Futur F e Ran ngers Program Learn n how tto play h hockey like a B BLUESHIRT. Bee a part of a highly re egarded d tri‐statte program rigght heree in your own backyard at Th he Town n of Oyster Bayy Skatin ng Center. The FFuture R Rangerss prograam is diirected by The Rinx Ho ockey sttaff and d provid des a solid foun ndation in all the fundamen ntal skaating an nd hockeey skillss that a Future R Ranger n needs. Th hursdayy Evenin ngs 5:300pm – 66:50pm **New B Block M May 7th –– June 225th** Ages 10 0 and U Under Ressident 8 8 session n Block $135 / Drop in n $20 Non‐Res N sident 8 8 Sessio on Blockk $160 // Drop in $25 Full Regiistration n Includ des a Fu uture Raangers JJersey Progrram Lesson Plan Includ des: ‐ Skating Fun ndamentals such as sstriding, sw wizzles, inside/outsid de edges, crossovers, backward ds pushes, backwardss swizzles, backwards crossoveers, hockey turn ns, and pivvots. ‐ Stickhandling skills which includ de still figuure 8, straigght away p puck handlling, hockey turn ns, top han nd primaryy, bottom hhand guidaance, backw wards pulling, and puck prrotection. ‐ Passing Bas P sics will be taught: fo orward, bacckhand, prroper receiving skills,, fe eet movingg with passsing and re eceiving. ‐ Shooting Fu undamentaals such ass wrist, bacckhand, snap and slap shots, proper han p ds placement, weigh ht transfer,, follow thrrough, sho ooting from m heel of blad de. ‐ Teamwork T and Sportsmanship concepts ttaught thro ough scrim mmages an nd games at th he end of e each sessio on. All of these e hocke ey skills will be instruccted by coachees who are exp perienced in de eveloping Hockkey playyers in an environ nment tthat is b both productivve and m most importtantly, FFUN. For information ccall 516‐797‐4126 or ccontact Edddie Chlanda, edwardc@ @therinx.co om
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