IMPORTANT INFORMATION 47th Annual Provincial Championship Tournament St. Catharines, Ontario Singles / Teams - May 2nd - May 10th, 2015 Doubles – May 2st & May 9th 2015 Lane availability can be found at EARLY-BIRD ENTRY FEES (Per Event - before March 1, 2015) ENTRY FEES (Per Event - after March 1, 2015) EXPENSES: $16.00 EXPENSES: $18.00 AWARDS: $ 1.00 AWARDS: $ 1.00 TOTAL PER EVENT $17.00 TOTAL PER EVENT: $19.00 Absolutely NO Singles/Team ENTRIES will be accepted after March 31, 2015. Doubles will be accepted up to 2 hours before each double squad. Coaches may reserve lanes for their bowlers prior to this date by calling the Tournament Director to obtain the date(s) they require. 40 Lanes are available to start. Early Bird Entry fees are not considered complete entries until ALL required documentation has been received by the tournament director prior to March 1 or postmarked by March 1. Entries postmarked after March 1 are considered LATE entries. TEAM EVENT Will be made up of four (4) bowlers each to be held in four (4) classes; A, B, C, and D, and may comprise all boys, all girls, or any mixture. PRESENTS TEAM EVENT AVERAGE Class A Average total 626 and over Class B Average total 526 to 625 Class C Average total 426 to 525 Class D Average total 425 and under SINGLES EVENT To be held in five (5) classes; A, B, C, D, and E, individually and separately for boys and girls. SINGLES EVENT AVERAGE BOYS THE ONTARIO TENPIN BOWLING ASSOCIATION (YOUTH DIVISION) GIRLS Class A Average 176 and over Average 150 and over Class B Average 151 to 175 Average 130 to 149 Class C Average 126 to 150 Average 110 to 129 Class D Average 90 to 125 Average 90 to 109 Class E Average 89 and under Average 89 and under Each event’s handicap will be calculated on 90% of the difference between the bowler’s highest average and 240, based on a minimum of 21 games as of February 9, 2015. Members not having the required number of games must enter with a scratch average of 240. Rules and Regulations are enclosed on a separate sheet. Please make all cheques payable to: O.P.J.T.B.A. TOURNAMENT This entry form is available online at: THE 47th ANNUAL PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT MAY 2nd TO MAY 10th 2015 Parkway Lanes 325 Ontario St. St. Catharines, Ontario, L2R 5L3 (905) 684-8381 TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: JAYNE PICOTT 516 Scarlett Crescent Burlington, Ontario L7L 5M2 (905) 637-1721 [email protected] SANCTIONED BY THE CANADIAN TENPIN FEDERATION TEAMS AND SINGLES CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES MARCH 31st 2015 SCHOLARSHIP MONEY AWARDED WILL BE IN THE NAME OF NORM ROBINSON Over $11,000.00 Scholarship Paid Out in 2014 Many thanks to Classic Bowl who donated $3,000.00 New this year — there will be an additional $4,000.00 added to the scholarship fund from the OTBA scholarship fund. ONTARIO TENPIN BOWLING ASSOCIATION (YOUTH DIVISION) Entry Fee BOWLING CENTER: Entry Number Teams: $68.00(early bird) / $76.00 (circle fee used) COACH’S NAME: TEL: HOME ADDRESS: EMAIL: CITY: POSTAL CODE: Singles:$17.00(early bird) / $19.00 (circle fee used) Total: PLEASE PRINT Coaches Signature: TEAM NAME: If the bowler is bowling in the singles event please place an X under the squad date that they wish to bowl their singles on. For Office Use Only: Please Circle the required Date and Time for the Team Event. DATE: May 2 TIME: 09:30 May 3 12:30 May 9 May 10 16:00 (Saturday only) May 3rd May 9th May 10th 12:30 9:30 16:00 12:30 9:30 12:30 9:30 16:00 12:30 4 May 2nd 9:30 3 Junior League Avg 2 Adult League Avg 1 MM/DD/YY Sport League Avg Boy / Girl (B/G) New Bowler (Y/N) Office Use Only Bowlers Name Date of Birth DOUBLES EVENT Will be made up of two (2) bowlers each to be held in three (3) classes; A, B, and C, and may comprise all boys, all girls, or any mixture. Class A Average total 326 and over Class B Average total 261 to 325 Class C Average total 260 and under THE ONTARIO TENPIN BOWLING ASSOCIATION (YOUTH DIVISION) PRESENTS ANNUAL CHAMPIONSHIP DOUBLES TOURNAMENT May 2nd and May 9th, 2015 Each event’s handicap will be calculated on 90% of the difference between the bowler’s highest average and 240, based on a minimum of 21 games as of February 9, 2015. Members not having the required number of games must enter with a scratch average of 240. Parkway Lanes 325 Ontario St. St. Catharines, Ontario, L2R 5L3 (905) 684-8381 Rules and Regulations are enclosed on a separate sheet. Please make all cheques payable to: O.P.J.T.B.A. TOURNAMENT This entry form is available online at: TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: JAYNE PICOTT 516 Scarlett Crescent Burlington, Ontario L7L 5M2 (905) 637-1721 [email protected] SANCTIONED BY THE CANADIAN TENPIN FEDERATION EARLY BIRD BEFORE March 1 AFTER March 1 EXPENSES: $16.00 $18.00 AWARDS: $ 1.00 $ 1.00 TOTAL PER EVENT $17.00 $19.00 ENTRY FEES DOUBLES CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES WILL BE 2 HOURS AHEAD OF YOUR SELECTED SQUAD DATE. ONTARIO TENPIN BOWLING ASSOCIATION (YOUTH DIVISION) ANNUAL CHAMPIONSHIP DOUBLES TOURNAMENT May 2nd and May 9th, 2015 BOWLING CENTER: Team Name: 1. 2. Team Name: 1. 2. PLEASE PRINT DOUBLES EVENT SQUAD CHOICE (Check Desired Date and Time) Saturday May 2 7:30 PM Saturday May 9 7:30 PM Entry Fees $34 per Double entry. Early Bird $38 per Double entry. After March 1 Total: Bowler Bowlers Name Number Use Block Letters Please Entry Number Team name must be filled in for computer identification Team Name: 1. 2. Team Name: 1. 2. Team Name: 1. 