“Morality is not the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy

“Morality is not the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy, but how we may
make ourselves worthy of happiness.”
Life without ethics is a beast’s life. Your ethics and values are your beliefs about
what is important in life. Ethical society of OPJMS is striving hard to bring a positive
change in teachers’ attitude. Teaching is a scared profession. It is rather a sacred
service, than a profession. Ethical society is working for the cause of teachers – their
worthy existence, acceptance and enforcement of code of ethics which make their
selfgoverning and self-satisfying. The
society is marching ahead to create an
ethical culture that focuses on
supporting one another in becoming
better human beings and contributing
to the welfare of society, country and
the world. We are constantly trying to
bring out the best in the human spirit
by appreciating the uniqueness and
worth of every teacher. ‘Teachers
affect eternity’. A teacher touches the
soul of his students. For this, it is important that the character of a teacher should be
highly guided by ethics and moral values. Conduct and character development
should be an integral part of teaching profession since teachers are the makers of
History and it is these teachers
responsible citizens of any
country. The members of ethical
education and ethics are closely
allied with one another and we all
are constantly working for developing strategies to promote ethical standards
among teachers.
Sushma Kundu
(Club Incharge)