for those who have recently passed: Carnot Thomas . Confirmation Celebration With Bishop Eusebio Please join us on Sunday, April 19th at the 11:00 a.m. Mass as we celebrate this wonderful sacrament with 23 candidates who have been preparing many months for this special day! School Liturgies Thursday, April 23rd - 6th and 1st graders Scripture Readings This Week Second Sunday of Easter Reading 1: Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35 Reading 2: 1 John 5:1-6 Gospel: John 20:19-31 Next Week Third Sunday of Easter Reading 1: Acts of the Apostles 3:13-15, 17-19 Reading 2: 1 John 2:1-5a Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 Calling All Parishioners ~ We Need You To Be on our Vacation Bible Camp Prayer Team Our Lady of Guadalupe parish is thrilled to be hosting our second VBC on June 22nd through June 26th. There will be many opportunities for our parishioners, school families, youth, young and old alike, to participate and one ministry that we want to introduce to you this year will be our OLG—VBC Prayer Team! As we are beginning to build our VBC team, we wanted to first offer opportunities for those who will hold our volunteers and the children who will participate in our program in intentional prayer. We are putting our faith in the fact that God knows each person in our church. We are asking God to open the eyes, hearts and minds of those who will be just the right fit for our program and that each person attending will be blessed by their experience. To be a prayer team member, contact Marion Kari at 206-935-0358, ext. 113 or [email protected]. BUSINESS OF THE WEEK Howden-Kennedy Funeral Home The only locally owned Funeral Home in West Seattle 206-932-0356 7601 35th Avenue SW For more information about “Prayer and Liturgy” go to www.olgseattle.org and click on the “Grow In Faith” tab. Faith Formation Our Adventurers And Vision Sunday School Programs Are Working Together In A Service Project For Our Parish! Our Adventurers and Vision Sunday School classes have joined forces and are working on a service project together by painting tiles for our “Peace Garden”. These wonderful young people, in our community, have embraced the concept of social outreach by gaining a greater understanding of how the food that we grow in our peace garden impacts the lives of individuals in our larger community of West Seattle by our donations to the West Seattle Food Bank. Keep our young people in your prayers as they witness their faith to each other in our Sunday School program and to our community. Looking For A Good Book To Read With Your Middle And High School Children? Having a good book to read as a family can give wonderful opportunities for having open ended discussions on a wide variety of topics that can enrich your faith. A new book has come out entitled “Pope Francis: I Believe In Mercy”, by Regina Doman and illustrated by Sean Lam. There is nothing like a graphic novel to make middle and high school students take notice. This one is the biography of Pope Francis - his childhood through the first year of his papacy. The narrative does more than recount events. It connects the Holy Father’s life experience to his teachings and ultimately to the Gospel. Bonus features at the end of the story include a map of the Vatican and pictures of papal automobiles since 1930. For more information, go to MangoHero.com. Would You Like To Learn More About The Catholic Christian Faith? Are you curious about Pope Francis and his message of joy and mercy? You are invited to come to an ongoing inquiry group that meets on Wednesday evenings, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to ask questions and learn more about Catholicism (no strings attached!) For more information, please contact Helen Oesterle at 206-9350358, Ext. 108 or [email protected]. You can also find more information at our parish website. Save The Date! June 22nd through June 26th 90 Days And Counting Until Our Vacation Bible Camp “Everest - Conquering Challenges With God’s Mighty Power” As we get closer to our fantastic vacation bible camp, EVEREST Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power, we want to give you some additional reasons to make this special week a part of your family’s experience. At Everest vacation bible camp, children will learn one important Bible Point each day. Instead of trying to teach kids more than they can remember or apply, Everest focuses on one key biblical concept. The Bible Point is reinforced daily through Bible Adventures, key Bible verses, songs, snacks, and hands-on activities that help kids know more about God’s powerful provision, comfort, healing, forgiveness, and forever love for them. “God Sightings” is also a special part of vacation bible camp. On Day One, children will discover that they really can see evidence of God all around them in everyday life! It’s a concept that continues throughout the entire week of vacation bible camp. Also, not all children learn the same way, so Everest vacation bible camp offers seven