2. ONTARIO TENPIN BOWLING ASSOCIATION YOUTH PROVINCIAL TOURNAMENT RULES 1. All participants must be Canadian Tenpin Federation YOUTH members of local associations in the Province of Ontario bowling in a YOUTH league. 2. All C.T.F. Tournament rules and regulations shall be enforced. 3. TEAM EVENTS shall be made up of four (4) bowlers, each to be held in four (4) classes; A, B, C, and D and may comprise all boys, all girls, or any mixture in each class. Class A Class B Class C Class D TEAMS 4. SINGLES EVENTS to be held in five (5) classes; A, B, C, D, and E individually and separately for boys and girls. GIRLS BOYS 5. Average total 626 and over Average total 526 to 625 Average total 426 to 525 Average total 425 and under Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Average 150 and over Average 130 to 149 Average 110 to 129 Average 90 to 109 Average 89 and under Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Average 176 and over Average 151 to 175 Average 126 to 150 Average 90 to 125 Average 89 and under DOUBLE EVENTS shall be made up of two (2) bowlers, each to be held in three (3) classes; A, B, and C and may comprise all boys, all girls, or any mixture in each class. You can ONLY enter doubles if you have entered singles or teams. DOUBLES Class A Class B Class C Average total 326 and over Average total 261 to 325 Average total 260 and under 6. ALL EVENTS (Singles, Doubles, and Teams) will be awarded. Bowlers 1st appearances in each event will count towards all events. 7. Scholarships for ALL EVENTS will be FIRST place only. 8. Scholarships will be awarded for Singles, Doubles and Teams in a ratio of not less than 1 in 10 to a maximum of 4 places. Scholarship amounts will be determined on the amount of entries received. 9. If a bowler qualifies in first place in both singles handicap and singles scratch they will be awarded the handicap position only. Team and Double awards are handicap only. 10. Events will be comprised of three (3) games for each event in all classes. Each event will all be bowled on a single pair of lanes. 11. Handicap to be calculated on 90% of the difference between the bowler’s highest average and 240. This is based on a minimum of twenty one (21) games as of FEBRUARY 9, 2015. Members not having the required number of games in a youth league (21 games) must enter with a scratch average of 240. 12. Bowlers may enter the SINGLES event only once. Bowlers may enter the TEAM event multiple times provided that at least ONE bowler is new to the team. Bowlers may enter the DOUBLES event multiple times provided that at least ONE of the bower are new to the doubles team. 13. CO-CHAMPIONS will be declared should there be a tie in either SINGLES or TEAMS or DOUBLES or ALL EVENTS in all classes. 14. A LEAGUE STANDING SHEET AS OF FEBRUARY 9, 2015 MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH ENTRY showing pinfall, number of games bowled, and highest league average. If a bowler bowls in more than one league all average sheets are to be submitted including all adult league averages. Once the entry has been submitted and verified no changes will be made except for substitutions. DO NOT SEND INDIVIDUAL RECORD SHEETS! 15. Tournament entry money is NOT refundable for any entries that have been received and processed. 16. Early bird payments that have been received are NOT considered a complete and valid entry until all paper work is also received. Therefore you MUST complete, sign, verify and mail the entry forms, league standing sheet, and payment for any pins purchased by Midnight March 1st, 2015 or it is subject to the late entry fee. 17. Entry forms that miss the early bird date (above) are considered regular entries and are subject to a different cost. You MUST complete, sign, verify and mail these entry forms, league standing sheet by Midnight March 31st, 2015. Failure to do this will be cause for your entry fee to be forfeited. ANY pre-payment is NOT considered a complete entry. 18. Each entry will be notified of acceptance by confirmation of date and time bowling. 19. There will be NO EATING while participating in any event. Players may only leave the playing area with the PERMISSION OF A TOURNAMENT OFFICIAL. NO DRINKING OF ALCOHOL BY ANY YOUTH CTF BOWLER WILL BE PERMITTED ON THE BOWLING PREMISES, REGARDLESS OF AGE. 20. Bowlers will be required to provide their own bowling shoes. A limited number of shoes will be available from the front counter. 21. COACHES MUST REGISTER AT THE LANES ONE FULL HOUR PRIOR to their SINGLES or TEAMS scheduled time of bowling prior to which any changes required must be made. 22. Any protests must be submitted in writing to the Tournament Director within 72 hours of the completion of the tournament. 23. Phone, mail, e-mail to [email protected] ALL changes to your entry as soon as possible. Changes must include PINFALL, GAMES BOWLED, AND LEAGUE STANDING SHEET AS OF FEBRUARY 9, 2015. 24. PROPER ATTIRE IS REQUIRED. Shirts must have no obscene graphics, lettering etc. Jeans, pants, shorts, skirts must not have any noticeable holes. No hats or headgear are to be worn. Any disputes on dress code will be resolved by the tournament director. Shorts need to be no shorter than knee high. No Tank Tops or track pants or halter tops. 25. The tournament committee reserves the right to adjust a bowler’s average before participating in any event providing sufficient documentation can be produced. 26. The tournament manager reserves the right to CANCEL or SCHEDULE squads as required. 27. All posted rules will be in effect. Rules not covered here will use C.T.F. rules.
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