Volume 3, Issue 5 Friday, May 4, 2012 THE GRIZZLY GAZETTE CARNIVAL COMES TO GODINEZ Article and Photos by Gardenia Zamacona Over five-hundred Grizzlies showed up to dance the night away. Whether in a pair with their date in hand or a group of friends, Sadies was definitely a blast this year. Suspenders? Bowties? Stripes?! A nerdy get-up? No! Far from it, it’s a part of this years Sadies theme: 1920’s Carnival. With a Banda and face-painting, to a goldfish toss and a packed dancefloor, Sadies was the place to be. Don’t believe me? We have some pictures for proof, and to all the Grizzlies who went, hope you had a roaring good time! Who’s your Prom Date? BY JESUS GONZALEZ Tennis Ball Scavenger Hunt: As the school year unwinds, the spectacle that for many defines the school year has returned: Prom! In all its glory and drama, it once again becomes the focal point of high school life. But as the big day approaches, many of us are still wondering how to ask that special someone to the Midnight Ride. Here are some ideas from our fellow Grizzlies that experienced these ideas first hand... Fashion Show Proposal: Juan Fuentes surprised his Prom date ironically during the prom fashion show. Juan laid Hershey’s kisses on the red carpet leading down to the stairs into the quad. As they walked the runway, she was confused as to the chocolate’s purpose. When they finally reached the bottom of the stairs, she was amazed to see his proposal to “Prom.” Message in a bottle: Hugo Gonzalez planned placing a message in a bottle and then planting that same bottle in the sand at the beach. When strolling through the beach with his prospective prom date, he would then point out the bottle and have her pick it up and open it. She would be flabbergasted to see the message read “Will you go to Prom with me?” (Photos courtesy of Monica Molina and Jesus Gonzalez) Hugo Flores planted tennis balls in each of his tennisplaying prom date Fara Rodriguez’ classes. One by one she was given a new tennis ball in each class, each with a different letter on it. At the end of fourth period, she had the word “Prom” spelled out when Hugo unexpectedly walked into class with the final tennis ball yielding a question mark. Russian Doll Surprise: Juan Carrillo mesmerized his date by giving her a Russian doll. As she opened the different layers of the doll, she accumulated different words to compose a phrase. When she finally reached the final doll, she read the phrase “This is the longest way ever to ask someone to Prom.” Balcony Spectacle: Jesus Lopez surprised his date by utilizing Ms. Kathy Ochoa. She asked Jesus’ date Rita Orozco to help her carry a box to the office. When they got to the office Ochoa told Orozco to open the box. Inside the box were instructions on what she was to do next. Orozco was told to go upstairs. When she reached the top of the stairs and looked over the balcony she saw Jesus holding a question mark, punctuating the phrase “Prom?” Of course she said “yes.” These great ideas serve as a source, but there are plenty of different ways to ask that perfect date in a manner that reflects you. No matter what, always remember: just ask and you will be fine! INSIDE THIS ISSUE Need Help with Prom? Go to Page 2 Gummy Bear Go to Page 4 Who are the athletes of the month? Go to Page 8 Page 1 Volume 3, Issue 5 STUDENT NEWS Don’t Stress Over the Dress Trekking to San Diego BY SUSANA VALERIO & SAMANTHA HERRERA BY EMILIO RODRIGUEZ Some of you Grizzlies may not be aware that the Prom Couture store is now open which is also known as The Prom Dress Project organized by the Girls Circle Club. It’s a great program if you’re on a budget in finding the perfect dress. All the dresses this program offers were donations from our teachers, and past students. Most importantly, the program is free. Yes, you read that right, there is no cost to Adviser of the Girls Circle Club, Mrs. participate. Jocham holding a dress (Photo courtesy The program came about after the first prom occurred. Only 100 girls of Susana Valerio & Samantha Herrera) attended the first prom and the reason There’s a variety of styles of dresses why so few that the program offers, like long and girls attended short dresses. “We get the dresses taithe prom was lored, so girls shouldn’t worry if the because they dresses doesn’t fit,” said advisor, Mrs. didn’t have Laurie Jocham. the money They also offer accessories and to buy their purses for you to borrow. “Girls need dress. That’s to make an appointment in order look when teachand try on the dresses,” said Jocham. ers decided to If you’re interested in borrowing a donate money dress for free, make an appointment to purchase in Mrs. Jocham’s classroom. Just (Photo courtesy of Su- some dresses keep in mind that it is first come, first sana Valerio & Samantha for upcoming serve. proms. Herrera) On April 3, 2012, three Grizzlies embarked on a biking adventure to San Diego for their Senior Project. Little did they know it would take them 14 hours, burn approximately 18,000 calories, and Ivan Hernandez, Timothy Kent, and David Rodriguez reflect on would change their senior project (Photo courtesy