March 22nd, 2015 - Our Lady of Light & St Osyth

HOLLAND CHURCH Urgent need of 2 volunteer cleaners to join a 1 in 5 rota for
cleaning All Souls Church . If you could donate 1-2 hours of your time once every 5
weeks to help keep our Church clean please contact Kathleen on 815407 or Jim on
425339 with your name and contact details please.
LENTEN LUNCHES-will take place at St.James’ Hall on the first five Saturdays of Lent to raise
funds to feed the hungry/ starving of the third world.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM– is on Saturday 23rd May 2015 led by Bishop
Alan and Mgr John Armitage beginning at 12noon Angelus Pilgrim Mass
2.30pm Procession along Pilgrim’s way
3.30pm Vespers and Benediction at Elmham House Gardens.
DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES– with Bishop Alan 26th –31st July 2015 £649 by air
with full board or £429 by coach. Has medical team with them,and help for those with mobility
needs, opt in or out of activities for more info contact Cathy O’Connor 01206 501146 or visit where you will also find photos and testimonies from 2014.
GIFT AID ENVELOPES— for the new tax year are now at the back of the churches ready for
collection. As I do not know which church everyone attends you may have to check the other
churches for your box. If you have any problems please contact me, also if you pay by standing
order and would like a box of envelopes for second collections. Ann Hyde Tel:473676
CATHOLIC SINGLES– is an organisation which helps single adult catholics of all ages meet,
either one to one or through social events. Please Tel: 0161 941 3498 or visit website or email [email protected]
MOTHERS PRAYERS GROUP—meets 24th March 2-4pm in 3a Church Rd
SUPPORT GROUP– meets 25th March , 2-4pm in 3a Church Rd.
Ann Adams, Pat Barber, Colum Barrett, Stephen Batterham, Georgina Beard, Emma Beton, James Black,
John Bird, Stacey Brannan, Jean Brett, Sr. Philomena Buckley, Gwen Busby, Sarah Busby, Sr. Carmel,
Mairéad Ní Chiarbháin, Marie Clontarf, Kathleen Coe, Denis Corley, Mgr Michael Corley, Liam Cosgrave,
Chris Cotter, Jenny Cotter, Glynis Coughlin, Father Craig, Michael Crowley, Andrew Dempsey, Eddie
Dempsey, Pam Falcus, Peter Finch, Mary Freyne, Miriam Funnell, Daniel Gilligan, Christine Greene,
Christopher Harper, Thomas Hills, Baby Montgomery Felix Holbrook-Morris, Matthew Home, Victoria
Hyde,Joyce (Bridie’s niece), Donna Jones, Jimmy Hanmore-Jones, Breda Haugh, Peter Hennessy, Sam
Hinds, Baby Keane, Alex Kelly, Shay Kelly, Jimmy Kenny, Rob Kessler, Maureen Kessler, Séamus Kiely,
Hildy Kiernan, Ann Killen, Thomas Killen, Tina Killen, Lynne Knightley, Megan Knightley, Aidan Leacy, Chris
Lee, Maria & Dave & baby, Michael Mangan, Tommy McConville, Deirdre McCormack, Pat McCormack,
Mary McDermot, Sean McDermott, Marty McDonagh , Michael McDunphy, Jim McEvoy, Kelly McGee,
Seamus McLoughlin, Andrew McMahon, Bishop Thomas McMahon, Kathleen Moakler, Dan & Bridie Moran,
Pat Morgan, Paula Mowle, Christopher Murray, William Naugthon, Joan North, Mrs L.Norton, Cliodhna Nolan
Ciara O’Brien, Patrick O'Brlen, Seán O’Brien, Sr. Margaret O’Grady, Mary O'Keefe, Denis & Shirley O’Keefe,
Cloighna O’Leary, Perry Harman Page, Lucia Pechard, Peter Richardson, Lesly Smith, Anthony Spooner,
Vera Sweeney, Kieron, John Swinbourne, Chris Tarrant, Maureen Walsh, Noreen Walsh, Michael Walsh,
John Rickwood, A. Wiggins, Mary Ward-Wilkinson, Anne Wigfall, Joanna Wilk, Patricia Winslow, Eileen
Woods, Eileen Worwood, Pauline Young
Please pray for those who have died and whose anniversaries occur
Between: 23rd-29th March
Terry Conroy, Ellen Condon, Mary Bane, James Harkins, Phyllis Smith, Olive Mary Carr, Christine
Smullen, Fr. John Sherlock, Mary Skelly, Ivy McDonald, Philip McDonald, Fr. Vincent Rochford,
Jeremiah O’Leary, Valerie Williams, Harry White, Anthony Harrod, Fr. Mathias Smith, Patrick
Harrison, Mary Gallagher, Antoni Delikator, Brigid O’Neill, Con Turley, Roy Clayton, Tom Nugent,
John Gowens, Keith Rathbone, John Farnan, David Finch, Ellen Black, Marcella Newman, Thomas
McGlynn, Joannes Schilder, Dr. Frederick Barber.
