Physical Education Curriculum Map Summer Term 1 Spring Term 2 Spring Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Autumn Term 1 Year Group 8 Learning Overview – Students will study the following sports/activities to meet the range and content, set by the National Curriculum: Baseline fitness testing – Performing at maximum levels Football – Outwitting opponents Netball– Outwitting opponents Gymnastics – Accurate replication Rugby– Outwitting opponents Benchmark Assessment; The national curriculum 5 key processes form the assessment procedure. Fitness is assessed by the bleep test and Cooper run to give a national comparison. Football – Outwitting opponents Netball– Outwitting opponents Gymnastics – Accurate replication Rugby– Outwitting opponents Football, Netball and Rugby are assessed at the end of the unit comprising of skills, their understanding and application of rules & tactics and overall game play. Gymnastics is assessed by the development of a final gymnastics performance looking at their skills, composition and creativity. Fitness is assessed by the bleep test and Cooper run to give a national comparison. Badminton is assessed at the end of the unit comprising of skills, their understanding and application of rules & tactics and overall game play. Dance is assessed through the development of a final performance looking at their motif development, sensitivity to the music and creativity. Hockey, Badminton and basketball are assessed at the end of the unit comprising of skills, their understanding and application of rules & tactics and overall game play. Orienteering is assessed through the student’s ability to work together, map reading skills, ability to solve problems and to navigate their way round an orienteering course. Fitness is assessed by the bleep test and Cooper run to give a national comparison. Baseline fitness testing ‐ Performing at maximum levels Dance ‐ Accurate replication & Exploring and communicating ideas, concepts and emotions Badminton ‐ Outwitting opponents Basketball ‐ Outwitting opponents Hockey ‐ Outwitting opponents Badminton ‐ Outwitting opponents Orienteering –Identifying and solving problems Hockey – Outwitting opponents Basketball – Outwitting opponents Baseline fitness testing ‐ Performing at maximum levels Striking and fielding ‐ Outwitting opponents Athletics – Performing at maximum levels & Exercising safely and effectively Tennis ‐ Outwitting opponents Cricket ‐ Outwitting opponents Summer Term 2 Striking and fielding ‐ Outwitting opponents Athletics – Performing at maximum levels & Exercising safely and effectively Tennis ‐ Outwitting opponents Cricket ‐ Outwitting opponents Striking and fielding, cricket and tennis are assessed at the end of the unit comprising of skills, their understanding and application of rules & tactics and overall game play. Athletics is continuously being assessed through the term as students complete each individual event. Over the course of the year, students will use the above sports/activities to also meet the following key processes set by the National Curriculum: Developing skills; Developing physical and mental capacity; Making informed choices about a healthy active lifestyle; Making and applying decisions; Evaluating and improving. Students will also regularly be involved in both peer and self assessment.
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