of Emilio Rodriguez) their perspective on biking forever. Passing the beautiful California coast, Camp Pendleton’s military base, and the Maruchan factory, Ivan Hernandez, Timothy Kent, and David Rodriguez awoke at 6 in the morning to embark on their journey. Taking only tools, food, and their bicycles with them, they embarked on the 114 mile ride. When asked why they chose such a feat as their senior project, they answered by simply saying: “Adventure, curiosity, and the passion for biking.” In total the three burned over 6,000 calories each along their 14 hour ride. Averaging about 20 mph, carrying about 35 pounds of tools and food on them; they arrived at 8 P.M. to San Diego. The three have had 10 years of biking experience, so they were ready for what was ahead of them. When asked what they took, they replied, “bike pumps, snacks for the road, and 3 hours of prep the night before.” The advice they would offer if someone is interested in doing this, “Don’t over estimate things and just keep riding.” Photos by... BY EDUARDO ARAUJO Bryce Kenzo Pagter is an Aside from traveling with his eighteen-year-old senior at GFHS family, Bryce has been employed by who has a profound passion for 30 professional companies that have photography and traveling. He has taken a serious interest in his photoghad the fortunate opportunity to raphy. “Two years ago, I began talking travel around the world with his to people that told me that I can be family, all while capturing each something and that I can do something country and all it has to offer with a with my work.” snap of a shutter. Bryce’s passion for pho For the past two years, Bryce’s photography has been featured in tography was sparked at a young countless magazines. He has been age when his mother handed him (Photo courtesy of Monica Molina & Jesus his first camera. He snapped simple employed by 30 professional comGonzalez) pictures as he started off, but soon panies that include clothing agencies after, those simple pictures evolved and skateboarding companies. In other into a more sophisticated art. At age 8, Bryce had his first words, he has photographed models and photographed picture published in a Marine biology magazine. skaters. Photography alone was not the only passion As a result from his job, Bryce will spend a month coined in his early childhood, traveling also became a pas- in Brazil shooting for clothing brands Etnies and ELEsion for him at a very young age. Throughout the course MENT. of his life, Bryce and his family have traveled to over an In regards with a future career, Bryce is considerestimated 30 countries, visiting six out of the seven contiing whether becoming a full time photographer or going nents. into the family business as an attorney at his father’s law The first country he visited was Japan, but Bryce firm. Whatever may be the case, this young man will conshared that his most memorable visit was to Indonesia. tinue making a name for himself. “Indonesia has to be my most memorable country thus far,” he said. “The people of Indonesia are the utmost If you are interested in viewing more of Bryce hospitable and incredibly friendly. That’s what I like about Pagter’s photography, visit his Tumblr page at traveling - it’s different from our society and it is refreshbrycepagter.tumblr.com. (Photos courtesy of Bryce Pagter) ing.” Grizzly Gazette Editorial Policy The Grizzly Gazette is published six times per academic year by students in journalism class at Godinez Fundamental High School. Content is determined by the staff and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Godinez Fundamental High School’s faculty, administration, adviser or student body. Students are protected in their exercise of press freedom by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and California Education Code 48907. Signed editorials and columns reflect the views of the writer. Letters to the editor and guest commentaries are encouraged and must be signed, although anonymity can be granted on a case-by-case basis. The editors review letters to the editor, advertising, guest commentaries, reserves the right to edit and refuse material. Reasons can include length, clarity, libel, and obscenity, material disruption of the educational process at Godinez Fundamental High School or violation of copyright laws. Page 2 EDITORIALS Volume 3, Issue 5 EDITORIAL: Outsourcing in Santa Ana BY MARILYNN MONTANO The economy has affected many Americans, it has taken a hit in I remember the one place I went was when I was in elementary Santa Ana. How is that possible you ask? Well, to be honest the city is school, the New Hope Public Library which is one of the branches with $30,000,000 in debt. the Santa Ana Public Library. It is where I looked forward to going on If you noticed, yes, there’s been some renovations in Santa Ana; every celebrated holiday with themes like Valentines’ and Christmas on however, spending has been overlooked in my opinion. Along with display. the recent changes Downtown Santa Ana has gone through, they have In reality, there were three public libraries and it’s narrowed attracted a hipster