Weekly Notice Sheet Today Easter Sunday Sunday April 5th 8.00am 9.30am 11.00am 5.30pm Holy Communion (BCP) at St Leonard’s Holy Communion at St Leonard’s Holy Communion at St Margaret’s Easter Praise at St Leonard’s Monday April 6th This Week 7.00pm Bell Ringing Practice in St Leonard’s Tower. Tuesday April 7th 9.00am Prayer Time in the Waddilove Room. No Little Lennies at St. Leonard's. Wednesday April 8th No Busy Bees at St. Margaret's. 10.00am Holy Communion at St Leonard's. No Choir Practice at St. Leonard's. 7.30pm Mothers’ Union at St Margaret’s. Thursday April 9th No Little Lennies at St. Leonard's. 11.00am Funeral of Liam McGarr at St Margaret’s. 1.00pm Funeral of Evelyn Cunningham at St Leonard’s. Saturday April 11th 10.30pm Keswick Convention at St. Leonard's. Next Sunday The Second Sunday of Easter Sunday April 12th 9.30am Holy Communion at St Leonard’s 11.00am Holy Communion at St Margaret’s 5.30pm Lord’s Supper at St Leonard’s Sunday 5th April 2015 Mobile phones . Contact numbers in the Parish: Please switch off your phone if you have one and other electronic devices/toys etc. KESWICK IN EAST LANCS We are to host the Spring Convention at St.Leonard’s on Saturday, 11th April, commencing at 10.30a.m. – 1.30p.m. We would appreciate help with the refreshments. Please have a word with Janet if you are able to assist. Thank you. Pew Bibles . The readings in the service can be found in the pew bibles. If you find the print too small there are bibles with larger print in the lobby – please ask a sidesman. Rev Mark Jones (772442), Diocesan Reader – Mrs Lynne Trudgill (776166), Ministry Trainee - Kyle Mulholland (219506). Welcome to St Leonard’s Church on Easter Sunday. If you are a visitor in the congregation please make yourself known to us. You’ll find a card tucked inside your hymn book; this can be used to let the Vicar have your details. You’re warmly invited to stay for refreshments after the services. Children who’d like to take part in the Easter Egg hunt should gather in the Tower Room. This morning’s Readings and Hymns 76 Christ the Lord is risen (omit verses 2 & 5) Gloria 1st Reading Acts 10:34-43 page 1104 in the pew Bibles (1674 large print) 340 In the tomb so cold 2nd Reading Luke 24:13-32 page 1061 in the pew Bibles (1610 large print) 1105 See what a morning 689 Thine be the glory Text for 2015 "Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" 1 Timothy 1:15 ANTHEMS 1022 Above all. Never alone. 402 Led like a lamb Keswick in East Lancs Spring Convention 2015 – Saturday 11th April 10.30am – 1.30pm at St. Leonard’s Churc h Dan Strange Daniel Strange, BA, PhD, is Academic Vice Principal and Lecturer in Culture, Religion and Public Theology at Oak Hill Theological College in London. Dan is married to Elly and has seven children. He is an elder at East Finchley Baptist church. His subject is: Confident Confidence in the Word and Confidence with the Word. On this occasion, a slightly earlier start will allow for two morning sessions (10.30 and 12.00 noon), ending at 1.30pm, so if you would like to ask Dan a question or spend time browsing the bookstall, and even bring a packed lunch to eat before going home, please do so. (Drinks available. No afternoon session.) The next meeting is on Wednesday 8th April at St. Margaret's. Our guest speaker is Mrs Dorothy Bolton who will talk about 'Afternoon Tea'. Padiham St. Leonard's C of E Primary School and Foundation Unit Headteacher Mrs. Beverley Holmes Tel: 01282 771470 Fax: 01282 777626 Moor Lane, Padiham, Lancs., BB12 8HT www.st-leonards.lancs.sch.uk Padiham Green CE Primary School There is to be a coffee morning at St. Margaret's at 10.30am on Saturday 18th April. In association with Head Mr Mark Dixon St Annes Street, Padiham, BB12 7AL Tel. 01282 776855 www.padiham-green.lancsngfl.ac.uk Recordings of sermons . Audio CD copies of recent sermons are now available to pick up from a box in the Green Room where they are filed in date order. Please help yourself to any of them. If you would like to regularly receive a copy, please contact Eddie Bobrowski ([email protected] or Tel 01282 695961). Sermons can also be heard on or downloaded from the church web-site or sent to you by e-mail if required. For the next Ladies Lounge we will meet in the Green room on Wednesday 15th April at 7.30pm to discuss the book Daylight at Midnight. There are still a few copies available at the back of church priced £1. General Election Hustings Churches Working Together in Burnley has invited all the prospective parliamentary candidates for the Burnley Constituency to a public meeting on Monday 20th April at 7pm at Burnley College, Princess Way. (Opposite Asda) 8 o’clock Services in April and May. Please note that the pattern is slightly different to usual with services on 5 April, 26 April, 10 May and 17 May. St. George's Day Concert On Thursday 23rd April at 7.30pm Colne Ladies Choir makes a welcome return to St. Leonard's Church to give a concert in support of Christian Aid . It will be an evening of easy listening with guest soloists Georgina Parker (Vocalist) and Eleanor Tomlinson (Flute / Recorder). Tickets, which include refreshments, are £5 for adults and £2 for children, available from Sarah Swann and Barbara Benson. CRÈCHE . St.Leonard’s is a “Child Friendly Church” and