Evidence to Innova0on (E i)

Evidence to Innova-on (E2i) Introduc-on – Theme Co-­‐Lead Dr Kishore Mulpuri •  Engaged in a wide range of research projects in paediatric orthopaedics •  Most interested in studying the clinical outcomes of orthopaedic treatment as a means to con-nued improvements in treatments and outcomes •  Also focuses on problems with walking gait associated with neuromuscular disorders and of unknown origin •  Abnormali-es and diseases of hip Introduc-on – Theme Co-­‐Lead Ian Pike •  Formal training in Exercise Physiology, Popula-on Health and Injury Preven-on •  Director, Dr Paul Schwann Centre, University of Regina •  Director, Employee Health and Safety Services, HBT •  Regional Director, Canadian Red Cross Introduc-on – Theme Co-­‐Lead Ian Pike Started at UBC/CFRI in 2004 •  Clinical Assistant Professor and Director, BCIRPU •  Associate Professor of Pediatrics •  AUTO21 NCE Researcher •  PI CIHR Team in Child & Youth Injury Preven-on •  Co-­‐Exec Director, Preventable Affiliated with … •  York University, Kinesiology and Health Sciences •  Canadian Collabora-ng Centres on Injury Preven-on •  Alberta Program in Youth Sport & Rec. Injury Preven-on •  Parachute, Expert Advisory Commi\ee Why we are doing this … •  ‘I love it When a Plan Comes Together’ Colonel John ‘Hannibal’ Smith •  Great Team •  Great coaches and supporters and facili-es •  All of the a\ributes to succeed in the mission to be the best in the world •  Ready! Purpose of this mee-ng To begin the transi-on from clusters to groups within over-­‐arching research themes •  Par-cipatory Ac-on Process – your input, your thoughts, ideas and priori-es •  35 of 155 researchers who have responded have selected E2i as their research theme • 
n.b. there are 232 CFRI researchers on site CFRI Strategic Framework •  Purpose of Theme Planning: • To be\er support our current work • To enable us to seize new opportuni-es • To achieve the over-­‐arching goals of CFRI: •  Increase research capacity •  Increase research excellence •  Posi-ve impact on children’s health A Vision: for Discussion Through wide-­‐ranging research ac-vi-es, Evidence to Innova-on (E2i) will invoke new ways of providing health services through: •  innova-ons in prac-ces and procedures •  examining the roles and efficacy of new technologies •  examining the value of big data, electronic health records and community level methodologies •  innova-ons in training educa-on and knowledge transla-on A Vision: for Discussion Members of E2i will collaborate with partners -­‐ across themes and across disciplines -­‐ on clinical and community health-­‐driven research to improve health services and health outcomes for children and families in BC and beyond Opportuni-es 1.  New collabora-ons within exis-ng research programs… •  Does exercise improve quality of life in adolescents with dysautonomia?
•  The influence of outdoor play spaces and risky play on child development •  SCOPE: Sustainable Childhood Obesity Preven-on through Community Engagement •  Sport and Recrea-on-­‐related concussion Opportuni-es 2.  New groups and collabora-ons … •  Clinical and Community data and analy-cs, EHR/EMR, informa-cs, visual analy-cs (systems integra-on and management) •  Tes-ng and evalua-on of the use of technologies (e.g. Google Glass in Pediatric Surgical Educa-on, Engineers in Scrubs) •  Clinical and Community Health knowledge transla-on (social determinants, policy, behavioural science, communica-ons, social marke-ng) Opportuni-es 3.  Investment in new Theme Level Networking, Training, Educa-on and Mentorship… •  Cross-­‐group / cross disciplinary interac-ons •  Rounds, journal clubs, lunch and learn •  Training and mentorship support •  Educa-on and development •  Seed grants •  Matching Pilot Study Grants Defining a Group • 
10-­‐20 inves-gators who want to work together because they see benefit for themselves and the success of a larger program of research some examples of reasons to form a group: • 
Enable research in the context of large scale funding opportuni-es (Founda-ons, CIHR-­‐SPOR, Genome Canada, CFI, etc) Op-mize the poten-al for mul--­‐disciplinary research Op-mize the development and use of a common technology Defining a Group • 
Groups are dynamic and intended to evolve over -me Groups can cross themes Each Group will have a Group Leader Each Group will plan and detail specific ac-vi-es that they wish to accomplish: • 
Those that are feasible within current resources Those that are possible with new resources Groups – for discussion Suggested • 
Pediatric Research in Emergency Therapeu-cs Clinical Improvement Technology Development and Assessment Clinical Informa-cs Pharmacogenomics Community Child & Family Health Biophotonics Child and family health promo-on Clinical pharmacology Community Child & Family Health Promo-on Knowledge transla-on Pharmacogene-cs/personalized medicine Innova-ve Treatment & Evalua-on Plajorm Rapid diagnos-cs and clinical improvement Possible •  Innova-ve Care & Technologies •  Clinical Outcomes Evalua-on •  Pa-ent, Family, and Community (Popula-on Research) •  Clinical and Community data, analy-cs and informa-cs •  Knowledge Transla-on (internal and external) •  Trainee Research & Mentorship Next Steps •  Short -me frame – 4 to 8 weeks – to develop a Theme Plan that contributes to the CFRI Plan •  A series of facilitated sessions for everyone interested in being part of the E2i Theme to par-cipate in designing their future: •  Refine Theme vision •  Establish Groups and Group Leads •  Iden-fy opportuni-es within current resources •  Iden-fy opportuni-es needing new resources Next Steps •  May 20th 8:00 am – 10:00 am •  Facilitated session with all •  Formalize Groups & Iden-fy Group Leads •  Iden-fy opportuni-es within current resources •  Iden-fy opportuni-es needing new resources
•  June 5th 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm •  Facilitated session with Group Leads •  Define Theme Level ini-a-ves and goals •  Ensure cross-­‐group / cross-­‐theme collabora-ons Thank you Please par-cipate… Your input is important! Ques-ons?