OMAGH HIGH SCHOOL GOVERNORS' REPORT 2013/2014 2 THE GOVERNORS CHAIRMAN: Mr R Oldcroft C/o Omagh High School, 14 Crevenagh Road, Omagh BT79 0EQ VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mrs I Clarke C/o Omagh High School, 14 Crevenagh Road, Omagh BT79 0EQ SECRETARY: Mr I McConaghy Omagh High School, 14 Crevenagh Road, Omagh BT79 0EQ TRANSFEROR REPRESENTATIVES: Mrs H Anderson Mrs H Baxter Mrs I Clarke Mr M Isherwood Mr R Oldcroft Rev J Sweeney WESTERN EDUCATION & LIBRARY BOARD REPRESENTATIVES: Mr D Ferguson Mr J Hall Mr R Hussey Mr W Young PARENT REPRESENTATIVES: Mr J Crawford Mrs D Hannigan Mrs A McFarland Mrs A Porter TEACHER REPRESENTATIVES: Mrs P Burns PRINCIPAL: Mr I McConaghy (non voting member) The Board of Governors met as a full committee on seven occasions. The Appointments Sub Committee met on six occasions. The Finance Sub Committee met on three occasions. The PRSD Sub Committee, the Discipline Sub Committee and the Staffing Sub Committee each met on one occasion. The term of office for this Board of Governors concluded at the end of academic year 2013/2014. 3 THE CURRICULUM Curriculum Key Stage 3 (2013-2014) Yr 8 Yr 9 Yr 10 En 6 6 6 Ma 6 6 6 Sc 5 5 5 TD 2 2 2 Ge 2 2 2 Hi 2 2 2 Art 2 2 2 Mu 2 2 2 PE 1 1 1 HE 2 2 2 Fr 3 3 3 PD 1 1 1 Ga 2 2 2 RE 2 3 3 Ee 1 0 0 IT 2 2 2 Cz 1 1 1 Dr 2 2 2 Emp 1 1 1 Curriculum Key Stage 4 (2013-2014) Years 11 and 12 pupils can opt for either a General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)/Entry Level Qualifications (ELQ) programme or an Occupational Studies Programme (OSP). The GCSE/ELQ programme is geared for those wishing to study GCSE subjects or a combination of GCSE and ELQ. Pupils who opt to follow the OSP programme take Occupational Studies at SW College, along with one day related work experience combined with English, Maths, Science, Learning for Life and Work (LLW), RE and ICT at GCSE/ELQ level, Prince’s Trust Xl Club, Duke of Edinburgh Award and Games. Year 11 GCSE/ELQ OSP En 7 5 Option A Option C Option A Option B Option C Sc *8/5 5 RE 2 2 LLW 5 5 Ga 2 2 Opt A 5 0 Opt B 5 0 Opt C 5 0 OSP 0 9 DoE *0/3 3 Occ St 0 9 Business & Communication Systems, History, Information & Communication Technology, Technology & Design Agriculture & Land Use, Business & Communication Systems, Hospitality, Information & Communication Technology, Physical Education Art & Design, Geography, Health & Social Care, Information & Communication Technology Option B Year 12 GCSE/ELQ OSP Ma 6 5 En 7 5 Ma 6 5 Sc *8/5 0 RE 2 2 Ga 2 2 LLW 5 5 Opt A 5 0 Opt B 5 0 Opt C 5 0 Occ St 0 9 IT *0/3 3 OSP 0 6 WK 0 9 Art & Design, Business & Communication Systems, Health & Social Care, Information & Communication Technology, Technology & Design Geography, Information & Communication Technology, Performing Arts, Technology & Design Business & Communication Systems, History, Information & Communication Technology, Physical Education * Double Award Science - 8 periods. Single Award Science - 5 periods with 3 periods of Duke of Edinburgh Award in Year 11 and 3 periods of ICT in Year 12. The numbers in the tables above record the number of periods given to each subject during the week. There are 45 periods in the school week. Key En - English Ma - Mathematics Sc - Science TD - Technology & Design Ge - Geography Hi - History Art - Art Occ St - Occupational Studies Mu - Music PE - Physical Education HE - Home Economics Fr - French PD - Personal Development Ga - Games RE - Religious Education LLW - Learning for Life and Work Ee - Extra English IT - Information Technology Ca - Careers Cz - Citizenship Dr - Drama Emp - Employability WK - Work Experience DoE – Duke of Edinburgh Award 4 Curriculum Key Stage 5 (2013-2014) Year 13 GCE AS level students choose from the following option groups. Each option group has 9 periods. Block A Sport Studies – Single Award (Omagh High) Religious Studies (Omagh Academy) Block B Art & Design (Omagh High) Block D English Literature (Omagh High) Design & Technology (Omagh High) Block C Health & Social Care – Single Award (Omagh High) Mathematics (Omagh High) Psychology (Omagh Academy) Applied Business (Omagh High) Geography (Omagh Academy) *BTEC Awards (South West College, Omagh) English Literature (Omagh