Two day paediatric feeding workshop Day 1: Effectively assessing and managing common breast, bottle cup drinking and solid feeding problems in infants and children Day 2: Effectively assessing and managing infants and children with severe oral hypersensitivity and feeding aversion Sarah Starr Thursday 24 September & Friday 25 September, 2015 This course has been designed for speech pathologists and other allied health professionals who are currently working with infants and children with feeding difficulties aged 0-5 years. Presenter Sarah Starr, Director Speech Pathology Services B.App.Sc (Speech Pathology), M.Health Sc. (Education), M.S.P.A.A, C.P.S.P. Sarah has extensive experience in the assessment and management of eating, drinking and communication issues. Experience has been gained whilst working at The Spastic Centre, Westmead Hospital, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and in private practice over the past 29 years. Specialising in oromotor movements, oral and craniofacial abnormalities (eg. tongue-tie, cleft palate, dental speech problems), and early feeding difficulties (breast, bottle feeding and with solid transition and eating skills. Sarah has wide experience with a range of congenital syndromes, chromosome disorders, cleft palate, developmental delay, disability and autism. Sarah has many years of experience and speciality in transitioning infants and children from tube to oral feeding. Sarah also specialises in medico-legal assessments and provides regular lecturing to students, allied health professionals and parent groups. Sarah is currently working in private practice with her caseload primarily focused on infant and childhood feeding difficulties including breast and bottle feeding difficulties, difficulties transitioning to solid foods and a range of feeding disorders associated with conditions such as craniofacial abnormalities, down syndrome, autism and congenital syndromes. Recent publication: Dysphagia: Foundations, Theory and Practice.Ed. by J Chicero & B. Murdoch, Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2006. Course Modules The following modules will be covered over the two course days. DAY 1 Module One: Assessment and management of common breast, bottle and cup drinking problems Assessment of a range of breast, bottle and cup drinking problems, normal versus abnormal feeding patterns, causes of drinking issues ( eg tongue tie, cleft palate, oral coordination/ tone issues) and assessing swallowing during drinking will be discussed. Management of a range of common problems such as breast pain and discomfort, poor sucking at breast/bottle, coughing, poor intake, and liquid loss will be explained. A range of equipment appropriate options and appropriate choices will be explored to facilitate intake, skills and safe swallowing. Case examples will be shown. Module Two: Managing solid feeding difficulties Assessing and management of a range of feeding difficulties in infants and children including poor transition to solids including puree, lumpy solids and finger foods, poor chewing, biting and oral preparation, poor intake of a range of solids, tongue thrusting and poor self feeding will be addressed across a range of childhood conditions. Managing gagging, refusal, tongue thrusting, poor chewing and solid transition and techniques to improve biting, tongue transfers/movement and chewing skills will be discussed. Several video case examples will be explored. Course Modules (continued) DAY 2 Module Three: Assessing infants and children with oral aversion and oral sensory issues This module will cover: 1. Understanding the origins and causal factors of oral hypersensitivity and feeding aversion eg oral sensory processing disorder, autism, oral/feeding trauma, oral deprivation, inappropriate feeding practices 2. Assessing oral sensory status and oral aversion Assessment of these children requires thorough assessment of the child’s oral sensory status and motor coordination as well as feeding history. Methods of thorough assessment will be discussed to allow for appropriate planning of management. Case examples will be given for participants to assess. Module Four: Managing oral hypersensitivity and food aversion This module will address children who are refusing food or liquid textures and may pose a challenge for the family and therapist. Management strategies covering appropriate selection of foods, methods of introduction, auditory and visual cueing, desensitisation / warning charts, appropriate behaviour modification techniques and positive family mealtimes will be discussed. Mild to severe feeding aversion examples will be given. Several case videos will be explored, discussed and explained. DETAILS Location: The Coronation Club, 86 Burwood Rd, Burwood, Sydney, NSW, 2134 (Walking distance from Burwood railway station) Times: Registration 8.30 Course: 9am– 5pm Cost: $495 ( incl. GST) Meals: Morning tea and lunch provided Car parking available in Westfields Shopping Centre or in council carpark in Meryla St, Burwood. Application Procedure: Fill out the registration form attached and return with cheque, money order or with credit card details and signature to: Speech Pathology Services, PO Box 2214 Burwood North NSW 2134 Alternatively, you can fax ( fax no: 02 9745 5177) or email the form and tick that you will make an eft payment. The eft payment will need to be received for a place to be secured by the closing date. When making a direct deposit, type your full name as the reference when depositing into the following account: Account name: Speech Pathology Services Account no: 171 450 BSB: 032 062 Registration Deadline: Registrations close on Friday 28 August 2015 or sooner once course reaches capacity. Enquiries:[email protected] Office: (02) 97455133 Confirmation of your place will be given via email once payment has been received and processed so please include your email address on your application. Two day paediatric feeding workshop Day 1: Effectively assessing and managing common breast, bottle cup drinking and solid feeding problems in infants and children Day 2: Effectively assessing and managing infants and children with severe oral hypersensitivity and feeding aversion Presented by Sarah Starr Thursday 24 September & Friday 25 September, 2015 REGISTRATION FORM Name: Discipline: ( e.g. SP, OT, RN, ECN etc) Postal Address: Contact Number: Email: Special dietary requirements: Payment by: (please tick) Credit card details: Credit card Cheque Money order Direct/eft payment Name on card: Card number: Expiry date: Signature: (Make cheques payable to: Speech Pathology Services) Send payment to: Speech Pathology Services P.O Box 2214 Burwood North, NSW 2134 If making direct deposit please fax (02 9745 5177) or email your registration form to [email protected] Confirmation of payment will be given via email once payment is made.
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