audience and in a way torn down some of the city’s down to two. There is talk about outsourcing the smaller branch: New Hope Public Library. Hours have been cut and it is closed on Fridays. Mexican heritage. In 2011, the city had to put Santa Ana Zoo, Santa Ana Fire DeThe Mac Fadden Public Library was closed down and it now serves as a partment, Santa Ana Public Library and other services on the verge of recreational space for police to work with troubled students. outsourcing their services due to the debt. One item that was not put for Why is it that community organizations and other programs outsourcing was the Santa Ana Police Department. have to rely on grants and not the city? Our city is meant to serve our At a recent meeting, there was an item of discussion to make a best interests and this is not politically-wise, especially with health and purchase of brand new cars for the police. Honestly, I was a bit furious education, you know, like issues that do matter. They will benefit our how the city this year chose to spend money on more cars and motorcommunity more than our city officials’ best interests. Investing towards cycles for the Santa Ana Police Department. Along with the new gym our next generation is crucial because the more we educate the more we equipment that was also passed this year. will advance as a community. What is wrong with their current cars, do they really need to be As a result of the debt, there was a recent meeting in city hall that extravagant to fight crime? It does not make sense how it is reason- where the Santa Ana City Council signed a contract with the Orange County Fire Department, which means the city would save 1.28 million able for the city officials to sit there and approve such a purchase when alone. our city is in so much debt. The crime rates in Santa Ana have decreased in the last couple Money will always be an issue but why is it that education and years and if we are going to be spending any money or should I say tax health always goes underlooked by politicians? Why do city officials money, then why don’t we invest it in our community organizations? spend more than what we really need as a city? Public libraries are more than just shelves with books or librar Currently, the Santa Ana Public Library is safe from being sold, ians, they are what makes every kid come back for more reading time. however, the zoo has been privatized. These special landmarks are part They offer more than just reading and tutoring services, they offer a of what defines a city. Luckily, the city still continues to find ways to chance to improve, like their Teen Space program. solve the debt crisis so they will not have to risk filing for bankruptcy. Godinez 2.0 BY MARIO SALAZAR & FERNANDO PANTALEON After years of dealing with limited resources of technology, Godinez Fundamental has finally been approved to receive new technology along with a few schoolwide upgrades. As of the 17th of this month, Godinez students now have access to the new computer lab. With the opening of this new computer lab, there are three labs available for students to use. The three computer labs are located in rooms 4-128, 4-131, and the library computer lab. (Mr. Eskow’s classroom, who was originally in room 4-131, will now be located in room 1-125) These new computers will be upgraded from Microsoft Office 2003 to Microsoft Office 2007 in order to give students the best in the school’s reach. When talking to Mr. Tonai he stated, “Coming from our WASC recommendations, they would like for us to progress technology wise. We hope to have wi-fi next year but this is limited to the district’s plans.” Mrs. Terry Kling, our librarian, has recently placed an order to obtain Nooks available for student use in the library. Also, a mini iPad lab consisting of 20 iPads will be available for research in the room down the library hallway. If the 20 iPads succeed, an iPad lab will open in the near future. One of the goals for summer is to mount projectors in the computer labs in order to make it easier for teachers to give instructions to their students. Another goal is to upgrade to Grade Cam, in which the student’s scantron is placed under an Elmo and the system instantly grades tests and records the score into the teacher’s gradebook. This new technology will not only benefit students, but teachers as well. One can expect that with this new technology, the academic life of students and teachers will improve. YEARBOOK ADVERTISEMENT BUY YOUR YEARBOOK FOR $90 For details go to Mr. Hess’ room (1-114) CHECK OUT THE NEWSPAPER ONLINE!!! Godinez Fundamental High School 3002 Centennial Road Santa Ana, California 92704 Editors: Marilynn Montano Andrea Rodriguez Adviser: Joyce Feuerborn Copy Editor: Anthony Ramirez Editorial Editor: Gardenia Zamacona Photo Editor: Fara Rodriguez Monica Molina Arts & Entertainment Editor: Steven Cortez Sports Editor: Fara Rodriguez Campus News Editor: Viviana Altamirano Staff Writers: Jocelyn Alvarado Eduardo Araujo Daniel Bernal Anthony Do Danielle Flores Jesus Gonzalez Samantha Herrera Jamilah Hosan Emilio Rodriguez Mario Salazar Hugo Salgado