Academy) Biology (Omagh Academy) Chemistry (Omagh Academy) Biology (Omagh Academy) Music (Omagh Academy) History (Omagh Academy) Psychology (Omagh Academy) Physics (Omagh Academy) Human Biology (Omagh High) Block E Sports Studies – Double Award (Omagh High) Health & Social Care – Double Award (Omagh High) ICT (Omagh High) Geography (Omagh Academy) Physics (Omagh Academy) Year 14 GCE A2 level students choose from the following option groups. Each option group has 9 periods. Block A Sports Studies – Single Award (Omagh High) Block B Human Biology (Omagh High) Block C Art & Design (Omagh High) Block D English Literature (Omagh High) Health & Social Care – Single Award (Omagh High) Religious Studies (Omagh High) Applied Business (Omagh High) ICT (Omagh High) Biology (Omagh Academy) Design & Technology (Omagh High Geography (Omagh High) *BTEC Award (South West College, Omagh) Chemistry (Omagh Academy) Physics (Omagh Academy) Psychology (Omagh Academy) Sports Studies – Single Award (Omagh High) Biology (Omagh Academy) History (Omagh Academy) Physics (Omagh Academy) Block E Sports Studies – Double Award (Omagh High) Mathematics (Omagh High) Health & Social Care – Double Award (Omagh High) *BTEC Qualifications (South West College, Omagh) - Students choose one from the following: Agriculture, Land-based business/Rural Sustainability Children’s Care, Learning and Development Construction and The Built Environment Electronic Engineering Engineering Hospitality Media – Film and Television Media – Games Development Personal & Business Finance Science (Applied) Travel & Tourism The school continues to provide additional support for pupils with learning difficulties. There are nine fulltime classroom assistants and three part-time classroom assistants, all of whom work with individual pupils. Strategies such as the Better Reading Partnership, Cued Spelling, Paired Reading, Homework Club, Numeracy Support Programme and Social Skills Group have also proved beneficial to students. The staff of Omagh High School recognises that our school is very much a centre of learning. Staff keep abreast of any changes in their subject by attending relevant in-service courses that are held by the Western Education and Library Board and/or various other educational establishments. 5 SCHOOL SECURITY Security arrangements include: Staff on duty in the corridors during morning break and at the end of period 9. Supervisors on duty in the corridors, canteen and playground at lunchtime. The building supervisor and/or his assistant on duty around the school during the working day. In the evening the school premises are made secure by the building supervisor and/or his assistant who check that all windows are closed, all doors locked and the intruder alarm activated. Signs in the entrance halls which request all visitors to report to the school office. On reporting to the school office, visitors are requested to sign a visitors’ book and then receive a visitor’s badge which they are required to wear for the duration of their visit. A number of security cameras are installed internally and externally. Access to the school is controlled electronically. Perimeter fencing has been installed at the front of the school. Extra fencing has been erected between the staff car park and the upper school building. Additional perimeter fencing with gate access separates the school from the WELB. FINANCIAL REPORT General Fund - Year ending 30 June 2014 Income Opening Balance 1/7/13 Income Cheques written off Invest NI re-imbursement of Transport Costs 796.95 25,415.30 55.25 Expenditure 2013/14 Expenditure Cash Book balance 30/6/14 225.00 £26,492.50 24,282.76 2209.74 £26,492.50 Pupils’ Fund - Year ending 30 June 2014 Income Opening Balance 1/7/13 Income 15,761.08 54,129.58 £69,890.66 Accounts independently audited by Mrs I Adams MSc Expenditure 2013/15 Expenditure Unpaid cheques + fees Cash book balance 30/6/14 56,919.74 459.00 12,511.92 £69,890.66 6 Main School Account (FMS) - Year ended 31 March 2014 INCOME Savings/Deficit from 2012-2013 £ 155,532 Budget Share 2013-2014 Curriculum Reserve Nurture Units Total Reading Recovery Total Class Size Policy Enriched Curriculum Pilot Programme Irish Medium Contingency (Total) EMAs Additional Funding Funding Corrections – Internal Audit Funding Corrections – Other STEM Collaboration Between Schools (Entitlement Framework) Area Learning Communities – Strategic Development Fund Key Stage 4 Flexibility Initiative Total Community Educ Initiative Programme Split Site Extended Schools Total Vocational Enhancement Programme Utility Pressures Revised Curriculum 1,697,275 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 828 0 0 0 Total Allocation 1,896,164 Other Income Letting of Facilities Deficit C/F to 2014/2015 Rounding Adjustment TOTAL 42,529 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,071 0 0 0 1,913,234 EXPENDITURE Teaching Staff Auxiliary Staff Ancillary Staff Fuel Oil Electricity Gas Water Toilet Requisites Window Cleaning Wheelie Bin Charge Maintenance of Buildings Maintenance of Grounds Furniture/Fittings Equipment Maintenance of Furniture/Fittings Books & Practice Materials Equipment Examination Fees & Expenses Protective Clothing Food Licence Fees Hire of Equipment Hire of Facilities Professional Fees Residential Courses Maintenance of Equipment Contractual Cleaning Link Course Fees Music Tuition Contribution EOTAS School Swimming Programme PPP/PFI Contribution Travel & Subsistence Hire of Transport Minibus Expenses Educational Visits Advertising Printing & Stationery Photocopying Postage Telephones Training Expenses Other TOTAL Capital – F & E Capital – Veh Savings C/F to 2014/2015 £ 1,378,801 122,177 53,994 40,191 28,971 275 6,800 1,000 0 2,703 3,024 13,542 175 0 47,846 2,460 38,084 44 3,963 124 0 0 1,935 0 1,528 77,344 35,390 360 7,544 0 0 333 2,062 0 0 7,355 7,783 7,477 2,589 1,847 0 164 1,897,886 0 0 15,348 1,913,234 7 STAFFING Staffing Complement for 2013/2014 Teaching Complement - Principal, 2 Vice Principals, 24 full-time teachers, 2 of which currently have contract variations, 1 part-time teacher, 1 full-time temporary teacher and 1 part-time temporary teacher (Full Time) 15 (Part Time) 6 Ancillary Staff - STAFF DEVELOPMENT Baker Days 22 August 2013 23 August 2013 27 August 2013 05 May 2014 26 May 2014 Results Analysis - Quality of Achievements and Standards Planning – Leadership and Management/SEN Planning – Departmental Development Committees, Drug Awareness and PRSD Development Committees, School Council, PRSD and Survey Monkey School Development Days 22 November 2013 17 January 2014 26 June 2014 27 June 2014 30 June 2014 School Council, Mentoring and Discovery Training PRSD, School Council and Departmental Meetings Development Committees and Departmental Meetings PRSD, end of year review and forward planning for next year Self-evaluation During these days i.e. five days out of the school year staff were involved in the above mentioned professional development. CHILD PROTECTION The designated and deputy designated teachers for Child Protection issues are Mrs R Elkin (Vice Principal) and Mr D Rennie respectively. Both members of staff have received training. Child Protection awareness has been carried out for all staff and the Child Protection Policy will be reviewed and updated annually. Child Protection records are maintained by the Vice-Principal with responsibility for Pastoral Care within the school. A separate book is kept by the Principal. Referrals to social services are made through normal protocol by completing the UNOCINI form. The Child Protection Policy is compliant with DENI regulations and available for parents upon request. 8 Any teacher who has cause for concern regarding child protection refers the matter to one of the designated teachers. EDUCATION FOR MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING Omagh High School encourages a non-denominational Christian ethos in all its activities and central to this is the willingness to accept others who differ in any number of ways for example in skin colour, religion, nationality etc. We encourage our pupils to be inquisitive and gracious about differences and to learn from the differing views of others. This includes appreciation of other cultures, faiths and beliefs. The promotion of EMU pervades the curriculum and is specifically addressed in the Citizenship aspect of Learning for Life and Work and Religious Education. In