CS331: Machine Learning Prof. Dr. Volker Roth [email protected] FS 2015 Aleksander Wieczorek [email protected] Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science Spiegelgasse 1 4051 Basel Date: Monday, May 4th 2015 Exercise 11: Kernel ridge regression Recap & Definitions • Ridge regression: – The problem is formulated as: p p n X X X (yi − β0 − βj gj (xi ))2 + ν βj2 βˆridge = argminβ i=1 j=1 ! , j=1 where ν ∈ [0, ∞) is a penalty parameter. – In matrix form: βˆridge = argminβ (y − Xβ)t (y − Xβ) + νβ t β . – The solution is given by: βˆridge (X t X − νI) = X t y and using the SVD decomposition of X we have: βˆridge = V (S t S + νI)−1 S t U t y • Kernel ridge regression: – Expand β in terms of input vectors: β = X t α, α ∈ Rp+1 . – The problem is then reformulated as: α ˆ ridge = argminα (y − XX t α)t (y − XX t α) + ναt XX t α . – Substitute the dot product matrix XX t by an arbitrary Mercer-kernel matrix K: α ˆ ridge = argminα (y − Kα)t (y − Kα) + ναt Kα . – Setting the derivative ∂/∂α to zero gives: 2K t (Kα − y + να) = 0 and the solution is given by: α ˆ ridge (K + νI) = y • Predictions based on a linear combination of a set of radial basis functions: 1 gi (x) = K(x, xi ) = exp − k x − xi k2 , xi , x ∈ Rd , λ and λ ∈ (0, ∞) is the smoothing parameter. 1 CS331: Machine Learning FS 2015 Exercise Write a Matlab function for kernel ridge regression with RBF and x ∈ R. Allow an intercept in the model, i.e. add 1 to each element of the kernel matrix. With the optimal α ˆ ridge calculated on training data X make predictions for new test data x? : yˆ? = K(x? , x)α ˆ ridge and compute the test set error. (Generate data as in exercise sheet 5 and compare.) function [err,model,errT] = KridgeRFB(x,y,lambda,nu,xT,yT) x = vector of input scalars for training y = vector of output scalars for training lambda = RBF width parameter (>0) nu = ridge penalty (>=0) xT = vector of input scalars for testing yT = vector of output scalars for testing err = average squared loss on training alphaHat = vector of parameters errT = average squared loss on testing 2
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