Rebecca Terrones Susana Valerio Page 3 Dear Gummy Bear Dear Gummy Bear, I feel like I have betrayed my best friend because I went to a party once and I met a cute guy. He did what every player would do to target a girl. He did his sweet talk and I was stupid enough to fall for it. That night he gave me a ride home, walked me to the door, and kissed me. Weeks later I found out he was my best friend’s boyfriend, but I did not know this. Should I tell her or do I stop talking to both of them? From, La Traidora Dear Gummy Bear, There’s a guy in school that I really like but he’s a senior and I’m a junior. We have only talked a couple of times, and it was mostly me going up to him. I don’t know what to do because I can’t help getting butterflies in my tummy, and I feel like my heart is going to pop out of my chest every time I see him. I know he is almost leaving and I wouldn’t want this feeling to go away once he goes away too. Can you help me figure out what to do? Sincerely, Junior Girl Dear La Traidora, “Stranger Danger” has been a catch phrase for years for a reason. You need to tell your best friend because if he’s done this with you, he’s probably cheating on her with other girls as well. If she is really your best friend, she will understand because at the time you didn’t know. If she gets mad at you, then you still did everything you could to try to fix the situation. If you friend finds out that her boyfriend was cheating on her, and that you knew about it, and that he cheated on her with you, the friendship will definitely crash and burn. Your friend did nothing wrong, so you shouldn’t stop talking to her. Good luck, Gummy Bear Dear Junior Girl, It’s a difficult decision. Staying friends and keeping in contact while he goes away to college would be the safe thing to do. It’s your pursuit of happiness, if he can give you these feelings as a friend; it might be worth trying to talk to him more and see how you feel about him then. Find out what type of person he is before telling him how you feel, if he’s the kind of person that makes things awkward once they know something like this, you might want to keep it to yourself. I know it’s difficult, Gummy Bear Dear Gummy Bear, I’m a senior and I have a freshman crushing on me. He’s so sweet. He always tells me he loves me and he always gives me a rose, but I don’t want to be his girlfriend, but that’s what he always asks me when he gives me a rose. I only want to be his friend. How do I let him know that I only want to be his friend without hurting his feelings? Sincerely, La Mas Deseada Dear La Mas Deseada, The best way to get him to stop asking you out is to have a talk with him about it. The age difference is too much, besides that, if you’re 18, it’s illegal. You need to make it clear that he is a good friend, but you don’t want to go out with him. If he doesn’t stop, you might need to be clearer about it, and possibly stop talking to him, at least until he gets the hint. Some would love to have your problem, Gummy Bear Sunday Monday 29 30 6 7 13 14 Tuesday CST 8 2 CST 9 15 21 Wednesday AP Spanish Language AP Biology and AP Physics 20 Dear Love, Dance, and Shy, If you don’t know the guy well enough to know whether or not he has a girlfriend, I’d say that you don’t know him well enough to “love” him. If he doesn’t pay attention to you then he probably doesn’t know you like him. Get to know him better, and then you can make a more informed decision of whether or not to tell him you like him. Don’t ask him to be your boyfriend because if he doesn’t pay attention to you now, he won’t pay attention to you then, even if he says yes. Just wait a bit, and see if things improve. Gummy Bear questions continued on You’re not alone, page 5 Gummy Bear May/June 2012 1 AP Chemistry and AP Psychology Dear Gummy Bear, I have a problem with the guy I have a crush on. I don’t know if he loves me like I love him. I feel shy asking him to be my boyfriend especially in front of his friends or even worse if he has a girlfriend. He knows that I stay after school to dance, but he doesn’t pay attention to me. What should I do? Sincerely, Love, Dance, and Shy 3 CST 10 AP Calculus 16 AP Language 23 28 29 Physics Field trip to Six Flags Memorial Day No school 3 4 30 5 6 CST AP European History AP US History AP Spanish Literature Saturday 5 12 PROM 19 Spring Dance Showcase @ 7 25 Senior Exit Portfolios Modified Day 31 26 Senior Showcase 1 2 8 9 Senior Awards @ GFHS Theater 7 Legacy Awards Page 4 18 nomics 24 Drama Showcase 4 11 17 AP Macroeco- Senior Exit Portfolios Modified Day 27 Friday AP English Literature and Composition and AP Statistics AP Government 22 Thursday What website do Godinez Grizzlies use most? Student STRESS on upcoming AP exams! Students not stressed Students very stressed 70% 10% 20% Students somewhat stressed Taken from a poll of 100 Godinez Grizzlies Gummy Bear Continued... Taken from a poll of 100 Godinez Grizzlies Dear Gummy Bear, I am currently a junior and in all my 17 years of life, I have never had a girlfriend or anyone that I liked. So some weeks ago I wrote a letter to a girl I liked and gave her time to