STEREOTYPES 1. What does the word „stereotype‟ mean? 2. Have you ever dealt with any stereotypes? 3. Do you have any stereotypes? Read and understand the following text, and say how people are stereotyped. Very often people make their first opinion about a person according to a certain stereotype. A person is usually judged by his appearance, outlook, way of life. A badly dressed dirty man is usually associated with someone who has no job and house to live in. It is supposed that a very beautiful girl has no depth and intelligence and is quite silly. On the other hand, a person who wears glasses and a hat, is clean and tidy, might be looked upon as very clever and intelligent. For centuries people have wanted to know more about those around them. In the nineteenth century physiognomy or the practice of telling people's character from their faces was very popular. The features of the face were examined and commented on in great detail: larger, more prominent chin was a sign of passion, narrow receding foreheads – a sign of low intellect, and a larger forehead – a sign of intelligence. The nose with wide nostrils showed “strong powers of thought” whereas a snub nose showed weakness and an unpleasant character. Another stereotype is based on an idea that women are sillier than men and less intelligent, that they are not as good in science, sport, etc as men are. What's more it's thought that women can't be good politicians. These statements have been repeated many times and so the stereotype has been formed. One more stereotype concerns national features of people. Persons belonging to a certain nation are supposed to be greedy (Bulgarians, for example), very attractive (French women), punctual (Germans), vodka loving (Russians). Such stereotypes interfere with real understanding of people belonging to different nations because one may have a completely wrong opinion of a nation thanks to stereotypes. 1. According to the text are these statements true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones, and answer the questions. 1. In the nineteenth century physiognomy or the practice of telling people's character from their faces was very popular. Is physiognomy used in your country? In what way? 2. A badly dressed dirty man is usually associated with someone who has no job and house to live in. Is it the only association that such a person calls up? 3. A person who wears glasses and a beard, is clean and tidy, might be looked upon as very clever and intelligent. What other associations can such a person bring? 4. A snub nose with wide nostrils showed “strong powers of thought” and an unpleasant character. Do you know any person with such appearance? Do you agree with this character description? 5. Larger, more prominent chin was a sign of weakness. Do you agree with it? What is a sign of weakness for you? What else can a prominent chin tell you about a person? 6. Narrow receding foreheads were a sign of intelligence. 1 What is a sign of intelligence? Do you agree with it? What is a sign of intelligence for you? 7. A very beautiful girl has no depth and intelligence and is quite silly. Do you agree? Prove it. 8. Americans are supposed to be greedy. What nationality do you consider the greediest? Why? 9. Brazilian women are supposed very attractive. What nationality do you consider the most beautiful? Why? 10. Russians are supposed vodka loving. Which country consumes the most alcohol? Why? 11. Chinese are supposed punctual. What nationality do you consider the most punctual? Why? 12. Women are not as good in science, sport, etc. as men are. Is it really true? 2. Match words and expressions from the text and their definitions. according to a) to form, give, or have as an opinion appearance b) to judge to be associated with c) to prevent something from happening in the correct way to comment (on) d) to think that something is likely to be true to concern e) a person's way of understanding and thinking about something depth f) an indication form an opinion about g) something that you say or write which gives information in a formal or definite way 8. in great detail h) outward look 9. intelligence i) important parts of something 10. to interfere with smth j) to be connected with something in some way 11. to judge k) the ability to learn, understand, and make judgments 12. features l) including many facts or aspects of a situation 13. outlook m) as stated by 14. a sign n) to involve 15. a statement o) to express an opinion 16. to suppose p) 1) the ability to think seriously about something; 2) the great strength of a feeling 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3. Fill the gaps in the sentences using these key words from the text. greedy wrong opinion be looked upon on the other hand examine politicians badly dressed physiognomy way of life punctual unpleasant character 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Coco Chanel once said, „If a woman is ______________, it‟s the dress we‟ll notice; but if she is impeccably dressed, it‟s the woman herself we‟ll notice.‟ She ______________ housework as boring. There's no need to get ______________ – there's plenty for everyone. On the one hand I'd like a job that pays more, but ______________ I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment. For years ______________ – the idea that a person's face is a reflection of his character – was sneered at. She believed her job as a ______________ was to represent the views of her party and the people who voted for her. It is good that most children at St Mary's are always ______________ for school. If you call a person a worm, you are insulting them by saying that they have a very weak or ______________ and you have no respect for them. 2 9. Many people want to lose weight, maintain a healthy ______________ and generally be more active. 