Oregon Ridge Nature Center Summer Calendar 2015 Picnic Under The stars Pack your picnic baskets and say sayonara to spring at Oregon Ridge’s Picnic Under the Stars. Take an early evening woodland stroll, relax on a picnic blanket in the meadow while the sun sets and meet some of Oregon Ridge Nature Center’s critters. Then, gather around the campfire for songs and s’mores. Grills will not be available this year, so be sure to bring a pre-cooked picnic dinner. Everyone is welcome, and it’s FREE! Date: FRIDAY 6/19 Time: 6PM-8PM Location: Oregon Ridge Nature Center’s Meadow Tubing and Canoeing Tubing on the Little Falls 7/11, 7/12, 8/8 and 8/9 10AM-2PM Celebrate the hot summer day tubing down the Little Gunpowder Falls River. Pack small lunch and plenty of water. Closed toe shoes are a must! Children must be at least 8 and able to paddle their tube around obstacles in the water. Under 16, must be accompanied by an adult. Program meets offsite and shuttling from put-in to take-out is required. $15(10M) Canoe Trip on the Upper Gunpowder Falls- Hereford 7/19 10AM-1PM Join us for a hearty paddle on the Upper Gunpowder Fallsno novices, please. Portage is possible due to obstacles. Bring a bottle of water, lunch, a hat and wear closed toe shoes. Paddlers must be at least 10 and accompanied by an adult. Program meets offsite and shuttling from put-in to take-out is required. $15(10M) Canoe the Lower Gunpowder Falls- Glen Arm 8/15 10AM-1PM Join us for a paddle on the mid to lower Gunpowder Falls. Experienced paddlers prefered. Portage is possible due to obstacles. Bring a bottle of water, lunch, a hat and wear closed toe shoes. Paddlers must be at least 10 and accompanied by an adult. Program meets offsite. $15(10M) O r e g o n R i d g e N at u r e Ce nte r Ju n e 6t h & 7 t h July 10th Jambe r r y M ak i n g Pai n t Ni g h t o n th e R i dge 1PM-3PM “One berry, two berry, pick me a blueberry”. Learn to make jam from seasonal berries. Then, join us around the table for a tea party and tasting of our sweet creations. Don’t forget your favorite tea party hat! $3 ($2M) 7PM-9PM See “Paint Night” box for more details. $30 ($45M) July 11th & 12th Tu be th e L i ttl e Gu n powder Fa lls 10AM-2PM See front page for more details. $15 ($10M) Ju n e 13 t h & 1 4 t h Geocaching 9AM-11AM Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunting game using GPSenabled devices. Dig out your hiking boots and join us for this fun adventure through the park. Ages 5+ $5 ($3M) July 18th & 19th Ju n e 19 t h July 19th Picnic Under the Stars 6PM-8PM Join us at the Oregon Ridge Lake for our annual picnic. See front for more details. FREE Ju n e 20 t h & 2 1 s t 8AM-6PM Please see www.wfa.net for information & registration. Can o e i n g o n th e U ppe r Gunpowder R ive r 10AM-1PM See front page for more details. $15 ($10M) July 24th-25th Nature Quest 1PM-3PM Get outdoors with a naturalist and find the two Nature Quest posts located within the Oregon Ridge Park. Gather clues along the way to find a special prize! FREE Ju n e 27 t h - 2 8 t h Great American Backyard Camp-Out 6PM-9AM This special event is part of National Wildlife Federation’s “Be Out There” campaign. Bring your own tent and camping gear, and we’ll provide the night hike, campfire, s’mores, and light breakfast. Be on time to set up your tent and bring you own bag dinner. $6 ($4M) Flower to table Jelly Making Join Director Winny for her annual Jelly Making from sweet flowers found in the park! During this adult workshop, you will learn the basics of preparing the flowers to canning your very own creations. $15 ($10M) June 12th Wilderness First Aid 6-8:30PM Mid Summer’s Dream Camp Out 6PM-9AM Pack your bags for a relaxing mid-summer camp out in the comfort of Oregon Ridge Park. Bring your own tent and camping gear, and we’ll provide the night hike, campfire, s’mores, and light breakfast. Be on time to set up your tent and bring you own bag dinner. $6 ($4M) July 25th & 26th Mud Day 1-3PM Get down and dirty in some muddy fun! Make mud pies, mud sculptures, mud paintings, and more! Then we’ll let the mud monsters slide down a mud slide and run through our hoses and sprinklers to become human kids again. $5 ($2M) July 31st Once in a Blue Moon Night Hike and Campfire 6PM-9PM A blue moon occurs when there are 2 full moons in one month. Join us for this rare occasion to go for a moonlight hike. Then, end the night around the campfire roasting marshmallows for s’mores! Ages 5+ $6 ($4M) To register for programs, please call 410-887-1815 13555 Beaver Dam Road • Cockeysville, MD 21030 s u m mer Calendar 2015 Aug u s t 1 st & 2 n d Stream Search 10AM-12PM Put on