answer back whenever she was ready. Naturally since this was my first attempt to get a girl to like me, I was confused. The problem is that she hasn’t said anything yet and we have started talking less to each other. Since she doesn’t talk to me anymore I can’t help but thinking she loves someone else. So should I become the best friend that supports her, or should I fight for her affection? Sincerely, Trying Dear Trying, What’s meant to be will find a way, I’m sorry that your first attempt played out this way, but they won’t always. If you fight for her affection, you’ll always be fighting. I can tell you really care about her just by your note, but maybe there’s someone whose pining for your affection and you just can’t see them because you’re too focused on this girl. You never know, Gummy Bear Dear Gummy Bear, My parents are broke and so am I but I REALLY want to go to Prom. What can I do? Sincerely, Too broke for Prom Dear Too Broke, The GBear is here for you! See the article below and on page 2 for wonderful ideas that won’t break your wallet. Good luck! GBear Inexpensive Prom Ideas BY SUSANA VALERIO & SAMANTHA HERRERA Worrying about spending too much money for a dress? You can dress for less and look your best by considering buying or renting a dress on the following websites. Lending Luxury.com is the most recommended website because you can wear a thousand dollar dress by renting it for $200 or less. They also provide free shipping and dry cleaning. The website carries a variety of current designers and styles. If you want to stand out from the crowd, rent or buy a dress from this website. Nordstrom.com carries many prom dresses for $100 or less. They also have free shipping and returns if it doesn’t fit. And if you don’t want to ship it back, you can return it directly to the store. Try also these stores: Forever 21, Davids Bridal and Macys. These stores also offer a variety of inexpensive dresses. Lastly Prom is not only about the outfit, but about dinner. Some cheap ideas include: gathering a couple of friends and agree to pitch in money for a Chinese food. Also, you can always agree on having a potluck as well. Aim for bargain and hope these tips help. Pictures from the April 20th Prom Fashion Show at lunch. (Photos by Eduardo Araujo) Volume 3, Issue 5 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Wild for Wings BY STEVEN CORTEZ Garlic. Overall, we were left full and felt that the wings did what they intended to do, which was to hit the spot. To ease the spiciness of the wings, I suggest trying one of the lemonades including berry, mango, and huckleberry, which are priced at $0.99. Lemonade is not only what they offer though the best. The also offer refreshing ice tea and a variety of soft drinks. The notorious and newly anticipated Along with wings, tasty side Buffalo Wild Wings has come to The dished answer what you crave. Including Outlets in Orange. Buffalo Wild Wings potato wedges, onion rings, and buffalo has created the ultimate of diversity chips, which are all priced at $0.99. of flavors offering over 14 different The price is really low for something so seasonings and sauces to feed what you great. desire. Don’t be fooled by the infamous The Outlets have had its name, Buffalo Wild Wings also offers a variety of hamburgers to savory salads. reputation of popularity at GFHS and These savory burgers begin at $9.99, Buffalo Wild Wings has become a new addition to the variety of restaurants that but are well worth the money spent due to the fact of the size and quality of the The Outlets have to offer. Deciding to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings is a choice burger. The salads are priced at $9.00 well made, that stands out from the rest. but include pieces of chicken sprinkled During the weekdays, Buffalo all over the salad and other unique ways Wild Wings offers two different promos. to make a salad even better. Including, Wing Tuesdays pricing Buffalo Wild Wings has the wings at 55 cents and Boneless impressed my friends and I and have left us craving for more. If you’re looking to Thursdays pricing them at 65 cents. This gives everyone the opportunity find the most savory and mouth watering to enjoy the delectable wings that this wings, Buffalo Wild Wings is definitely establishment has to offer. the restaurant. Enjoying wings with friends is no mistake. I recently had the opportunity to dine at Buffalo Wild Wings with Jonathan Alvarez, Jay Jimenez, Gissel Segovia, and Brian Linzaga where we ordered over sixty wings and separated by 5 different wing flavors. These flavors included Parmesan Garlic, Sweet BBQ, Mild, and Spicy (Photos courtesy of Buffalo Wild Wings) Formula Drift BY JAMILAH HOSAN Earlier in in the month of April, the city of Long Beach had to close streets to participate in an action packed weekend of cars, drifting, and...