daily stations to meet the needs of all kinds of learners. Children will come away, each day, remembering the Bible Point because each child will pick it up in a way that matches his or her own learning style. In the next few weeks, we will be letting you know when registration will be available either on-line or after Mass on specific dates. Also, after Easter look in the narthex for our Everest display that will have cards representing items that we will need to borrow to help with our environment set-up as well as other items that we will need to be donated to help our vacation bible camp and defray costs. We cannot evangelize God’s mighty power through a vacation bible camp experience to our community’s children and to our neighboring communities’ children without your help and prayers. Please consider volunteering this year if you did not last year, and if you did, we hope to have your expertise back again! There will be no faith formation programs, which also includes our Little Lambs program, on Sunday, April 12th for spring break. We will resume our regular schedule for all of our classes on Sunday, April 19th. Also, please mark your calendars for our next Family Faith Sunday on May 3rd from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. with our theme: “God always hears us when we pray”. Outreach Ministry Recycling Roundup Most of us have things lying around the house that we need to get rid of in a safe, sustainable way. On April 26th, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., you have the chance to recycle many of those items at Fauntleroy UCC’s “Recycling Roundup”. Simply bring them down to the church (9140 California Ave SW) and 1 Green Planet will recycle them for FREE! There’s an extensive list of items that can be recycled, including cell phones, computer parts, office supplies, home appliances, and more. For more information, go to www.fauntleroyucc.org/Recylce.pdf. Ongoing Advocacy Opportunities Many OLG parishioners took part in our Legislative Forum and/ or Catholic Advocacy Day this year. Both provided us with great opportunities to put our faith into action through advocacy. If you’d like to get more involved with advocacy efforts, consider signing up for two great action alert networks: WSCC and CCGP. The Washington State Catholic Conference, the public policy voice of the bishops of Washington State, sends out periodic updates and action alerts about issues facing our state (thewscc.org). Catholics Confront Global Poverty is an advocacy initiative of Catholic Relief Services that works on international poverty issues (http://www.confrontglobalpoverty.org/getinvolved/). Pro-Life Radio Show Life Talk NW is a half-hour radio show airing on Sacred Heart radio, dedicated to pro-life issues in Washington State. Cohosted by Dan Kennedy and Noreen McEntee Hobson from Washington State March for Life, the program provides news, commentary, and analysis of important pro-life issues affecting Washington State. The show includes interviews with pro-life legislators and other leaders involved in working toward a culture of life around the state. Catch the show three times each week on Sundays from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 3:30 p.m. to 4:00p.m. If you are unable to catch the radio broadcast, you can hear it online by visiting Sacred Heart Radio (http:// scareheartradio.org/) and clicking on the “Listen Now” button on the left hand side of the page during the broadcast. If there are topics you’s like to hear about, or questions you’d like addressed, email the program at [email protected]. St. Vincent de Paul What terror Jesus’ friends suffered in seeing all of their hopes dashed in the crucifixion ….but Jesus had made such promises!! What happened? ...and then when it seemed that all was lost, Jesus came back to them and to us, more glorious than ever! When it is the darkest and we are tempted to lose hope, we can then remember that Jesus not only came back to life but He is Life - hopeful, glorious, powerful, and loving. It is no accident that we celebrate Easter right when the whole world seems to be in bloom! CRS Rice Bowl: Hungering For Celebration! We prayed, fasted, and gave alms and now we celebrate! Our Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl ends in our own hearts, where Jesus reigns forever. Let us rejoice in our risen Lord and in the lives we’ve changed this Lent in Tanzania, Nicaragua, Niger, Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and all over the world! Remember that 25% of what we collect stays in our own Archdiocese and goes towards local hunger-fighting initiatives such as our own Community Meal and Peace Garden. If you haven’t yet turned in your CRS Rice Bowl, it’s not too late. You can give online at www.olgseattle.org (click on the “Donate” button) or drop a check in the Sunday collection (make sure to write “Rice Bowl” on the memo line). Try Hard To Recycle Items Out Of Landfills At Our Lady of Guadalupe, we are doing our part to keep our community