The Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe Buckingham, PA Sunday of Divine Mercy —April 12, 2015 PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Gentili, S.T.D., M. Div. PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Robert Ianelli, M.A., M. Div. WEEKEND ASSISTANT Rev. Walter J. Quinn, O.S.A., B.S., M.A. PERMANENT DEACON Deacon Robert Brady, M.A. DIRECTOR OF LITURGICAL MUSIC Paula M. Furman, M.S., Ed.D. DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Margaret Szewczak, M.A. DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY Gail A. Downing PARISH BUSINESS MANAGER Edward Zapisek, B.S. PARISH MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Robert Poleshuk Parish Office Center 5175 Cold Spring Creamery Road Second Floor, Suite Four Doylestown, PA 18902 Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone (267) 247-5374 Fax (267) 247-5402 Website: PARISH RECTORY 3243 Ash Mill Road, Doylestown, PA 18902 Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Sunday 5 p.m. 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Church Address Our Lady of Guadalupe Roman Catholic Church 5194 Cold Spring Creamery Road Doylestown, PA 18902 WEEKDAY MASSES Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. Daily Rosary at 7:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday. “We are a vibrant, welcoming parish family dedicated to growing disciples and MAKING CHURCH MATTER.” from the Pastor Reflection I welcome you to Our Lady of Guadalupe Roman Catholic Church in Buckingham, PA. If you are a visitor, I hope you have enjoyed your time in our beautiful church. If you are a Catholic who has not been to church recently, thank you for coming, you are always most welcome home. If you would like to speak with someone about joining our parish or becoming a Catholic, please visit our Parish Office or visit the Welcome Booth in the church narthex after all weekend Masses. All are welcome! Pondering the Word… In his encyclical, The Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis appears to take a cue from this passage in Acts. He suggests we take a good hard look at what we consider to be personal property. The definition has broadened so much it seems to now include things that rightly belong to all of humankind: clean air and water, adequate food supply and housing. Sincerely in Our Lord Rev. Monsignor Joseph P. Gentili Pastor, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Now is the Time to Talk About Religious Liberty April 3, 2015 For many religious believers, Passover and the Easter season are cornerstones of the year. Thus our hearts have been especially troubled in recent days by the acrimony and lies surrounding legal efforts, in Indiana and elsewhere, at ensuring religious liberty for people of all faiths. As Americans commemorate their respective holy days, we urge all our fellow citizens to remember the moral roots of their constitutional system, and to engage in a sensible national conversation about religious liberty. Even those who are not religious have a stake in seeing that our “first freedom”— religious freedom; freedom of conscience—is protected in law. In recent days we have heard claims that a belief central to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—that we are created male and female, and that marriage unites these two basic expressions of humanity in a unique covenant—amounts to a form of bigotry. Such arguments only increase public confusion on a vitally important issue. When basic moral convictions and historic religious wisdom rooted in experience are deemed “discrimination,” our ability to achieve civic harmony, or even to reason clearly, is impossible. America was founded on the idea that religious liberty matters because religious belief matters in a uniquely life-giving and powerful way. We need to take that birthright seriously, or we become a people alien to our own founding principles. Religious liberty is precisely what allows a pluralistic society to live together in peace. “Solidarity presumes the creation of a new mindset which thinks in terms of community and the priority of the life of all over the appropriation of goods by a few…The private ownership of goods is justified by the need to protect and increase them, so they can better serve the common good; for this reason, solidarity must be lived as the decision to restore to the poor what belongs to them.” (188, 189) It’s hard to imagine in a world so dominated by fiercely independent nations, civil wars, and religious conflict that communal sharing could ever occur. It might be doable in very small groups like the early Christian community or in a kibbutz, but an entire district, state, or country? The entire world? That sounds like some utopian fantasy to me. Or maybe heaven! Some have accused the Pope of being a socialist or