[drum roll] explosions! Introducing: Formula Drift. With more than 60 drivers competing, this two-day thriller can be renown as not your ordinary race since judging is all based on style and speed. Formula Drift has the most diversity of age, gender and race in the driving field. It is the first drifting championship to be filmed and featured in 3-D, and is the first drifting championship in the world to be sponsored by non-endemic companies such as EA Games, according to F.D.’s website. “It is really loud and smells like burnt rubber but it’s awesome see all the action close,” said Conrad Mostiller, a resident of the Long Beach community and neighbor to the race. Hundreds of cheering fans enthralled with excitement while gushing on various sports drinks stood at the sidelines. “I wish I could have gone!,” said Chris Reyes, junior, “The adrenaline you get when watching a drift race is like no other. It’s really one of a kind.” (Photos courtesy of Jamilah Hosan) Lockout BY ANTHONY DO Once you get over the outrageous setting, you will find that Lockout is filled with lots of incredible actionpacked scenes. Directors James Mather and Stephen St. Leger do an excellent job of keeping up the pace of the story. In the future, 60 years to be exact, the United States has built a maximum-security prison in space. But of course trouble arises, and the inmates have taken over. The only person who can handle the situation is exgovernment agent, Marion Snow, who was wrongly convicted of a crime and now he must complete this mission to gain his freedom. Snow agrees and he embarks on the mission to save Emilie Warnock, the President’s daughter, who is stuck in the prison and held captive by the prisoners. Although on the surface this film comes off as a typical action film, it is Page 6 sure to keep you engaged and your eyes will be glued to the screen. The visuals and action that plays out during the course of film are pretty amazing. Aside from the action, there is undeniable chemistry between the character of Marion Snow and Emilie. Snow and Emilie are the typical bad boy meets good girl relationship. They are complete opposites of each other, yet they make it work and they team up together to get out of a dangerous situation. Lockout is visually stunning and the action sequences are truly out of this world. Although this flick may not have you at the edge of your seat, it is still enjoyable. If sci-fi is your thing and you are looking to see a great action film, Lockout is it. I gave it a 3 out of 4 stars. A&E/STUDENT NEWS V for The Voice BY ANTHONY RAMIREZ Volume 3, Issue 5 No Ordinary BBQ Restaurant BY DANIELLE FLORES & DANIEL BERNAL Imagine a singing competition in which the contestants are judged on their voice, without being seen by the judges? That is exactly what is established on the television show, The Voice. The show was first aired last year and its ratings have been rivaled by other singing competitions such as American Idol and The X Factor. The contest consists of three main parts: the blind audition, a battle phase and live performance shows. The blind audition is simple: participants select a song to sing in front of four judges. The judges are seated in chairs that face the opposite direction of the competitor, so that their judgment is not based upon appearance, but the quality of their voice. The judging panel consists of famous singers: Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Blake Shelton and Adam Levine. Each coach selects 12 singers to have on their “team,” which leads into the next part, the battle round. During the battle rounds, the coaches choose two singers to compete against one another with preselected sounds. The coach then has to choose which contestant gets to advance to the live performances. The live performances give the singers the chance to express their individuality and power as a performer. They select their own song and have the freedom to select how they choose to perform the song. At the end of the live performances, singers are eliminated according to votes submitted by viewers. Season two of The Voice began airing February 5th, 2012, following Super Bowl XLVI. Much like the previous season, it has not disappointed. When it premiered it is estimated to have about 17 million viewers, which is six million more than last year. Many famous songs have been performed on The Voice, which makes the show even more interesting. What is even more exciting, the singers tend to put their own spin on the tracks, making it truly their own and adding their own style of singing to it. One of the most unique spins I’ve seen is by Lindsey Pavao, a contestant on season two. She made her own classy, slow style to Trey Songz, “Say Aah.” Another favorite of mine, Jesse Campbell, made the performance of Beyoncé’s, Halo, her own. Sadly though, she was eliminated by Christina Aguilera and was sent home. Overall, the new season has appeared to receive only positive reviews, and even as a viewer myself I see much potential in a third season to air. Many diverse types of music are culminated into one, and with each performance grow the question, “Who will win this time?” Goodbye Thunder Thighs Walking into Lucille’s Smokehouse BarB-Que is like walking right into a Southern BBQ paradise. Located on the corner of Chapman Ave and Lewis in Orange sits a restaurant that takes you from the OC straight into the hardy