Announcements for March 29, 2015 April 2, Maundy Thursday 11:00 am & 6:30 pm April 3, Good Friday 12:15 & 6:30 pm Easter Sunday The Resurrection of Our Lord 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00 am All Our Redeemer members, family and friends are invited to attend the delicious breakfast on Easter Sunday. Breakfast will be served beginning at 8:00am through 11:00am. In keeping with tradition, the men of Our Redeemer are preparing and serving. BIBLE STUDIES SUNDAY MORNING 9:30 & 10:45 AM High School through Adults There will be no Adult Bible Class or Sunday School March 29 or April 5. Join us again April 12 for The Story. 9:30 & 10:45 AM Sunday School (Make your Sunday a 2 hour experience: Worship & Bible study. Make a commitment to yourself and start today!) MONDAY 6:30 AM—Men Meet at Denny’s, Robert Burger, Leader 6:00 PM—Women’s Bible Study (every other week) Jonah Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer, Linda Dusel, Leader WEDNESDAY 6:30 AM—Men at Denny’s, Robert Burger, Leader 6:30 AM—Men at Capital Cafe, Rick Schultz, Leader 6:30 AM—Women at Maxfield’s, Linda Osterlie, Leader 6:00 PM—Women’s Bible Study; Media Ctr. THURSDAY 9:30 AM—Verse by verse study of the Gospel of Luke, Pastor Wayne C. Schroeder, Leader FRIDAY 8:30 AM—Women’s Bible Study, Jenny Beyer, Facilitator EASTER BREAKFAST SERVERS—Men of Our Redeemer will be preparing and serving Easter breakfast for OR families, friends and visitors. We need 30-40 men of all ages to help for a two hour shift to serve our fellow members and friends. Contact Gary Phillips at [email protected], Tom Balgeman at [email protected], or Greg Riederer at [email protected]. EASTER BREAKFAST IN NEED OF BAKERY & DYED EGGS— Donations of bakery and hard-boiled, dyed Easter eggs are need for Easter breakfast on Sunday, April 5. Your contribution to this annual Men’s Ministry event is greatly appreciated. If you can provide eggs or bakery, please sign up outside the Volunteer Ministry office. SERVE AT MILWAUKEE RESCUE MISSION—Assist in serving dinner at the MRM from 3:45-6:00, April 6. Sign-up outside the Volunteer Ministry office. TOSA CARES FOOD PANTRY—Distribution day Saturday, April 25 at Mt. Zion Lutheran Church. If you can help organize the food pantry on Friday, April 24 at 9:00 am, or the distribution to the families on April 25 at 8:00 am, call Ruth Berg at 414-462-5871. Pantry items needed are laundry detergent, canned fruits and vegetables, cereal, and any nonperishable items. Please bring your items to the bin under the skylights at Our Redeemer. PRAYER PARTNER BRUNCH SEEKS VOLUNTEERS—Our annual brunch honoring this year’s confirmation class will be held Sunday, April 26 at 10:45 am. Volunteers are needed to help set up on Saturday the 25th, to prepare egg bakes (recipe provided) and to assist with serving and clean-up. Sign up at the Volunteer Ministry table or contact [email protected] to lend your support. NURSERY NEEDS VOLUNTEERS—Volunteers are needed to serve in the nursery from 9:15 to 10:45 am on Sundays. This time of service may be applied to junior high, high school, or family service hours. Contact Noemi Hedrich, [email protected] or stop by the Volunteer Ministry table to sign up. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BIBLE STUDY High school boys are invited to discuss Dateable by Justin Lookadoo and Hayley DiMarco. Facilitated by Joe Benson, the study will meet Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in Room 208 (next to the Chapel). Contact Joe at 262-6270036 or [email protected]. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SEEKS DIRECTOR—VBS is taking Everest on the road to the SOS Center, July 13-17. If you would also like to see VBS at Our Redeemer this summer (July 2024), please prayerfully consider serving as Director or CoDirector. For more information contact Gail Woods, [email protected] or stop by the Volunteer Ministries Office for more information. THE STORY BIBLE STUDY —The Story church-wide Bible study begins April 12 for 6 weeks. We are currently seeking hosts for small groups. Materials will be provided (DVD and questions). You may choose to host here at church, in your home, or another location of your choosing. Pick up sign up sheets for your small group in the church office or under the skylights. MILLER PARK VOLUNTEERS NEEDED—Please consider joining our team for the Miller Park Fundraising. It’s a time for serving our Lord and spending quality time with our Christian family of Our Redeemer. Training dates are April 14 & 16. There are four games to work in April and urgently need your help. Contact Lois Johnson at [email protected] or 262-327-2513. Coffee Hour is being hosted by the High School Bible Study group. Thanks to those who have volunteered. Your service is most appreciated! GREEN THUMBS NEEDED—Do you enjoy gardening? A team is being assembled to manage campus beautification and perennials during the summer and autumn months. Contact [email protected] to lend your support to our landscaping team. Nomination Committee Update The nomination Committee would like to invite all members of Our Redeemer to recommend candidates for nomination for the following positions: MMC President, MMC Vice President, and 4 at large MMC seats. In accordance