. I{EALL ;v-M"4t- 9re%t, ,Udffi'2 om Qry ZILLA SWASTHYA SAMITI, NUAPADA DISTRICT PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT L]NIT,NHM NUAPADA, ODTSHA, 766105 6rt E-mail : [email protected] Letrer rrro, l.l tr Phone: (06678)-223346 Date: ,1s'o-<')c6- /DPMU/NHM OUOTATION CALL NOTICE Sealed quotations are invited in the prescribed format from Travel agencies/Private Organization/ Individuals for hiring of vehicles ISCORPIO/ INNOVA/ TRAVERA/ BOLORO etcJ with A/C and Non A/C on monthly rental basis for engagement /empanelment of vehicles for DPMU, NHM, Nuapada. Interested travel agencies/Private Organisation/ Individuals may apply in the prescribed format. The details terms and conditions and formats will be available at district website www.nuapada.nic.in from 2 O , 03.J.0lf to 9q ' o-). A-0 t.5 till 5 P.M. The complete quotations should reach at DPMU on or before -5o"' o9 - 2-ol:, by 2 P.M through Speed Post/Regd Post/Courier only or can be submitted by hand. The sealed quotation will be opened in the same day at 5 P.M in the office chamber of the undersigned. The quotation should be superscribed as "QUOTATION FOR HIRING OF VEHICLES for DPMU". The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reason thereof. Chief District offi District Mission Director, Nua _w& cpfl qql 6dq ZILLA SWASTHYA SAMITI, NUAPADA DISTRICT PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT UNIT,NHM NUAPADA, ODISHA, 7 66L05 TENDER DOCUMENT Sealed quotations are invited in the prescribed format from Travel Agencies Individuals for engagement/empanelment or uut i.t. isconnro /rNNovA / TRAVEM// QUALIS/ BoLoRo etc - Minimum 6 seated vehicle) with A/c and Non A/c for engagement by the DPMU, NHM, Nuapada for period a of one year and may be renewed based on the condition of the vehicle ind satisfa.to.yf".rormance. Terms & Conditions 1' The vehicle must shows a mileage of at least 12 km per liter. The vehicle should be Iess than2 years old. vehicle with t.rr y.r. orota wiil be given preference. 2' All the majorand minor repair for the vehiile shall be made u"y tr," vehicle owner himself. DPMU will provide only DOL. 3' The vehicle must be available with DPMU on all working days including off hours & on holidays as desired by DpMU. 4' A log book has to be maintained on daily basis and be signed by the concerned member of DpMU or whoever uses the vehicle on that pr.ti.rtr.iry. 5' EMD of Rs.5, 000/-only drawn in favour of ZSS, Non NRHM Fund, Nuapada must be attached with the tender. The EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded without any interest within 30 days of tender opening. -6. The quotation of the bidder having vehicle will only b-e accepted. 7 ' If during the. course of engagement of the vehicle any accidents etc, occurred either to vehicle or to the ttriid prlyr authority will not be responsible and any liability arising out such accidenfwilibe the responsibility B' The driver will report at DPMU at 08.00 AM in ihe morningof the party only. and will be available till 08.00 PM in the evening or as desired by DpMU to drive the vehicle. 9' The vehicle will be parked in the office campus of DpMU. The responsibility of comprehensive insurance of vehicle and personal accident insurance of the driver will be of the contractor. 10'No Personal use of the vehicle by the contractor is allowed without the prior permission of the authority, 11.lncase the driver is called in night, no extra charge will be paid. 12'There will be no extra night halt charge for usinjthe vehicle in the night. 13'The contractor will provide service of vehicle in a neat & clean condition with clean towels on the seat twice a month and general servicing and pollution checkup will be carried out by the contractor. 14'Owner must make alternative arrangements, if regular driver is absent or the vehicle become off road. .' ' The maximum amount of hiring cost shourd be of rs,ooo/per month. The minimum Iimit of one litr; for 10 X.fr,fr?". A/C andone litre for 12K.Ms for A/Cwillbe paid as DOL charges. agency / individual will maintain the record of vehicre use and ;HJJivel Special provisions The approved bidders have to sign an agreement with the chief District cum District Mission Director, ttliapaaalrne niJaurs'shail commence Medicar officer the date of agreement and shall the services from continue to p.ouia. the services for months or tiil closure of the project a period of 12 whichever is earlier. If the contractor / driver rrik o.'ruglects ,rt;iil obligations under the contract it shall be lawful for NHM to rorreit eiiher wtrote o.-rny part of performance furnished by the bidder security torp.nsation for any ross resulting from such falure. " Submission of bid The interested bidder has to collect www'nuapada.nic from Ao 'b3 ,as{-to the total document from district website gg,u;ri . H. h;rio sign on every "rr iffi:.",IjH*"jif;:x..f;riJ*'* 'rt.. affisa. .#;,"J,1,1"d; #fiIefi if .rl;fl,t p*,..iu.d .ati on sh oul d b e sup ers cri be i;;; arongwith a, d as ..eu o rArr oN The documenB should be ,rb.nir,.d to: TuE Drsrnrcr pRocReuur MeTRceMENT Urum (DPMU), Orucn oF C"rr. DrsrRrcr tvtrucer Orrrcrn, NUAPADA. The documents shourd reach within z* , g'] , uq iy z.p.Mthrough Speed post/Regd Post/courier only or can be submitted by handEe sealed qurtrtion iritt u. opened in the .r, i r- same day at 4 p.M in the office .rrl*tu. of the undersigned. undersigned reserves the The right to reject all or rnyoir"., without reason thereof. 1. Valid registration Certificate. 2. Driving license of the Driver. 3. Up to date road tax payment receipts of up to date vehicte insu.anie. 19gqy (Bidder not submitted the auove^Jo.u-u.rts w,r be rejected) d!.rffi.?/J S f D i stri cd M e District Mission Director, Nua,pada ch ie QUOTATION FOR HIRING OF VEHICTE UNDER NHM, NUAPADA ' To: {r sub: submission of quotation for engagement of vehicle at DPMU, NHM. Ref: Your Quotation call Notice No.-dated Sir, This is to inform you that after gone through the terms & conditions in the notice, I am quoting the rate as follows Vehicle Type - Vehicle No:Purchase Date:- Registration Date:- Vehicle Color:Name of the Driver with Driving licence No - Fuel to be used (A/c ................. I(ms/ Iitre) (Non A/c - Llitre/ KM. Lubricant - Rs. Rate per month travelled in a month Rate (in figureJ EMD Details Address: f Kms/ Iirre) / per month (irrespective - Maximum limitiJ rs,oooT- pe. month. - DD No _ Name of Individual ........ - Date of distances/ mleage ---Amount_. Travel agency- - Telephone No Signature with date
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