Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church Lee’s Summit, Missouri • www.olpls.org Vision Statement: Our Lady of the Presentation is a vibrant, Eucharist-centered community offering all Catholics participation in sacraments, social action and Christian education. Mission Statement: To share our gifts by providing opportunities for spiritual growth in worship, service, education and community activities, is our mission. Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 Lenten Activities This Week Monday, March 23 Morning Prayer: 8am, Church Masses: 6:30am & 8:15am Eucharistic Adoration: 9am to 8pm, St. Ann Adoration Chapel Tuesday, March 24 Morning Prayer: 8am, Church Mass: 8:15am Rosary: 5pm, St. Ann Adoration Chapel Seven Last Words (a musical meditation on the Passion): 7pm, Church Wednesday, March 25 Morning Prayer: 8am, Church Masses: 6:30am & 8:15am Eucharistic Adoration: 9am to 8pm, St. Ann Adoration Chapel Thursday, March 26 Morning Prayer: 8am, Church Mass: 8:15am Freedom & Forgiveness Book Discussion & Dinner, 6:30pm, Mulligan Friday, March 27 Masses: 6:30am & 8:15am, Church Prayer: 8am, Church Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 9am to 8pm, St. Ann Adoration Chapel Stations of the Cross: 2:15pm, w/school community, Church Stations of the Cross: 7:00pm, Traditional, Church Parish Fish Fry: 5:00 to 7:30pm, Auditorium, see menu & pricing on page 11. Palm Sunday, March 29 Palm blessing and procession before Masses. We will gather outside, so please arrive a bit early for Mass. If there is inclement weather, we will begin the procession in the Mulligan Room. The Fifth Week of Lent The hour of decision nears, we leave behind earth’s treasures, so in love we, too, can serve. Some Greeks approach the apostles, asking to see Jesus. The hour of decision for all people has arrived: Jew or Greek, those who serve Jesus must follow Him, and those who follow must give up their lives in service. How far are you willing to go in serving Jesus? What must you let go of so that you can follow Jesus more intentionally? Jesus indicates that He would like to ask God to save him from the suffering that lies ahead, but knows he must accept God’s will in his life. What suffering we must accept as part of God’s plan for us? 2 Thoughts From Fr. Tom In today’s Gospel, Jesus continues to speak about his impending death and the glory of his Resurrection. He uses metaphorical language when he says: The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies it produces much fruit. Christ is the grain of wheat that dies in order to bear much fruit for those who believe in him and follow his ways. Through our faith in Jesus, we are called to die to self so that we can be transformed by Christ and bear the good fruit of faith in our lives. Our Lenten journey is an opportunity each year to die to those things in our lives that do not produce good fruit and allow ourselves to experience the joy of new life that comes through Christ. May the remaining days of Lent lead us deeper into this mystery. This weekend the elect and candidates from our parish preparing to join the Catholic faith at Easter gathered for a retreat. This time of prayer and reflection is an opportunity for them to be nourished by the beauty of our faith. This year we are blessed with 37 individuals who have been sharing in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and are now choosing to be part of our faith tradition. Each one of them has their own unique story, but each of them has been led by God to make this powerful statement of faith. Whether it be for family unity, marriage to a Catholic, the example of friends and family, or their own spiritual or intellectual pursuits, each has experienced God at work in their lives. Our responsibility as a faith community is to pray for them and nurture their faith through our example. Sometimes we cradle Catholics can take for granted all that we have been given. Our elect and candidates remind us of the precious gift that has been shared with us through Christ. Please keep them in your prayers each day and help them feel welcome here at Presentation. Next weekend is Palm/Passion Sunday. As we begin each Mass with the waving of palms and the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, this celebration is also our annual entry into Holy Week where we remember the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. Weather permitting, we will gather outside for