ODIHAM AND NORTH WARNBOROUGH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN 2015 - 2032 DRAFT PLAN OPTIONS Dear Resident, We are writing to make you aware of the key proposals in the draft Odiham and North Warnborough Neighbourhood Plan that has just been published for public comment. These proposals mainly concern where new houses will go in the parish in the next 17 years but they also cover other important areas such as recreation, facilities and parking to help make the parish the best we can. Your feedback will help shape the final document. Please review the information in this leaflet and answer the enclosed questionnaire before 22nd May 2015. If you can, please respond online at www.surveymonkey.com/s/onwplan Alternatively, complete the enclosed paper questionnaire and return it by post to OPC offices (marked OnwardPlan), The Bridewell, The Bury, Odiham RG29 1NB. Or take it to one of the following collection points, where there are extra copies for your household members and where you can also review a hard copy of the Draft Plan: • • • • • Odiham Library, The Bury Bel and the Dragon at The George, Odiham Odiham Post Office and Charlie’s Barbers The Purcell Rooms, North Warnborough WACC, RAF Odiham You can also come to one of May’s three consultation events where members of the team will be on hand to answer any questions: • Saturday 9 May, Mayhill School, Odiham 10am-3pm • Saturday 16 May, Cross Barn, Odiham 10am-1pm • Sunday 17 May, North Warnborough Village Hall 2-5pm We look forward to your input by Friday 22nd May. After all, it’s your Plan. Kind regards OnwardPlan Steering Group Odiham and North Warnborough Neighbourhood Plan Your neighbourhood plan IN CONTEXT The Localism Act gives communities more say over land use ie on most matters which require planning permission. That includes where new housing goes, affordable housing, new or improved amenities and protecting valued green spaces. 1,400 neighbourhood plans are already underway or complete across the country. Over 50 have already passed referendum and are made in law. (That’s a 100% success rate.) Despite initial cynicism in some quarters, neighbourhood plans do indeed have teeth and carry substantial legal weight in planning matters that local authorities cannot ignore. YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Odiham and North Warnborough Neighbourhood Plan is being prepared under the auspices of Odiham Parish Council by a Steering Group of 20 or so volunteers from both these villages with a range of backgrounds, interests and ages. This team has been actively listening to and engaging with the community since June 2014 including: a presence at seven popular parish events; four dedicated consultations in January 2015 which attracted almost 500 people and 4,000 comments; and numerous meetings with parish groups, schools, businesses District Councillors and Hart District officials. All this has been done under the guidance of planning consultants experienced in helping communities produce neighbourhood plans that can withstand challenges from developers. WHY ONWARDPLAN? OnwardPlan represents the names of our villages (O+NW) in a concise, inclusive and forward looking way. It has been used across all our publicity including online www.onwardplan.com, on Facebook and Twitter. ISSUES ADDRESSED IN THE PLAN • What sites are available now or may become available to deliver approximately 150 new homes? • Which ones are most suitable and supported by the local community? • What types of houses or other residential accommodation are needed in the area in terms of their size and affordability? • How can the Plan help secure community benefits as a result of this new development? • How can the Plan raise the design standards of new development to conserve the special character of the two villages? • How the Plan can assist the long-term viability and vitality of Odiham High Street? • Should land be safeguarded for possible expansion of Robert May’s School playing fields in future? • How can adequate car parking be provided by new development, and improvements ensured to the network of footpaths and cycle ways in the parish? • Which open spaces within and between the villages deserve special protection from development? • How could the environment be better protected eg. biodiversity? PAGE 2 HAVE YOUR SAY IN MAY: PLEASE READ PAGES 3 AND 4. THEN COMPLETE THIS QUESTIONNAIRE > ESSENTIAL READING FOR THE ENCLOSED QUESTIONNAIRE: The Proposals Map overleaf details: • • • • In mauve, 9 small/medium housing sites proposed for development during the course of the Plan 2015-2032. Land next to Crownfields site (site 327) proposed as the best site for a high dependency care home. Edged in red are sites put forward by landowners but not selected for development by the NP. Criss-crossed in green, the land proposed for designation as Local Green Space. More information on how each site would be developed and the approximate number of houses expected, is available in the full text of the Draft Plan for your comment. This is readable in full online www.onwardplan.com, at parish hubs and at three consultation events in May. (See p1) Housing site selection criteria In January’s feedback, the community overwhelmingly favoured developing small and medium sized sites rather than larger sites; and the majority also preferred the preservation of heritage, conservation areas, views and landscapes to the provision of new facilities. As a direct result, sites and potential sites have been assessed against a range of criteria endorsed by the community. (See Q1) Overview of current housing mix against future requirements (See Q4) 1-2 bedrooms 3 bedrooms 4+ bedrooms Policy Requirement 50% 30% 20% Hart stock 26% 36% 38% Odiham stock 31% 39% 30% Local Green Space designation The Neighbourhood Plan can designate as Local Green Space areas of special value to the community. Then it’s subject to the same development restrictions as Green Belt. ie. new development is ruled out other than in special circumstances. Designation does not confer any rights of access, if there are none already existing, nor any additional maintenance obligations on landowners. (See Q6) QUESTIONNAIRE Please complete the enclosed questionnaire by Friday 22nd May ideally online www.surveymonkey.com/s/onwplan otherwise on paper and return it: • • • either by post to OPC, The Bridewell, The Bury, Odiham RG29 1NB or to collection points across the parish (p1) or in person at our May events (p1) We’ll analyse the results and adjust the Draft Plan before publicising it for 6 weeks. It will then be submitted to Hart District Council for another 6 week statutory consultation period before an independent examination and a public referendum later in the year. PAGE 3 THANK YOU FOR YOUR VALUABLE INPUT. PROPOSALS MAP > 1:5,000 0 250 BC Land adjacent to Beech Cottage, King Street KG Kitchen Garden AF Land adjacent to Archery Fields HF Hockleys Farm DH Dunleys Hill (part of) CM Close Meadow Proposed Local Green Space in the NP 327 Crownfields 233 Crumplins Yard 232 Albion Yard 147 Swan Inn 119 Longwood, West Street 66 4 Western Lane 65 Dunleys Hill (part of) 60 Rough's Cottage 58 Hook Road Sites proposed for housing in the NP PAGE 4 500 Metres 108 330 59 HF 147 138 60 232 119 57 58 139 66 233 327 65 DH 328 CM Deer Park 110 KG 329 BC 29 228 AF 78 This map is based on Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright. HDC 100019202. SHLAA sites not proposed for housing in the NP Sites proposed for housing in the NP Proposed Local Green Space in the NP Odiham Parish Boundary 79 78 ¯
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