Items for the Newsletter should be delivered to the Presbytery asap not later 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday.
Diocesan registered charity number 234092. for private circulation only.
The Parish of Our Lady of Light & St Osyth
National Shrine of
Our Lady of Light, Spouse of the Holy Spirit
Priests : Fr. Jim McCormack
Mgr Michael Corley STL, JCL (Retired)
The Presbytery, 1 Church Rd, Clacton CO15 6AG. Tel: 01255 423319
Website: Email: [email protected]
Diocesan website: FOR SVP:Tel:0795 5203 405
Fifth Sunday of Lent (B)
Sunday 22nd March 2015
Response to the Psalm: A pure heart create for me O God.
Communion Antiphon : With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.
Our Lady’s Message— 18th March 2015
“Dear children, with a full heart I am asking you, I am imploring you children: cleanse
your hearts of sin and lift them up to God and to eternal life. I am imploring you: be
vigilant and open for truth. Do not permit for all that is of this earth to distance you
from the true recognition of the happiness and fulfilment of communion with my Son. I
am leading you on the way of true wisdom, because only with true wisdom can you
come to know true peace and the true good. Do not waste time asking for signs of the
Heavenly Father, because He has already given you the greatest sign, which is my
Son. Therefore, my children, pray so that the Holy Spirit can lead you into truth, can
help you to come to know it, and through that knowledge of the truth that you may be
one with the Heavenly Father and with my Son. That is the recognition which gives
happiness on earth and opens the door of eternal life and infinite love. Thank you.”
See & (including live streaming and English Mass Homily of the day)
JUMBLE SALE— In St. Charles Hall on Saturday 28th March 2015 at 11am. Helpers needed.
Please bring Jumble on The Friday 27th March to the hall. No electrical items please. Thanks
SPRING LUNCH– Is on Saturday 11th April 2015,at 1pm in St. Charles Hall, Tickets
£6 each available Kath 815407 or Joe Tel:425959
EASTER LILY FOR A LOVED ONE– will be £2 per stem. Last day 20th March 2015.
For Our Lady of Light Church—please give an envelope with names and money -to the
For All Souls, Holland — please give envelope with name and monies to Kath Harper
For All Saints, Jaywick—please give envelope with name and monies to Judy Caplin.
CLACTON CHORAL SOCIETY- ‘Faure: Requiem, Stainer: The Crucifixion on Saturday 28th
March at 7.30pm at ST. James Church, Tower Road, Clacton Tickets £10 incl refreshments
Tel:424568 or [email protected] (Limited tickets available at the door)
(age 7years plus) At St. Charles Hall 9.30am –finishing in the church at 12.30pm. Come and
join a fun interactive workshop where we will learn about the Stations of the Cross. Create your
own posters/pictures, learn and choose hymns & prayers, write your own station information,
explaining what happened in your own words and create your own role play. Refreshments
provided. We will go to the Chruchfor 12noon to present and lead our own Stations. After which
there will be Hot cross buns and drinks—Limited availability –ring to book Tel: Theresa 420344
ALL SAINTS EASTER RAFFLE– BEING HELD Easter Day. Look out for ticket sales
at Our Lady of Light and All Souls before Easter and on Easter Day at All Saints.
Donations of prizes will be gratefully received.
ALL SAINTS– preparation for Holy Week Spring clean from 10am on Sat 28th March.
We are looking for many volunteers as possible to clean the whole church—many
hands make light work. If possible bring cleaning materials with you for what you are
happy to clean.
ABBOTSWCIK -DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY—A day of devotion to the Divine Mercy at
Abbotswick on 12th April . Arrival 10.30AM for 11AM start. Confession available. Mass
3.30pm. Tea & Coffee available but please bring packed lunch. Ring Claire Wallis for
detaisl 01277 658783 All welcome.