addition to the normal EMU processes in school Omagh High School is currently involved in a Community Relations and Education for Diversity Programme (CRED). This is entitled “Promoting Reconciliation through a Shared Curriculum Experience”. One class of Year 9 pupils took part in the project. The pupils’ attitudes to diversity are being assessed at various stages of the project to determine the effectiveness of the programme. Queens University Belfast is responsible for the research and evaluation aspects of the programme. The following examples of extra-curricular experiences also support EMU. Pupils attended UCAS Higher Education Conference SW College gave a careers presentation to sixth form pupils Omagh High joined other Co Tyrone schools for a PSNI Conference Year 10 students took part in a ‘Taste and See’ initiative in collaboration with SW College October 2013 saw the fourth Omagh High School Showjumping event with twenty-eight participating schools Pupils from Omagh High also competed in numerous equestrian competitions involving other schools Pupils participated in cross community netball tournaments and leagues Omagh High pupils were engaged in cross border and cross community Youth Sport activities A group of 25 pupils and 2 teaching staff took part in the ski trip to Marrileva in the Italian Alps. The group comprised of a number of schools across the educational sector One pupil participated in a work experience placement with the NI Fire Service 9 EXTERNAL EXAMINATIONS The academic results were excellent yet again and place the school among the top schools of its type in Northern Ireland. This reflects well on the quality of teaching and learning in school as well as indicating the efforts many pupils make to maximise their results. Courses leading to public examinations being followed by pupils in 2013/2014 NICCEA General Certificate of Education (GCE AS/A2 Level) Art & Design Business (Applied) Chemistry English Literature Geography German History ICT Mathematics Physics Religious Studies EDEXCEL (GCE AS/A2 Level) Design & Technology Psychology AQA (GCE AS/A2 Level) Human Biology Religious Studies WJEC (GCE AS/A2 Level) Health & Social Care (Applied - Double & Single Award) BTEC Awards Agriculture (Single) Children’s Care, Learning and Development (Single) Construction (Single) Engineering (Single) Hospitality (Single) Creative Media - Film & Television (Single) Creative Media – Games Development (Single) Science (Applied) Sport (Double & Single) NICCEA General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) Art & Design Business & Communication Systems Geography Health & Social Care History ICT Learning for Life and Work Mathematics Physical Education Science (Double Award) Science (Single Award) Technology & Design 10 Religious Studies CCEA Entry Level Qualification (ELQ) AQA (GCSE) English Learning for Life and Work Religious Studies English English Language English Literature Performing Arts CCEA Key Skills/Essential Skills Communication Application of Number/Numeracy PRINCE’S TRUST Level 2 Certificate of Personal Development and Teamwork CCEA Occupational Studies Single Award English Speaking Board (ESB) Oral Skills for Work Preparation Communication in the Work Place Entry Level Grade 3 Public Examination Results 2013/2014 End of Key Stage 3 (Year 10) Levels of Progression Communication The level expected for a pupil at the end of Key Stage 3 (Year 10) in Communication is Level 5. In Omagh High School 79% of end of Key Stage 3 (Level 10) pupils have attained the expected Level 5 or above in Communication compared with 72% of pupils in Northern Ireland. Communication Level % of Pupils in Omagh High School % of Pupils in Northern Ireland 3 5 7 4 17 19 5 47 32 6 29 28 7 3 12 Using Mathematics The level expected for a pupil at the end of Key Stage 3 (Year 10) in Using Mathematics is Level 5. In Omagh High School 94% of end of Key Stage 3 (Level 10) pupils have attained the expected Level 5 or above in Using Mathematics compared with 75% of pupils in Northern Ireland. Using Mathematics Level % of Pupils in Omagh High School % of Pupils in Northern Ireland 3 0 6 4 7 17 5 80 28 6 14 28 7 0 19 11 Year 12 Pupils Number of Pupils in