South. Right as you walk in, an aroma of BBQ ribs, freshly made corn bread, and southern hospitality takes over your senses. My partner and I were shortly seated on the outside patio where the sun was just about ready to set and our waiter, Dakota, came to take our drink orders. When our drinks came we couldn’t help but notice the unique décor. Instead of regular old cups, Dakota came out with jars filled with the drink of our choice, pink lemonade and sweet tea garnished with a mint leaf. Shortly after, Dakota brought out some of their famous sweet rolls with a sweet cinnamon butter. The rolls were just the right temperature and with the cinnamon butter it melted in your mouth. As we began to eat the rolls, we were surprised to find so many options to choose from on the menu. The menu’s sides vary from macaroni and cheese to cole slaw and corn bread. As the sun set and the BBQ smoke filled our lungs, Dakota walked toward us with two enormous plates. One of the plates held my BBQ chicken sandwich with macaroni and cheese; the other contained my friend’s BBQ brisket sandwich with French fries and a pickle. What we had thought were bottles of decoration, were in fact bottles filled with their famous BBQ sauce. The flavors were like no other. We quickly fell in love as our taste buds exploded and the hardy south was taken from the framed pictures on the walls and into our mouths. After dining and conversating, Dakota brought two damp, warm towels. Wiping down the BBQ from our faces with the towels we couldn’t help but compliment their excellent customer service and food. This home-style southern BBQ restaurant would be a perfect place to bring family, friends, and even that special someone. The welcoming feel, delicious food, and decorative space, is really worth the money spent. The total bill of a BBQ chicken sandwich with macaroni and cheese, Texas style beef brisket sandwich with potato fries, pink lemonade, sweet tea, with complimentary rolls came to $30.87. The southern hospitality really makes you feel welcomed and guarantees a dining experience like no other. (Photos courtesy of Danielle Flores) ADVERTISEMENT BY DANIEL BERNAL The cardio room, room 1-124 is now open to both students and staff, Monday through Thursday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. The idea was proposed to Mr. Rankin by 2 students and was then offered to both Ms. Lisa Treen and Ms. Sara Henderson. “This is a great and healthy way students can spend time after school; and it’s awesome that the amount of members keeps growing,” said Henderson . Take advantage of this opportunity, gym memberships are pricy, ranging from $25 a month and charging an extra start up fee from $100 and up. Since summer is just around the corner and some Grizzlies would like to lose those extra pounds to get their ideal summer body, but don’t know what to do or how to get started. Here are some helpful suggestions: - Find a workout buddy - Don’t skip meals, eat small healthy portions throughout the day - Drink plenty of water - Eat lots of fruits & vegetables - And lastly, aim for workouts at least 3 times a week by using the cardio room. Journalism working out as they wait for the next newspaper to be published. (Photos courtesy of Daniel Bernal) Page 7 Volume 3, Issue 5 SPORTS Athletes of the Month April BY MONICA MOLINA Baseball Michael Rojas: “It feels good to get Athlete of the Month. I worked hard and got results, no excuses. I feel like I achieved something.” Cheer Selina Prawl: “I felt important when I got Athlete of the Month. I feel accomplished; being recognized as a cheerleader feels good.” Softball Dolores Portillo: “Receiving Athlete of the Month is an indescribable feeling. I was really surprised because on our team there is not just one great player but rather one great team.” Swimming Cirenio Gonzalez: “It’s a great feeling to know you’re appreciated. Yolo. The team is my family and swimmers like Colleen Sloan and Lan Tran are my motivation. It’s awesome to be in CIF consideration and after I’m going to Shakey’s.” Lan Tran: “I’ve been swimming since I was five. I was surprised receiving Athlete of the Month because I’ve only been here for a short time. I like keeping busy so balancing my AP classes and swimming forces me to complete all my work quickly. I look forward to CIF but I try not to take the compliments to my head; I appreciate them.” Tennis Jose Loredo: “All the hard work paid off. Tennis isn’t known but it’s fun. My team and I are making school history.” Track Kenia Torres: “I felt very successful because I worked really hard. This is my third Athlete of the Month in total. I’ve become the fastest girl on the team and I’m excited for CIF.” Vicente Robles: “Vicente is becoming the best that he can be, he has set personal goals and objectives for both academics and sports,” Coach Payan said. Volleyball Zachary Huizar: “I took a lot of pride in receiving Athlete of the Month because I felt recognized by my coach. Doing my job as captain makes me feel mature for a 16 year old. I credit the team for my accomplishment because they’ve respected me as a captain. I’ve worked