One Newport LSB Single Integrated Plan Theme Advisory Board ToR

Terms of Reference for ‘One Newport’ Local Service Board (LSB)
Single Integrated Plan (SIP) Theme Advisory Board
1) To enable partners to deliver against the specified priority theme and co-ordinate
the efforts within that theme.
To ensure that within the specified theme the needs associated with Healthy, Safer,
Prosperous, Young Newport are taken account of and that reporting can reflect this.
2) There are three main areas of responsibility for the group:
Executive & performance management; and
Peer review support.
3) Ensuring appropriate systems are in place to achieve improvements and that
managers and front line staff across agencies are working together effectively
4) Ensuring robust project management and governance arrangements are in place
within the theme partnership delivery mechanisms.
5) To ensure the delivery of the specified theme within the Single Integrated Plan
Executive and Performance Management
6) Oversee the delivery of the specified Priority Theme by:
a) Prioritising those projects and activities that will have the greatest beneficial
b) Support and challenge working groups to meet or exceed targets for
c) Ensure priorities for action are clear against specified priority theme
d) Ensure each working group sets out clear delivery plan with measurable
performance targets that relate to the outcomes defined against each of the
priority areas, in line with the Performance Management Framework
e) Where performance is below the expected level (or significantly above) explore
the causes and identify potential remedies. Where unable to do this reference
should be made to the SIP Board
Peer Review Support
7) Ensure appropriate data and information is in place to support the Theme Strategic
Lead during the Peer Review process.
8) The Chair is the Theme Strategic Lead for the specified theme.
9) Membership should include:
a) Theme Strategic Lead;
b) Theme Facilitator/Support, Centralised Partnership Team, Newport City Council;
c) Other members as appropriate to theme.
10) The Theme Advisory Group will meet:
a) At the end of each year to review progress and agree priorities for the following
year; and
b) When required to support the strategic lead in the peer review process.
11) The venue for each meeting will be decided at the preceding one, with the intention
to rotate the host around members.
12) The meeting will be quorate when at least two-thirds of the members are present.
13) Substitutes are allowed at the Chair’s discretion, and should be empowered to make
the same decisions as the individual they stand in for.
14) Technical experts and guests may be invited to meetings to advise on specific agenda
items and/or issues.
15) Meeting agendas and the minutes from the last meetings should be sent to all
attendees at least one week prior to each meeting.
16) Whenever practicable, reports to the group will be made in advance in writing
enabling the time available at meetings to be devoted to matters in which members
input can make a difference.
17) Any member of the group may request that an item is placed on the agenda of a
forthcoming meeting.
18) Decisions will be agreed by consensus amongst the full members. Where consensus
has not been reached a simple majority of those members present will be sufficient
to carry the motion.
19) All members of the group should be empowered by the organisation that they
represent to make decisions on behalf of that organisation (within the reasonable
practice of good governance). Where this is not possible, decisions will be referred to
the decision-making processes of those organisations.
Support Arrangements
20) Support will be provided by the Partnership Support Team. This support includes:
Provision of agendas and minutes;
Production of performance information;
Supporting communication with and from the group; and
Providing other evidence, information or advice as necessary.
21) The terms of reference should be reviewed annually; however they may be subject
to changes or review at any time if considered appropriate to do so.
22) Membership should be reviewed as part of the review to ensure both the LSB and its
members are drawing value from their respective involvement. Potential new
members should be considered at the same time. The representation of each partner
organisation should be managed so that over- and under-representation is avoided.
Supported by
Decision Making
and Accountability
Theme Advisory
Programme Boards
Project Boards
Statutory Groups
Single Integrated Plan Board
Governance Structure