clean and planet healthy - all the while raising much needed funding. With the help of recycling and upcycling company, TerraCycle, the parish is collecting recyclables and reducing our carbon footprint. So far, we have help collect more than 5,000 items! Participation in this nationwide recycling program, called the Brigade Program, is completely free and TerraCycle pays for all shipping costs. For every piece of waste the parish collects, TerraCycle donates money to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The collected items are recycled into a variety of affordable, environmentally responsible products ranging from plastic decking to park benches to watering cans and recycling bins. More than 70,000 schools and community groups around the country have signed up to help collect almost 50 different kinds of products and packaging TerraCycle accepts. The participating organizations will collectively earn over $5 million dollars and help TerraCycle divert almost 3 billion pieces of waste that would have otherwise gone to landfill. An updated collection list is available at the parish office. For more information contact Jeni Littleton at 206-935-0358 or [email protected]. Adopt A Garden Bed The growing season is here and the OLG Peace Garden has ten raised garden beds that are ready for individuals, families, scout troops, groups of friends, classrooms and more to adopt! Each growing season we grow produce for Lettuce Pray, a local program that donates fresh produce to the White Center and West Seattle Food Banks. The beds are connected to an automatic irrigation system to make things as easy as possible. It’s a great way to get involved and build community. Please contact Laura Vanderpool at [email protected] for more information, to be added to our email list, or to sign up for a planting bed. The Peach Garden is located a the NE end of the OLG campus, behind the Pastoral Center. Come check it out! Pastoral Care Home Ministries Prayers And Squares Ministry If you or anyone you know is in need of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Anointing, or other Home Ministries, let us know by calling Marion Kari at 935-0358, ext. 113. Prayers and Squares is an interfaith outreach ministry that combines the gift of prayer with the gift of a hand-tied quilt. The purpose of Prayers and Squares is not to make and distribute quilts, but to promote prayer through the use of quilts. NEW Grief Group Tuesday Afternoons from 3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. In The Pastoral Center Facilitated by John Baumann, M. Div, LMHC Samaritan Center Staff Therapist Participation is open to any person who has suffered loss and is struggling with the impact of this experience. This could be the loss of a loved one, a relationship, a job or profession. It might be the result of becoming a full time caregiver. For information: Marion Kari at 935-0358, Ext. 113 John Baumann, M.Div, LMHC Counseling & Psychotherapy Services 206-527-2266, ext. 385 425- 830-9614 (cell) If you would like a family member, friend or relative who is struggling with a challenge or illness and would benefit from prayers to help them, please contact Marion Kari at 206-935-0358, Ext. 113 or email at [email protected]. Sacrament Of The Sick Please mark your calendars for the weekend of April 11th and 12th as Fr. Jack will be offering the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to all who want to partake in this healing sacrament. Sickness of the body affects our emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Through the Sacrament of the Anointing of the sick, one of the two Sacraments of Healing, Jesus Christ brings healing - physical and spiritual - to those who are seriously ill or in the aging process. This sacrament will be offered immediately after the Saturday 5:30 p.m. Mass on Aril 11th and after the Sunday, April 12th 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses. Thank You For Your Donations And Supporting Pastoral Care Ministries! Have you ever wondered how your support to Our Lady of Guadalupe Pastoral Care Ministries serves our homebound parishioners? It has been a long standing tradition here at OLG parish to visit the homebound and bring an Easter Lily or Tulips to those who cannot attend Mass on a regular basis. This ministry served over 49 parishioners this Easter. Words often seem inadequate to describe the true gratitude that the recipients of your wonderful generosity brings to so many. One person expressed her thanks this way: “All my life I have been a Catholic and worked in various ways to support my parish over the many years. When you come and bring an Easter Lily representing the community of Our Lady of Guadalupe, it makes me feel that I am still a member of the parish and have not been forgotten.” Another person shared this: “I was so impressed with how one minister just sat with me and held my hand and listened to my story. The healing power of their presence, sitting in silence with me, was a great blessing