hard and played harder.” (Photos courtesy of Monica Molina) Real Athletes Run, Others Just Play BY FARA RODRIGUEZ The heat. The wind. The crowd. The finish line. Those are the things that the GFHS track team members notice the most while running. Running as fast as possible without ever looking back. And for a moment, leaving everything behind. Stamina is a seven letter word that the boys and girls on the GFHS track team are very familiar with. With tough practices and a tight schedule, the team focuses on becoming stronger mentally and physically at every practice. There are fifteen events in each division: 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters, 1600 meters, 3200 meters, 100/110 meters Hurdles, 300 meters Hurdles, 4x100 meters Relay, 4x400 meters Relay, Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump, Shot Put and Discus. Being part of the track team, there are many challenges to overcome, whether you are a runner, thrower, or hurdler. So far, the boys and girls in the track team have performed great. In order for our track team to continue doing great, they have to work hard everyday. A Grizzly Junior, John Olivares said, “I joined track because I wanted to be a part of something big, like track and field. It takes practice, lots of it. Six days a week. That’s the key factor in why we’re so good at what we do.” Thus, the team has steadily been becoming better throughout this year. Sadly, some of the efforts put in by the track team are not recognized accordingly.“If I could change anything about track it would be the attention that each event gets. As a thrower, we usually help with earning the team many points, and it would be great to be recognized,” says Olivares. However, so far, it is known that at least 10 runners will go to CIF. And in the past three years the team has had school records broken. The track teams have also been noteworthy at Godinez for its rapid growth and tremendous achievements. “YOUR GOAL AS A RUNNER IS TO WORK HARD AND DEVELOP A CHAMPIONSHIP LIFESTYLE” – George Payan (Godinez Head Track Coach) (Track photos courtesy of Fara Rodriguez) Page 8 Baseball & Softball at GFHS BY HUGO SALGADO & JOCELYN ALVARADO It was the last inning on Monday, April 16th and the Godinez Varsity baseball team against Saddleback was down 6-8. The crowd was tense when senior Raul Rodriguez went up to bat. With juniors Michael Rojas on first and Robert Morales on third the team had a chance to take the game.The stands were quiet when the pitch was released and Rodriguez hit the ball into left field and into Saddleback’s third baseman’s mitt, concluding the game. When asked how he felt about the game (Photo courtesy of Jocelyn Alvarado) Rodriguez answered, “ Well I’m disappointed. I know we could have won that game.” Although they lost the game against Saddleback, with an ending score of 6-8, redemption was sweet for the boys when they beat Costa Mesa the next day. The team started off the game with an early lead with senior Isaiah Valencia hitting a double and scoring two runs. The ending score was 5-1, but this wasn’t the only dramatic highlight. During the sixth inning one of the Costa Mesa coaches was thrown out of the game due to his overreaction over an official umpire decision. The coach was seen throwing his hands up in a frenzy and screaming rude remarks toward the referee. However, the team was not fazed by the unruliness of the coach and kept on playing. Head coach Luke MacLennan said, “We want our guys to be able to play proudly and aggressively. Raul Rodriguez played very well today with good defense and pitching strikes.” Lastly, junior Brian Hernandez says, “Every game motivates us to strive for more. To play a better game.” With the team’s overall standing of 4-4 and Hernandez’s attitude, there is no doubt that the Godinez Varsity baseball team can achieve greatness. SOFTBALL: The Grizzly Varsity softball team dominated over Laguna Beach at their home game last Tuesday April 17th having to end the game early with a score of 13-3. Junior Dolores “Dori” Portillo pitched an excellent game getting five strikeouts in five innings. According to Portillo, the win over Laguna was because, “Everyone worked together as a team and nobody gave up when they made mistakes but most importantly they didn’t lose faith in each other.” The softball team is very much a family. It was obvious that the team is supportive of one another. The girls cheered each other on throughout the game. Junior Marina Silva said, “I think the best thing about (Photo courtesy of Jocelyn Alvarado) our team is our personalities. We are a team and stand together like a family.” The best play of the game was when junior catcher Rachel Parga threw the perfect pass to Senior Samantha Plascencia at second base in order to get an out. Both Marina Silva and Vanessa Palmer agreed that Parga is a great asset to the team. With a league standing of three wins and no losses the lady Grizzlies are excited at the chance of making it to CIF. Palmer stated, “ I’m looking forward to going all the way and winning CIF.”
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