criticized him for venturing into an economic discussion for which he is not qualified. But take the time to read and understand what he is proposing. You might just hear God’s voice saying, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Lev 19:18; Mk 12:31) Living the Word… Do I believe humankind can achieve this utopian state? Not really, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try within my own family and community to live out the non-negotiables of the common good. So let’s start small. Look around your life. What things do you see as private property that are in fact resources for the world? Do you waste water? I’m sorry to say I do. Some experts think the next world war will be fought over water. Just because I pay for the water I use doesn’t give me license to waste this valuable resource. Do we dispose of things in ways that protect our environment? Do we conserve energy? It’s easy to shake our heads at government waste, and indeed, it’s our right (at least in the US), but have we looked in the mirror? Spend time this spring seeing what you can do to share what you have, not just as charitable giving, but with a real eye towards changing your mindset. Get the kids involved. It is their world our actions impact. © 2015, Elaine H. Ireland Charles J. Chaput, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Phila. MASS SCHEDULE Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence Princeton University Week of April 18 and 19 William E. Lori, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore Albert Mohler, Jr., President The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Russell Moore, President, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Southern Baptist Convention Time 5 p.m. 8 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11 a.m. Celebrant Father Ianelli Father Ianelli Father Quinn Monsignor Gentili Homilist Father Ianelli Father Ianelli Deacon Brady Monsignor Gentili Schedule is subject to change. Page 2 - 131 The OLG Difference: We are a vibrant, welcoming parish family dedicated to growing disciples and making church matter. World Meeting of Families Preaching Series at OLG April 2015 All Love Bears Fruit Not everyone is called to marriage. But every life is meant to be fertile. Every life has the power and the need to nurture new life — if not through bearing and raising children, then through other vital forms of self-giving, building, and service. The Church is an extended family of different vocations, each distinct but each needing and supporting the others. Priesthood, religious life, and the celibate lay vocation enrich, and are enriched by, the witness of the married state. The different ways of being chaste and celibate outside of marriage are ways of donating one’s life to God’s service and the human community. (From: Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive, the Pontifical Council for the Family and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 2014) Have you caught the spirit, felt the vibes, joined the cause, answered the call, seen the DIFFERENCE? If you are reading this, bet you have. Have you noticed the “joy” of the ushers and greeters? Bet you did. Have you caught the “zeal” of a ministry? Bet you will. Have you celebrated the OLG “spirit” at socials or at coffee and donut gatherings after Mass? Bet you have. Have you enriched your faith? Bet you can. It’s contagious. It’s going viral. It’s Our Lady of Guadalupe (OLG) answering the call to grow disciples and make church matter. Here’s a sample of a few recent remarks: A frequent Mass goer remarked that she comes to OLG on Sunday because she WANTS to not because she HAS to. That’s making church matter! A recipient of an OLG Easter Food basket remarked that the basket was beautiful. She could not believe our church made such nice baskets and that OLG must be very kind and generous. Now that's making a difference. At Father Ianelli's book discussion a parishioner remarked that the sermons are so practical and inspiring that they leave Church wanting to share the good news with others. That's a VIBRANT parishioner. Did you check out the gift book "Your God Is Too Boring"? Skip to the conclusion and you will see OLG is well on the journey. Imagine.... with Jon Leonetti. Questions for Discussion: a) What do celibacy and marriage have in common? b) What are some of the trials or burdens that unmarried people face in your community? How can friends, families, and parishes help? What are some of the benefits of celibacy? How can unmarried people serve the community? c) Do the children in your parish get to meet a wide range of priests, monks, friars, nuns, and other religious sisters? Can you think of ways to introduce examples of celibacy into your community? Have you ever encouraged the children you know to become a priest or vowed religious? Why