Oromocto Pastoral Charge The United Church of Canada April 19th, 2015 The people of the Oromocto Pastoral Charge welcome you. May there be a blessing for you in this house today. Please Note that Reverend Lori Beth will be away on Study Leave from Tuesday April 21st to Monday April 27th. Reverend Lisa Greenwood will be leading the service on April 26th. *Please Stand as you are able, sit as you prefer* Greeting: May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, and also with you. If a pastoral care need arises during this time please contact Rev. Cora Krommenhoek Office: 457-1951; Home: 455-9389 Lighting of the Christ Candle The Risen Christ lives today! We are witnesses to these things. We sing praise to God incarnate. May his love burn within us! *Introit: Hey Now! Singing Hallelujah! MV 121 Hey Now! Singing hallelujah! Hey Now! The morning has come! Hey Now Singing hallelujah! The tomb was empty at the rising sun. Jesus loved people and he made them friends. Hey now, the tomb was empty. He called to the children and the women and men. Hey now, the tomb was empty. We need more hymn from a hat suggestions. Please suggest a hymn in the marked bucket in the narthex. Thank you to all who participated in the Church Breakfast this morning. Upcoming Church Events May 2nd 4-6pm Spring Turkey Supper May 10th 8-10am Mother’s Day Breakfast June 21st 8-10am Father’s Day Breakfast Welcome and Announcements Announcements from the Wider Church *Hymn You, Creator God, Have Searched me MV 131 The April meeting of Woolastook Presbytery will be held in Chipman New Brunswick on April 30th. Call to Worship (Based on Psalm 4) How blessed are we when God who created this world and all that is in it, listens to us in our distress and answers us when we call. So let us put our trust in God and celebrate the wonder of God’s glory revealed in and through the risen Christ. Let us worship God. The Fredericton Area United Churches will have a meeting to discuss how we can come together and support each other on May 5th at 7.P.M. at the Oromocto United Church. There will be an information session on the Comphrehsive Review on May 7th at 7 p.m. at Gibson Memorial United Church. All are invited to attend. -2Prayer of the Day Surprise us, O most glorious God! Surprise us with your message of hope, when the world seems a hostile place. Surprise us, O most caring God! Surprise us with your sustaining presence, when we do not know where to turn. Surprise us, O most challenging God! Surprise us with your way of justice and truth, when the easy way beckons. Surprise us, O most revealing God! Surprise us with the face of Jesus Christ, in the most unexpected of persons. Let us pray in the word’s Jesus Taught Us saying -3Offertory* Dedication Verse MV 191 What can I do? What can I bring? What can I say? What can I sing? I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer. I’ll bring my love. I’ll do my share. Offertory Prayer (Unison) Lord Jesus Christ, you have enlightened us with your endless love, your peace, and your forgiveness. Receive and bless these gifts, for we offer them and our lives in your name to be used to proclaim your love, peace and forgiveness to all people, beginning right here and right now. Amen (Written by David Sparks, Prayers to Share 2008) *Hymn from a Hat We Are Pilgrims Lord’s Prayer Vu 595 Our Prayers of Thanks and Concern Children’s Hymn Jesus Came, a Child like Me Vu 583 Time for All Ages God’s Child (Based on 1 John 3:1–7) *Hymn Come, Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love VU 574 Commissioning and Blessing Children’s Hymn Jesus Came, a Child like Me Vu 583 Scripture Acts 3:12–19 Luke 24:36b–48 Ministry of Music Message: Understanding *Musical Benediction Go now in peace, Never be afraid God will go with you each hour of every day. Go now in faith steadfast, strong and true. Know God will guide you in all you do. Go now in love and show you believe. Reach out to others so all the world can see. God will be there watching from above. Go now in peace, in faith, and in love. Amen, amen, amen.
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