Year 12 in 2013/2014 – 69 Number of these with statements of special educational needs - 0 GCSE or Equivalent Results Overall % Entered for 5 or more GCSE subjects % Entered for 1 - 4 GCSE Subjects 92 8 % Achieving 5+ GCSE Grades A*- C or equivalent % Achieving 5+ GCSE Grades A*- G or equivalent School NI* Average School NI* Average 85 67 92 96 % Achieving No GCSE Grades A*- G or Other Qualifications 0 * Denotes 2013 NI Averages GCSE Summary of Results 2014 - Percentage in Grade NI GCSE Total Entries A* A B Art & Design 11 27.3 Business & Comm 27.3 36.4 9.1 100.0 35 34.3 37.1 25.7 97.1 2.9 Geography 20 15.0 45.0 30.0 90.0 5.0 Health & Social Care 15 6.7 93.3 100.0 History 8 25.0 62.5 87.5 ICT 44 4.5 40.9 47.7 LLW 60 11.7 46.7 Mathematics 65 6.2 Physical Education 17 29.4 Science Single Award 15 Technology & Design 26 5.9 3.8 C A* C D E F G Non Grammar NI Average A*-C(1) Non Grammar NI Average A*-G(1) 100.0 78.8 99.9 100.0 61.2 96.8 100.0 60.8 98.8 100.0 66.6 99.4 12.5 100.0 62.2 99.6 93.1 6.8 100.0 75.7 99.7 28.3 86.7 11.7 1.7 100.0 93.5 98.8 24.6 35.4 66.2 21.5 4.6 100.0 54.2 98.3 29.4 29.4 94.1 5.9 100.0 68.0 99.7 40.0 60.0 100.0 100.0 68.2 99.5 30.8 50.0 84.6 7.7 7.7 100.0 63.8 99.2 7.9 71.1 79.0 18.4 2.6 100.0 58.8 99.5 27.3 54.5 95.4 4.5 45.5 27.3 72.8 22.7 100.0 81.0 99.8 12.5 100.0 100.0 80.7 99.8 100.0 100.0 60.4 96.6 39.1 88.9 5.0 7.7 A* G U X AQA GCSE English 38 English Language 22 English Literature 22 Performing Arts Religious Studies Full Course Religious Studies Short Course 8 25.0 62.5 5 60.0 40.0 56 12.5 26.8 NICCEA Science Double Award Tota l 47 13.6 A*A * 23.2 62.5 17.9 100.0 4.5 10.7 5.4 1.8 98.2 AA AB BB BC CC A*A*-CC CD DD 4.3 17.0 27.7 29.8 14.9 93.7 4.3 2.1 (1) Denotes CCEA Provisional Results Summer 2014 1.8 A*A*GG 100.0 A*A*CC 82.0 A*A*GG 99.8 12 Year 12 Other Qualifications ENGLISH SPEAKING BOARD - Oral Skills for Work Preparation Distinction Merit Total 6 6 12 ENGLISH SPEAKING BOARD - Communication in the Work Place Entry Level Grade 3 Pass with Recognition of Excellence Pass Total 1 1 2 PRINCE’S TRUST - Level 2 Certificate in Personal Development Pass 4 CCEA - Entry Level Qualification 3 English Learning for Life & Work Religious Studies Total 1 4 3 8 2 X 1 1 2 1 1 CCEA - Occupational Studies (Single Award) Level 1 2 Level 2 10 Total 12 CCEA - Key Skills Communication Level 1 11 Level 2 1 Total 12 CCEA - Essential Skills Application of Number Level 1 3 Level 2 4 Total 7 CCEA - Essential Skills Entry Level - Numeracy Level 2 2 Total 1 6 4 11 13 Performance in Public Examinations Performance Indicator 2010/2011 School NI Average % Achieving 5+ GCSEs at Grades A*-C (or equivalent) % Achieving 2+ A levels at Grades A*-E (or equivalent) 2011/2012 School NI Average 2012/2013 School NI Average 65 60 83 64 74 67 97 95 88 96 93 96 Years 13 and 14 Pupils Number of pupils in Year 13 in 2013/2014 - 42 Number of pupils in Year 14 in 2013/2014 - 48 Number of these with statements of special educational needs - 3 GCE AS - Percentage in Grade Total Entries A B NI CCEA Art & Design Business (Applied) English Literature Geography History ICT Mathematics Physics Religious Studies 3 12 1 5 3 21 11 5 2 66.7 33.3 33.3 41.7 100.0 AQA Human Biology Religious Studies 18 1 EDEXCEL Design & Technology Psychology 19 5 20.0 33.3 9.5 20.0 C D 16.7 8.3 20.0 33.3 4.8 45.5 40.0 20.0 33.3 19.0 11.1 27.8 10.5 40.0 26.3 23.8 54.5 20.0 100.0 E U 40.0 TOTAL A-E 100.0 100.0 100.0 60.0 100.0 90.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 33.3 9.5 22.2 100.0 11.1 27.8 72.2 100.0 36.8 60.0 15.8 10.5 89.4 100.0 20.0 WJEC Health & Soc Care Single 2 50.0 50.0 100.0 14 GCE A2 – Percentage in grade Total Entries A* A B NI CCEA Art & Design Business (Applied) English Literature Geography German History ICT Maths Physics 6 14 5 6 1 3 14 9 1 16.7 66.7 21.4 20.0 16.7 100.0 33.3 21.4 11.1 100.0 16.7 50.0 20.0 16.7 21.4 60.0 66.7 33.3 28.6 66.7 33.3 28.6 11.1 21.4 11.1 AQA Human Biology Religious Studies 17 7 17.6 42.9 17.6 14.3 17.6 14.3 EDEXCEL Design & Technology Health & Social Care Psychology 6 4 6 16.7 50.0 16.7 33.3 50.0 16.7 33.3 50.0 50.0 BB 16.7 BC 33.3 WJEC Health & Soc Care Single WJEC Health & Soc Care Double 14.3 16.7 33.3 4 AA 16.7 6 C D E U TOTAL A* - E 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 7.1 16.7 29.4 14.3 17.