or why not? d) What are some good reasons for choosing either marriage or celibacy? What are some not-so-good reasons? How should a person discern his or her vocation? For further study: Blessed Pope Paul VI, Encyclical Sacerdotalis Caelibatus (On Priestly Celibacy) (1967). hf_p-vi_enc_24061967_sacerdotalis.html Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992), paragraphs 23382350. When these things happen we are a part of the” vibrant journey to growing disciples and making Church matter”. Share your joy and enthusiasm. The early Christians encouraged one another in their faith. Use every opportunity to share OLG good news. Ask for the help of the Holy Spirit. When you hear or see good things happening at OLG share it here. Let’s spread the WORD. Send it to Meg Szewczak [email protected]. We can share it online and in the bulletin. Rice Bowl 2015 You can submit your Rice Bowl offerings to the Parish Office, put your offering in the collection basket, submit your gift online ( or send a check to: Catholic Relief Services CRS Rice Bowl P.O. Box 17090 Baltimore, MD 21203-7090 Page 3 - 131 Are You Called to Be a Deacon? While all of the baptized are called to share in the mission of Jesus Christ according to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, those who are ordained also offer service in a way proper to the Sacrament of Holy Orders. A deacon’s ministry entails proclaiming, preaching and teaching God’s Word, assisting the bishop and priest at the Liturgy, assisting at funerals, ministering to the sick and dying, leading the community in prayer and in sacramental liturgies, baptizing, witnessing marriages, and exercising administrative leadership in the Church. A permanent deacon, who may be married, is a member of the clergy and shares in the hierarchy of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the deacon is configured to Christ the Servant. It is Christ the Servant who acts through the ministry of the deacon. Learn More 2015 Permanent Diaconate Information Night Thursday, April 16, 7 p.m., Vianney Auditorium, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary 100 East Wynnewood Road, Wynnewood, PA 19096 Registration Required To register or for more information, email Laura Nimmons at [email protected] 3rd Annual March for Marriage Saturday, April 25, Washington, DC Please join with thousands of your fellow citizens to show your support for marriage. This is the last, best opportunity to reach the U.S. Supreme Court before they decide whether marriage as it has existed throughout our history is unconstitutional. In recent months, activist federal judges across the country have issued illegitimate rulings redefining marriage against the will of 50 million state voters and legislators who voted to preserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The Supreme Court is expected to consider the issue this spring and a decision expected by late June 2015. It's time for the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the legitimacy of state laws and constitutional provisions defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. This is what marriage intrinsically is, and any ruling forcing states to abandon this construct of marriage will not be legitimate. Praying for Our Special Intentions WEEKLY COLLECTION “A TITHING COMMUNITY” Palm Sunday 2015 Palm Sunday 2014 $21,625 $23,144 Easter Sunday 2015 Easter Sunday 2014 $51,074 $52,070 Easter Flowers Holy Thursday Good Friday $591 $2,798 $2,897 Current Fiscal Year (started July 1, 2014) Average: $20,981 Amount needed on a weekly basis: $23,000 If every family could donate $5 more per week, the Parish would reach its weekly goal. THANK YOU Bulletin Deadline We would love to hear from you! The bulletin deadline is the previous Monday at 12 noon. Please email [email protected] or call the Parish Office with questions or to submit a request. Please remember in your prayers the sick, home bound and all the intentions placed in our prayer intention books in the Shrine, Chapel and Church. All of the intentions in the prayer intention books are prayed for at each mass at OLG. In addition we ask that you pray for the following intentions which are part of the OLG Prayer Line. OLG Prayer Line We invite you to join us in praying for the following people: Anthony Anna Lee Barry Beitz Ralph Boccuzzi Bill Buonato Ruth B. Carolyn Caroline Domenico Campologno Anne Casano Jaila Cook Loretta Dadura Rocco Dilaurentis Betty Demarco Daughter A Daughter B Ronald DiSabatino Dominick Allen Durst Marvin Eidem Peter Giandalia Matthew Giandalia Lauren Heaslip Sean Hogan Rachel E. Johnson Jacob Lambie Jim Kevin Lane Bill and Diane Lane J. Lee Steven K. Lombardo Jean Lomonaco Tom Lamb Anna Claire Mailiff Dr. Ahmed Mazaheri Matt Emma Marie McCarty S. Miller Family Ginny Mintz Elma Morrow Nicole O’Neil