10. To understand the present, ______________ the past; without the past, there would be no present. 11. People who don't even know me are commenting on me, because of this others form a ______________ about me. 4. Imagine that you are a famous physiognomist. Give your examples of telling people's character from their faces. Examine any 10 features of the face and comment on them. Use words and expressions from Ex. 1, 3-4. Don‟t seek help online for comments. YOU are a famous physiognomist! VOCABULARY 1. Synonym match: chic alien being a newcomer to notice component hobby usefulness language to move aside accept it displayed for viewing to eat a lot taxi driver to be especially good at hearing and repeating sounds belt bag sidewalk cabbie deal with it exposed flash fanny pack to get an ear immigrant off the boat pastime pavement practicality to spot to step off to stuff (one‟s) face tongue accessory 2. Complete the extract from the article on the Web with the correct words and expressions from the box. accessory deal with it (2) complaining exposed flash (adj) get an ear language barrier pastime pavement (2) require steal (v) step off spot (v) thief Eight Ways to Not Look and Act Like a Ridiculous American in Britain 1. Shorts Britain gets pretty warm in the summers, but one thing you won‟t see much of is shorts. The idea of having half your legs ______________ just seems unBritish. 2. Gym shoes With practicality, we must all wear comfortable shoes when we travel abroad. But that does not mean go buy a pair of ______________ Nike‟s to wear. An easy way to ______________ an American is to look for a group of people, all wearing gym shoes. Gym shoes are for the gym or similar activities not for travelling in a European country. 3. Fanny Pack People still think that Fanny Packs are still a useful travel ______________. Don‟t ever wear one, ever. You‟re just asking for a ______________ to clip it off your waist and ______________ your passport and money. 4. Stand in the ______________ and look at your map 3 If you‟re lost, don‟t stop in the middle of the ______________ and look at your map. ______________ to the side and look. 5. Cabbies Unlike in the US, where any immigrant off the boat can drive a Cab, in the UK it‟s a trade that ______________ years of training and memorization of every street in London. Don‟t insult your taxi London cabbie by thinking you know better. 6. Stuff your face Portions are smaller in the UK. ______________. 7. ______________ Yes, the Brits speak English, but it‟s in a completely different way and they use words differently. Try to watch BBC America a bit before you leave, try to ______________ for the tongue. 8. ______________ about the rain Yes, it rains in Britain. ______________. If you want sun, go to the Bahamas. Besides it doesn‟t rain nearly as much as the stereotypes say it does. Carry an umbrella – be prepared. 9. Complaining about anything While complaining is a British National ______________, that does not mean it is OK for you to complain about anything about Britain. They are quite happy to not know your opinion on any matter. 3. Put down your own eight ways to not look and act like a silly stranger in your country. 4. Do a crossword „Stereotypes about Britishers‟. 11. 2. 4. 9. 6. 10. 3. 12. 1. 5. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. British people are ______________ tourists and ______________ to the people who go to their country. Their impolite tone indicates disrespect for the listener. (4-Down) Britishers are the worst tourists ever, always behaving like ______________. They do noisy and violent things. Like those ones who follow their football team, and are more interested not in the football match itself but in violence. (9-Down) Britishers don't want to learn other ______________. They consider foreign words useless to know. (9-Across) As a Briton you need to worship a television series. Most likely ______________ ______________ – a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC from 1963 to the present day. (9- Across) Brits have bad ______________. Their most terrible nightmare is going to the dentist. (5-Down) The British like to have their French fries with ______________. The name of this liquid comes from the Old French vin aigre, which translates into “sour wine”. (7-Down) You can easily recognize British at the beach: they are the ones who are still lying in the sun for hours and hours – while getting totally ______________. (They have sore bright pink skin because they have spent too much time in hot sunshine.) (9-Across) 4 8. British boys don't have ______________, i.e. elegance in dress. They are the worst dressed people. (5-Across) 9. British scientists base their research on ______________ science, in other words incorrect science. (5-Down) 10. Britons are far from being beautiful. They are ______________. (4-Across) 11. All young Brits wear tight ______________. They wear these trousers independent of their body shape. (5-Down) 12. Britishers have ______________ (intermediate between red and white) skin. (4-Down) 5. Comparison game. Complete the table. similarity Britons Americans Russians People of your nationality difference SPEAKING AND WRITING 1. Look at the world map of stereotypes. Where do they come from? And how does your country see the world? Draw your world map. 2. Make a list of stereotypes connected with your country. Where do they come from? 3. Being British is about… Being British is about driving a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, then travelling home, grabbing an Indian curry or a Turkish kebab on the way, to sit on Swedish furniture and watch American shows on Japanese TV. And what is being a person of your nationality about? Write a similar formula. 