OUR LADY AND ST. CHRISTOPHER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Serving Romiley, Bredbury, and Woodley 52 Barrack Hill, Romiley, Stockport, Cheshire. SK6 3BA Tel: 0161-430 2704 www.ourladyandstchristophersromiley.org.uk e-mail: [email protected] PARISH PRIEST: Canon Michael Gannon VG ASSISTANT PRIEST: Fr. Tony McGrath SUNDAY 26 APRIL 2015 DAY OF SPECIAL PRAYER THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, FOR VOCATIONS MESSAGE FROM FATHER MICHAEL As you know, the construction of the new St Christopher Centre is now underway and I’m pleased to report that following the first site meeting the programme is on course and no problems have developed. Let us hope and pray this continues to be the case. Fr Tony and I are looking forward to joining some of our young families for the Family Fun Weekend at Savio House, Bollington, this coming weekend. May God bless the families in our parish and all who make up our parish family including the sick and housebound in the week ahead. SACRED LITURGY THIS WEEK The month of April is dedicated to The Holy Spirit. Sunday Readings: Cycle B. Weekday Readings: Cycle I. Psalter: Parish Mass Book 1 Page 261 The Pope’s intentions for April that people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. MASS TIMES and INTENTIONS (this week) Saturday Sunday 25th Vigil Mass of the following: 6.30pm th 26 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 9.00am 11.00am Monday 27th feria 9.15am th Tuesday 28 St Louis Marie de Montfort,P. 7.30pm Wednesday 29th ST CATHERINE OF SIENA,V.D. 9.15am DAY OF SPECIAL PRAYER FOR EUROPE th Thursday 30 feria Requiem Mass 10.30am Friday May St Joseph the Worker 8.15am 1st 12 Noon nd Saturday 2 ST. ATHANASIUS,B.D. 9.15am Vigil Mass of the following 6.30pm Sunday 3rd FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 9.00 am 11.00 am SACRAMENTS and OTHER LITURGIES (usual schedule) Adoration of the Holy Eucharist Mon, Wed, Thurs Tuesday Saturday Sunday Sacrament of Reconciliation Mon – Fri Saturday Sunday Liturgy of the Hours Mon, Tues, Wed. Tuesday Saturday Sunday Barbara Cooney Harrytown Chapel George Thornley RIP John Locktie RIP People of the Parish Barry & Jeanette Taylorson RIP Int. of Storan Family 8.15am – 9.10am 6.30 – 7.25 pm 5.30 – 6.20 pm 8.00 – 8.50 am upon request after Mass 5.45– 6.20 pm 10.20 – 10.50 am 8.55am Morning Prayer 7.10 pm Evening Prayer 9.00 am Morning Prayer; 5.30 pm Evening Prayer 8.00 am Morning Prayer Tony Monk People of the Parish Charles Pigram RIP Tony Delaney RIP Ken Faure RIP John William Birch RIP . SVP Collection after all Masses this weekend PRAYER & LITURGY HARRYTOWN SCHOOL Mass at Harrytown Chapel has begun again. Fridays at 8.15am during term‐time All are welcome. REQUIESCANT + IN PACE, ALLELUIA Those who have died recently: Barbara Cooney Albert Bernard Woollam. Those whose anniversaries occur around this time: John Gavan, Tom McDonald, Colin Moore, Sarah Flaherty, Jane James, Norman Timony, Ida Ready, Hubert Holland, Joseph Carty, James Storan, Clifford Bradshaw, George Owen, Lillian Owen, John Birch, Lillian Chapman, Maureen Smith, George Harney, Sheila Crowley, Catherine Gaskell, Catherine Higgins. May they rest in peace The Visit of the Miraculous Relic Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe from 9th15th of May at Shrewsbury Cathedral. The Miraculous Relic Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of two hundred and twenty digital copies created and sent to each nation of the world. It is a relic because the image has been consecrated while touching the original image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The image will be formally welcomed into the Cathedral on the Saturday afternoon and will remain in the Cathedral for prayer and veneration until the following Friday. The Cathedral will be open daily from 10am until 5:30pm during the seven days of the visit. (7.30am‐7pm on the Sunday). Bishop Davies will preside at the Service of Reception, the official beginning of the visit, at 4pm on Saturday the 9th of May (the image will be available to visit and for prayer from lunchtime) and the image will be sent to St Chad’s Cathedral in Birmingham following the 12:12 Mass on Friday the 15th May. It would be wonderful to see pilgrims visiting the Cathedral from across the Diocese and