A Wellbeing Weekend for a Heart, Mind, Body and Spirit Tune Up.

Friday 14th to Sunday 16th
March 2014
Yarra Valley Conference Centre
2164 Melba Hwy, Dixon's Creek
A Wellbeing Weekend for a
Heart, Mind, Body and Spirit
Tune Up.
Find energy, discover your voice and reawaken joy through the power of song.
Find ways to focus on healthy living and joyful relationships. Take time off to
revitalize and realize the power of self and community.
Your leaders include:
SHAUN ISLIP. Renowned, charismatic conductor of eight community choirs.
MARGOT ISLIP. Pilates and movement expert.
MAX DUMAIS. Lateral thinker and founding CEO of the De Bono Institute.
DR. PETER ELLYARD. Futurist, strategist, speaker and author.
Relaxing at Dixon's Creek in the Yarra Valley, you will enjoy healthy food, good
company and a challenging program of self-discovery and fun. You will find your
voice in more ways than one when you make this investment in yourself.
If you think you can't sing,
let us help you find your voice
F o r mo r e i nf o r ma t i o n
P h o n e: 0 4 3 8 2 1 3 5 3 2
E ma i l : ma x @ a h e a d o f t h e g a m e . c o m. a u
Yo u c a n a l w a y s h a v e a t a s t e o f w h a t i s t o c o m e
by j oining the Open Door Singers on Monday ni ght.
See www.opendoorsingers.org.au for details
In d ividu al
$ 110 0
Early B ird Special: 10% discount