The Torch Three-week Study Tour to England a Success! L&L Undergrad Scholarship

The School of
and Literature
Fall 2014
The Torch
“A classic is a book that
L&L Undergrad
Fall 2014
has never finished saying
what it has to say.”
- Italo Calvino
Roberta Wright Reeves:
Jaclyn Alford
Logan Askins
Nathan Askins
Andrew Cosper
Rebecca Davis
Alexa Taulbee
Haley Bonner
Holly Falkner
Anthony Garcia
Donisha Landes
Cara Nelson
Sierra Bailey
Charyssa Lamb
Sarah Van Der Linden
Aaron White
Peyton & Ola Barrington:
David Barkley
Dylan Clark
Mang Pew Lee:
Iris Mendoza
Warren Memorial:
Lance Williams
Dorothy Watters Jamar:
Ben Whiteside
Christa Kunkel Smith:
Adelfo Valdez
Zaphryn Memorial
Jesse Tafoya
Dr. Sherman Brown Neff
Chris Acosta
A big thanks to all our
donors, and a congrats to
all our recipients!
Three-week Study Tour to England a Success!
The value of education can be
measured by more than what
one learns simply from a textbook or class lecture. For history and English students at
Wayland Baptist University,
that added value was ever
present during a 3-week
study tour in England.
Sponsored by the School of
Behavioral and Social Sciences and the School of Languages and Literature, 10
L-R, back: Donisha Landes, Rebecca Davis, Dr. Kevin Sweeney, Brendon
Schreiber, Reggie Davis, Dr. Maria O’Connell L-R, front: Hannah Wells, Ty
Carthel, Jacqueline Wallace , Olivia Bybee, Bridgit O’Connell (not pictured:
Jared Haines and Annette Coon)
students and two professors
es they had while immers-
made the trip made the trip
ing themselves in the cul-
to Oxford and London, along
ture about which they were
with Annette Coon who coor-
learning was a benefit they
dinated the efforts. Dr. Kevin
could not have received in
Sweeney taught World Civili-
the classroom.
zations up to 1500 as well as
The School of L&L is con-
an upper-level history course
sidering future trips to Cos-
that covered medieval Eng-
ta Rica and Spain.
land. Dr. Maria O’Connell
taught a world literature
course as well as an upper-
(From Jonathan Petty article published on Plainview Herald website;
full article at a http://
level English course covering
British literature. While stu-
dents spent much of their
time studying, the experienc-
f731-11e3-984d0019bb2963f4.html )
Dr. Joshua Mora Named Associate Dean
of the School of Languages and Literature
Still Crazy After All
These Years . . .
Every fall the faculty and staff of
the School of L&L gathers for fall
professional development meetings. These meetings include
much work and discussion, but
Annette Coon always makes
Dr. Don and Lannie
Cook Scholarship
ed to the School’s foreign
The Dr. Don and Lannie
languages—Spanish, Ger-
Cook Scholarship was
man, French, Latin, and
dedicated this spring
2014. Dr. Cook served
Dr. Cindy McCle-
nagan will continue to serve
as the chair of the
as Dean and manage all
Division of Languages
undergraduate and gradu-
and Literature for
ate programs in English.
approximately forty
“I’m honored to have this
years; students, faculty,
The School of Languages
opportunity to serve Way-
and friends joined
and Literature is pleased to
land in this role,” stated Dr.
together to honor his and
announce that as of July 1,
Mora. “I appreciate the
Lannie’s work through
2014, Dr. Joshua Mora will
trust that Wayland has put
the development of an
serve as our first-ever Asso- in me, and I hope to do the
English Scholarship in
ciate Dean. In this position
best job possible to serve
their name. Dr. Mora will oversee and
Wayland and her students.”
develop all programs relat-
We know you will, Dr. Mora!
sure we also gather for our annual funny photo. Last fall
(above) it was goofy hats; this
Check out our website for our recent creative
fall, Hawaiian or wild shirts.
publications Embers and Frontlines!
(Don’t worry, we’ll share this
fall’s photo as well!)
Student Honors
School of L&L 2014
University Research Champion
English Language Arts major
Lance Williams was named
the 2014 School of Languages & Literature Research Champion. A chapel
presentation of his American
Sign Language research paper earned him a $100
award for his scholarship and
efforts. Way to go, Lance!