Anthony Nocco Baby Grace Oddo Dorothy Papst Jim Pellicore Sonya Pereira Mary Reichert Rosemarie Lynne Sharkey Mary Lizzie Stimmell James Sturgis Corporal Brad Thomas Grayson Weidner Craig Wallace Louise Wasserott Joyce Willard To be a member of the “Prayer Team,” send your email address/phone number to [email protected], or call 215-794-7535. Prayer requests are welcome at the same address and phone. Page 4 - 131 Weekly Intentions 8 a.m. Monday, April 13, Easter Weekday Mary Zimmerman Requested by Lynn and Richard Eckelhofer 8 a.m. Tuesday, April 14, Easter Weekday Mario Carlo Requested by Maria Caparelli 8 a.m. Wednesday, April 15, Easter Weekday Charles Martin Requested by Charles and Irene McCann 8 a.m. Holy Thursday, April 16, Easter Weekday Anthony Herner Requested by Raymond and Nancy Joseph 8 a.m. 8 a.m. Friday, April 17, Easter Weekday Renzo Cuoci Requested by the Thomson Family Saturday, April 18, Easter Weekday Ray Barry Requested by Angela Barry and Children OLG Respect Life Committee Respect Life Committee Meeting Thursday, April 16 7:30 p.m., Parish Office Everyone in the parish is invited to attend. 2015 Pennsylvania Pro-Life Town Hall Tour Comes to Philadelphia Saturday, April 18, 10 a.m. to 12 noon Sharon Baptist Church in Philadelphia, PA Week of April 12, 2015, Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine As part of the Pro-Life Town Hall Tour, the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation will be holding a town hall meeting . This special event will feature Michael Ciccocioppo, executive director, and Micaiah Bilger, education director, of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. They will share the latest on key pro-life issues. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Carla Ezell at [email protected] In memory of Cindy Cole Requested by Pat Devine Good Friday Prayer Vigil In memory of Jane Furlong Requested by Vince Furlong and Family at Planned Parenthood in Warminster Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine In memory of Kevin Broglie Requested with love from the Broglie Family Purchase a candle in the OLG Shrine ($10) in honor of your special intention. Contact the Parish Office. Sunday of Divine Mercy Acts of the Apostles 4, 32-35 The whole group was united heart and soul. Psalm 118, 2-4. 13-15. 22-24 Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting. 1 John 5, 1-6 Anyone begotten by God has already overcome the world. John 20, 29 Thomas believed he saw the risen Jesus. Although we have never seen him, we believe that Jesus is the Christ, begotten by God. We give thanks to the Lord that he has formed us into a community of believers. Third Sunday of Easter Acts of the Apostles 3, 13-15. 17-19, Psalm 4, 2. 4. 7-8. 9 1 John 2, 1-5, Luke 24, 35-48 Support Our Advertisers Please consider using the services of our bulletin advertisers. Their support of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish is greatly appreciated! Thank you to all from our parish who came on Good Friday. We had just under 200 people come to pray and give witness for this prayer vigil. Pictured are some of the members of the OLG Respect Life Committee who were in attendance. Shrine of Czestochowa, Doylestown PA DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Celebration begins with 2:30 p.m. Mass in English. Page 5 - 131 New Members Welcomed to the Parish On Saturday, April 5, 2015 OLG celebrated the full initiation of RCIA participants into the Catholic Church. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which people who have missed six to eight years of sacramental preparation during their youth, or who, as adults, feel called to conversion into the Catholic faith complete a formal program. The format for full instruction takes place weekly for one year and culminates at the Easter Vigil celebration. This process takes place in the same manner in every Catholic church all over the world and is an ancient tradition. If you or anyone you know is interested in considering becoming a member of the Catholic faith at OLG, call the church office or John and Linda Gray at 215 766 2057. Inquiry sessions will begin in late summer and will be announced in the church bulletin. Zack Tuck, Testimonial OLG RCIA Catechumen I was a catechumen in the recent RCIA program at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. My time in the RCIA program was not only an amazing education experience into the Catholic faith but everyone involved becomes part of your RCIA family and journey. When I considered the RCIA path, I thought of my family and my faith. There was an empty place in my soul that I needed to fill and the RCIA program was able to do that as the end result was me receiving all the Sacraments of Initiation and becoming a Catholic. Through the process, we all became closer together and our