praying before the image and we look forward to welcoming you at the Cathedral. Canon Jonathan Mitchell, Cathedral Dean. OUR LADY'S CHURCH, SHAW HEATH, STOCKPORT is hosting Healing in the Spirit – God’s Living Word’, 2nd – 9th May, to which everyone is welcome. Fr. Jim McManus, a Redemptorist Priest, will lead the Mission, and will have a special Healing Service on Monday, 4th at 7.00 p.m. He has been promoting a deeper awareness of the need for an effective healing ministry through his talks and writings over many years.You are welcome to contact Our Lady’s for times of Services and other Liturgies during the week: [email protected]; telephone 480 2489. MARRIAGE MATTERS (www.twoinoneflesh.org.uk) Fourth Sunday of Easter (Acts of the Apostles 4:8-12 1 John 3:1-2 John 10:11-18) We lay down our lives, we go beyond… Couples can relate to the notion of ‘shepherding’ with regards to their children: “I know my own and my own know me”. Even in crowds, our children will recognise our voices and we theirs. Also, just as Jesus spoke today of ‘laying down His life’, when marrying, we made a solemn vow to lay down our lives for one another .FORTHCOMING EVENTS STRATEGY GROUP MEETING in church on Monday at 7.30pm GUILD OF THE SERVANTS OF THE SANCTUARY Chapter of St Werburgh, Stockport. Anglican servers guild. Vespers (Evening Prayer) of Our Lady and Benediction, at Our Lady & St Christopher’s on Saturday 2nd May at 3.00pm. All Welcome. The Lay Vocation: What is it and how can I live it? Bishop Mark invites you to reflect prayerfully on your own calling in the Church’s mission to the world with speaker Fr Christopher Jamison O.S.B (The Monastery TV programme and director of vocations for England and Wales). All are welcome whatever age or state of life. Saturday 16th May, 10.30 – 3.30 pm at Ellesmere Port Catholic High School CH65 7AQ (near Cheshire Oaks). Please bring packed lunch. Contribution: £5. Register by emailing:[email protected]. For more information: http://www.dioceseofshrewsbury.org YOUTH EVENT Higher Tour Christian Youth Event at the O2 Apollo theatre on Sunday 17th May, 7.30pm. Hear from inspirational speaker Danielle Strickland and music from Matt Redman. Ages 14 to 25. Please see Fr Tony for more details and consent forms. http://highertour.com/ Day of Reflection Sat 2nd May 2015 A 'Day of Reflection' led by Bishop Brian Noble has been organised by 'A.C.T.S’ ('ADULT CATHOLICS TOGETHER SPIRITUALLY') on Saturday 2nd May 2015. Anyone aged between 18 – 35 is most welcome. Bishop Brian will lead us prayerfully through a reflection on the Bishops' Conference document, 'Do You Love Me?'. This will take place at Wistaston Hall, Crewe CW2 8JS. The day will start approximately at 9.30pm until approx 5pm (exact times to be confirmed nearer the date). Cost £20 (£15 for unemployed/students). If you would like to join us or wish to know more about it please contact Siobhan at [email protected] or tel: 0161 477 2783 / 07761 138947 . HEALING MASS for Families affected by Mental Health issues. A Healing Mass, at noon on Saturday 13th June, will be celebrated for families that are affected by mental health issues and those that work in this area at St Patrick’s, King Street, Wellington, Shropshire TF13AP. The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered and all are welcome. For more information please contact: Mark & Liz Dutton on 01625 428 498. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Yarnfield Park, Staffs. 3rd5th July 2015. This is an enrichment weekend for normal, ordinary marriages (Not counselling). Marriage Encounter Weekends have proved time and time again to be of immense value for couples however long they have been married. All discussions are private for the participating couples, there is no group sharing. Why not take advantage of this opportunity and for further information go to www.wwme.org.uk or ring 01538 385801 NORTHERN CATHOLIC CONFERENCE 12 – 14 JUNE 2015 If you would like to attend the conference or to find out more information please see the noticeboard. CAR PARKING During the construction of the St Christopher Centre the following car parking restrictions will apply: WEEKDAYS No access whatever to the rear car park. The drive will be closed from the Presbytery. Pedestrian access to school via the right hand side of Church