Soul Infusion and SoulFilled Living

Being Who You Truly Are
and to feel what you are feeling without shame, denial, judgments
In the Human Experience we seem to automatically feel like we are just not okay as we are, that
some part of us still needs fixing, denying, hiding or changing.
Experience the Grace of Self Acceptance and Self Love
With Soul Infusion Energy Transmissions, Intuitive Guidance and Spiritual Coaching with Miri
Experience the healing, transforming tender love of your very own heart
~for you~
Your natural state of being is harmony, balance, love, peace, freedom, abundance, joy. Most of
us aren’t vibrating and living there most of the time because of one requirement –
In this human experience, we all must develop a personality/ego which becomes our vehicle for
navigating life. Personality comes from the Greek word persona which means mask.
personality or ego is the filter through which we see and evaluate, categorize, perceive and
judge everything in life. Our ego says yes or no to the Life Flow and keeps us living in a limited
box. Our personality/ego is molded and sculpted, like clay, from our early family experiences,
our culture, our parents, other important people and events in our lives and more. Our ego
thinks it is its job to keep ‘us safe’……and so it is always scanning and evaluating what is
acceptable and what is not based on how it has been shaped.
It is the way of this life…until Your Soul/Spirit begins to knock on your door and you begin to
awaken and to yearn for something more and different….beyond the fears and limitations…….to
return…… Truth and Love
Are you ready to change your reference points forever and move into Soul Filled Living?
~Welcome Home~
*Experience release from all varieties of suffering, pain, unfulfilling habits, toxic
thinking, emotional reactivity and self judgments
*Realize a deeper level of Self Acceptance, Compassion, Kindness and Gratitude.
As you continue to open your heart to your self, you discover how easily your
heart now opens to everyone and everything around you
*Experience a deepening of your connection to your Higher Power/Higher
Self/Spirit/ The Divine/ The I AM
*Live in greater Peace, Trust, Grace, Allowing, Acceptance, Connection and Flow
with all of life.
*Understand you’re her/histories and experiences from a higher perspective and
that Life is FOR, has never been against you.
*Realize that being your self is what you are actually here to do. You have never
made a mistake. You, just as you are, are the most precious and perfect gift to
everyone just as everyone in your life and all your experiences have been in
support of you
*Sleep better, feel better, have more energy and fun!!!
*Realize that you truly can create and have the life of your dreams and that this
is what you are actually here to do.
You will find that you have come to a level of self acceptance such that you
are falling in love with your self and actually all of your selves, and that
Grace is your constant companion, supporting you to now live more and more in
Gratitude, Wow, Peace, Miracles, Freedom, Joy and Yes!
~Welcome Home~