[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] the catholic community of OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL Volume 2, Issue 22: May 31, 2015 UNIFIED ONE Our Lady of Mount Carmel 10 County Road Tenafly, NJ 07670 201.568.0545 www.olmc.us The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Where have you bumped into God in the last few days? Was it at the breakfast table? Or during a walk when you saw a beautiful spring carpet of wildflowers? Was it when a friend apologized for an unkind word spoken in haste? Or when memories of good times came flooding back during a phone call from an old friend? Are these not the kinds of events that we translate as love? Are they not ways in which we relate to our loving God? Admittedly, in some ways we hunger for still more. Can we ever be satisfied of that hunger for truth? What we need to discover during this season is that the hunger is the Spirit itself drawing us into the truth – guiding, teaching, interpreting – so that we may come to a deeper understanding of God. We need to allow ourselves to experience God in new and wonderful ways. Volume 2, Issue 22 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Staff Directory Very Rev. Leonard J. Gilman, O. Carm. Pastor e - [email protected] Masses Daily Monday – Saturday 8:30 AM Weekends Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 NOON Holy Days As announced Sacraments The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 PM, or by appointment, please call the Church Office The Sacrament of Baptism The second Sunday of each month, except during Lent. Please arrange for Baptism at least two months in advance. The Sacrament of Marriage Please make an appointment with a priest or deacon at least one year in advance. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Please call the Church Office to request a visit from one of the parish priests. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Mission Statement “No matter who you are, no matter what you’ve done, no matter where you’re from, no matter where you’re going, no matter how good or bad things seem, you are always welcome.” New Parishioner? Welcome! Feel free to contact anyone on our staff regarding the parish and its activities. We ask that every family in the parish be registered. Registration packets can be picked up in the Church Office! Church Office Elizabeth Gardner Office Manager Mary Ann Nelson Receptionist t - 201.568.0545 f - 201.568.3215 e - [email protected] Roxanne Kougasian Secretary t - 201.871.4662 e - [email protected] Deacons Deacon Lex Ferrauiola e - [email protected] Deacon David Loman e - [email protected] Office of Mission Development Elliot Guerra Director of Mission Development t - 201.568.1403 e - [email protected] Liturgy & Pastoral Ministry Alicia Smith Director of Liturgy & Pastoral Ministry t - 201.871.9458 e - [email protected] Music Ministry Peter Coll Music Director e - [email protected] Religious Education Office Sr. Regina M. Chassar, SSJ Director of Religious Education t - 201.871.4662 e - [email protected] Academy Michael Bruno Principal t - 201.567.6491 f - 201.568.1402 e - [email protected] Facilities Edward McElroy Facility Director t - 201.906.4389 2 Volume 2, Issue 22 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity The Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015 Dear Parishioners, Where have you bumped into God in the last week? I suspect that it was not while you were engrossed in some deeply theological discussion about the Most Holy Trinity. God does not use that kind of language with us. God uses words like rainbow and sunshine, and mist and flower, to get our attention. We experience God in creation. We see the beauty that God has created and that touches us. We know that God is a God of love. God touches us through other people. An unexpected phone call! A random act of kindness! An apology! God talks to us all the time. God sounds like the cries of those who are dying and the gasps of those being born, like breezes and storms, like tears and laughter, like waves crashing against the shore. God talked to me this week. It was as I was walking along the shore with waves crashing upon the rocks. The sun was rising and I felt its wonderful power as it transformed the night into day. I rejoiced that we have a loving Creator God. I experience God so often through other people. It’s not the things they say about God, but the things they do, their actions, their living faith, that convince me that the Spirit of God is working in and through humanity. “Jesus Christ is in you,” Paul says to the Corinthians. He challenges us to test our faith. We, who are disciples of Jesus today, are called, as were the first disciples, to worship, to teach, to be disciples. The Church is the witness of the Resurrected Jesus. Through the witness of others