the beginning of each Mass. Please try to arrive a little early in order to pick up your palms and gather outside for the procession. Don’t forget about our Parish Reconciliation Parish Events This Week Monday, March 23 Eucharistic Adoration, 9am until 8pm, St. Ann Adoration Chapel Chair Yoga, 9am, Etue Mass Coordinator Mtg, 6pm, Mulligan Spanish Young Missionaries, 6:30pm, Etue Cub Scout Pack Mtg, 6:30pm, Auditorium Boy Scout Mtg, 6:45pm, Yellow House Choir Program Rehearsal, 7pm, Church Tuesday, March 24 Holy Donuts, 9am, Mulligan Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, 9:30am & 5:30pm, Yellow House Rosary, 5pm, St. Ann Adoration Chapel Bishop Helmsing Class-Spanish, 6:30pm, Classroom #125 “Seven Last Words” Lenten program, 7pm, Church ECC Open House, 7pm, ECC Wednesday, March 25 All School Mass, 8:15am, Church Eucharistic Adoration, 9am until 4pm, St. Ann Adoration Chapel Scripture Study, 5:30pm, Parish Office CFF Classes, 5 & 6:45pm, Classrooms/Church/Mulligan Scripture Study, 5:30pm, Parish Office CFF Choristers, 6:15pm, Cooper Adult Bible Study, 6:30pm, Library Divorced/Separated Support Group, 6:45pm, Log House Isaiah Bible Study, 7pm, Cooper Men’s Basketball, 9pm, Gym Thursday, March 26 Choir Practice, 6:30pm, Church/Cooper OLP School Curriculum Fair, 5 to 8pm, Auditorium/Gym Spanish Bible Study, 6:30pm, Etue Freedom & Forgiveness Book Discussion & Dinner, 6:30pm, Mulligan Choir Practice, 6:30pm, Church/Cooper Grief Support Group, 7pm, Log House Friday, March 27 Eucharistic Adoration, 9am to 8pm, St. Ann Adoration Chapel OLP School Respect Life Day, 9:30am to 12:30pm, Church/Mulligan/Etue Stations of the Cross w/school community, 2:15pm, Church Parish Fish Fries, 5-7:30pm, Auditorium Stations of the Cross, Traditional, 7pm, Church Saturday, March 28 Baptism Preparation Class, 9am, Mulligan North Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 4:30pm, Mulligan South Palm Sunday, March 29 Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 8:30am, Mulligan South RCIA, 8:30am, Etue RCIA-Children, 8:30am, Computer Room Orchestra Practice, 9am, Music Room Service this Sunday (tomorrow or today depending on which Mass you are attending), March 22, at 7:00 p.m. All of us are encouraged to celebrate the sacrament in preparation for Easter. There will be a number of priests hearing confessions. Please join us. Many Blessings! 3 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, March 23 6:30am, For Those Suffering From Hunger 8:15am, People of Presentation Tuesday, March 24 8:15am, Wanda June Geiger by The Bennefeld Family Wednesday, March 25 6:30am, For All Unborn Children of the World by The Knights of Columbus 8:15am, Jack Murphy by the Hiatt Family Thursday, March 26 8:15am, Special Intention of Bob & Rose Holder by Mike Holder Friday, March 27 6:30am, For the Deceased Members of OLP Parish 8:15am, Jeremy Maschmann by The Maschmann Family Saturday, March 28 4:30pm, Norbert & Ester Kipp by Russ & Maurine Fenstermann Sunday, March 29 7:00am, Eleanor G. Matturro by Family 8:30am, Jack Murphy by The Godfrey Family 10:00am, Alma Gaukel by Dianne & Neal Voltz 12:00pm, Tom Walsh by Ellen Walsh 5:00pm, People of Presentation Please welcome the newly baptized: Grace Maria Ayala Parents: Juan & Angela Ayala Praying for the Sick Due to confidentiality guidelines, only the Person requesting prayer, or a designated family member, may add or remove a name. Names remain on the published prayer list for two months. Call the Pastoral Care office, 251-1102. For daily prayer requests, call Darlene, Prayer Chain Coordinator, 524-5720. Please remember the following in your prayers: Richard Arguar Michelle Arreguin AJ Boos Bridgena Cahill Terri Curless Vern Degenhardt Carolyn Diehl Joseph Evans Janelle Ewigman Ann Farmer Bill Foster Doris Fountain Caden Gabel Brian Galvez Frank Greco Cleta Gregg Barbara Harness Chip Hennequin Bruce Hiatt Leon Holzer Bill Kelly Diana Kennedy Jackson Kozisek Phillip Kozisek Carrie Landtiser Marge Lindenbusch Anna Loegering Todd Long Ron McColpin Don McGraw Sheila Naylor Lukas Nedelco Boston Reid Larry Reynolds Chad Shaffer John Sidoti Leslie Swaters Jared Thomson Owen Nathanial Transue Julie Weyhofen Betty Wright From Death to New Life Please remember in your prayers the family & friends of Judy Murray, March 12, daughter-in-law of Norma Murray Carol Rios, March 12, sister of Doreen Evans Teresa Bice, March 13 Susan Wiethan, March 13 Marty Eckert, March 15, mother of