OUR LADY AND ST. CHRISTOPHER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Serving Romiley, Bredbury, and Woodley 52 Barrack Hill, Romiley, Stockport, Cheshire. SK6 3BA Tel: 0161-430 2704 www.ourladyandstchristophersromiley.org.uk e-mail: [email protected] PARISH PRIEST: Canon Michael Gannon VG ASSISTANT PRIEST: Fr. Tony McGrath SUNDAY 5 APRIL 2015 Easter Day – The Resurrection of the Lord MESSAGE FROM FATHER MICHAEL Today is the beginning of Eastertide, the season when we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and his victory over sin and death. For this reason Easter is a season of joy and hope and for being renewed in our faith and commitment to following Jesus. Today also we pray for the children making their First Holy Communion and then on Easter Tuesday we look forward to the start of the construction of the new St Christopher Centre. We have much to be thankful for in our parish. May the peace of the Risen Lord be with you and your families this joyful Easter time. SACRED LITURGY THIS WEEK The month of April is dedicated to The Holy Spirit. Sunday Readings: Cycle B. Weekday Readings: Cycle I. Psalter: Parish Mass Book 1 Page 217 onwards The Pope’s intentions for April that people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. MASS TIMES and INTENTIONS (this w eek) th Sunday 5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Saturday Sunday EASTER SUNDAY th 11 12th EASTER EASTER EASTER EASTER EASTER MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Vigil Mass of the following: 8.00pm 9.00am 11.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 2.00pm Nuptial Mass EASTER SATURDAY Vigil Mass of the following SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER 10.00am 6.30pm 9.00 am 11.00 am People of the Parish Elsie Edwards RIP Bronagh Cooper RIP Margaret Duffy RIP The Faure Family Mildred & John Coverley Stephan Perry RIP Jack Maycock RIP Alexandra Garratt & Matthew Cotton Mary Moran People of the Parish Tony Delaney RIP Marjorie Walker RIP Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Fr Michael and Fr Tony wish all parishioners and visitors to the parish a very happy and Blessed easter -------------------------------------CONGRATULATIONS to the children who are making their First Holy Communion at the 11 o’clock Mass today. May they grow in friendship with Jesus through receiving him in Holy Communion regularly and be supported by the prayers and example of their families and fellow parishioners. THANK YOU MUSIC Thank you to our musicians, choir and all who helped in singing at the Holy Week and Easter Masses and Liturgies. READERS AND SACRISTANS Thank you to all who read at the Holy Week and Triduum Masses and Services and to those who helped prepare what we need for the Mass, particularly our sacristans. ALTAR SERVERS A huge thank you to the young people who have helped throughout the year. FLOWERS Thank you to those who prepared the Church for Easter Sunday, for making the Church more vibrant after the stark tone of Lent and Holy Week. PRAYER & LITURGY EASTER WEEK There will be no Adoration or Morning Prayer and Mass will be at 10.00am. Adoration resumes on Monday 13 April. REQUIESCANT + IN PACE, ALLELUIA Those who have died recently: Barbara Cooney, Tony Delaney. Those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Elizabeth Claffey, Edith Marshall, Alice Smethurst, Brian Kane, Margaret Chatterton, James Hazel, Rita Pigram, Alice Meynell. May they rest in peace MARRIAGE MATTERS (www.twoinoneflesh.org.uk) Easter Sunday (Acts of the Apostles10:34, 37-43 Colossians 3:1-4 John 20:1-9) A sign of new life Today we celebrate the resurrection and new life in the Lord. In our marriage we too rise to new life when we put each other first in all we do and say. Let us live openly, honestly and truthfully so that we become a ‘sign’ to our families that Jesus is alive in our married love. .FORTHCOMING EVENTS GENERAL ELECTION HUSTINGS EVENT The Romiley/Bredbury/Woodley areas of the HAZEL GROVE constituency will be holding a hustings event at St Chads Church, Church Lane, Romiley, SK6 4BN on 19th April 2015 between 6.30 pm and 8.00 pm (doors open at 6.00 pm). All four declared candidates have agreed to attend the meeting toanswer questions from constituents. Any Independent candidates who arenominated by the official deadline will also be invited. The theme of the evening will be 2020 Vision of a Good Society with some set questions, but also the opportunity for members of the audience to ask questions themselves. The event is free and open to members of the public. The former Bishop of Carlisle, Graham Dow, will chair the meeting. [We intend to supply an address on Eventbrite for people intending toattend to register and if possible post a question – this should be set up in the next week]. '2020 Vision of a Good Society' is available from www.ctbi.org.uk CAR PARKING The construction of the St Christopher Centre begins on Tuesday 7th April. The following car parking restrictions will apply: WEEKDAYS No access whatever to the rear car park. The drive will be closed from the Presbytery. Pedestrian access to school via the right hand side of Church only and down the steps. There must be no access whatever to the building site. SATURDAY EVENING & SUNDAY MORNING The tarmac rear car park will be available. PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE TO OUR NEIGHBOURS AND DO NOT BLOCK THE ACCESS TO THEIR HOUSES. Thank you. Fr Michael DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES 28/29 th July – August 4/5 th 2015 The annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place this year from July 28th – August 5th overland & July 29th – August 4th by air. Booking forms from St Alban’s Wallasey & St Peter’s Hazel Grove as well as from the pilgrimage website www.shrewsburypilgrimage.co.uk. The pilgrimage is led by Bishop Davies. All