we come to know God who redeems us. It is that which enables us to reach out to others in love. It is the Spirit working in us that convinces us of our need to be good stewards of God’s creation. It is the Spirit working in us that leads us to compassionate caring. And what a need there is for that in our world today! If we take the time to listen, we can hear the sigh of the oppressed, the whimpering of the starving, the pleading of the sick, and the crying of the marginalized. Can we hear the words of Jesus commissioning us, sending us out into the world to bring God’s healing love? “Go and make disciples of all nations,” Jesus says to each one of us. We are called to go out and join God in caring for the world. It is a call to tell people about Jesus. But, above all, it is a call to take up the work of loving people that no one else loves. It is a call to pay attention to the places where God’s Spirit is at work building peace, and to do what we can to help. As we go, we remember that the God who created us watches over us, that Jesus loves us and calls us to forgive one another, and that the Holy Spirit is with us to comfort and to give us more power than we can ever imagine. Have a blessed week, and remember to be kind to one another! Fr. Leonard+ 3 Volume 2, Issue 22 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR JUNE 6th & 7th DAILY READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Tobit 1:3; 2:1A-8; Mark 12:1-12 Tobit 2:9-14; Mark 12:13-17 Tobit 3:1-11A,16-17A; Mark 12:18-27 Tobit 6:10-11; 7:1BCDE,9-17; 8:4-9A; Mark 12:28-34 Tobit 11:5-17; Mark 12:35-37 Tobit 12:1, 5-15, 20; Mark 12:38-44 MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, JUNE 1st 8:30 James Coneen req. His Wife nd TUESDAY, JUNE 2 8:30 Ada Isetti req. Marie Yandolino WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3rd 8:30 Natalie & Tom Smolenski THURSDAY, JUNE 4th 8:30 Alice McGarry req. Ronnie Paone FRIDAY, JUNE 5th 8:30 Anna & Peter Biscaldi req. Cloie Biscaldi SATURDAY, JUNE 6th 8:30 Robert Quinn req. His Family 5:00 Leo Bracconeri req. His Family SUNDAY, JUNE 7th 8:00 Parishioners of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 10:00 John Preolo req. His Family 12:00 Delia & Remigeo Ramirez req. Ramirez Family 5 PM Servers – Laurenne Bai, Jaden Mendoza, Emily Mora Lector – John Gibbons Eucharistic Ministers – Mae Kenny, Hilda Solari, Kate Sullivan 8 AM Servers – Luke Figueroa, Sofia Maravillas Lector – Susan Semler Eucharistic Ministers – Sharyn Tondel, Patricia White, Rick White 10 AM Servers – Kristin Anderson, Michael Anderson Lector – Fran Mladjenovic Eucharistic Ministers – John DeRose, Debbie Solga, Rory Solga 12 NOON Servers – John Mauro, Ariana Novero, Jake Waterman Lector – Barry Buniva Eucharistic Ministers – Karyn Glover, Raymond Glover, Gina Luppino The altar flowers this week are given by The Durso Family in memory of Ralph and Laura Durso. THE BREAD AND WINE This week the Bread and Wine are for Mary Buzzoni in celebration of her 100th Birthday requested by Her Family. THE SANCTUARY LAMP This week the Sanctuary Lamp is in thanksgiving requested by Luz Arenas. Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; to God who is, who was, and who is to come. Revelation 1:8 REST IN PEACE Please remember in your prayers Ralph Amato and all the military men and women who have died this week. 4 Volume 2, Issue 22 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Re-registration Families currently registered in the program will receive a mailing in June to re-register their child for the 20152016 school year. New Family Registration New families to the Religious Education Program are asked to come in to the Religious Education Office to register their child. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please call the Religious Education Office at 201-871-4662 to schedule a time that is convenient for you. We look forward to meeting you! The Religious Education Program offers classes according to the following schedule. We have added a sixth grade class to our Tuesday afternoon option! Sundays Mondays Tuesdays Grades K-8 Grades 6,7,8 Grades K-6 8:45 – 9:55 a.m. 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. Who will plant the dreams in the minds of the children? Who will be the love in the hearts of the children? Who will give examples of all that life can be? −Kathy Sherman, CSJ We would love for you to join our team of catechists! Please call Sr. Regina at 201-871-4662 for more information. Summer 2015 Course New Evangelization & Catechesis July 6 – 30, 2015 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. 400 South Orange Avenue South Orange, NJ 07079 (973) 761-9633 / [email protected] This course will present a comprehensive approach to catechesis as a primary means for serving the Church’s overall mission of evangelization with particular emphasis on the themes of the New Evangelization. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Students beginning in 4th grade are invited to be altar servers. Training sessions will be scheduled. Please contact Sr. Regina in the Religious Education Office at 201-871-4662 or [email protected] to register for this ministry. In the early Church, when a person sought to become Christian, he or she was called a catechumen and entered into a period of intense instruction within the community. When this period of instruction was completed, catechumens were baptized and received into “the body of the faithful.” The Church welcomes into the process of preparation persons who have never been baptized, those already baptized in another Christian tradition, or baptized Catholics who have not received First Eucharist or Confirmation. If you or someone you know has been thinking about becoming a member, but would first like information about the process, please call Sr. Regina at 201-871-4662. 5 Volume 2, Issue 22 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity ACADEMY NEWS & EVENTS ATHLETICS End of the Year Calendar of Events Warrior Day! Thursday, June 4th (rain date: Monday, June 8th) Eighth Grade Graduation Friday, June 5th at 6:30 p.m. in the Church Track Practice Monday-Wednesday-Friday 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. at the Tenafly Middle School Pre-K 3 Graduation Tuesday, June 9th at 9:00 a.m. in the Titus Room Pre-K 4 Graduation Wednesday, June 10th at 9:00 a.m. in the Auditorium Kindergarten Graduation Thursday, June 11th at 9:00 a.m. in the Auditorium Noon dismissals on Wednesday, June 10th / Thursday, June 11th / Friday, June 12th. No aftercare. OLMC Track Meet Sunday, May 31st 10:00 a.m. Last day of school is Friday, June 12th! 6 Volume 2, Issue 22 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity COMMUNITY OUTREACH Alicia Smith and the staff of Our Lady of Mount Carmel would like to thank all volunteers who served and continue to serve on a Liturgical or Pastoral Ministry team. Adult Altar Servers for Funerals Chris Connolly Carol Cooke Tom Cooke Tom DeAngelis Richard Oldfield Roseann Perlman Linda Steffe Altar Linen Ladies Meddy Hellman Linda Hubschman Tita Ong Marta Perez Silva Rrjolli Lisa Vanacore Children’s Liturgy of the Word Rosanne Ambulo Bill Angresano Maggie Angresano Gabrielle Angresano April Booker James Brooks Banan Flynn Katie Flynn Patricia Flynn Michael Giuliano Michelle Roux Christopher Saladino Regina Saladino Samantha Saladino Allison Schippert Jennifer Schippert Debbie Solga Rory Solga John Sullivan Anne Thomas Eucharistic Ministers Maggie Angresano John Barrett Della Booker Jim Brooks Diane Bruno Michael Bruno Pat Carrier Julia Carozza Martha Chandler Joan DeAngelis Tom DeAngelis Laurie Densen John DeRose Dominique Elisano Toni Essman Wanda Ferrauiola Karyn Glover Raymond Glover Tana Guan Elliot Guerra Ruth Howard Linda Hubschman Anthony Inguaggiato Kathy Inguaggiato Barbara Izzard Tom Izzard Kathy Kagy Ted Kagy Mae Kenny Lisa Knowles Jaga Kokosinski Alida Kratnoff Joan Kroese Patricia Levins Gina Luppino Maria Luppino Russell Luppino Eileen Mangaser Vincent Margiotta Dolores Miller Loretta Miller Max Miller Fran Mladjenovic Anna Ogle John Ogle Judy Ong Tita Ong Marta Perez Tyler Perin Ann Picinic Marianne Reilly Marie Ritner Carol Roux Michelle Roux Marie Sarubbi Jennifer Schippert Steve Schippert Caleb Shaia Liz Shanks Matt Smith Hilda Solari Debbie Solga Rory Solga John Sullivan Kate Sullivan Roger Sullivan Sharyn Tondel Bob Toro Debbie Viar Marc Votto Pat White Rich White Lectors Brian Anderson Jim Brooks Brenda Brunelle Barry Buniva Sr. Regina Chassar Chris Connolly George Dirschel Kathleen Dirschel Jackie Dragon John Gibbons Mary Beth Giuliano Michael Giuliano Elliot Guerra Anthony Inguaggiato Kathy Inguaggiato Thomas Izzard Martin Miglietta Fran Mladjenovic Anna Ogle John Ogle Mary Paone Nicole Pecoraro Patrick Perin Ann Picinic Una Rafferty Margaret Rossi Joan Schaper Susan Semler Hannah Smith Kathleen Sullivan Frank Tarsney Larry Tondel Liturgy Committee Bill Angresano Vincent Antonucci Chris Connolly Karyn Glover Kathy Inguaggiato Alida Kratnoff Joan Kroese Patricia Rafferty Rosemary Russell Debbie Solga Rory Solga Kate Sullivan Roger Sullivan Pastoral Care Team Rosanne Ambulo Mary Buchanan Dolores Codner Kathleen Dirschel Salvacion Enriquez Toni Essman Deacon Lex Ferrauiola Alida Kratnoff Patricia Lefevere Judy Ong Tita Ong John Sullivan Ushers Bill Angresano Vincent Antonucci Dominic Avitabile Pete Camino Remo Cefalo Steve Dente Alexandra Gachette Verdain Gachette Larry Gragnano Tom Hall Frank Lavinio Martin Miglietta John Nolan Rob Nunez Mike Prelee Steve Schippert Matt Smith Nathan Smith Peter Tierney Nicky Vergona Ronnie Vergona Bobby Thompson Jerry Van Dohlen May God bless you for your dedicated service to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Community. 