Vicki (Chris) Mueller 4 Servers Greeters Lector (Deacon) Eucharistic Ministers Time Date LITURGICAL MINISTERS Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, March 29, 2015 4:30PM 7:00AM 8:30AM 10:00AM 12:00PM 5:00 – Spanish Frank Bailey Cindy Barker Elaine Beachner Mary Branson Kevin Dunn Lloyd German Ann Hoffman Annie Huber Kailey McNett Gene Zvacek Bill Bass Jack Morasch Todd Steele Frank Zizza Jennifer Fleschute Cara Haddad Jim Harrington Andrea Harrington Kathy Hilbert David Hilbert Lavon Kimminau Todd McFarland Michael Miller Rebecca Neihouse Bob Arredondo Len Danaher Chris Jochems Frank Kratofil Jerry Mook Rick Pycior Debbie Ripper Randy Rotert Jason Rush Ken Wagner Andre Fontcha Assunta Griffin Richard Griffin Mike King Linda Lancaster Anna Mitchell Jim Monteil Abby Monteil Janet Sanchez Mike Sanchez Padre Rosalia Indelisa Rebeca John Jr. Martha G. (Michael Peterson) (Keith Hoffman) (Keith Hoffman) (Keith Hoffman) (Michael Peterson) Kay Morrissey Dominic Schoenherr Danny Banderas SP Judy Mullin Mary Morgan Jo Engert SP Matt Wheeler Eric Farrow Michael McEnany SP Hugh Marshall Karen Spitznagle Kevin Emmendorfer SP Anita Tucker Kay King Karen Norton SP Sara Jenny Betsy Dodson Michelle Ramirez John Sakmar Pat Sharbel Rosemary Yeater JoAnn Cook Jennifer Fleschute Jack Greenwell Travis Greenwell Bonnie Peterman Jerry Peterman Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus 3 Columbus Knight 1 Columbus Knight 2 Robin Wankum Valerie Rhodes Machelle Seiler Linda Skaith Melanie Syndal Kay Williams Enrique Aspen C. (S) Tyson H. Peyton H. Cassidy S. (S) Alex N. Haley N. Alec N. (S) Vinny C. Rebecca H. Kevin M. (S) Keith M. Mary Ann R. Anthony H. (S) Lilianna H. Vincent H. Jade Adonnes Rocio STEWARDSHIP “If anyone would serve me,” says Jesus in today’s Gospel, “let him follow me; where I am, there will my servant be.” In what way is Jesus inviting me to follow Him? What service is He asking of me? See John 12:26 - Stewardship by the Book Stewardship Giving 3/9/15 - 3/15/15 Envelopes: Plate: Future Projects: Catholic Relief Services: $22,549 $ 1,310 $ 271 $ 4,164 Our Lady of the Presentation offers an “Online Giving” option for parishioners. This is a easy, safe and secure way to make contributions online and to update your contact information. How do you register? Ways to Leave a Legacy Prepare or amend your living will or living trust, naming charities that have made a difference in your life. “I give, devise, and bequeath to Our Lady of the Presentation Parish, 130 NW Murray Road, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081 ______% of my estate or $______ sum of money, or “described” property to be used for its general purposes, as part of the Catholic Diocese of KC/St. Joseph. ► Go to the parish website, www.olpls.org ► Click the “Online Giving” button at the top right ► Click on the Online Giving Link to complete the online registration form Did you know….. Through our Online Giving, in addition to making a contribution, you can also view and print your Annual Contribution Statement. Please call either Carolyn or Julie in the Parish Office at 251-1100 if you have any questions. 5 CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION SAVE THE DATE! March 29 Vacation Bible School 2015 4:30pm: Michelle Ramirez Amy Makovec June 22-26 9:00 a.m. to Noon 8:30am: Colleen Daugherty Judy Daughterty Registration after all Masses May 16th & 17th. Service in Action: Ms. Diana and Mr. Alan’s CFF First Grade class helped others by washing the desks in the classroom they share each week. YOUTH MINISTRY Youth Leadership Team Meets TODAY Youth and adults on the youth ministry leadership team meet today from 4:00 -6:00pm in the youth room of the yellow house. Join us as we plan youth ministry events and service projects for April thru summer. Bring your ideas and a side dish to share. Plan to stay for Youth Community. Youth Community Meets TODAY All youth in grades 7 thru 12 are welcome for our monthly youth community gathering. We have gym time, talk about our Catholic faith, have games and get to know you activities. Friends are welcome too! Bring a snack to share if you can. Mission Trip Team 2015 See you at the remaining Fish Fries! Payment #2 is due April 1st. Our next meeting is April 19th at 6:30 p.m. Payment #3 is due May 1st. Mark your calendar for our final meeting on June 23rd, 7:00 p.m. Confirmation 2015 Confirmation service opportunity form, Confirmation name form and Sponsor reports were due to the Youth Ministry Office March 16th. Emails with links were sent and mailed to your home regarding Confirmation rehearsal April 12th and Confirmation April 13th. Please contact the Youth Ministry Office if you have any questions at 251.1103. 