meetings became a time we all were excited for. The RCIA program changed my life and I’m sure if you asked anyone else that has gone through the program they will say the same. I am so proud to be a Catholic and I am so glad to have gone through the OLG RCIA. If you have any questions or concerns about RCIA, Linda and John Gray and their team are always available and would love to assist you in any way possible, as they assisted me through my journey. Thank you to the Our Lady of Guadalupe RCIA Program for making my life complete! Page 6 - 131 PREP, L.I.F.E. and CYO L.I.F.E. Teen Living in Faith Eternally OLG Website and L.I.F.E. Teen Page To access the L.I.F.E. Teen page of the parish website, go to the home page ( Applicable permission forms and flyers can be found by clicking on the form box at the top of the L.I.F.E. Teen page. There you will also see boxes containing the following information: Ways to get involved, Teen Mass Dates, Photos of Past Events and a link to CYO. A calendar of events is also posted on this page. From the calendar entry, you can access a Sign Up Genius link. Join thousands of other teens from across the country in the National Catholic Youth Conference! November 19 to 21, Indianapolis Parent and Teen Information Meeting Monday, April 27 7 to 8 p.m., Conference Room 2, OLG Parish Office Upcoming Events This is the largest bi-annual gathering of Catholic high school teens in the U.S. The participants experience amazing music, liturgies and workshops; along with endless entertainment. Plan to be revived along with 20,000 to 25,000 other teens! Cost is approximately $600 per person. This includes coach bus transportation, the conference, lodging, and some meals. Digging Deeper, Biweekly Teen Discussion Group Theology of the Body (Grades 7-12), Next Meeting, Thursday, April 16 7 to 8 p.m., OLG Parish Office (former chapel) Through discussion, we hope to help teens better understand what a powerful tool faith can be in their everyday lives. Future topic ideas will be gladly accepted by teens and parents. Discussion topics include (but will not be limited to): Informational Meeting—Adults Only Peer Pressure (4/16/15) The L.I.F.E. Teen calendar is also used for activities at Saint Martin’s. The calendar will list the dates that this discussion group will be at OLG as well as Saint Martin’s. An additional chaperone (with Protecting God’s Children clearance) will be needed at each session. To sign up to chaperone, use the sign up genius link on the calendar entry you are interested in. For more L.I.F.E. Teen Information For general information on L.I.F.E. teen, or more information on our summer and fall trips, please contact Youth Minister, Gail Downing at [email protected] Boy Scouts and Venture Crew Religious Medals Programs for the Ad Altare Dei and Pope Pius XII Religious Medals for all Catholic Boy Scouts and Boys and Girls involved in Venture Crew will start on April 26, 2015. Meetings will be one to two Sundays per month at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Doylestown, with completion by mid-December. Please contact Anne Marie O’Connell (215-794-5447; [email protected]) for details. Ad Altare Dei Medal Boy Scouts and Venture Crew, Grades 7 to 9. Meets at 6 p.m. Pope Pius XII Medal Boy Scouts and Venture Crew, Grades 10 to 12. Meets at 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, April 13 & 14, 6:30 to 7:20 p.m. Saint Juan Diego Chapel, OLG Church Theology of the Body (TOB) is a morality program that reinforces St. Pope John Paul II's message for love and life. Using a solid mix of stories, real-life examples, activities, prayers and relevant references to the culture, it goes beyond traditional chastity programs. TOB will be offered to teens entering grades 7/8 in September and the program will start in October. Adult volunteers (with Protecting Gods Children clearance) will be needed to help facilitate the classes. Training will be provided Teen/Senior Citizen Country Western Hoe-Down Sunday, April 26, 1 to 4 p.m. OLMC Gymnasium, Doylestown All teens and senior citizens are invited to an afternoon of friendship and country dancing! Pull out those cowboy hats and come by for an afternoon spent learning classic country line dances and enjoying some light refreshments. Bring your friends! LINE DANCE CALLER/INSTRUCTOR NEEDED! Call Pat Price at 215-300-2153 if you or someone you know is a line dance caller/instructor. Page 7 - 131 Parish Ministries Ladies of OLG Personal Items Collection This Weekend, April 11 and 12 OLG Church Narthex Travel/personal-size items are being collected to benefit the Sr. Thea Bowman Women’s Center in Kensington (a ministry of the St. Francis Inn). All parishioners are invited to participate. Thank you in advance for your contributions. Travel/personal-size items needed: shampoo/conditioner soap/body