Spring 2014 Student
L&L Award Winners
Katherine Teinert - Chinese
Hannah Wells – English
Rebecca Davis - Latin
Meagan Dixon - Spanish
Costa Rica
Study Tour
New Minors and New Specializations for
the School of Languages & Literature
In addition to adding minors in Chinese,
*American Literature
Latin, and Professional Writing, the
*British Literature
School of L&L also recently added spe-
*Professional Writing
cialization options for its English ma-
Information about these new degrees
can be access through our online cata-
New students who choose to major in
log at
English may now select a specialization
in any one of the following areas:
The School of L&L hopes to offer
its 6th Spanish Study Tour this
May 2015, mostly likely with a
return to Costa Rica. Led by Dr.
Joshua Mora, the tour generally
lasts the entire May micro (three
weeks), allowing students to gain
college credit while immersing
themselves in the language and
culture of a Spanish-speaking
Register for WCONLINE NOW for
access to our appointment calendar
Check out New Online Resources
and watch for updates coming in fall
Like us on Facebook: Wayland Baptist University Writing Center
Follow us on Twitter: @wbu_wc
Spring 2014 Awards for School of L&L Faculty Members
Dr. Karen Beth Strovas
Dr. Deborah Kuhlman & Dr. Joshua Mora
of the 2013-2014 univer-
Additionally, Dr. Joshua Mora
received the Janis Davis Fac-
Faculty Scholarship
ulty & Staff Appreciation or
Award. The award is
“Favorite Professor” award as
voted on by all full-time
voted on by the student body.
Wayland faculty, and is
Congrats to both!
given to the professor
who has diligently pursued and succeeded in
Other L&L faculty award nom-
Dr. Karen Beth Strovas,
scholarship efforts in his
inations included Dr. Deborah
Assistant Professor of
or her academic area.
Kuhlmann, Associate Profes-
English, was the winner
Congrats, Dr. Strovas!
sor of English, for the Contribution to Profession Award.
L&L Faculty Members Tell One Another
to “Shut Up and Write!”
At the encouragement of
to their website, “Shut Up &
who are serious about
Assistant Professor of Eng-
Write! is a venue for writers
‘writing down the bones’
lish Dr. Maria O’Connell,
to work in the company of
and are looking for the com-
faculty members in the
other writers on a regular
panionship of other writ-
School of L&L are gathering
basis. Writing, whether ap-
fairly regularly to encourage
proached as a profession or
shutupandwriteSFO )
one another in pursuit of
as an avocation, is an isolat- The School of L&L group
their scholarly writing. Af-
ing activity. We provide this
meets about once month,
fectionately called “SUAW,”
forum, writing resources
generally at The Brew. Drs.
this “Shut Up and Write”
and meeting times as a
O’Connell, Steve Michael,
group is based on a concept
method of developing a
Karen Beth Strovas, Erin
developed in the San Fran-
community of creative peo-
Heath, and Laura Branden-
cisco Bay area. According
ple. We welcome people
burg are regular attenders.
Master of Arts
in English at
Sigma Tau Delta, International English Honor Society
May of 2014 boasted the School
2014-2015 Officers
Better World Books
English graduating class thus far:
President: Kelsey Wright
Sigma Tau Delta continues
Sigma Tau Delta is open to
6 students were eligible to walk
Vice-President: Lance Williams
to work with Better World
all English majors and mi-
the May 2014 graduation stage in
Secretary: Dylan Clark
Books (BWB) to collect and
nors who have completed
Treasurer: Sarah Van Der
send used books for re-sale,
their freshman English re-
receipt of their MAE degree: Rita
recycling, or use overseas.
quirements and maintained
If you have any books to
a GPA of 3.2 or higher.
donate, place them in the
In spring 2015, members
collection box outside of the
plan to head to Albuquer-
Languages and Literature
que, NM, for the 2015 Inter- office, GH 201, Plainview
national Convention.
of L&L’s largest Master of Arts in
Cox, Ashley Edlin, and Melissa
Pawelek attended the ceremony
(above L-R), while Rachael Murray, Ellen Shelton, and Hannah
Stewart graduated in absentia.
Fall 2013 Halloween Party—
Working under the direction of Dr.
costumes and all!
Cindy McClenagan, Ashley Edlin
completed her Master’s thesis on
composition and service learning,
while Rita Cox worked with Dr.
Karen Beth Strovas to complete a
creative writing thesis. Other recent graduates of our MAE program include Christina Buchholz,
Joan King, Priscila Osio, Destini
Munoz, Heidi Smith, and Stephanie Ward. 2014-2015 marks the
MAE program’s fifth year; current
enrollment rests at 37 students!