Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.1 Formalities Real-Time Systems Summer term 2015 Language/Sprache Real-Time Systems 0. Chapter ▸ This course is in English ▸ Organizational Matters ▸ Course materials are provided in English and German Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist in englischer Sprache ▸ Die Lehrmaterialien werden in Deutsch und Englisch bereit gestellt ▸ Literatur ist englisch ▸ Fragen werden in der bei der Fragestellung benutzten Sprache beantwortet Prof. Matthias Werner ▸ Literature is in English ▸ Language of a question determines the language of the answer Operating Systems Group summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.1 Formalities Tutorial ▸ ▸ Real-time systems (he/she who does not intend to take this course should leave now) ▸ Lecturer: Prof. Matthias Werner Groups ▸ ▸ ▸ [email protected] Slides at: ▸ ▸ ▸ Time and room: ▸ ▸ Wednesday, 11.30 - 13.00 Room 1/201 ▸ ▸ summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.1 Formalities Lecture ▸ 2 / 15 3 / 15 Group 1, tutor: Jafar Akhundov Thursday, 7.30 - 9.00, Room 1/208A Group 2, tutor: Srikar Beechu Thursday, 7.30 - 9.00, Room 1/367A Group 3, tutor: Srikar Beechu Thursday, 11.30 - 13.00, Room 1/205 Group 4, tutor: Jafar Akhundov Thursday, 7.30 - 9.00, Room 1/346 German-speaking students should select Group 1 The tutorial classes will start at 9th of April (tomorrow!) summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 4 / 15 Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.1 Formalities Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.1 Formalities Tutorial (cont.) Please Note ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ At all times of this course: switch off your mobile phone! Content: Discuss of open issues Check exercise solutions Do application examples The first tutorials deal with recaps of prerequisites Please note! ▸ Tutorials are an offer (lectures even so) ▸ ▸ You have to show up prepared and you should show commitment In case of a lack of interest/preperation, the tutor abandons the tutorial summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 5 / 15 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.1 Formalities Administration (cont.) Credits for following programs ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ Bachelor Computer Science and Applied Computer Science Master Computer Science and Applied Computer Science Master Automotive Software Engineering Master Embedded Systems ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ Basics in computer architecture and organization Basics operating systems (processes, scheduling, IPC, ...) Essential programing concepts (pointer, lists, trees)... Fundamentals in math and logic Credits: ▸ Note: Students of Master programs can not get credit for this course, if they already took it in a Bachelor program. 7 / 15 Course’s preconditions: ▸ to be discontinued: Master Intelligent Media and Virtual Reality Master High Performance & Cloud Computing summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.1 Formalities Administration ▸ 6 / 15 Written exam after the term Homework does not contribute to course’s credit ▸ However, I strongly recommend to do homework for a better understanding of the subjects taught summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 8 / 15 Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.1 Formalities Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.2 Content Exam ▸ ▸ Lecture’s Topics The exam’s sheet is in English and German You must register for exam with exam authority (Pr¨ufungsamt) (if you want to get credit points) ▸ ▸ Registration, deregistration, sick note, etc. are solely matters between you and the exam authority – teaching stuff must not interfere In case you have failed an exam, consider the following rules: ▸ ▸ ▸ You have two further attempts You have to do the second attempt at the latest one year after the first one; and the third attempt at the next possible exam If you fail to register for a redo exam within the time limit, the exam authority assesses a failed attempt! Topics of the lectures include: ▸ What is a real-time system? ▸ Requirements ▸ Scheduling ▸ Resources and dependencies ▸ Real-time communication ▸ Soft real time Acknowledgment Parts of the used material by courtesy of ROBERT BAUMGARTL and JAN RICHLING Important Hint Care before an exam (learning, take consultations, ...), not after! summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 9 / 15 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.2 Content 10 / 15 Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.2 Content Literatur Literatur (cont.) ▸ There is no single textbook for this course ▸ For each chapter, a reference list is provided ▸ The following literature may be of interest [SR93] John A. Stankovic and Krithi Ramamritham, eds. Advances in Real-Time Systems. IEEE Press, 1993 rem: No textbook, but collection of seminal real-time papers [But05] Giorgio C. Buttazzo. Hard Real-Time Computing Systems. Springer, 2005 rem: Mainly scheduling [Lui00] Jane W. S. Lui. Real-Time Systems. Prentice Hall, 2000 [Kop97] rem: Standard reference, comprehensive but unhandy structure [KS97] C. M. Krishna and Kang G. Shin. Real-Time Systems. McGraw-Hill, 1997 Hermann Kopetz. Real-Time Systems – Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications. Kluver Academic, 1997 rem: MARS/TTA philosophy; in-depth discussion of some essentials, but lacks wide range of topics rem: Well readable, but lacks comprehensiveness of [Lui00] summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 11 / 15 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 12 / 15 Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.2 Content Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.2 Content Literatur (cont.) Additional Resources Other resources provided: ▸ Lecture slides, pdf, 4 slides per page ▸ [Cal93] Jean Paul Calvez. Embedded Real-Time Systems. Wiley, 1993 ▸ To save resources, I will not provide any other format ▸ If you need a different format than 4x1, feel free to convert, e.g.: rem: Engineering methods [BW01] Alan Burns and Andy Wellings. Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages. Addison Wesley, 2001 rem: Programm design; Ada95, real-time Java, and real-time POSIX [Wil06] Rob Williams. Real-Time Systems Development. Elsevier, 2006 rem: Down to hardware; handy hints for real development summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 13 / 15 Real-Time Systems – Organizational Matters 0.2 Content Additional Resources (cont.) ▸ Scientific original paper ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ Conference or journal papers If possible, web link at web page For copyright reasons, you have login at TUC Trust Center to access these papers Marked by: (in contrast to textbooks summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner , you have to obtain by yourself) 15 / 15 I’ll try hard to release the slides before the related lecture takes place, thus you can use it during the lecture # !/ usr / bin / env bash if [ -n " $1 " ] && [ -f " $1 " ]; then gs -q - dNOPAUSE - dBATCH -P - - dSAFER - sDEVICE = pdfwrite - g4210x5950 sOutputFile = $ {1/. pdf / - Q1 . pdf } -c " < </ PageOffset [0 0] > > setpagedevice " -f $1 gs -q - dNOPAUSE - dBATCH -P - - dSAFER - sDEVICE = pdfwrite - g4210x5950 sOutputFile = $ {1/. pdf / - Q2 . pdf } -c " < </ PageOffset [ -421 0] > > setpagedevice " -f $1 pdftk A =$ {1/. pdf / - Q1 . pdf } B = $ {1/. pdf / - Q2 . pdf } cat A1 B1 A2 B2 output $ {1/. pdf / -2 x1 . pdf } rm $ {1/. pdf / - Q1 . pdf } $ {1/. pdf / - Q2 . pdf } else echo " No input file " fi summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 14 / 15
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