EExBA-N Nursery Statement Examples

Nursery Statement
Early Excellence
Baseline Assessment
EExBA-N requires practitioners to make judgements for each child against a set
of clear statements, and provide a Yes/No answer. There are 47 assessment
statements in total.
Characteristics of Effective Learning
9 statements to be assessed in total. Three examples as follows:
Creativity & Having Own Ideas Thinks of his/her own ideas and different ways of doing things, uses imagination in play.
Critical Thinking
Making Links
Makes links and connections in their experiences, developing ideas of grouping,
sequences and patterns.
Reviews activities as he/she does them and changes the approach as required.
Prime Areas of Learning & Development
22 statements to be assessed in total. Six examples as follows:
Personal Social
Managing (a) Can exercise some self control and cooperates with boundaries and routines.
& Emotional
Feelings &
Responds to own feelings and those of others.
(b) Is able to take turns, accepts the needs of others and is aware of the
consequences of their actions.
Communication Listening
(a) Can respond to their name. Recognises and responds to familiar sounds
& Language
& Attention in the environment.
(b) Listens to others and stories in small groups.
Moving &
(a) Runs, steady on feet and can climb. Shows control when using small equipment.
(b) Moves with confidence in a range of ways, negotiating space and is able to use
one handed equipment.
Specific Areas of Learning & Development
16 statements to be assessed in total. Four examples as follows:
Reading (a) Has some favourite stories, rhymes and songs.
(b) Knows that print carries meaning and knows how to handle books.
(a) Recites (not counting) numbers in order to 5.
(b) Counts at least four objects.
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