6 Friday, March 27 is our last LENTEN FISH FRY for 2015! Don’t miss your last chance to have a delicious fish dinner with friends, family and parishioners while supporting our Youth Service Mission Trip! Thank you for your support! Lenten Ideas for Catholic Teens: PRAYER—Say a prayer each night before bed for someone you love. FASTING– Fast from judging someone, rather, find something Christ –like within them. ALMSGIVING-Collect new men’s socks with friends and donate to Project Uplift by April 13th (via Youth Ministry Office), 251-1107 SCHOOL NEWS Congratulations to OLP’s 6th, 7th and 8th grade students who competed in the Archbishop O’Hara Middle School Math Competition on March 6th. The team scored a record high score to secure 1st Place! Individual Placers were: 8th Grade: 1st - Caden G. ; 2nd – Dan T. 7th Grade: 2nd – Jack K. ; 3rd – Keith M.; 4th – Jackson V. 6th Grade: 1st – Jacob N.; 3rd – Daniel W. ECC NEWS We will host our Open House for prospective families this Tuesday, March 24 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Make plans to attend if you are interested in enrolling your child at OLP ECC for the 2015-2016 school year or even if you would just like to check out the facility and learn more about our program for future enrollment. We will also be having lots of fun this week with our annual Easter egg hunts. Every class will have an opportunity by age groups to enjoy an egg hunt on our front lawn. Our families look forward to this event every year and its quite fun to watch! 7 ADULT FAITH FORMATION Bible Study with Fr. Barron Using biblical insights, Fr. Robert Barron helps us understand Jesus through the lens of the Old Testament. Six one-hour sessions Mondays, April 27 through June 8 BookClub Dinner&Discussion Whether you’ve read a paragraph, a chapter or the entire book, join us! Thursday, March 26 at 6:30 p.m. for dinner & discussion Please RSVP to Mary Pat, [email protected] or 251-1113 Discussion Questions 8 What is your image of God and how does it affect your disposition toward the Sacrament of Reconciliation? How is the existence of hell compatible with a merciful God? How does viewing conscience as a place of sacred unity with God change one’s attitude toward sin and confession? What are some of the daily decisions involved in forgiveness? What experiences of God using imperfect humans to build up the Church have you encountered? How would you describe the human experience of being at once broken and blessed? Why does Reconciliation lead to Eucharist? READINGS FOR THE WEEK Daily Mass Readings Monday, March 23 Dn 13:41c-62; Jn 8:1-11 Thursday, March 26 Gn 17:3-9; Jn 8:51-59 Tuesday, March 24 Nm 21:4-9; Jn 8:21-30 Friday, March 27 Jer 20:10-13; Jn 10:31-42 Wednesday, March 25 Saturday, March 28 Ez 37:21-28; Jn 11:45-56 The Annunciation of the Lord Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Did you know that you can read the Daily Readings on your Apple or Android phone with myParishApp? Download and enter 64081 to find Our Lady of the Presentation’s App. An EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE prepares us to celebrate God’s gift of forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The 10 Commandments offer a structure for examining one’s conscience, as do the Works of Mercy, the Beatitudes, and Catholic Social Teaching. In taking time to reflect on how well we are responding to God’s plan for our lives, we can celebrate Reconciliation well. PASTORAL CARE WEEKLY PRAYER Rosary: Monday-Friday, after 8:15am Mass & Tuesdays, 5pm, St. Ann Chapel Adult Bible Study: Wednesdays, 6:30pm, Library Isaiah Bible Study: Wednesdays, 7pm, Cooper Spanish Bible Study, Thursdays, 6:30pm, Etue EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. St. Ann Adoration Chapel To sign up for a specific time, please call Roger or Beth Tilling at 524-8572. Good Friday, April 3 Stations of the Cross 3:00 p.m. in the Church 9 MINISTERIO HISPANO - HISPANIC MINISTRIES Grupo de oración Todos los jueves a las 6:30pm se reúne el grupo Renacer en Cristo en el Salón Etue. Invitados a tener un momento de intimidad con Cristo, a escuchar su palabra y recibir la presencia del Espíritu Santo. Sistema de la Nueva Evangelizacion