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 16.7 100.0 CC 16.7 CD 16.7 100.0 BTEC AWARDS (Single AS equivalent) Construction Creative Media (Games Dev) Creative Media (TV & Film) Engineering Total Distinction (A*) 1 1 4 6 Distinction (A) 82.2 100.0 Merit (C) Pass (E) 2 1 1 2 2 Total 1 2 3 4 10 15 BTEC AWARDS (Single A2 equivalent) Distinction (A*) 1 Agriculture Children’s Care, Learning & Development Creative Media (TV & Film) Engineering Hospitality Sports Studies Total Distinction (A) Merit (C) Pass (E) Total 1 1 1 2 1 7 1 2 14 1 5 2 1 1 5 1 7 1 1 BTEC AWARDS (Double A2 equivalent) Dist*/Dist* (A*A*) Dist/Dist (AA) Merit/Pass (CE) Pass/Pass (EE) Total 1 1 1 1 4 Sport Studies (Development, Coaching & Fitness) School Leavers' Destinations 2013/2014 (From Years 12, 13 and 14) Number of Leavers 2013/2014 Higher Education Further Education Another School Job Skills/Modern Apprenticeship Employed Unemployed Other/ Unknown 77 39 26 2 3 7 1 0 Annual Attendance Rate (All Pupils) Total days attended by all pupils on roll as % of total possible days of attendance – 94 % SPORT / PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Omagh High School continues to stress the importance of competitive and recreational sporting activities for the balanced development of all pupils. Football, Hockey, Rugby and Netball are the main focus of attention from September to March, with seasonal league and cup fixtures being played both during and after school within each age group. From April to June the attention firmly shifts to the Athletics season. Other sporting and physical activities are also carried out throughout the year. Football Football continues to play a huge sporting role at Omagh High School. The U14 team competed in the McMullan Shield competing against other local schools in both Tyrone and Fermanagh. The boys produced some excellent performances and results throughout the competition. 16 The Under 16 team competed once again in the annual McKee Cup competition. The boys were aiming to defend the trophy they won a year earlier, however they just fell short of retaining the Cup. Nevertheless the team once again performed to a very high standard in all the games. The Under 13 & Under 15 football teams reached the quarter finals and Semi-finals respectively, of the Vauxhall N Ireland Schools Trophy. The Under 15 team were looking to emulate the Under 15 team from 2013 when they won the competition for the first time in the school’s history. Both games were against Newtownabbey who presented our boys with stern opposition. The U13s went down 4-1, whilst the Under 15s almost made it through to the final, but were narrowly beaten after extra time by 2-1. An excellent effort from both age groups. During the summer one of our pupils, William Donaghy, Captain of the U16 Football team, was selected to represent County Tyrone Premier Team in the International Milk Cup tournament. An excellent achievement. Athletics Omagh High School once again competed very well in both Cross Country and Track and Field competitions with pupils qualifying from the District championships to the Ulster Championships at the Antrim Forum. Rugby Rugby continues to develop and progress at Omagh High School. From Year 8 right through to Year 12, each year group got the opportunity to compete in various competitions throughout the year. The Year 8 team qualified from their regional qualifier to compete at the national finals held in Lisburn. The Under 16 team once again competed in the annual Pollock Cup and N Ireland High Schools’ trophy. In the latter competition the boys reached the quarter final of the competition before getting narrowly defeated by Ballymoney High School. 