with the bylaws, candidates must be voting members, noted for their Christian knowledge, zeal, and experience in the spiritual work in God’s kingdom. The slate of candidates will be published at least one week prior to the next voter’s meeting. The policy manual also provides that anyone who chooses to nominate an individual must acquire that person’s permission to be nominated and must submit that person’s resume to the Nominating committee. Verbal resumes are acceptable to this committee. Please contact anyone on the committee with your nominations. The committee members are: Anne Christian, Greg Reiderer, Tom Balgeman, Carrie Tittl and Andy Tuler. Thanks for your assistance. CALENDAR OF EVENTS AT OUR REDEEMER MONDAY, March 30 THURSDAY, April 2 Maundy Thursday Worship 11:00 am & 6:30 pm TUESDAY, March 31 8:00 PM Coed Adult Volleyball FRIDAY, April 3 Good Friday Worship 12:15 & 6:30 pm WEDNESDAY, April 1 3:45 PM Ballet/Tap Class for 5K 4:30 PM Confirmation 6:00 PM Women’s Bible Study 7:30 PM Praise Band Rehearsal SATURDAY, April 4 SUNDAY, April 5 Easter Sunday—The Resurrection of Our Lord! 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00 am Worship 8:00 AM Easter Breakfast begins AREA NEWS AROUND OUR REDEEMER AFTERNOON CHRISTIAN BOOK CLUB will meet Thursday, April 9 at 1:00 pm at Darlene Seegert’s home (262-7870302). Please phone to confirm attendance. The Girls of Atomic City, (non-fiction) by Denise Kiernan will be discussed. New members are always welcome. GAME DAY, Tuesday, April 14, 12:30 PM—Game Day is open to all “retirees” who love a good game of Sheepshead, or anything else you would like to play. Come join the fun, make new friends, learn how to play a new game, or share one with others. The “card tables” will be located in the lower level Band Room/Counting Room. SCHOLARSHIP FUND APPLICANTS—The Schaefer/Musser Fund is available to support Our Redeemer pastoral or teacher students attending a Synodical college, university, or seminary. Applications are available in the church office and can also be found on our website at -help/scholarship-opportunities/. Completed applications should be returned to the church office by June 30, 2015. PTL FOOTWEAR FUNDRAISER—Now through May 31. Our Redeemer is participating in a shoe drive to help raise funds for improvements to the school. Please donate your new or gently worn shoes (athletic, dress, sandals, boots, etc.). All shoes should be rubber banded together or have their laces tied together in pairs. Please bring your shoes to the collection container downstairs by the gym entrance. There will be volunteer opportunities available during this drive. Contact Andy Tuler at [email protected] if you are interested in helping. OUR GIFTS TO GOD 2014/15 Weekly Budget Needs Contributions Rec’d 3/22/2015 + or (-) Amount Needed Attendance 3/22/2015 3/23/2014 2014/15 Budget Needs to Date Receipts thru 3/22/2015 + or (-) Amount Needed Receipts thru 3/23/2014 $ 29,000 $ 24,333 $ (4,667) 733 789 $ 986,000 $ 904,064 $ (81,936) $ 992,127 BETH MOORE & LIVING PROOF LIVE IS COMING TO MILWAUKEE! The UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena will host Beth Moore and worship leader Travis Cottrell on August 14 & 15. The price is only $59. Sign-up at After April 14, prices increase by $10. Contact Sandy Chapman, [email protected] or Jamie Moilanen, [email protected] for more information. Although tickets can be purchased individually, we will be carpooling to GERMAN GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Deutscher Karnfreitagsgottesdienst—Friday April 3, 4:30 pm at Benediction Lutheran Church, 8475 W. Fond du Lac Ave., Milwaukee. Call 414-463-9158 for more information. Listen to the German Radio program every Saturday at 4:30 pm on WJYI 1340 am. Stewardship Corner Zechariah 9:9 “Behold, your King is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is He, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” No king ever rode to war like this. But no king had ever come to wage battle by dying. In this Passion, our Lord Jesus gives everything He has and is to bring us from death to life: He is the King Who wins by losing. Witness: Today we hear of how Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, with the crowd laying palm branches before Him. By Friday we see our King crowned with thorns. And He did it for us. Is there someone you can invite to worship during Holy Week? We pray this week for our families: Sunday Monday Tuesday BLESSED AGAIN RESALE SHOP—HELP NEEDED! Blessed Again Resale at 7624 W. Hampton is a wonderful success story. Their sales have allowed Place of Refuge to pay off their mortgage. Place of Refuge provides support and services for pregnant women without family help so they are able to keep their babies. The shop is ‘blessed’ with many donations, but not enough help to get them ready for display. If you can spare a few hours, they would be most grateful. Call 414-464-9099 if your heart is so moved. Sarah Ostovich, Amaiya & Nureynna Williams Tim & Candance Otto, Jonathan, Jacob & Sarah Emily Peterson-Moynihan, Devin, Tyler & Joseph Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Michelle Pace Tracey Parrish Antonio & Faith Patrone Evan Patten
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