A.Y. 2014-2015 UNIVERSITY OF NAPLES “PARTHENOPE” Department of Management Studies and Quantitative Methods HEAD OFFICE Via Amm. F.Acton , 38 – 80133 Napoli www.uniparthenope.it ORIENTATION AND TUTORING Via Acton, 38-80133 Napoli Tel. 0815475136-248-617 http://orientamento.uniparthenope.it @: [email protected] Program Director Prof. Michele Quintano [email protected] DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES AND QUANTITATIVE METHODS Via Generale Parisi, 13 - 80132 Napoli 0815474172 - 50 www.disaq.uniparthenope.it www.management.uniparthenope.it [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF NAPLES “PARTHENOPE” ORIENTATION AND TUTORING WHERE WE ARE Department of MANAGEMENT STUDIES AND QUANTITATIVE METHODS Master’s Degree Course Marketing and International Management uniparthenope.economia.aziendale @M_UniPth (Class LM-77) www.uniparthenope.it COURSE OVERVIEW The master’s degree course in Marketing and International Management aims to provide students with the necessary understanding of marketing and international management fields. Graduates in Marketing and International Management will develop specific skills pertaining to the analysis and solution of issues related to the development of international business competition and the management of strategic and operational aspects of marketing. CAREER PROSPECTS Graduates can operate as entrepreneurs and managers in companies and institutions of the industrial and service sectors, both public and private; managers and consultants for strategic activities and corporate governance (management, organization, production, marketing, finance, planning); experts in the issues arising from the internationalization decision-making and its related marketing policies. Graduates can also perform, in relation to specific objectives, external activities with traineeships at public and private organizations, both national and international. Graduates from this course will hold an in-depth knowledge of the competitive mechanisms of the various national and international markets; develop a capacity for dialogue and interaction with people of different cultures – in terms of beliefs, values, behaviours, and managerial practices; they will know how to optimize the relationships among all parties involved in business competitive areas, sometimes characterized by very different rules; they will know how to manage the various operational tools to interpret the structures and the market dynamics and the different marketing levers, and they will understand the implications on the management of issues deriving from the market globalization. SYLLABUS The master’s degree course in Marketing and International Management is a two-year course consisting of core, related, and complementary modules, as well as elective modules, totalling 13 examinations. In the first year, the master course aims to develop skills in the following areas: Crosscultural management; Political economics and international monetary economics; Financial management and business planning; Retail and channel management. The second year is divided into two curricula: 1) International Management; 2) Marketing. The International Management curriculum aims to enhance statistical-related subjects, as well as company law and international trade, fashion and luxury management and international service management. The Marketing curriculum aims to enhance skills relating to market analysis, EU law f or market ing, custom er exper ience management, brand management and digital marketing. In the final year, students can exert their skills in a period of internship and during the preparation of their thesis defence. In addition, the master’s degree course helps students strengthen their foreign language skills. SYLLABUS Year I ECTS Cross-cultural Management 9 International Monetary Economics 9 Economic Policy and Market Regulation 6 Financial Management of International Enterprises 6 Business Planning 9 Retail and Channel Management (module I) 6 Retail and Channel Management (module II) 6 Year II Curriculum: International Management Models for Statistical Analysis Company Law International Trade Law Fashion and Luxury Management Or Business Ethics and CSR International Service Management Or International Innovations Networks Year II Curriculum: Marketing Quantitative Methods for Business Analysis Marketing Law EU Competition Law (module I) Customer Experience Management Or Brand Management Digital Marketing Common core modules: Foreign Language skills (En/Fr/Es/De) Elective module Internship or alternative activities Final examination For further information, please visit our website: www.management.uniparthenope.it or write to: [email protected] 9 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 6 6 6 6 9 6 9 3 15
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