Quieres formar parte de estos pequenas comunidades en casa llamar a Pedro Chavez 816-565-3335. Infancia Misionera Los invitamos a que traigan a sus niños a que participen de la Infancia Misionera y aprendan más sobre su fe. Todos los lunes de 6:30 a 7:30PM en el salón Etue. Group de Reflexion del Evangelio del Domingo en casa. Para mas informacion llamar a Pedro Chavez 816-565-3335. Radio Catolica En Español Kansas City tiene una nueva emisora de radio Católica en español, 1190 AM. Escuche todos los días de 9 -4PM. MISSION & OUTREACH Our parish serves the homeless and working poor at the St. James Place Community Kitchen on the 1st Thursday and the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Volunteers help serve already prepared food, clean tables and wash dishes. We carpool from the Parish Office at 3:30 p.m. and return by 7:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed for: May 7 - 10 people May 19 - 10 people Our parish helps Project Uplift serve Kansas City’s homeless every second Monday of the month. We leave Presentation at 4:45 p.m. and travel to the Uplift warehouse at 16th & Prospect to load trucks, then deliver a warm meal and supplies to homeless camps. Return to Presentation by 9:45 p.m. Volunteers are needed for: July 13 - 4 people August 10 - 4 people Two drivers are needed each time. 10 To volunteer contact Christy, 251-1107 or Jacqui, 251-1103. PARISH NEWS The Knights of Columbus welcomes all Catholic men over the age of 18. We’re an organization of faith formation, charitable fund raising and social services for our parish and surrounding community. “Catholic men putting their faith into action” Can the Knights be of service to your family or organization? Are you interested in joining? Contact us: [email protected] Tom Wankum – Grand Knight Sunday, March 29: 10:00 a.m. K of C Mass Tuesday, April 14: 6:40 p.m., First Degree Initiation, VFW Hall, Lee’s Summit; 8:00 p.m., General Meeting Sunday, April 12: K of C Monthly Breakfast Saturday, April 18: Fourth Degree Exemplification, KC Airport Hilton 12 Why is speaking ill of another a sin? Because there is hatred in my heart, aversion, not love. We must always ask for this grace: to know what is happening in our heart, to constantly make the right choice, the choice for good.* You can’t understand Christianity without understanding this profound humiliation of the Son of God who humbled himself and became a servant unto death, even death on a cross, in order to serve us.* Give 25 for each time you help a family member or a neighbor. March 24 Learn something new about someone by listening to their story. Pope Francis 1/31/14 It will do us well today to pray for ourselves, that the Lord might grant us the grace not to lose the sense of sin, and that the kingdom of God might never be diminished in us.* Read and reflect on John 8:21-30 *“Pope Francis: Living Lent with Passion” by Mark Neilson Pray for forgiveness and attend a Penance Service. Then celebrate! Pope Francis 2/16/14 Read and reflect on John 8:1-11 Read and reflect on Hebrews 5:7-9 Pope Francis 4/8/14 March 23 March 22 Fast and give up a special treat today. Pope Francis 3/5/14 Why must we return to God? Because something is not right in us, not right in society, in the Church, and we need to change, to give it a new direction. This is called needing to convert!* Read and reflect John 8:31-42 March 25 Give 25¢ if you have a water heater. I distrust a charity that costs nothing and does not hurt. * It may be that the Lord uses our sacrifices to shower blessings in another part of the world which we will never visit. The Holy Spirit works as he wills, when he wills and where he wills; we entrust ourselves without pretending to see striking results. We know only that our commitment is necessary.* Joy of the Gospel Fast in solidarity with those who are hungry by sharing a simple meal with your family today. Pope Francis: 2/4/14 Read and reflect John 10:31-42 March 27 Read and reflect John 8:31-42 March 26 Fast from electronics and show God’s love to those around you. Joy of the Gospel Spiritual worldliness, which hides behind the appearance of piety and even love for the Church, consists in seeking not the Lord’s glory but human glory and personal well -being.