are welcome to join the pilgrimage and we look forward to receiving applications from those who have never been to Lourdes. We particularly look forward to welcoming nurses and healthcare professionals to assist in the care of the sick and less able. Full details are available on the website. Fr Michael is happy to answer any questions . HOUSEBOUND AND THE SICK Please pray for: Fr Peter Coyle, Philip Smith, Brian Rogers, Christine Beswick, Hillary Rustage, Kieran O’Brien, Fr. Jim Farrell, Theresa Travis, Debbie Sainsbury, Dorothy Cornelly, Lionel and Jenny Rawlings, Anna Maria Bolton, Matthew Norman, Billy Lingard, Patricia Kelly, Winnie Monk, Jadar Jones, Michael Christie, Sonia Faure, Wilfred Hartley, Mandy Keane, Joyce Osbourne, Michael O’Sullivan, Bob and Mary Parker, Katelyn Reilly, Margaret Smith, Matthew Swallow, Amy Harris, Audrey Wilson, Christine Colley, Elizabeth Brown, Charlie Pigram, Bridget Robertson, Eileen Powell, Michael Walsh, Valerie Gahan, Christopher Wilkinson, Michelle Wright,Roger Armistead, Joshua Goddard, Ann Platt, Monica Jackson. Deirdre Nausen, Audrey Tynam, Gerard Davies, Gloria Flynn, Ronald Evans. Irene Daughney, KIrsty Czyzewsky, Albert Perris, Baby William, Joan Aspinall, Kathleen Foley and Mildred & John Coverley. We commend them all to the prayers of our Lady and St Christopher. JUSTICE & CHARITY VOLUNTEERING OUR LADY & ST CHRISTOPHER’S PARISH is committed to keeping children, young people and vulnerable adults safe. The parish safeguarding representative is Carly Giblin who may be contacted on: 07769 110723 or at [email protected] N.B. FOOD BANK The numbers of vouchers fulfilled has risen of late. In two weeks 36 vouchers were presented and 84 people fed. Consequently the Food bank is running short of some supplies and they are in dire need of the following items: Fruit juice, Fish, Fruit, Rice Pudding, Milk, Coffee, Sugar, Treats, Toiletries. They have received help from Hazel Grove but that means that two areas are short. Please help if possible. Many thanks. A BIG THANK YOU to the Soup, Bread and Cake makers and also to the parishioners who make such generous donations at the Friday midday Masses and those who bought the raffle tickets for the Simnel cake. • Soup donations: £437.86 • Cake Raffle: £53.00 • Other monies: £72.75 This means that a cheque for £563.61 will be sent to CAFOD. The government will match this so that CAFOD will receive £1127.32 in total. A great parish effort. P.S. Fr Tony won the cake !! OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Our knitters would be very pleased with donations of nice chunky wool to knit hats for poor children. Wool can be placed in the wool box in the church porch. THE WELLSPRING Thank you for all the contributions for Wellspring. They still depend on our charity in order to help the homeless. As well as foods, toiletries they would appreciate small holiday sized toiletries and disposable razors. A box labelled `Wellspring` is in the porch for any donations. It will be very gratefully received. Thank you. SUPPORT AND CHAPLAINCY MARRIAGE CARE If you are going through difficulties in your relationship Stockport Marriage Care offer a confidential Counselling service. You can contact them on 0800-389-3801. HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY If a relative or friend is in hospital please ensure that you contact the chaplaincy office to let them know that they will need that spiritual care and support, and if they are catholic, to receive Holy Communion, and if necessary the Sacrament of the Sick. You can do this directly by calling the chaplaincy on 419-5889. FINANCES . PLANNED RENEWAL GIVING & GIFT AID If you completed one of the Offertory Giving Cards and requested a box of Offertory Envelopes, a Standing Order form or information about Gift Aid, you should by now have received these. If you took an Offertory Giving Card, Gift Aid form and/or Standing Order form home with you and have not yet returned it, please could you do so by either handing them in at the Presbytery or during the Offertory collection. Alternatively, please send them direct to Mike at the Curial Offices using the envelope provided - his address is also shown on the Gift Aid and Standing Order forms. If you missed the Renewal but would like to Gift Aid your Offertory donations, or set-up a Standing Order, please contact Dominic Berry on 494 1174. Thank you. Planned Giving Envelopes Please collect your box from the back of church. They will be needed from next week. WEEKLY FINANCE Last week’s collection: £894.03 CAFOD: £31`.50 Thank you for your generosity BUY A BRICK: REMINDER This weekend – 4th/5th April – is the first weekend of the month so please don’t forget to hand in your Buy a Brick envelopes with the Offertory Collection. Thank you to everyone who is supporting the Buy a Brick appeal. NEWSLETTER & WEBSITE ROMILEY METHODIST LADIES SOCIETY The Ladies Society has invited Mr Arthur Cross to present his film entitled”Camino de Santiago” (Pilgrimage to Santiago) in Romiley Methodist Church on Wednesday April 15, starting promptly at 7.30pm. Parishioners, (both ladies & gentlemen) and clergy from all churches are very welcome to attend and refreshments will be served. A charge of £2 per person will be payable at the door. In the absence of Maurice & Glenys before April 9th please make any enquiries to Jean Browningon 430 5876 / Joan Donald on 430 6994. SAVIO HOUSE, BOLLINGTON The Salesian order is looking for people to go on a volunteer placement with the community for ten months. Involves living in a Catholic community and working with young people, receiving training in first aid, food hygiene, safeguarding and youth work skills. All food and board included as well as a weekly allowance. Please pick up a leaflet at the back of church or go to: www.saviohouse.org.uk
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