HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, BIRCHFIELD http://www.holytrinity-church.co.uk/ 22nd February 2015 – First Sunday of Lent 11.00am Sung Eucharist Welcome to Holy Trinity! 11.00am Morning Praise If this is the first time you have visited our church and you are unsure about anything, please ask. Our aim is to assist you and make you feel at home. Parents with small children are invited to use our children’s play area. Toilet facilities are available through the vestry. Please stay for a cup of coffee or tea after the service. COLLECT Almighty God,whose Son Jesus Christ fasted forty days in the wilderness, and was tempted as we are, yet without sin: give us grace to discipline ourselves in obedience to your Spirit; and, as you know our weakness, so may we know your power to save; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. To help Holy Trinity with its fundraising we would ask all visitors to contribute a minimum of £3 to the collection. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***************************** TODAY'S READINGS SPECIAL PCC MEETING OT Genesis 9: 8-17 p 10 NT 1 Peter 3: 18-22 p 1219 GOSPEL Mark 1: 9-15 p 1002 On Tuesday at 7pm in the church hall the Stewardship Officer from the Diocesan Office will meet the PCC. This is an important meeting which should be NEXT SUNDAY Second Sunday of Lent attended by all PCC members. Please pray for those who are in need in our communities, and keep the following people in your prayers this week…… Audrey Coley, Mrs Coley, Hermin Lynch, Norman Pitts, Mr & Mrs Sharpe, Marie Smith, Mr Christian, Mr & Mrs Madouri, Mildred Martin, Valerie French, Clive Guthrie, Mrs Laurence, Mrs Douglas, Violet Stoddart, Mrs Stewart, Mrs Lynette Thomas, Mrs E.L. Matthew, Ericka Taylor. If you have any items for the newsletter please give details to Anthony Pitts (tel 0121 356 4241 or email [email protected]. RECENT COLLECTIONS February 15th February 8th February 1st January 25th January 18th January 11th £830 £972 £800 £761 £863 £806 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FUNERAL AT HOLY TRINITY PETER COPPAGE – on Tuesday at 10am. Internment at Sutton New Hall at 1pm. Open meeting of Handsworth Deanery Synod at St. John's, Church Road, Perry Barr, on Thursday 12th March at 7.30pm. (Please note the change of date) The subject is 'Religion and Politics', with a visiting speaker, Clare Short, MP for Ladywood 1983-2010 and former Cabinet Minister. It is expected she will talk for 20 to 30 minutes, followed by an hour of questions and discussion. Everyone welcome! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mrs Simms has organised a box for your donations of food for Revd Eve and Anthony to give out to the many callers at the vicarage. Please leave your tins and packets in this box, which is at the back of church. Religion and Belief in British Public Life – community, diversity and the public good. The Views and Experiences of the Younger Generation. A consultation. University of Birmingham, Thursday 26th February, 10-4pm. (Programme on the table at the back of church) FLOOR FUND The total donated so far is £16,838, towards the £43,000 needed. We asked the 125 people on the Electoral Roll to give £300. So far 36 people have done so. Revd Eve THIS WEEK TUESDAY 10.15am Ladies' Keep Fit 8am Morning Prayer 7pm Special PCC meeting WEDNESDAY 10.15am Holy Communion 11.30-1pm Lent course THURSDAY 8am Morning Prayer 10am Church cleaning 6.15pm Choir practice FRIDAY 8am Morning Prayer SATURDAY 8am Morning Prayer 11am Mothers' Union AGM LENT COURSE The Churches of Perry Barr and Handsworth “PRAISE HIM” Songs of praise in the New Testament – 5 sessions on Wednesday mornings, 11.30 - 1pm. 25th February – Trinity Fellowship – Holy Trinity 4th March – St Teresa RC Church, Wellington Road 11th March – Wilton Road URC 18th March – Aston Lane Methodist Church 25th March – Holy Trinity Aged 18 to 30 and thinking about ordination? If so, the following event may interest you. There is a 'Step Forward' conference on Saturday 7th March, 11-4pm, at Bishopthorpe Palace, York. The host is Archbishop John Sentamu. The day includes worship, prayer and Bible study, and an opportunity to find out about the highs and lows of being ordained. Book online: www.stepforwardanglican.org.uk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BIRMINGHAM CATHEDRAL MOTHERS' UNION celebrates its 300th anniversary this year. There will be many services, heritage and arts events, festivals and pilgrimages, including: Prayer Breakfast at 7.30am at the cathedral tomorrow, led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. Handsworth Deanery Pilgrimage to Birmingham Cathedral on Saturday 14th March - “Celebrating our Story”. Vicar's Hour' takes place on Monday evenings, 7-8pm, in the Vicarage for arranging baptisms, weddings and funerals. Tel: 0121 356 4241 the 11am service. Please see Christeen Forrester or Anthony Pitts if you would like to help. 1. The Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday at 11am in the church hall. All members should attend. 2. Lunch club dates are changed until after Easter. Dates to be confirmed. 3. Thank you to MU members for their support with last week's service. Special thanks to Angel for her creative skills with the roses, and to Waveney for the décor in church. Veronica Flowers We need more volunteers to help with drinks after STANDING ORDER If you would like to pay your offering to Holy Trinity by standing order through your bank account, please see Christine Harris or Anthony Pitts for a form.
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