when I needed it.” Our Pastoral Care Ministries provides Word and Communion services to Bridge Park, The Kenney and Elizabeth House on a weekly basis. For many parishioners, this is their church and an opportunity to celebrate the consecrated in community. We have ministers who give of their generous time and talents to serve those who are unable to attend Mass in compassionate and loving ways. We have ministers who make individual room visits to those who are homebound, bringing the Eucharist and Christ’s presence on a regular basis. We have ministers who visit hospitals or rehabilitation facilities, offering hope and compassion to fellow parishioners who are at a very vulnerable stage in their lives, letting them know that we are there for them offering support and comfort. Your support of our Pastoral Care Ministry enables our ministers to reach out and bring loving support to those in our community that are experiencing special needs related to medical or aging in their lives. By supporting our ministry, you are enabling our ministers to become Church for those in need, as well as enabling Our Lady of Guadalupe parish to live out its baptismal call, reaching out to those most in need. If you would like to become a part of our growing Pastoral Care Ministry, in any capacity, please contact Marion Kari at 206-935-0358, Ext. 113. OLG Community 50 Plus Funsters OLG Night With The Mariners IMPORTANT! Friday, May 15th at 7:05 p.m. against the Boston Red Sox, Opening Day is just around the corner and now is the time to mark your calendars to join others in cheering on the Mariners, eating hotdogs and popcorn, and playing the hydro races! It promises to be a great season. You can order your tickets by going to our parish website or pick up an order form in the back of church or at the parish office. $17 per person. Accessible seating is available. Information, Helen - 206-935-0358. Pre Pay is needed for our outing to Taproot Theatre. The DEADLINE FOR PAYMENT IS APRIL 9TH AT THE APRIL BREAKFAST. We will pass out the tickets at the May breakfast. If you put your name in for tickets this applies to you. The tickets are $15 per person. Following the production, we will have dinner at Super China Buffet in Shoreline. Questions, please call Harry Schmitt 937-5897. OLG CYO Golf Tournament Women’s Spiritual Book Group During the next several weeks, the Women’s Spiritual Book Group will be reading and discussing selected biblical psalms. We will read and study how they came to be written, how they expressed the covenant relationship of God with Israel, their references in the New Testament and how they apply to us in our lives today. Our group meets on the first and third Thursday of every month from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Pastoral Center. All women are welcome to attend with drop-ins welcome. For more information, please contact the Parish Office at 206-935-0358. BINGO Night Please save the date for the 8th Annual OLG CYO Golf Tournament benefitting CYO Athletics and the In-Parish Help Fund. Saturday, May 16th at West Seattle Golf Course. 7:00 a.m. Shot Gun Start Compost Days For Our Parish Garden The city is sponsoring Compost Days by providing coupons where you buy two bags and get one bag free. We would greatly appreciate it if some of you could donate that third bag for our Parish Peace Garden. We will use it to replenish the soil in our planting beds in order to raise fresh produce for the West Seattle and White Center food banks. You can drop the bag off in our garden and volunteers will do the rest. Thank you very much for supporting this great ministry. Saturday, April 25, 2015 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Blood Drive *Food is available for purchase* *BINGO games are $1 per card* (BINGO cards are purchased per individual game) Wednesday, April 22nd from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (closed 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.) Volunteers are needed Make an appointment online at - www.bloodworksnw.org/drives Please email Rita Rich at [email protected] or on the volunteerspot. Parents, this is a great way to get your last minute volunteer hours for this year. Volunteers are needed for set up, during and clean up. Please come to support the OLG Parent Organization and our fantastic school. Blood Donors Save Lives. Sign up today and make a world of difference. For “Community Events”, Please visit our website. OLG New Reception Area New On Our Parish Website Check out photos from OLG Service Day and Holy Week Celebrations at www.olgseattle.org. From The Pastoral Center Consider a Donation to OLG from Your IRA Individuals may begin taking distributions from their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) as early as age 59 1/2 but are required to begin taking them at age 70 1/2. The IRA Charitable Rollover provision, established under the Pension Protection Act, allows individuals who have reached age 70 1/2 to donate up to $100,000 to charitable organizations