we welcome you! ! If you have just joined us we provide a Crèche in the Tower Room at the back of the church. Please feel free to take of advantage of this facility, where a hostess will be in attendance. The Little Children and Jesus. People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, put his hand on them and blessed them. (Mark 10. V13 -16). Weekly Notice Sheet Today Easter Sunday Sunday 5th April 2015 Sunday April 5th 8.00am 9.30am 11.00am 5.30pm Holy Communion (BCP) at St Leonard’s Holy Communion at St Leonard’s Holy Communion at St Margaret’s Easter Praise at St Leonard’s This Week Monday April 6th 7.00pm Bell Ringing Practice in St Leonard’s Tower. Tuesday April 7th 9.00am Prayer Time in the Waddilove Room. No Little Lennies at St. Leonard's. Wednesday April 8th No Busy Bees at St. Margaret's. 10.00am Holy Communion at St Leonard's. No Choir Practice at St. Leonard's. 7.30pm Mothers’ Union at St Margaret’s. Thursday April 9th No Little Lennies at St. Leonard's. 11.00am Funeral of Liam McGarr at St Margaret’s. 1.00pm Funeral of Evelyn Cunningham at St Leonard’s. Saturday April 11th 10.30pm Keswick Convention at St. Leonard's. Next Sunday The Second Sunday of Easter w w w . p a d i h a m p a r i s h . o r g Sunday April 12th 9.30am Holy Communion at St Leonard’s 11.00am Holy Communion at St Margaret’s 5.30pm Lord’s Supper at St Leonard’s Pew Bibles . The readings in the service can be found in the pew bibles. If you find the print too small there are bibles with larger print in the lobby – please ask a sidesman. Contact numbers in the Parish: Rev Mark Jones (772442), Diocesan Reader – Mrs Lynne Trudgill (776166), Ministry Trainee - Kyle Mulholland (219506). Welcome to St Margaret’s Church on Easter Sunday. If you are a visitor please make yourself known to us. You’re warmly invited to stay for refreshments at the end of the service. If parents of small children and babies need 'Time Out' during the service, there are facilities, including babychanging, at the back of church. The service can still be seen and heard from the meeting room until you are able to rejoin us. This morning’s Readings and Hymns 150(HTC) All creation join to say (omit verses 2 & 5) S.3(HTC) Alleluia, alleluia 1st Reading Acts 10:34-43 page 1104 in the pew Bibles (1674 large print) S.17(HTC) Jesus is Lord 2nd Reading Luke 24:13-32 page 1061 in the pew Bibles (1610 large print) 154(HTC) Good Christians all, rejoice and sing 167(HTC) Yours be the glory Text for 2015 "Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" 1 Timothy 1:15 Mobile phones . Please switch off your phone if you have one and other electronic devices/toys etc. Keswick in East Lancs In association with Spring Convention 2015 – Saturday 11th April 10.30am – 1.30pm at St. Leonard’s Churc h Dan Strange Daniel Strange, BA, PhD, is Academic Vice Principal and Lecturer in Culture, Religion and Public Theology at Oak Hill Theological College in London. Dan is married to Elly and has seven children. He is an elder at East Finchley Baptist church. His subject is: Confident Confidence in the Word and Confidence with the Word. On this occasion, a slightly earlier start will allow for two morning sessions (10.30 and 12.00 noon), ending at 1.30pm, so if you would like to ask Dan a question or spend time browsing the bookstall, and even bring a packed lunch to eat before going home, please do so. (Drinks available. No afternoon session.) m.padihamparish.org Recordings of sermons . Eddie Bobrowski has started arranging the recording of each Sunday’s sermon. If you’d like to hear one he can either email it to you or let you have a CD. Eddie can be contacted on [email protected] or tel 695961 Hapton Church of England / Methodist School Head, Miss. Jacquie Clarke, Manchester Road, Hapton, Burnley, Lancs., BB11 5RF Tel: 01282 771657 www.hapton.lancsngfl.ac.uk There is to be a coffee morning at St. Margaret's at 10.30am on Saturday 18th April. We will be grateful for donations of raffle prizes. Thanks. The next meeting is on Wednesday 8th April at St. Margaret's. Our guest speaker is Mrs Dorothy Bolton who will talk about 'Afternoon Tea'. For the next Ladies Lounge we will meet in the Green room on Wednesday 15th April at 7.30pm to discuss the book Daylight at Midnight. There are still a few copies available at the back of church priced £1. St. George's Day Concert On Thursday 23rd April at 7.30pm Colne Ladies Choir makes a welcome return to St. Leonard's Church to give a concert in support of Christian Aid . It will be an evening of easy listening with guest soloists Georgina Parker (Vocalist) and Eleanor Tomlinson (Flute / Recorder). Tickets, which include refreshments, are £5 for adults and £2 for children, available from Sarah Swann and Barbara Benson. General Election Hustings Churches Working Together in Burnley has invited all the prospective parliamentary candidates for the Burnley Constituency to a public meeting on Monday 20th April at 7pm at Burnley College, Princess Way. (Opposite Asda) 8 o’clock Services in April and May. Please note that the pattern is slightly different to usual with services on 5 April, 26 April, 10 May and 17 May. www.padihamparish.org m.padihamparish.org (mobile site) facebook.com/stleonardschurch
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