wash toothpaste/brush deodorant and lotion General Group Meeting Sunday, April 19, 1 p.m. (location TBD) Service project will follow for anyone who would like to assist with assembling the toiletry bags. Director of the Thea Women’s Ministry will be the guest speaker. All ladies of the parish are invited and encouraged to attend. Contact Susan MacLeman ([email protected]) if you can join us. Interested in Playing Golf and/or Bridge with other Ladies? Lutzi Fischer has volunteered to coordinate these activities for interested ladies. Contact her at [email protected]. Running Group Want to get together and feel strong and inspired by running with other ladies? Want to get started but don't know how? Christine Veltri is coordinating a ladies running group that’s scheduled to begin on Monday, April 27. Contact Christine at [email protected] or 215-399-7476 for more details. Leaders and Walkers Needed! Grab a path partner and blaze the trails! Spring is here. Let’s get healthy and start walking. Beginning Sunday, May 3 we would like to have a group of OLG parishioners walk after every Sunday mass during the nice weather. We will be walking around Cold Spring Creamery road and some of the developments. It will be leisurely at first and we will work our way up to a brisk pace. Spend some family time and meet some new friends. If you are interested in being a Trail Blazer leader please call Meg Szewczak at 267-247-5374, extension 225. Have You Experienced the Loss of a Loved One? “Grief Support Fellowship” is Here for You Second Wednesday of Every Month Are you seeking comfort and shared understanding after the loss of a loved one? Let us strengthen each other’s spirits. We meet in an informal setting to listen, share experiences, and offer support. Your loss may be recent or years ago, but we offer a safe and confidential forum where you may speak openly of your deceased loved ones and share your feelings. Please join us. For more information, contact Janet Koetter at 267-544-5263. OLG Knights of Columbus Membership Drive Membership is open to any mail practicing catholic of the parish. The Knights of Columbus is the largest brotherhood of catholic gentlemen. It was established in 1882 to assist those in need. The OLG Council was established in 2012 and supports many local charities. Membership Drive Weekend of April 11 and 12 Following each Mass, OLG Church Narthex Health and Wellness Ministry Food Drive During All Masses, Weekend of April 18 and 19 The April food drive is for The Lord’s Pantry. Please leave your donations in the church narthex. Any nonperishable item is helpful. The requested items are: canned meats fruit juice chunky soups tea/coffee Jell-O cake mixes toilet paper plastic baggies bar soap vegetables tuna fish rice crackers puddings Gatorade tissues toothpaste baby wipes pasta peanut butter spaghetti sauce cereal sugar paper towels wax paper shampoo 2015 Easter Dinner Collection Huge Success We collected 109 Easter dinners this year up from 91 the previous year. Thank you all for your generosity. Any questions please contact Maureen Sapelli at 215-794-5764 or [email protected] Page 8 - 131 Upcoming Parish Events These events are sponsored by the OLG 55+ Club. Monthly Luncheon at Carmel Wednesday, April 15, 12 noon 1613 Main St., Warrington (Valley Square Shopping Center) 215-279-9607 (Carmel) Please respond by Monday, April 13 to Dee Huelsman at 215-489-1692 or [email protected] or Sara Esopa at 215-348-1609. OLG 55+ Club Meetings Trip Registration Information Register Now In order to book trips a certain number of registrants are required, so register early to ensure trip will take place. Trips Open to Everyone All community members may attend OLG 55+ Club trips. 30-Day Trip Cancellation In most cases, if you cancel your trip reservation 30 days prior to the day of the trip you will get a full refund. Theology of the Body Informational Meetings (Adults only) Second Wednesday of the Month 11 a.m., Conference Room, Parish Office This is a great opportunity to meet other parishioners. For more information, contact Michelene Bolsar ([email protected] or 215 348-4567). Monday April 13 and Tuesday April 14 6:30 to 7:20 p.m., St. Juan Diego Chapel, OLG Church COUNTDOWN TO FINAL SIGN UP! SEE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THESE EVENTS ON PAGE 6 OF TODAY’S BULLETIN. Bus is 2/3 full—reserve your spot today Teen/Senior Citizen Country Western Hoe-Down Sunday, April 26, 1 to 4 p.m., OLMC School Gym Line Dance Caller/Instructor Needed for Teen/Senior Citizen Country Western Hoe-Down Sunday, April 26, 1 to 4 p.m., OLMC School Gym Call Pat Price at 215-300-2153 if you or someone you know is a line dance caller/instructor. Myrtle Beach Trip 5 Days and 4 Nights, May 3 to 7, 2015 $750 per person. Call for a brochure. Make plans to enjoy a wonderful vacation