your water shoes and head to Oregon Ridge to search our streams with a naturalist. Find salamanders, crayfish, marcroinvertabrates and other water loving creatures. Learn the techniques to catching these cool creatures for up close observation. Ages 4+ $3 (FREE M) Aug u s t 8 t h & 9 t h Tu be the Lit t le G u n p owd e r Fa ll s 10AM-2PM See front page for more details. $15 ($10M) Aug u s t 1 5 t h Canoeing on the Gunpowder River Paint Night on the Ridge Gather your friends and put on your art smock to join our nature art teacher, Melissa, for a night of instructional painting on the ridge! Create your very own nature inspired painting. We provide the canvas, paints and brushes. There will be light snacks and B.Y.O.B! No experience needed. $45 ($30M) July 10th 7-9PM 10AM-1PM See front page for more details. $15 ($10M) Clubs Aug u s t 1 5 t h - 1 6 t h Bookworm Story Time End of Summer Camp-Out 6PM-9AM School is starting soon! Camp out at Oregon Ridge before the hustle and bustle of fall catches up with you. Bring your own tent and camping gear, and we’ll provide the night hike, campfire, s’mores, and light breakfast. Be on time to set up your tent and bring you own bag dinner. $6 ($4M) Aug u s t 2 2 n d & 2 3rd Flutterby Butterfly 1PM-3PM Lets talk about butterflies, especially the Monarch! Learn about the different types of butterflies in Maryland and their host plants. See how we raise monarch caterpillars, tag them and release them- all in effort to collect data for the Monarch Watch Study. Ages 5+ FREE Nature stories with fun activities such as animal encounters, puppets or crafts. FREE 11AM-11:30AM 6/5, 7/10, 8/7 Shoots and Letters Come plant the seeds of knowledge while learning basic skills and playing in the dirt with your little tots. Songs, crafts and adventures are all a part of the fun! Meets two Thursday each month. Ages 2-3 $16 ($12M) 10AM-11AM 6/11 6/25, 7/9, 7/23, 8/6, 8/20 Kinder Garden Club Young sprouts can play in the garden while growing their lil’ hearts and minds. Various nature activities each session like crafts, dancing, music and garden delights. Meets Tuesdays Ages 4-5 $16 ($12M) 10AM-11:30AM 6/16, 6/30, 7/14, 7/28, 8/11, 8/25 Aug u s t 2 9 t h & 3 0t h The Miners Lost Treasure Hunt 1PM-3PM Find the Miners lost treasure on this exciting scavenger hunt around the park while learning about iron mining that once occurred at the Oregon Ridge Park. Then, get a special tour of the Peter Goff Museum, the replica tenant house. Ages 5+ $5 ($3M) Help support the Nature Center, become a member of the Oregon Ridge Nature Center Council! Habitat Team Become a weed buster for a day and help our park remove invasive plants from our trails and gardens! Meets the 3rd Saturday of the month. FREE 9AM-11AM 6/20, 7/18, 8/15 Trail Blazers Love our trails? Join our Trail Blazers to help install erosion bars, remove downed trees, and eradicate invasive species all in the effort to repair our trails and better our park. Ages 16+ FREE 9AM-12PM 6/27, 7/25, 8/1 (See back page for more details) [email protected] • www.oregonridgenaturecenter.org ORNC PROGRAM RESERVATION PROCEDURE Programs require reservations unless stated otherwise. M = Member Discount To register, call 410-887-1815 PAYMENT PROCEDURE: Payment must be made within a week of making a reservation. To receive a refund, kindly notify us a week in advance so we may accommodate our waiting lists. Checks are payable to: ORNCC 13555 Beaver Dam Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030. Should you require special accommodations (an interpreter, etc.), please call ORNC at 410-8871815 or call the therapeutic office at 410-887-5370 (voice), 410-887-5319 (TTD/Deaf). Email: [email protected] GROUP INFORMATION: All programs are for individuals and their immediate families and are not intended for groups. Groups may schedule programs through the Nature Center by calling 410-887-1815 Become a member of the Oregon Ridge Nature Center Council A Non-Profit, Volunteer Organization Dedicated to Enhancing the Enjoyment of Nature Name _________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________ Address______________________________________City___________________State_____Zip_______________ Email _________________________________________________________________________________________ Checks payable to: ___ $15 Individual/Senior ___ $250 Sustaining Oregon Ridge Nature Center Council, Inc. ___ $30 Family ___ $500 Lifetime 13555 Beaver Dam Rd., Cockeysville, MD 21030 ___ $75 Supporting **to pay via credit card, please visit oregonridgenaturecenter.org/membership
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