7 Volume 2, Issue 22 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity THE WEEKLY RUNDOWN Judy & Tita Ong are here to play Quick 6! 1. How many years at OLMC? We have been with Mt. Carmel for 11 years. 2. Favorite movie? Tita: The Sound of Music Judy: Skyfall 3. A fun/moving/exciting OLMC memory? Carnivals and summer fairs. 4. Last book you finished? Tita: The Escape by David Baldacci Judy: The House of Morgan by Ron Chernow 5. A place you always wanted to travel to? Tita: Italy Judy: Spain 6. Life advice? Favorite quote? Tita: “Faith is the root of all blessings.” Judy: “The best way to find yourself is to find yourself in the service of others.” - Mahatma Ghandi Happy Birthday Mary Buzzoni! This weekend’s 12 noon Mass is in honor of Mary Buzzoni’s 100th birthday. Mary is OLMC Academy’s oldest living alumni. May God bless her on her special birthday! A special thank you to all the OLMC mothers who joined us this past Wednesday for our first Moms’ Group gathering. Information for future events will be posted soon! Coping with Caregiver Stress will be offered at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades Tuesday, June 9, 2015 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia can become an overwhelming experience. Often, caregivers neglect their own wellbeing because they are devoting so much time to the responsibilities of day-to-day caregiving. This program will examine caregiver stress and offer coping strategies to become a healthier caregiver. This program is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Families may call 1.800.272.3900 to reserve space or go to www.alz.org/nj and click on the “Community Education Calendar” link to register online. 8 Volume 2, Issue 22 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity THE WEEKLY RUNDOWN EUCHARISTIC ADORATION There is no Eucharistic Adoration this Friday, June 5th due to school graduation. Adoration will be resume in October. Please keep the following people in your prayers: RJ Sy Bernadette Alvarado Rachel Durso Jane Guerra Joyce Hamrah David Maroldi Vito Moncello Joseph Morano Jacob Rodsan June Rossetti Nicholas Tolliver Louise Zaleskie LECTORS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS The new Eucharistic Minister and Lector scheduling for OLMC Church running June 20/21 through September 5/6 is underway. All Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors are invited to sign up for the summer schedule. If you wish to join the schedule but have not received an email with signup information, please contact Alicia. For all parishioners who are considering joining this wonderful ministry, now is the time to contact Alicia Smith to arrange your training in order for you to be included in the next schedule. Sacred Heart Novena Every Friday after daily Mass. Miraculous Medal & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Novena Every Saturday after daily Mass. Truth, according to the Christian faith, is God’s love for us in Jesus Christ. Therefore, truth is a relationship. Pope Francis An extraordinary, inclusive film making experience taught by Hollywood professionals, celebrating and developing the talents and skills of all students (both with and without special needs) www.inclusionfilms.com MEN’S CORNERSTONE For ages 11 to 23 July 27th – August 7th Monday through Friday 10AM to 3PM HOSTED BY Our upcoming meetings are June 3rd and June 17th. Come for the coffee and stay for the sharing of faith and fun! Please call Michael Giuliano at 201-983-1591 or Bill Angresano at 201-370-2698 if you have any questions. All are welcome! Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 10 COUNTY ROAD - TENAFLY, NJ For more information & application contact MarbleJam Kids Phone: 201-497-6512 Fax: 201-942-4450 email: [email protected] Limited Space Enroll Now Web: www.marblejamkids.org WOMEN’S CORNERSTONE PLANNING MEETING Wednesday, June 3rd 7 p.m. in the Titus Room 9 Volume 2, Issue 22 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity WAYS TO GIVE Recurring giving that helps plan our parish’s needs and programs. • • • • Flexible Convenient Reliable Automatic VISA – MASTERCARD – AMERICAN EXPRESS – DISCOVER DEBIT CARD Enroll securely online at www.faithdirect.net (parish code - NJ122) or click on the QR scan to the right. THE SIMPLEST WAY TO GIVE VISA – MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS – DISCOVER Safe -‐ Secure -‐ Reliable Located in the church narthex, cell phone, www.olmc.us or click on the QR scan to the left. • Same low prices and selection as Amazon.com. • Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price to our parish. • Simply go to smile.amazon.com and select Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church, Tenafly
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