only and down the steps. There must be no access whatever to the building site. SATURDAY EVENING & SUNDAY MORNING The tarmac rear car park will be available. PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE TO OUR NEIGHBOURS AND DO NOT BLOCK THE ACCESS TO THEIR HOUSES. Thank you.Fr Michael help. All monies collected goes to projects in the developing world, helping to alleviate poverty and hunger. Very soon a list of roads in our collecting area will be put in the church porch. The job entails delivering an envelope to each house on your chosen road and returning later to collect it. If you can help please sign up as soon as possible. Some roads are quite short so you might prefer one of these. You might also like to collect with a friend for company and support. All materials and full instructions will be available in the small sacristy after Mass on the weekend 9th/10th May. Please ring Margaret Hughes 406 0833 for further information. CATHOLIC CHILDREN’S SOCIETY BOXES Collectors are now ready to collect your boxes for emptying. If you are able to bring your box to church please leave them in the labelled box in the small sacristy (not on the table in church) Thank you. HOUSEBOUND AND THE SICK Please pray for: Fr Peter Coyle, Philip Smith, Brian Rogers, Christine Beswick, Hillary Rustage, Kieran O’Brien, Fr. Jim Farrell, Theresa Travis, Debbie Sainsbury, Dorothy Cornelly, Lionel and Jenny Rawlings, Anna Maria Bolton, Matthew Norman, Billy Lingard, Patricia Kelly, Winnie Monk, Jadar Jones, Michael Christie, Sonia Faure, Wilfred Hartley, Mandy Keane, Joyce Osbourne, Michael O’Sullivan, Bob and Mary Parker, Katelyn Reilly, Margaret Smith, Matthew Swallow, Amy Harris, Audrey Wilson, Christine Colley, Elizabeth Brown, Bridget Robertson, Eileen Powell, Michael Walsh, Valerie Gahan, Christopher Wilkinson, Michelle Wright, Roger Armistead, Joshua Goddard, Ann Platt, Monica Jackson. Deirdre Nausen, Audrey Tynam, Gerard Davies, Gloria Flynn, Ronald Evans. Irene Daughney, KIrsty Czyzewsky, Albert Perris, Baby William, Joan Aspinall, Kathleen Foley, Daniel Murray, Sarah Connelly and Mildred & John Coverley. We commend them all to the prayers of our Lady and St Christopher. JUSTICE & CHARITY CHRISTIAN AID WEEK is fast approaching, 7 days of fundraising,prayer & action for the world’s poorest people and we are appealing for volunteers. Over the last few years some of our long serving collectors have had to retire, and although we have had some new volunteers we still need more. Each of the churches in the district have a particular area to collect from, ours is Bredbury Green and the surrounding roads. Please, during the next few weeks consider whether you could FINANCES WEEKLY FINANCE Last week’s collection: £839.24 CAFOD: £41.30 Thank you for your generosity SUPPORT & CHAPLAINCY 200 CLUB – RENEWALS DUE Information and application forms for the 200 Club can be found on the table at the back of church. Alternatively they can be downloaded from the Parish Website. Renewal / Application forms and money can be handed in at the Parish Office, marked FAO Matthew Standing. VOLUNTEERING OUR LADY & ST CHRISTOPHER’S PARISH is committed to keeping children, young people and vulnerable adults safe. The parish safeguarding representative is Carly Giblin who may be contacted on: 07769 110723 or at [email protected] MARRIAGE CARE If you are going through difficulties in your relationship Stockport marriage care offer a confidential Counselling service. You can contact them on 0800‐389‐3801 HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY If a relative or friend is in hospital please ensure that you contact the chaplaincy office to let them know that they will need that spiritual care and comfort, and if they are catholic, to receive Holy Communion, and if necessary the Sacrament of the Sick. You can do this directly by calling the chaplaincy on 419‐5889 THE FAMILY OF CHARLIE PIGRAM RIP wish to thank all those who donated the sum of £209.50 in Charlie’s memory to CAFOD at the Requiem Mass for him last week. POLITE NOTICE Please try to observe the car park “In” “Out” signs especially when exiting the car park after Sunday Mass. The entrance should not be used as an exit after Mass or at any other time. Thank you.
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