2015-2016 Phantoms Youth Tryout / Evaluation Information Tryouts and evaluations for the 2015-2016 Youngstown Phantoms Youth hockey program will consist of drills and scrimmages that will provide your child an equal opportunity to demonstrate his or her hockey skills and to give the evaluator the best way to measure each skater's abilities. If you have any questions concerning our 2015-2016 Tryouts, please send them in writing to [email protected]. We will respond to all questions in a timely manner. Our tryout structure and on ice activity will be coordinated by the team coaches. The purpose of the tryout, evaluation, and placement process is simple: to provide our players with the best situation to learn and enjoy the game of hockey, develop their skill, and grow as individuals within a team setting. Placements will be made based on overall evaluation and number of participants within an age group. Tryouts are a stressful time for both the player and the parent. The child will usually settle in after being on the ice for a short time. Parents should control their own stress. Be supportive of your child or children and give them encouragement for each session. If parents wish to stay and observe tryouts, we ask that they watch from the second floor viewing area. Under no circumstance will parents be allowed on the player bench side of the rink. That area is reserved for Evaluators, Coaches, and others involved in the tryout process only. What is the tryout registration Process? Each player attending tryouts must complete a registration form. This form provides the Phantoms Youth Hockey Organization with general information for each player. Included will be: Contact Information USA hockey registration number Player History Tryout Fee and Commitment Fee explanation Commitment Letter explanation Parental Signature The registration form will be available on the youth website approximately three weeks before the scheduled tryout dates. Additional registration forms will be available at the registration/check-in table the night of the tryouts. The following payments will be due before the first tryout. Each application must be accompanied by 2 payments: (online payment is optional for those who have pre-registered) For Travel Team Tryouts: (Squirt (U10), PeeWee (U12), Bantam (U14), Midget (U18)) Travel Team Tryout fee of $85.00 (prepaid online or make check payable to YAAHA. This fee is non-refundable. Check 2: Commitment fee of $300.00. Made Payable to YAAHA. Upon acceptance of team placement in the Phantom Youth Program, the Commitment Fee will be applied to your 2015-2016 season total due. Once you have accepted a spot, the Commitment Fee becomes non-refundable. If you choose to leave the program for ANY reason, you must notify us in writing immediately. A release letter from the Organization can be provided as we deem acceptable and provided your financial obligations have been met. For ADM evaluations and Little Pens/Learn to Play: Evaluation fee of $45.00 (prepaid online or make check payable to YAAHA. This fee is non-refundable. Each registered player will be provided with a Phantom’s jersey. The jersey is yours to keep. The color and number are the player’s tryout number. Bring this jersey to all sessions. Tryout color/number will be used to show team placement via the youth website as the placements are determined. Name will not be used for team announcements. What happens to my Commitment Check? The commitment checks (travel team tryouts only) will be cashed only when an offer is made for a player to play on a specific team and the player accepts the offer. If a player is offered a spot and declines or does not respond to the offer within a timely manner (as defined in an offer email/phone call), the commitment check will NOT be cashed and the check will be destroyed. If a player is not offered a spot the check will be destroyed. What Should I Bring to Tryouts? Arrive in plenty of time each night. All participants must fully register the first night which will be a longer process. Please check in at the registration table upon arrival for night two. What is the Evaluation Process? The evaluation process will have two components: skills and scrimmages. The skills component will consist of a series of varied drills, designed by the tryout staff intended to focus on the fundamental aspects of ice hockey: Skating Shooting Passing Defensive play Offensive play Scrimmage games may be held toward the end of each session. The tryout staff will organize the scrimmages. As they see necessary, they will mix and rotate players during the sessions. How will team selections be determined? Team selections will be dependent upon evaluation and number of participants. Evaluation will be used from all nights to determine a player’s placement on a team. Attending each night is important. If a player cannot attend, let the tryout coordinators know at [email protected] so other arrangements can be considered. The organization may hold Supplemental Tryouts in May to attract additional players to the program and to our teams. These tryouts will not negatively affect any player who has accepted a position within the organization during the April 2015 tryouts. What if a player wants to tryout at a different age level? Any player can choose to tryout for a team 1 year beyond their current age level if a parent provides a legitimate reason and the Coordinators agree. If doing so, you will be asked to sign a waiver in accordance with USA Hockey, PAHL, and our organization. Any player choosing to tryout with two age groups will not be required to pay a second tryout fee. ADM Comments: Birth year 2007 and younger participants will play ADM cross ice. The Phantom Youth program is holding an evaluation compared to tryouts. All players birth year 2007 and younger are considered in our ADM program. With these evaluations we can better determine the overall skill level and plan for the number of teams and coaches for next season. Little Pens / Learn to Play / Developmental Comments: We welcome all participants into our developmental programs. The kids will always be placed in a setting to successfully develop our hockey players and to ensure every child will have the same chance to succeed. If you feel your child does not yet have the skills to compete on a travel team, sign up for the evaluation sessions. This will assist us in staffing our programs next season. When will the selection results be available and where can I see them? Details are posted on the individual team tabs at www.yaaha.net. Generally, our goal is to have player selections available within 2 days of your final tryout. Final Placements will be posted on our website www.phantomsyouthhockey.com and you will receive an email regarding your placement and the acceptance process. You will have a minimum of 48 hours to accept. Please be sure we have the most reliable and most up-to-date contact information for you. This should include phone and email address. If unforeseen issues arise, the Phantoms Youth Organization reserves the right to withhold team selection until a future date/time. Any such problem will be communicated through the website. Who will have the player’s scores and will they be made public? The Tryout Coordinators will control all evaluation notes. The notes will not be made public. Who will be present during team selections? The selection staff for all levels can include: Tryout Coordinators, Coaches, and staff as determined by the organization to hold a well-run, comprehensive program. Other than those mentioned and designated recorders, no one will be permitted into the evaluation or selection process at any time. What if an evaluator has a child at the level he or she is evaluating? We do not schedule anyone to evaluate his or her own child. However, if an unexpected circumstance occurred and we were forced to use an evaluator that had a child at a same level, that evaluator will have no input regarding his or her own child. The child will be ranked and placed by the other evaluators only, using the regular evaluation process. What if a session is missed for a reason like illness or injury? You should plan on attending every tryout session scheduled for your level. The more the evaluators see of you, the better your chance of accurate placement. However, it is understood that problems can arise. If you find yourself in that position please contact [email protected] as soon as possible so we are aware of your circumstance and alternate arrangements can be made and agreed upon. Please note that any placement will first be made based on the information available from sessions that were completed and evaluated. What have we missed? If you have any further questions, please contact us at [email protected].
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