THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made by singing – “Oh how beautiful!” and sitting in the shade… And when your back stops aching, and your hands begin to harden, you will find yourself a partner in the glory of the garden. Kipling THE GARDEN GANG starts back from 30th March, Monday afternoons, 24pm (except on Bank Holidays and when it rains). Volunteers always welcome. – There’s usually a cup of tea about 3pm to encourage you. THANK YOU to those of you who supported the West Thorpe Hellebore and Snowdrop Coffee Mornings. The sum raised for church funds was £225.00. Geraldine Conn. DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: HOLIDAY CLUB is back by popular demand and this year we are going to become Polar Explorers from Monday 20th July to Friday 24th July! Booking isn't open yet but be sure to get that week in your diary so you don't miss out and keep your eyes peeled for more details over the coming months! To be a Holiday Club leader or for more information on how you could be involved, please email Emma at [email protected] Age UK York 5 day escorted holidays at seafront Expanse Hotel BRIDLINGTON, 8-12 June 2015 or 14-18 September 2015, £305 includes half board and transport, no extra cost for single rooms. Please contact Gill Stamp [email protected] St Edward the Confessor 22nd March 2015 Lent 5 Hello and welcome to St Edward’s. Please feel free to join us in the Hall for refreshments after the 10.00am service. If you are visiting, please make yourself known so that we can welcome you. We do not take a collection during the services. A plate is available for donations at the back of the church, at the beginning and end of each service. All donations are gratefully received and there are several ways to give on a regular basis. Please ask! In term time, there is a crèche in church every Sunday during the 10am service: also groups for children and young people – ‘Promise’ – during the 10am service on the 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays; the 1st Sunday in the month is a Family Service and the 3rd Sunday is an all-age Family Communion. Gluten-free wafers available at communion. Please inform a sidesperson if you require one. 8.30am Jeremiah 31: 31-34, OT p746 John 12: 20-33, NT p103. Led by Letitia Chester; preacher Gill Stamp. 10.00am Holy Communion and Anointing Readings as above Led by Martin Baldock; preacher Gill Stamp. During Communion we will sing hymns: 532, 167, 620, 18. 11.30am PACT Led by Emma Bagnall and Letitia Chester. 6.30pm Evening Service Exodus 7: 8-24, OT p55. Revelation 3:14-22, NT p244. Led by Martin Baldock; preacher Daphne Green. The deadline for church notices on this sheet is midday on Wednesdays. Also, the office deadline for ‘The Porch’ magazine is the 12th of the month before. Contact telephone numbers: Core Office Hours: Martin Baldock 01904 706120 Letitia Chester (Assoc. Minister) 01904 692652 Monday – Friday: [email protected] 9.30am-12.30pm; Emma Bagnall (Children, Youth & Family Worker) 1.30-4.30pm [email protected] 07914 857546 Alison Baxter (Parish Office) 01904 709111 E-mail: [email protected] Reg Charity No. 1131430 Church Website Holy Communion Sunday 29th March – Palm Sunday 8.30am BCP Holy Communion Isaiah 50: 4-9a, OT p691 Mark ch14-ch15, NT p49. 10.00am Family Communion 6.30pm Celtic Service - Palm Sunday Inspired by worship from Iona Abbey. Readings as above. CHURCH OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY Mon 23rd 10am & 11am 7.30pm Little Teds – Pre School Service. Lent Meeting – in the Extension. 7.30-9.00pm Tangent: (Y10-Y13) at 149 Tadcaster Road. Tues 24th 6.30-7.30pm Open Evening for weddings and baptisms. 7.30-9.00pm ‘Big Sisters’ Meeting – in the Meeting Room. 7.30-9.00pm Segment: (Y7-Y9) – at 149 Tadcaster Road. Wed 25th 8.00pm Pippa’s Small Group. 12noon Praying in Company. 2.30-3.45pm Whitehouse Gardens Small Group – at No 6. 3.25pm SEEDS Brief all-action, after-school service for parents/carers & children. Drink & biscuit included. 