directly from their IRAs or ROTH IRAs without paying tax on it. Donors may receive no goods or services in return for their contributions, and must obtain written documentation of their contribution from each recipient charity. Pastoral Center Phone: 206-935-0358 Fax: 206-935-1230 Parish Staff Fr. Jack Walmesley [email protected] - X107 Helen Oesterle - Pastoral Associate [email protected] - X108 Peggy Behnken - Administrative Asst. [email protected] - X114 Stewardship Giving Made Easy Visit www.olgseattle.org If you are looking for a more convenient way to make planned or additional financial contributions to support our parish ministries and programs, we encourage you to look at our electronic giving options. Visit our parish website to learn more. Go to www.olgseattle.org and click on the “Online Giving” button. Renewal of Financial Stewardship - your pledge - can be done on-line. OLG School Happenings Donna Ramos, Principal [email protected] 206-935-0651 - X102 Frank Handler - Pastoral Asst. for Admin. [email protected] - X101 Marion Kari - Pastoral Care/Family Faith [email protected] - X113 Jennifer Ibach - Pastoral Asst. for Outreach [email protected] - X120 Vicki Quinn—Baptism Coordinator [email protected] - X115 Ann Sager - Music [email protected] Gail Neudorfer - Bookkeeper [email protected] - X118 Sandy Plummer Safe Environment Coordinator Our Lady of Guadalupe School wishes you and your family a very Happy Easter! Bulletin Editor Accreditation Visit Update: As we wrapped up our accreditation visit, it was great to hear the [email protected] - X111 tremendously positive feedback from our visiting committee members about our staff’s commitment to each students’ learning and growth, the school’s strong use of data to make instructional decisions, the close and supportive schoolparish relationship, the fabulously supportive parent community with which we are blessed, and to hear their affirmation of the impressive work our teachers do in creating engaging and effective curriculum units that integrate the Common Core State Standards with Catholic Identity and our School-Wide Learning Expectations. Visiting team members asked for samples of the templates and plans our teachers have developed to take back to their schools and were impressed with the leadership that our teachers provide in many ways within the Archdiocese. They shared that the OLG community (staff, school/parish leadership, parish community, school students and families) clearly share a cohesive sense of mission and vision for making OLG the best it can be! As always, our students are the best ambassadors of what an OLG education means. As the chairperson shared with us, “It has been the Committee’s pleasure to witness Our Lady of Guadalupe School students who are keenly aware of their relationship and responsibility to one another, with a desire to seek wisdom and truth through social justice, and grounded in the discipline to become leaders and lifelong learners.” They talked about our students’ commitment to making OLG a community of respect and about the articulate and confident way in which OLG students at all grades shared about their learning process. Our 8th grade and kindergarten classes, and the 4th/5th chorus led us in a wonderful liturgy with the theme of servant leadership. The committee members were truly impressed as they interacted with our students! The school staff is so grateful for the many ways in which our parent community helped to make the week a success: sending us good wishes and praying for out visit; providing food and hospitality in the committee’s Walmesley Center work space; talking with visiting committee members about your family’s experience at OLG; participating in surveys; and attending or serving as a Eucharistic Minister at our all-school Mass. All of the parents who work on the playground, help in classrooms, and more, on a regular basis were noticed and appreciated by the committee. Very special thanks to Erin Stampe who did the most amazing job of organizing volunteers to prepare food, serve it, set up and clean up. Thank you Erin, and all of our generous volunteers! We won’t get our “official” accreditation determination until mid-June, but it was affirming to hear the positive feedback and initial report today. We’ll catch our breath before launching into the Action Plan for ongoing improvement that we created as part of the process. 2015 OLG Sparkle Auction and Gala Follow-up - The Auction numbers are in! The Parent Organization goal was $105,000 and we raised $106,392!!! Thank you to everyone who participated in the first ever parish consortium, which raised $3,425 for OLG school. Also, thank you to those who participated in the first ever on-line auction and the amazing night at the Brockey Center, as well as all the volunteers who helped make it happen! The auction team truly appreciates all of your efforts and we look forward to seeing you again next year on February 27, 2016!
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