2014 also saw the reintroduction after many years of the Carberry Shield in which Omagh High defeated Castlederg High School to claim the trophy. Hockey Hockey once again continued to progress and develop at Omagh High School with some notable success. The Year 8 team came first in the regional tournament, the senior team 4th in the league and the Under 14 team finished 3rd in their respective leagues. Netball In Years 8 – 14 the girls compete in the Southern Board Netball leagues. The girls competed very well in their respective age groups and played some excellent netball. The most notable success was the Junior Netball Team (Year 10) who finished runners-up in their tournament narrowly defeated by the very skilful Cookstown Team. A great year for all netball teams and hopefully this success will continue. Girls Football Our junior and intermediate girls football teams competed in the regional heat of the IFA tournament. Our junior team reached the semi-final, narrowly losing on penalties. Our intermediate team finished runners up in their section. 17 Year 11 pupil Laura Jones competed in the UEFA tournament for Northern Ireland U16 ladies football team. Sports Day 2014 Sports Day 2014 was held on a very warm and sunny day at the end of June and was once again a great success. Both competitors and spectators had plenty to occupy them throughout the day. With the competitors taking their events very seriously, a lot of excellent results were achieved in both track and field. For spectators they were able to witness all the sporting action and also partake of the inflatable activities. This all added to a great atmosphere throughout the day. The day ended with the awarding of medals and trophies for all the prize winners. County Sports The annual county sports were once again hosted at Campsie playing fields. The pupils from Omagh High School participated extremely well and many County champions were crowned in a variety of track and field events. Champions League Football Trip In September last year 40 pupils plus 4 staff travelled to Old Trafford to watch Manchester United v Bayer Leverkusen in the UEFA Champions League. An enjoyable trip was had by all with Manchester United winning the game by 4-2. It was an excellent opportunity for the pupils to witness a top level European match with some of the world's greatest footballers on display. Ski Trip 2014 From the 25th January - 1st February, 25 pupils and 2 members of staff travelled to the Italian Alps to the mountain resort of Marrileva for an action packed week of skiing. Throughout the week the pupils experienced excellent snow conditions. The resort experienced its heaviest snow fall in years. All pupils mastered the sport of skiing with all progressing from the nursery slopes right through to the daunting black slopes. This is as always a very popular trip with pupils experiencing not only a new sporting activity but also foreign travel, food and culture. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES A wide variety of extra-curricular activities was available to pupils during the school day and after school during 2013-2014. In sport we offered Rugby, Badminton, Gymnastics, Football, Hockey, Netball, Show jumping, Basketball and Cross country running. Cricket and Athletics are offered in the summer term. Music and Creativity - School choir, instrumental groups, musical tuition for orchestral instruments, guitar club and Ulster Scots piping and drumming tuition groups. Clubs: Chess Club, Drama Club, IT Club, Charity Fund Raising, Public Speaking, Debating, Cadets, Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA), Heartstart programme, Scripture Union, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Bake Off, Paired Reading. 18 There is also an extensive range of Learning Support classes for GCSE and GCE including: Mathematics, English, Science, Business Studies, History, Drama/Performing Arts, ICT, RE, Geography, Art and Design, Learning for Life and Work, Technology and Design, Hospitality and Health and Social Care. These classes provide extra tuition for pupils and undoubtedly contribute to the high levels of academic attainment achieved by pupils. Regular themed events take place throughout the year including ‘Enterprise and Employability week’, European Day of Languages, Charity fund-raising events etc., Harvest Thanksgiving Service, Remembrance Assembly and Christmas Carol Service. These extra-curricular activities could not operate without the goodwill and commitment of a wide range of staff (teaching and non-teaching) for which we are extremely appreciative.
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