7.00-8.00pm STEMS (St Edward’s Mature Seeds): for Secondary School age - in the Meeting Room. Thurs 26th 10.00am Dringhouses Primary School Service in Church. ‘MUSIC TO OUR EARS’: Thank you to all who helped make the visit by the York Minster girl choristers such a harmonious success. An amount to the tune of £1,426 was raised in aid of the Community Hall Refurbishment Funds. Derek Reed. STEWARDSHIP ENVELOPES: Boxes of blue stewardship weekly giving envelopes for 12th April onwards, are at the back of church for collection. TODAY from 4-6pm, in the Community Hall, we will be showing Disney's animated film 'FROZEN' for those aged 5-16 to come and enjoy, alongside hot chocolate and popcorn (with parents/grandparents if you would like to!) If you have not yet told me you are coming, please speak to me after the service, drop me an email or text me on 07914 857546 so we know numbers. Thank you! Emma Bagnall. GET A LIFE! Monday Evening Lent Meetings conclude on 23rd March from 7.30pm until around 9pm This year, meetings feature members of our church community sharing their life and faith stories with us. Each evening closes with a short reflection by one of our preaching team and there is a break for refreshments. Many thanks to: Dorothy Reed, Anne Russell-Smith, David Lapish & Peter Burgess who agreed to be part of this year’s series. HOLY WEEK PRAYERS: If you would like to lead a 30 minute time of prayer: Monday 30th, Tuesday 31st March or Wednesday 1st April at 7pm, please let Martin know. Thank you. SAVE THE DATE: 1st June 2015, 7.15pm-9.20pm Adrian Plass And The Searchlight Theatre Company will be performing ‘Adrian Plass and the Church weekend Away’ here at St Edward’s. As Adrian did our Wydale weekend a few years ago it could be very interesting!!!! Tickets £12 (conc. £10) will be for sale in the office. 01904 709111 [email protected] ANNUAL MEETING: Each and every leader of a group is warmly invited to hand into the parish office before the end of March: - a couple of sentences describing what you do; - 2 or 3 hopes, aspirations for your group and the church over the next year or so. Preferably by email, if possible. Thanks, Martin. AWAY WEEKEND: 16th-18th October 2015. Booking forms are now available in church. The inclusive cost for the weekend is £150 (the same as last time) for adults; 2-11 year olds £56; 12-16 year olds £84 and under 2 years free. Please return the forms to the office with your £10 deposit per person, by Easter. If you have concerns over payment but want to come, please have a word with Christine Hanby. ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING: Sunday April 19th (after 10am service) There are 8 vacancies on the Church Council this year: 5 to serve for 3 years; 1 to serve for 2 years; 2 to serve for 1 year. If you have been on the Electoral Roll for at least 6 months and are either confirmed or desirous to be confirmed, then you are eligible for election. (NB: for 16-18 year olds, the 6 month rule does not apply). 6 meetings a year and the opportunity to be involved closely in shaping the future of our church. Please consider putting your name forward for election. We also have to elect churchwardens to serve for the coming year. RENEWAL OF VOWS: Archbishop Sentamu invites readers and clergy to renew their vows at a service in York Minster at 11 am on Maundy Thursday April 2nd. Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend. Churches Together In York Ecumenical Service for GOOD FRIDAY 3 April 2015 6.45pm Walk of Witness with the Cross from the Parliament Street Fountain; 7.30pm Service in York Minster. Preacher: The Venerable Sarah Bullock, Archdeacon of York For further details email [email protected] CHRISTIAN AID PLANT SALE AND REFRESHMENTS 2015: will be at St. James the Deacon Church Hall, Sherringham Drive, Woodthorpe, on Saturday, 16 May. Please contact us at church after the 10am service or [email protected]. If you are able to supply plants, donate cakes and offer to help on the day, it will be much appreciated. On behalf of Christian Aid thank you very much for your support. David & Jenny Simpson
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