CATHY BURTON— Prominent Christian Worship leader and singer song writer is
performing a series of concerts for the Mission Aviation Fellowship and will be at Pier
Avenue Baptist Church, Clacton on Friday 17th April 2015 at 7.30pm. Cathy will be
playing her trademark heartfelt and emotionally honest songs, and will be
accompanied by guest musicians. As well as over an hour of live music, there will also
be inspiring DVD presentations and visuals to include footage of MAF’s vital work in
the developing world. Admission is free , there will be a collection taken up for this
worthwhile charity.
CHILD HEALING– helping parents/ counsellors understand the common symptoms and causes
of emotional, cognitive and behavioural conflicts in youth and how to help deal with these issues.
MARITAL HEALING.COM– helping spouses, therapists about common causes of conflicts.
Includes helpful webinars. See
GRIEF TO GRACE— a Catholic team which specialises in the healing of post-abortion trauma
based in Kensington, London. Residential programmes are held in various retreat centres in the
South of England. See
THEOLOGY OF THE BODY– watch the varied and insightful presentations on Pope John Paul
II’s teaching see
– for answers to many questions and testimonies of those who have come back to the Church
go to
Unconditional Love
Love is called to be unconditional, not ‘counting the cost’, not 50/50, but both
giving 100%. Today’s Gospel reminds us a rich harvest is only possible when
a single wheat grain falls on the ground and dies. Our loving efforts, trials and
difficulties in marriage are ways of ‘dying’ to a lifestyle contrary to what God is
calling us to.
From Two in one flesh (see
Mass times and Intentions 21st-29th March 2015
Parish Church Our Lady of Light, 1 Church Road, Clacton
Holland All Souls, Brighton Road, Holland-on-Sea
Jaywick All Saints, Union Road, Jaywick
Parish Church Rosary 11am weekdays (check below)
Rosary 11am Saturdays (check below)
Confessions Sat 21st March — 11am & 5pm
Sat 28th March —11am & 5pm
Saturday March 21st
Parish Church
Parish Church
Adoration, Rosary , Confessions
Parish Church
Parish Church
Special Int (O’Dea)
Sunday March 22nd Fifth Sunday of Lent (B)
People of the Parish
John Moynagh RIP (Angela)
Parish Church
Phyllis (Carol) Marshall RIP (Mrs Dimech)
Monday March 23rd
Parish Church
Betty Gogarty RIP (Jim)
Parish Church
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Parish Church
Novena Devotion to Our Lady
Parish Church
Joyce McGilloway RIP (Hutchinson)
Tuesday March 24th
Parish Church
Villinger Family (F)
Parish Church
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Weeley Crematorium
Funeral Service Betty Holman RIP
St. Clares School
Schools Ints
Parish Church
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Kathleen & Paul Moakler & Stations of the Cross
Thursday March 26th
Parish Church
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Michael Donagh (Shaw) & Stations of the Cross
Funeral Service for Maria Armour RIP
Funeral Service for Robert Manfred Worgan RIP
Parish Church
Receive body of Jim Black RIP
Friday March 27th
Parish Church
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
School’s Ints
Parish Church
Requiem Mass for Jim Black RIP
followed by burial
Parish Church
Stations of the Cross
Saturday March 28th
Parish Church
Adoration, Rosary , confessions
Parish Church
Parish Church
Nicola Haynes RIP 1ST Ann (fam)
Sunday March 29th Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord (B)
People of the Parish
Mr. Everingham RIP (Theresa Foxon & fam)
Parish Church
Antoni Delikator RIP (Matylda)
Father Jim writes…
.APF RED BOX COLLECTION TIME could those who have not yet submitted your Red Box please bring
The death of Jesus is seen as an act of Ransom or payment to God by which Jesus
bought the world freedom from evil and death. It is also a sacrifice offered to God in
atonement for human sin. It is a deed which reveals the depth of God’s love for us.
The Greeks are on their way to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. They want to
become disciples of Jesus; The church will include non Jewish members.
them to Church for the March collection. Please hand them to a responsible person so they could be
locked it the safe. We are trying to regulate the collections this year and would appreciate that if you take
your box to the church where you normally pray so we can return the boxes to the right church or You can
mark the label on your box with a J for Jaywick H for Holland or C for Clacton for you to pick up again. If
you need your box collected please call Anne, Barbara or Jim on the contact number on your box label.
lastly If you have not signed up to the APF gift aid scheme yet and are in a position to do so please call Jim
on 01255425339 and he will get an application form to you.