in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Hotel suites with balcony and beach front view Visit Charlestown, SC Trip includes four breakfasts and four dinners Enjoy a dinner show included with one evening Bus transportation and drivers gratuity included For more information on these events sponsored by the 55+ Club, contact Pat Price at 215-300-2153, Pat Donnelly at 215-598-9763 or Jean Zielke at 215-794-1188. The National Catholic Bible Conference is Returning to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia! June 19 and 20 Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Doylestown, PA The theme of this year’s conference is “Scripture and the Family of God.” There, you will discover how God is calling you to do more than just believe in him. He is calling you to a life-changing and life-giving relationship with him. You will also have the unique opportunity to glean insight and encouragement from gifted Catholic speakers and biblical scholars, including Jeff Cavins, Mark Hart, Mary Healy, and Edward Sri, Sarah Christmyer, and more! Registrations are currently being taken, with an early-bird special available until April 24. For more information on the conference and to register, please visit or call 1-888-842-2853. Page 9 - 131 Medical Forensics, Image Formation on the Shroud of Turin and Divine Mercy Sunday As we mediate upon and give thanks for the Divine Mercy image of Our Blessed Lord when He appeared to St. Faustina in the early 20th Century, let’s also realize that “…the [Divine mercy] image…PERFECTLY matches the size of the figure in the Shroud of Turin.” ( This match has been documented in various ways and we can see it in several online videos, including: https:// During each week of Lent, we’ve described some of the wounds for the man whose image is on the Shroud of Turin ( History tells us that the Shroud once held our Blessed Lord’s Body, and science thus far has NOT disproven this claim. While science might also never prove that the Shroud DID hold held the Body of Jesus Christ, we should realize that MANY pieces of forensic evidence from the Shroud are consistent with the torture and crucifixion of Jesus. Much of this evidence is discussed in an excellent online video ( v=0BxmbIGQBX4) and reviewed in detail at the website for the Shroud Center ( CRTSUM.pdf) or at the OLG website link mentioned above. Pope Benedict XVI shared a beautiful summary of thoughts about the Shroud when he tells us ( content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/may/documents/ hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100502_meditazione-torino.html) that the face on the Shroud carries “…the passion of man of every time and every place, our passions too, our sufferings, our difficulties and our sins…”. And that His “…hands and these feet, this side, this whole body speaks…with blood, and blood is life! The Shroud is an Icon written in…the blood of a man who was scourged, crowned with thorns, crucified and whose right side was pierced. Every trace of blood speaks of love and of life. Especially that huge stain near his rib, made by the blood and water that flowed copiously from a great wound inflicted by the tip of a Roman spear. That blood and that water speak of life…like a spring that murmurs in the silence, and we can hear it in the silence of Holy Saturday.” “…may we carry in our eyes the image of the Shroud, may we carry in our hearts this word of love and praise God with a life full of faith, hope and charity.” The exhibit for the Shroud of Turin opens on April 19, 2015. If possible, take a little time to learn more about the Shroud. Try to avoid letting any erroneous information rob you of the opportunity to appreciate and believe in the likely authenticity of this holy image that would have been created by God Himself. Then defend for others what we really know about the Shroud of Turin. Page 10 - 131 Local Parish News and More Register Now! Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Kindergarten and Pre-K Registration has begun for the 2015-2106 school year for Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten. Please stop by the school for a registration packet and more details. Pilgrimage to Greece in the Footsteps of St. Paul Join Deacon Jim and Barbara Anne Fowkes, of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Doylestown, on a 12 Day Pilgrimage to Greece from April 12-23, 2016. Following Easter next year, come and walk in the footsteps of St. Paul. Find yourself rediscovering the power of St. Paul’s ministry in Greece and on the Greek Isles. Information Sessions Saturdays, April 18 and April 25, 2015 3 p.m., St. Mary’s Hall, across the street from OLMC Church For more information, contact Deacon Jim at 215-348-7515 or [email protected]. Page 11 - 131
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