4. Create a Cinquain poem. 1 line – stereotype. 2 line – 3 adjectives. 3 line – 3 verbs. 5 4 line – 3 nouns. 5 line – conclusion. 5. Stereotype Survey. Write five GOOD questions about stereotypes students have experienced in the table. When you have finished, interview other students. Write down their answers. student 1 student 2 student 3 Q.1. Q.2. Q.3. Q.4. Q.5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 6. Topics for discussion: What are the stereotypes of men and women? Do gender stereotypes annoy you? What is the stereotype of someone from your country? Is it fair? Which people today do you think are being unfairly stereotyped? Do you think there are any stereotypes that are good? Do movies show different nationalities as stereotypes? From what age can people become a stereotype? Have you ever met someone who was the perfect image of a stereotype you had in your mind? 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Do you agree or disagree with the following stereotypes? Provide answers with your examples. Guys are messy and unclean. Men who spend too much time on the computer or read are geeks. All Americans are obese, lazy, and dim-witted. Homer Simpson of the TV series The Simpsons is the personification of this stereotype. All Asians are good at maths. All Asians like to eat rice and drive slow. Girls are only concerned about physical appearance. All librarians are women who are old, wear glasses, tie a high bun, and have a perpetual frown on their face. All children don't enjoy healthy food. Only anorexic women can become models. AUDIO CORNER 1. What do people from your country think about the English and the French? 2. Listen to two people talking about what the English and the French think about each other. Put down their stereotypes. about the English about the French 1. 6 2. 3. Summarize what you‟ve heard. 4. And what do people from your country and this country think about each other? Make a list of stereotypes. READING, WRITING, SPEAKING 1. Read an opinion of thirteen-year-old boy on what dads are for. In the home a dad is very important. He is the person who provides us with money to feed and clothe ourselves. He can decorate your bedroom, mend your radio, make cages for your pets, repair a puncture in your bicycle tyre and help you with your maths homework. A dad can be very useful for taking you in the car to and from parties, music lessons, and dancing lessons. A dad is the person whom you ask for pocket money. He is the one who complains about the time you spend talking on the telephone, as he has to pay the bills. Dad is someone who will support you in an argument, if he believes you to be right. He is someone who reads your school report, and treats you if it is good. A dad likes to come into a nice happy home in the evening, and settle back in his chair with a newspaper. He likes to recall his National Service days ... 2. Which of the things seems stereotypical? Which of the things were true for your dad when you were a child. 3. Read some quotation of children about their fathers. Which one do you like best? Do you consider them stereotypes? If so, where do these stereotypes come from? 1. Fathers are for earning money and helping to keep the human race going. 2. Fathers always get grey hairs before mothers. 3. A father is a person who let you do things you‟re not allowed to by a mother. 4. Dads wear socks so that we cannot see their hairy legs. 5. A dad is a man mum but unlike a mum he is not always on the telephone. 6. I really think fathers are nuisances but you can‟t do without them. 7. A father is a person who drinks about 4 pints of beer, and has a headache the next day. 8. Dads are like moving banks. 9. The trouble with my dad is that he is either mad or soft and nice. 4. What do you think children would say about mothers? Write your opinion on what mums are for. 5. What are the main stereotypes of father and mother? Make a list of these stereotypes. 7 VIDEO CORNER 1. Why do you think people want to visit Rio? Think of three different reasons. 2. How do you see Rio? Complete the list below with at least one example for each category. People (their character, appearance): Events: Food/Drinks: Music: Sports: Sights: Security/Police: 3. Watch an extract from The Simpsons episode „Blame it on Lisa‟, where they are going to Rio and answer the following questions: 1) How many people live in Brazil? 2) Is it awfully expensive to fly to Brazil? 3) What are travel tips? 4) What language do people speak in Brazil? 5) How do people can get anywhere there? 6) What game are Brazilians sure to love? 7) Is it a charming neighborhood? 8) What is „the heart and soul‟ of Rio? 9) What was invented in a samba school? 10) What are a million kids doing there? 11) What does a kidnapping by a taxi-driver mean to Homer? 12) How much do the kidnappers want to pay for Homer? 13) And how much does the family have? 14) What is American word for a thousand dollars? 15) What is the main event in Rio? 16) Why is Homer laughing with his kidnappers? And what does it mean? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 4. Give detailed answers to the following questions: What stereotypes are mentioned? What do you think was true? What wasn‟t true? Do you think the author exaggerates? In what scenes? How do you think the episode will affect the way non-Brazilians see Brazil? 5. Write a 200 word essay “Images and Opinions of My Nationality” or “My Images and Opinions of Russians”. 8
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