* Read and reflect Jeremiah 11:18-20 March 28 Train a boy in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not swerve from it. PROVERBS 22:6 In the words of Elisio of Estanzuelas, El Salvador “The students hope that God will change your hearts and more people will come to inspire change throughout all of El Salvador. What was once unthinkable is now achievable through education.” WOW, together, we are making a difference, one student at a time! It is heart-warming hospitality which is shared by the committee, students and their parents as members of our parish visit El Salvador each year. They have far less than we do, but always go out of their way to share the best of what they have. There is entertainment prepared by the students - songs, dancing, and presentations of projects they have mastered through their affiliation with our scholarship and formation program. It is quite evident that our contributions have made a difference in their community. There is so much strife and injustice in our world and it is easy to throw up your hands and feel that you can do nothing to help promote positive change. One visit to our sister community, San Raphael Cedros, and you will not feel this way again. Here are some of the comments made by students and their families during a visit: “Your support helped us to complete their dreams.”; “Your support changed our lives.”; “It is a privilege to be a part of this project.”; “We desire to finish what we started.”; “Please continue to support our future students.” ; “We love to have you visit here, and hope you will take back beautiful memories from El Salvador.”; “Your support has infused hope into our community.”; “Thanks are to God.”; “Fifteen years ago, it was almost impossible to see us going to the university, but now our community dreams are bigger and broader. We do not wish to disappoint our supporters.” by Phil Spitznagle Lenten Calendar Guide Marc K. Taormina MD Colon Cancer Screening Painless Hemorrhoid Treatment Board Certified. Gastroenterology www.midwestgastro.com Roofing Specialists 816.836.2200 AND SONS ROOFING FRANK CRIST, D.D.S., M.S. PRACTICE LIMITED TO ORTHODONTICS 300 NE TUDOR ROAD LEE’S SUMMIT MO 64086 (816) 524-1111 Insured VALUE AUTO CLINIC Free Estimates Complete Auto Care 1002 SE Blue Pkwy. 525-3131 Harry & Mary Voigts next to Habanero’s Your protection is personal. Heating or Cooling unit, or $300 Off Replacement Tyler Morehead I Associate Agent Morehead Agency LLC I Nationwide W 816-525-6159 I F 816-525-4756 [email protected] Auto. Home. Life. Business. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle and On Your Side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. of Entire System For further information, please call the Parish Office. (816) 246-4646 920 NW Technology Drive UNITED MEDICARE ADVISORS Lee’s Summit www.chiefheatingandcooling.com 537-0011 $1.00 off Any Refill Rick & Lisa Pycior ~ Parishioners Lee’s Summit Most Vision and Medical Ins. Accepted NW Corner 291 & 150 Next to Subway • Hardware • Paint • Building Materials M-F 7:00-5:00 312 SE Main 524-3522 Sat 8:00-1:00 New • Re-Roofs Repairs • $150 Off Replacement of David E. Orson, OD Parishioner 3rd Street & Ward Road (816) 331-8909 Daniel Meissen • 10% Off any Service Call Orson Eye Care Compare more than 25 of the highest rated independent Medicare Supplement Carriers. SAVE UP TO 65% ON YOUR PREMIUMS! Call today for your Zero Cost Quotes! 855-482-5780 We are a Nationally licensed agency located in Kansas City, MO. www.pyramidpipeandsupply.com Hours: M-F 7 AM-5 PM • SAT 8 AM-1 PM 816.966.8924 ~ 3800 MAIN STREET • GRANDVIEW, MO 64030 Free Delivery • Parts Counter • Plumbing Showroom Selling Quality Plumbing Supplies For Over 25 Years! INTEGRITY CARE Exceptional Care with Dignity, Respect, Integrity Specializing in In-Home Care and Companionship for the elderly and those with special needs including postpartum care, or recovery from illness, injury or surgery. Assistance with ALL activities of daily life, meds, transportation and more. www.ICPHH.com I adhere to strong Christian beliefs and practice a Christ-centered work ethic. Debbie Campbell-Nagel Certified Medical Assistant 246-4845 JS Paluch Company, publisher of this bulletin and other weekly Catholic Church Bulletins, is seeking enthusiastic outside sales professionals who have a passion to excel in print advertising sales. Our sales team members enjoy a commission only based compensation plan that is designed to reward sales producers.There is no limit on the amount of commissions you can earn! Other Benefits Include:Weekly Expense Allowance, Medical & Dental Insurance and a 401k Plan. EOE Qualified and interested applicants can email their resume to [email protected] Market Street Motors Auto Repair and Sales Tim Kliethermes & Tom Fournier 1/2 mile S of 50 Hwy on 291 S next to car wash 1308 SW Market Street Lee’s Summit, MO 64081 816-875-3234 816-875-3241 Email - [email protected] Website - www.marketstreetmotors.net PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................... Private Home Health Near Hy-Vee & Westlake Ace Hardware 24/7 HELP ................... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH 816-682-1231 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 711200 Our Lady of Presentation Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. 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Mr. Mike Peterson, Deacon Our Lady of the Presentation Parish Office 130 NW Murray Road, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081 816-251-1100 • Fax: 816-251-1199 • www.olpls.org Hours: 8:45am to 4:45pm, Monday - Friday MASS SCHEDULE: RECONCILIATION: Weekday Mass: 8:15am (Monday - Friday) Saturday: 4:30pm Sunday: 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 am, Noon & 5:00pm (Spanish) Saturdays: 3:30 - 4:15 p.m. or by appointment. Sundays: 4:30 p.m. (in Spanish) OUR PARISH STAFF SACRAMENTS David Armstrong, Director of Liturgy & Music, 251-1110 Email: [email protected] Shelby Burton, Office Assistant, 251-1115 Email: [email protected] Jodi Briggs, Principal of OLP School, 251-1150 Email: [email protected] Carolyn Christianson, Parish Administrator, 251-1108 Email: [email protected] Jo Engert, Director of Children’s Faith Formation, 251-1135 Email: [email protected] Assistant: Mary Hiatt, 251-1146, Email: [email protected] Diana Hennessey, Sunday School Coordinator, 729-6410 Email: [email protected] Christy Gruenbaum, Director of Youth Ministry, 251-1107 Email: [email protected] YM Assistant, Jacqui Grimes, 251-1103 Email: [email protected] Julie Hyde, Finance Coordinator, 251-1109 Email: [email protected] Cathy Koob, Director of Early Childhood Center, 251-1140 Email: [email protected] Jane Krawczyk, Director of Stewardship, 251-1119 Email: [email protected] Teresa Medrano, Hispanic Ministry, 977-3716 Email: [email protected] Anna Mitchell, Director of Communications, 251-1105 Email: [email protected] Bulletin deadline: Thursdays at Noon, one week prior. Marilyn Schmidt, Director of Pastoral Care, 251-1102 Email: [email protected] Pastoral Care Assistant, Kay Williams, 251-1134 Email: [email protected] Mary Schmidt, Office Assistant, 251-1115 Email: [email protected] Mary Pat Storms, Director of Adult Faith Formation, 251-1113 Email: [email protected] Eileen Whiting, Receptionist, 251-1100 Email: [email protected] RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION: Involves preparation of adults and unbaptized children 7 and older for the sacraments of initiation which include Baptism, Communion and Confirmation. To learn more about becoming Catholic and/or RCIA, contact Mary Pat Storms, 251-1113 or [email protected]. Report Abuse: Diocesan Ombudsman: Jenifer Valenti, 816-812-2500 Diocesan Victim’s Advocate: Bonnie Kane, 816-392-0011 BAPTISM: Parents seeking baptism for their child should register with Mary Pat Storms, 251-1113 or [email protected] CONFIRMATION: Our Confirmation process begins with registration in the fall of the candidate’s sophomore year with Confirmation usually in the spring. For information, call the Youth Ministry Office, 251-1107. MARRIAGE: Please contact the Parish Office, 251-1100, nine months prior to your desired wedding date. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: The Sacrament of the Sick is for those who are ill, hospitalized or facing surgery. Call the Pastoral Care Office, 251-1102. Hospitalization: Due to privacy laws, hospitals can no longer notify parishes when a parishioner is admitted. If you or a family member is hospitalized, please notify the Parish Office, 251-1100, with admission information. The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combatting sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. 2. 3. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-392-3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), and Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816-812-2500 or [email protected], if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate Bonnie Kane at 816-3920011 or [email protected] for more information.
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